Raft Survival Simulator - Why Aren't You Eating?
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another Neebs Gaming video! Today, we're diving into some Raft Survival Simulator and things are getting pretty intense.
simon: Oh man, I can't believe we're still stranded on this raft. And why aren't you eating, Neebs? You're starting to look like a zombie!
neebs: Hey, I'm just trying to conserve my energy for when the sharks attack, Simon. Gotta stay alert out here in the open ocean!
appsro: Guys, guys, calm down! We need to focus on finding 'Stuff' so we can survive. And maybe stop arguing about who's not eating. We're all in this together, remember?

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! So, I just watched their latest video where they decided to play Raft Survival Simulator in search of "Stuff" to survive. Let me tell you, things got a little crazy in the first episode. It was hilarious to see them getting on each other's nerves a bit, but of course, it all ended on a happy note.
If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and help them reach 1,000,000,000 subscribers - they totally deserve it! Also, shoutout to Xidax PCs for powering Neebs Gaming, those guys are awesome. And don't forget to check out their Patreon for some exclusive content and perks.
I absolutely love tuning in to their Twitch stream every Thursday at 8:00 EST. It's seriously the world's greatest stream, you don't want to miss it. And if you want to rock some cool Neebs Gaming merch, head over to their Spreadshirt shop - I've already got my eye on a few items.
Their music is just as epic as their gaming content, so make sure to check out their music videos and support their work. And of course, don't forget to follow them on all their social media sites to stay updated on all things Neebs Gaming.
I can't wait to see what adventures they get up to next. Whether it's Battlefield 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, or anything else, I know it's going to be entertaining. Keep up the awesome work, Neebs Gaming - you guys rock!

Caption | Start | Duration |
we're stranded on a raft we are whatever | 0.53 | 5.979 |
happened 4x4 Raph there's a shark in the | 3.72 | 4.68 |
water this game is called raft it is | 6.509 | 4.741 |
welcome everyone welcome this is already | 8.4 | 5.04 |
cast in his life no time to waste really | 11.25 | 4.38 |
alright cuz there's the shark we should | 13.44 | 3.66 |
all focus on different things I'll focus | 15.63 | 4.08 |
on food okay that'll be my mission oh | 17.1 | 4.89 |
and you can you can hit e to grab it | 19.71 | 4.59 |
right by the raft really button yeah | 21.99 | 4.65 |
right with your hands my goal right now | 24.3 | 4.559 |
is to make a fishing rod I go in and get | 26.64 | 2.549 |
it | 28.859 | 2.07 |
watch my back alright where you going | 29.189 | 3.691 |
getting stuff I don't have a spear yet I | 30.929 | 3.091 |
can tell there you go look at me | 32.88 | 3.66 |
cleaning up out here yeah that's the way | 34.02 | 4.92 |
to do it it is with the exception of the | 36.54 | 4.5 |
mr. Sharkey face alright | 38.94 | 4.43 |
hey I'll see if I can build a hammer | 41.04 | 4.44 |
make the raft bigger yeah we could | 43.37 | 11.32 |
really use an extension here they don't | 45.48 | 10.559 |
have a spear yet I want to make a spear | 54.69 | 3.419 |
so I can beat that [ __ ] in the face | 56.039 | 4.261 |
I'm still focused on food because you | 58.109 | 5.761 |
know I want that palm leaf needs is just | 60.3 | 4.95 |
dog and everything like making it | 63.87 | 3.33 |
pointless for us I'm gonna die yeah | 65.25 | 3.15 |
because you're in the water with shark | 67.2 | 2.91 |
yeah but look how much stuff I got I | 68.4 | 6.36 |
know look how much stuff I don't sharks | 70.11 | 8.46 |
to our left Oh perfect I made a made a | 74.76 | 6.12 |
spear do it you I'd like to see him try | 78.57 | 4.32 |
you're the fighter I'm the fighter | 80.88 | 3.51 |
alright yeah you're in you're in charge | 82.89 | 3.08 |
of the show he's thinking about it too | 84.39 | 9.63 |
yeah I'm on shark duty careful man if | 85.97 | 10.48 |
you die that means Simon and I just have | 94.02 | 4.41 |
one chick to pick from | 96.45 | 4.14 |
I don't mind I'll just watch you guys do | 98.43 | 5.7 |
it yeah or you can get on the dating app | 100.59 | 5.25 |
or after sharks behind mr. Alex could | 104.13 | 4.379 |
just be ready he's coming in he's Oh get | 105.84 | 3.37 |
him get him | 108.509 | 3.701 |
Elias Oh Hyrum Oh your job I didn't know | 109.21 | 8.07 |
he was oh yeah yeah you go get you going | 112.21 | 8.01 |
here oh [ __ ] took part of our boat I was | 117.28 | 5.06 |
a little slow to that one | 120.22 | 4.38 |
alright guys watch out here comes our | 122.34 | 4.24 |
first grill ready ma'am | 124.6 | 3.81 |
who needs when you build more stuff | 126.58 | 4.5 |
around try to surround them you got it | 128.41 | 4.82 |
man | 131.08 | 2.15 |
who wants this gigantic morsel I'm | 134.92 | 10.59 |
pretty good right now still I gotta cook | 138.22 | 8.67 |
it but it's just such a little piece | 145.51 | 3.99 |
pretty off yeah that one's good that | 146.89 | 5.01 |
wanna be yours in I like that Hey Apsara | 149.5 | 5.4 |
yo I got a paddle all right well you see | 151.9 | 4.53 |
those big rafts out there we missed that | 154.9 | 3.3 |
one but these big rafts and other things | 156.43 | 3.12 |
and these islands you can paddle us | 158.2 | 4.11 |
towards these things are you steering us | 159.55 | 5.13 |
are you gonna take us I want to go down | 162.31 | 5.28 |
to that raft that's too far away I think | 164.68 | 4.529 |
really yeah I mean it's moving that way | 167.59 | 3.78 |
it looks like I'm getting closer to him | 169.209 | 3.961 |
you might be but I'm saying the current | 171.37 | 7.08 |
might take him but I'm moving we're | 173.17 | 7.02 |
getting out of the path of the delicious | 178.45 | 4.259 |
debris but okay I feel like we're still | 180.19 | 4.74 |
kind of close to it don't you paddle | 182.709 | 3.871 |
harder don't waste the whole battle | 184.93 | 2.61 |
though cuz the paddle will break | 186.58 | 1.439 |
eventually | 187.54 | 2.22 |
oh damn it am I gonna waste this whole | 188.019 | 3.72 |
thing at why's this it's right there | 189.76 | 4.17 |
yeah but it's down current man I'd say | 191.739 | 5.191 |
well no this thing's what consider I'm | 193.93 | 5.61 |
going for it good job but I got their | 196.93 | 5.88 |
needs I'm gonna stay here save my paddle | 199.54 | 3.96 |
what happened | 202.81 | 2.429 |
leave that was really dumb I'm almost | 203.5 | 5.58 |
there you got it am I getting it you got | 205.239 | 6.121 |
it yep alright silent paddle back to him | 209.08 | 5.219 |
alright no no paddle to him yeah he's | 211.36 | 4.29 |
got a swim to me yeah because it gets | 214.299 | 4.19 |
the Curt right good god okay I'm hurt | 215.65 | 5.059 |
okay come on love it | 218.489 | 5.401 |
get him sahabat come on buddy Neves he's | 220.709 | 4.831 |
not only as he's a shark oh look another | 223.89 | 9.929 |
you're good all right I got something | 225.54 | 9.809 |
Simon paddle us back towards that uh | 233.819 | 4.14 |
that all worried out there yeah | 235.349 | 23.551 |
all the good stuff he damaged it do we | 237.959 | 23.58 |
start during the day yeah so this is our | 258.9 | 4.35 |
first night it's getting nighttime yeah | 261.539 | 4.561 |
we got no lights hey guys I'm going to | 263.25 | 4.62 |
throw down our water purifier | 266.1 | 3.539 |
oh yeah we're running out of space in | 267.87 | 3.72 |
here huh you guys need to make cups you | 269.639 | 3.15 |
should be able to make cups of pretty | 271.59 | 3.03 |
easily empty cups out of plastic valve | 272.789 | 3.81 |
beautiful I can crafts them right now so | 274.62 | 3.479 |
look you'll get a cup you go to the | 276.599 | 3.54 |
water he you fill that sumbitch with | 278.099 | 3.961 |
salt water and then you place the coffee | 280.139 | 4.201 |
cup of salt water in the purifier put a | 282.06 | 4.44 |
few Plex down and boom it is purifying | 284.34 | 3.72 |
the water okay you wait a few minutes | 286.5 | 4.4 |
and you grab it super easy | 288.06 | 4.76 |
sieze get a little rougher is it just me | 290.9 | 4.26 |
that's getting rougher what what are we | 292.82 | 4.11 |
here doing it you surviving we're just | 295.16 | 3.39 |
surviving right now it's all about | 296.93 | 3.72 |
survival we're gonna we need to build | 298.55 | 4.589 |
this raft into a bigger base not for | 300.65 | 4.62 |
nothing but do we have a goal on how to | 303.139 | 3.81 |
make it a little bit bigger right now we | 305.27 | 3.179 |
don't have enough materials to make it a | 306.949 | 3.361 |
little bit bigger no I need lots more | 308.449 | 4.051 |
plastic and wood well what do you want | 310.31 | 3.329 |
let me see what I got | 312.5 | 3.15 |
yeah I mean ask us I've got stuff that | 313.639 | 4.171 |
I'm not using I'm okay Oh | 315.65 | 10.65 |
Eliot shark on the back okay nice nicely | 317.81 | 9.75 |
done doraleous all right but that's | 326.3 | 2.04 |
damaged | 327.56 | 3.99 |
all right Neves you ready ready man all | 328.34 | 7.98 |
right yeah is that it link 20 flags once | 331.55 | 6.96 |
you throw it towards me well I thought | 336.32 | 3.84 |
you were in front of me no you turn to | 338.51 | 4.02 |
the right well do you see it I saw the | 340.16 | 4.319 |
first one did you drive more than one oh | 342.53 | 3.99 |
now I'm hungry as [ __ ] you got the 20 | 344.479 | 4.141 |
flanks yet I got one thing | 346.52 | 4.05 |
did you throw more than one thing no did | 348.62 | 5.1 |
you get the 20 plays got the bucks I got | 350.57 | 5.7 |
it did you drop two boxes down drop in | 353.72 | 4.41 |
the other box why don't you just look at | 356.27 | 4.019 |
your [ __ ] inventory because how would | 358.13 | 4.14 |
I know because I have my own planes I | 360.289 | 4.44 |
didn't do the maze game without you | 362.27 | 4.38 |
[ __ ] complaining please I'm answering | 364.729 | 3.361 |
him but he's act like I'm not answered | 366.65 | 3.96 |
in stop just everybody stop we're losing | 368.09 | 14.819 |
our minds out here you're sneaking no | 370.61 | 13.92 |
what do you mean I was talking to Neves | 382.909 | 5.401 |
yeah trying to get that Oh better I'm | 384.53 | 11.1 |
gonna die for sure I'm butter thing we | 388.31 | 9.27 |
need to water things this is rough we | 395.63 | 4.62 |
need to order things around neebs I | 397.58 | 6.54 |
couldn't get back on the boat no no no I | 400.25 | 5.099 |
got it straight | 404.12 | 7.079 |
thank you Oh get away from him guys she | 405.349 | 7.931 |
is is he okay uh | 411.199 | 4.361 |
No what do you need memes I was | 413.28 | 3.87 |
dehydrated there was no water and | 415.56 | 8.81 |
there's a long line so oh very nice job | 417.15 | 9.48 |
we got a nurse him back to help | 424.37 | 5.26 |
I like feed you think I'm speed can you | 426.63 | 5.039 |
access my inventory and get my stuff it | 429.63 | 4.77 |
doesn't look like it amid how do we make | 431.669 | 5.881 |
a bed how did we get in fish I'm | 434.4 | 4.47 |
starving already | 437.55 | 3.33 |
again can anybody make a simple bed | 438.87 | 4.89 |
[ __ ] simple bed whose compass is on | 440.88 | 6.48 |
here probably mine there's a cup always | 443.76 | 5.159 |
on there I'm always at all times yeah | 447.36 | 3.0 |
you either fill it with fresh water or | 448.919 | 3.091 |
you take water out of it after this | 450.36 | 5.0 |
clearly means you have to make the bed | 452.01 | 7.56 |
clearly let me work let me work ah [ __ ] | 455.36 | 6.43 |
Phil that's what I'm dealing with [ __ ] | 459.57 | 5.61 |
[ __ ] fiddle see all right boom I am | 461.79 | 5.25 |
making a bed hold on watch out I am | 465.18 | 3.81 |
putting it bit down that's gonna take | 467.04 | 3.27 |
some air carry neebs | 468.99 | 3.84 |
put needs on the bed get on the beer hmm | 470.31 | 7.02 |
press any key to wake up okay we're | 472.83 | 6.18 |
still in the game but now I used all my | 477.33 | 3.27 |
materials I really need to make my own | 479.01 | 3.57 |
fishing rod I've got a bunch you come | 480.6 | 3.21 |
back with full health and stuff names | 482.58 | 4.41 |
nope my health is about 20% oh I'm dying | 483.81 | 4.859 |
oh god I'm gonna die any second | 486.99 | 3.48 |
that's why the food why aren't you | 488.669 | 4.531 |
eating because there's no fish for | 490.47 | 5.009 |
everyone are you wired I eat it and say | 493.2 | 4.23 |
something like did say something a | 495.479 | 4.411 |
minute ago it's just a form start dying | 497.43 | 4.95 |
my god didn't I just say I needed fish | 499.89 | 4.56 |
here here hold on Simon why don't you | 502.38 | 3.87 |
say sampling fish there you go | 504.45 | 6.21 |
have one there and a shrinking shirt | 506.25 | 7.89 |
burp burp God | 510.66 | 5.879 |
I didn't die we're doing all right boys | 514.14 | 4.019 |
I think I'll have a yacht before the | 516.539 | 3.391 |
next day's over | 518.159 | 3.151 |
I don't know what to think about that | 519.93 | 19.89 |
right thanks for good conversation out | 521.31 | 19.35 |
here huh | 539.82 | 3.95 |
really honestly we got to do something | 540.66 | 7.62 |
this is bad attitude already every game | 543.77 | 8.32 |
I play is Mourinho oh my god everybody | 548.28 | 5.7 |
calm down it's cuz we're here honestly | 552.09 | 4.17 |
it's okay if we're just quiet sometimes | 553.98 | 4.32 |
I know build something go into your | 556.26 | 3.63 |
inventory if I can build something all | 558.3 | 4.32 |
right Liv you're damn I can't | 559.89 | 6.66 |
that'll be my shark you're gonna fall | 562.62 | 5.73 |
yeah okay there you go | 566.55 | 3.99 |
he's got that one whoopsie-daisy we all | 568.35 | 4.14 |
need Spears because I was on that side I | 570.54 | 4.2 |
just beer I think that'll be my goal hey | 572.49 | 6.59 |
go make a spear great oh wow | 574.74 | 7.35 |
it won't even fit on the grill huge he's | 579.08 | 4.78 |
serious that big fish won't fit on that | 582.09 | 5.61 |
grill no does not fit here okay so we | 583.86 | 5.46 |
got to do something to it do we have to | 587.7 | 2.76 |
make a bigger grill we should really | 589.32 | 4.11 |
make a research table right I mean all | 590.46 | 5.01 |
the fish table yeah really all the | 593.43 | 5.91 |
things all right guys you I'm about to | 595.47 | 7.44 |
uh okay more water huh and another grill | 599.34 | 6.33 |
beautiful all right so two times that | 602.91 | 4.29 |
put water in here doraleous you've been | 605.67 | 3.18 |
drinking it right I don't think so yeah | 607.2 | 3.72 |
which one keep on putting water on here | 608.85 | 4.14 |
stop drinking the water everyone this | 610.92 | 3.6 |
water right here | 612.99 | 4.08 |
stop surviving everyone oh did I go no | 614.52 | 5.25 |
no I forgot there's two of them I'm | 617.07 | 6.21 |
sayin all right they're confused all the | 619.77 | 8.3 |
time I'm I'm uh I'm so starved | 623.28 | 4.79 |
make a Winkle fishy come on fish come on | 628.609 | 4.48 |
fishy you see we going a little dying | 631.499 | 4.17 |
again I'm dying I'm gonna die from what | 633.089 | 5.011 |
is just from everything but what are you | 635.669 | 6.301 |
specifically dying from uh no water and | 638.1 | 5.789 |
apparently I didn't drink the water that | 641.97 | 3.809 |
I just grabbed from here I owe this | 643.889 | 4.32 |
water looking silly ating I know it's | 645.779 | 4.56 |
cooking late sam raimi look at me so | 648.209 | 3.99 |
much fun right here fill that with fresh | 650.339 | 4.261 |
water go oh here I got you I'll put you | 652.199 | 5.88 |
in bed there you go now wake up just | 654.6 | 4.649 |
need a little rest E rest | 658.079 | 3.78 |
all right great now come over here put | 659.249 | 6.18 |
me a growing man it's not it's really | 661.859 | 6.42 |
simple stupid to get it just fill your | 665.429 | 4.86 |
cup of fresh water here you know what's | 668.279 | 3.78 |
gonna make the video good the fact that | 670.289 | 3.9 |
you pissing me the [ __ ] all hey did you | 672.059 | 4.02 |
oh yeah this is still full of pressure I | 674.189 | 3.15 |
don't give a [ __ ] there's still water | 676.079 | 3.45 |
here good great did you drink it there | 677.339 | 5.49 |
judging because I'm so dumb like I don't | 679.529 | 5.34 |
understand exactly that's why I'm trying | 682.829 | 4.98 |
to get through to you this water you | 684.869 | 4.95 |
keep drinking salt water like a fool can | 687.809 | 3.99 |
we not get through on video the AppStore | 689.819 | 9.781 |
complaining what about you exactly you | 691.799 | 9.87 |
guys graphs simple concepts when we | 699.6 | 8.759 |
leave maybe you should go we got a shark | 701.669 | 9.12 |
in the middle of the damn book [ __ ] off | 708.359 | 8.34 |
the boat yup [ __ ] alright hey guys check | 710.789 | 7.441 |
it out oh that's here it's a bucket and | 716.699 | 3.901 |
yeah you just drop it alright I just | 718.23 | 4.349 |
dropped my car boys and now we stop you | 720.6 | 3.329 |
can only use it once and I don't know if | 722.579 | 2.79 |
there's any rare resources at these | 723.929 | 3.84 |
islands but so maybe dive down below | 725.369 | 4.02 |
yeah if you got the spear if you watch | 727.769 | 3.03 |
out for the shark and stab it if it | 729.389 | 3.65 |
tries to get you and just look for stuff | 730.799 | 4.41 |
yeah I don't I don't know what's down | 733.039 | 4.75 |
there alright guys I'm gonna try I just | 735.209 | 5.7 |
added a layer of wrap good job dump it | 737.789 | 5.7 |
in I'm going to the bathroom | 740.909 | 3.96 |
alright just keep an eye on your hole | 743.489 | 6.18 |
god oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] bleeding Jesus | 744.869 | 6.39 |
Christ are you fighting it with your | 749.669 | 3.63 |
spear where'd you go I don't see | 751.259 | 3.3 |
anything okay | 753.299 | 4.85 |
I'm already got hurt | 754.559 | 3.59 |
[ __ ] okay I'm looking at something you | 758.15 | 4.68 |
can make sharkbait so maybe what we have | 760.88 | 4.38 |
to do is throw the shark bait and then | 762.83 | 4.89 |
go see if we can get resources oh look I | 765.26 | 3.69 |
can just lay down whenever I want to | 767.72 | 3.15 |
wait at me we can sleep through the | 768.95 | 3.78 |
night once we all have beds and like in | 770.87 | 3.6 |
Minecraft wait a second so we can turn | 772.73 | 3.66 |
this in today if we all went to bed if | 774.47 | 3.75 |
we had four beds so while we just make | 776.39 | 3.9 |
four beds they take a lot of resources | 778.22 | 4.41 |
it's gorgeous out that's why we'll need | 780.29 | 3.09 |
more room | 782.63 | 2.16 |
yeah and I think the sun's about to come | 783.38 | 3.39 |
up so neebs once the Sun comes up we'll | 784.79 | 3.39 |
try this shark bait bingo all right I'll | 786.77 | 4.13 |
cook some fish in the meantime yeah oh | 788.18 | 5.06 |
[Music] | 790.9 | 7.15 |
that's nice look how beautiful now I'm | 793.24 | 5.59 |
in a good mood | 798.05 | 3.09 |
there you go salmon have a spear now are | 798.83 | 3.72 |
we gonna go in the water yeah I tell you | 801.14 | 3.0 |
what let me grab this last fish and I'll | 802.55 | 3.09 |
throw this shark bait | 804.14 | 7.5 |
you're a Boy Scout bake another spear oh | 805.64 | 6.44 |
yeah | 811.64 | 3.77 |
luckilly whoa not kill this thing is he | 812.08 | 5.31 |
did we need to eat it Oh God can you | 815.41 | 4.2 |
give me get all the meat off dad um I | 817.39 | 4.77 |
don't know what do I need I have them I | 819.61 | 3.24 |
don't know I know | 822.16 | 2.58 |
yeah yeah you're getting shark meat yeah | 822.85 | 3.87 |
keep stabbing him yeah keep on getting | 824.74 | 4.11 |
them oh [ __ ] Oh perfect calm now we can | 826.72 | 3.51 |
go down under drug head | 828.85 | 5.7 |
Oh shark meat all day we caught a break | 830.23 | 7.23 |
good job noobs oh yeah take that shirt | 834.55 | 6.29 |
eat my boat | 837.46 | 3.38 |
alright guys should we pull anchor and | 843.3 | 5.02 |
keep on sailing suppose so | 846.4 | 4.53 |
alright Neves hop on I'll pull up and I | 848.32 | 4.56 |
got all this shark meat now I feel a lot | 850.93 | 3.93 |
of scrap that's used for making good | 852.88 | 4.35 |
[ __ ] so I guess I could ya cook some | 854.86 | 5.49 |
shark meat alright I'm taking us taking | 857.23 | 4.77 |
the anchor up and we're off again | 860.35 | 14.4 |
Hey look at these steaks this one I'm | 862.0 | 14.25 |
gonna go back to town because I was busy | 874.75 | 3.39 |
gonna figure out where we could leave it | 876.25 | 4.74 |
called a big old catfish catfishing | 878.14 | 7.77 |
mm-hmm kiss salmon with it catfish he's | 880.99 | 7.61 |
gonna wiggle your wiener | 885.91 | 2.69 |
[Music] | 890.64 | 3.07 |
[Music] | 896.09 | 21.12 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Raft Survival Simulator is a thrilling and hilarious adventure that perfectly showcases the creative talents of the Neebs Gaming team. As a survival game set on a tiny raft in the vast open ocean, it creates an immersive setting filled with tension, teamwork, and laugh-out-loud moments.
Neebs Gaming's cinematic approach makes the game come alive in a way that is more entertaining than simply watching raw gameplay footage. Their skits and conversations between characters add a rich narrative layer that builds suspense and deepens your connection to the survival challenges they face. The top-notch editing and music choices pull you into the world in a truly cinematic fashion.
Each Neebs Gaming personality shines through with their humorous quips and reactions to the ever-growing threats. You feel like you are right there on the raft with them, experiencing every triumph and setback. This transforms an already exciting survival game into a can't-miss comedic thrill ride.
Neebs Gaming has mastered the art of storytelling through gaming like no other channel. Their one-of-a-kind cinematic approach makes Raft Survival Simulator, and every other game they play, the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their videos are the ultimate way to be entertained and experience immersive game worlds without having to pick up the controller. If you love survival games, comedy, and expertly-crafted videos, then joining Neebs Gaming on their raft adventure is an absolute must.