Raft Survival Simulator - Who Smelter?
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey there, Appsro! Did you see that latest Raft Survival Simulator video? Who smelter, am I right?
appsro: Oh, absolutely, Neebs! That smelter was a game-changer. I mean, who needs food and water when you can have a smelter on a raft, right?
neebs: Haha, exactly! I mean, forget survival essentials, we've got a smelter to keep us company. Best decision ever!
appsro: Totally, Neebs! Smelter for the win! Who needs rescue when you've got a smelter to keep you warm at night, right?

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest video on Raft Survival Simulator yet? If not, you're in for a treat. In this episode, the Neebs crew is back at it again, braving the open seas and trying to survive against all odds. It's always a thrill to see how they tackle the challenges thrown their way.
In this particular video, they're focusing on making a smelter. It's a crucial step in their survival journey, and you can bet there will be some hilarious moments along the way. The Neebs gang always knows how to keep us entertained with their banter and shenanigans, making each video a joy to watch.
If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to their channel to stay updated on all their latest adventures. And don't forget to check out their Patreon page to show your support for the amazing content they create. Trust me, it's totally worth it to be a part of the Neebs Gaming community.
So grab some snacks, settle in, and get ready to laugh and cheer on our favorite gaming squad as they take on the high seas in Raft Survival Simulator. It's going to be an epic ride, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next. Thanks for watching, and let's continue supporting Neebs Gaming in all their gaming endeavors!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey doraleous no did you say you found a | 4.31 | 4.6 |
giant clam I did what do I do with it | 7.049 | 4.67 |
you can make a bird's nest with that and | 8.91 | 5.609 |
and birds will lay eggs that we can eat | 11.719 | 4.361 |
oh good | 14.519 | 3.811 |
make the birds nests I will what else do | 16.08 | 4.5 |
I need I wonder oh there it is | 18.33 | 5.07 |
palm leaf plank and clam come before | 20.58 | 5.27 |
story | 23.4 | 2.45 |
here we go you didn't do too bad damage | 28.65 | 6.18 |
guys yes I'm gonna put the bird nest | 30.93 | 6.39 |
right down here right next to the crop | 34.83 | 2.97 |
plot | 37.32 | 2.85 |
yeah but that small one or is that too | 37.8 | 4.83 |
cluttered did birds need to be up high y | 40.17 | 4.26 |
know sometimes these damn seagulls will | 42.63 | 3.6 |
take [ __ ] yeah well even the birds nests | 44.43 | 4.379 |
up top but then then we definitely don't | 46.23 | 4.2 |
see the seagulls coming to take it well | 48.809 | 4.351 |
no the birds own eh yeah the seagulls | 50.43 | 5.55 |
take [ __ ] out of the crop plot oh yeah | 53.16 | 4.38 |
but the person is still higher up I it | 55.98 | 3.48 |
is I'm gonna put it underneath that | 57.54 | 4.44 |
highest steps we have cool sounds great | 59.46 | 3.39 |
man | 61.98 | 3.48 |
come lay some eggs we got a nest for you | 62.85 | 11.33 |
yeah all right we'll check back later | 65.46 | 11.96 |
so let's make more of these net catchers | 74.18 | 5.14 |
okay great | 77.42 | 6.88 |
I'm looking out for the shark Oh a bird | 79.32 | 9.2 |
just came by and left a feather in there | 84.3 | 4.22 |
how do you make a smelter how are we | 91.28 | 4.24 |
making a smelter I got to figure this | 94.14 | 2.97 |
out if we can make a smelter we can do | 95.52 | 3.39 |
all kinds of shiryu smelter filter | 97.11 | 11.49 |
filter do a brick like that's a creep up | 98.91 | 12.21 |
guy [ __ ] it just goes around smelling | 108.6 | 6.06 |
people then peel them up awful where are | 111.12 | 14.7 |
you seeing smelter no I'm not seeing | 114.66 | 12.87 |
smelter in the menus I'm seeing smelter | 125.82 | 2.76 |
for things like I was wondering how to | 127.53 | 2.97 |
make goo and I looked at see we in here | 128.58 | 4.799 |
but now I'm gonna research I just made a | 130.5 | 4.709 |
wet brick okay | 133.379 | 4.83 |
can I research the whit brick no it says | 135.209 | 5.28 |
it says I need a dry brick to make you | 138.209 | 4.081 |
spit hold on I think I take this wet | 140.489 | 5.25 |
brick and I lay it out to dry ready | 142.29 | 4.05 |
mm-hmm | 145.739 | 4.08 |
I got a brick okay let that let that | 146.34 | 4.2 |
brick dry | 149.819 | 2.431 |
don't touch the brick if I touch this my | 150.54 | 4.37 |
[ __ ] brick | 152.25 | 2.66 |
rap rap rap | 156.73 | 7.18 |
oh you say Oh wrap that's it okay it's | 161.36 | 5.55 |
like what's he yelling about battling | 163.91 | 5.04 |
lately goes first okay I get the sale | 166.91 | 4.32 |
going sure make it faster | 168.95 | 5.22 |
oh we have a mango tree really [ __ ] | 171.23 | 4.95 |
yeah tiny thing okay I mean it's the | 174.17 | 3.42 |
beginning of a mango tree in it | 176.18 | 4.29 |
yeah is that full-grown though hey it | 177.59 | 7.11 |
looks like a good patient | 180.47 | 6.299 |
hey this sail worked great man yeah I | 184.7 | 3.99 |
see a box on top there | 186.769 | 8.22 |
alright put the sail up okay yep yeah | 188.69 | 9.9 |
yeah okay come on now just go [ __ ] | 194.989 | 5.641 |
[ __ ] you guys yes here we go here we go | 198.59 | 6.75 |
come on [ __ ] you thinking about it so | 200.63 | 7.639 |
long sucker | 205.34 | 2.929 |
mr. doraleous yes sir did you say you | 215.27 | 4.33 |
had a feather yes sir may I have this | 217.8 | 7.77 |
feather yes sir thank you man I caught | 219.6 | 6.72 |
it you see that | 225.57 | 5.78 |
no I didn't damn I'm good I'm bad see | 226.32 | 5.03 |
I'm just gonna grab some stuff good sure | 231.47 | 6.46 |
you check those uh our Nets too you know | 235.26 | 4.35 |
hey boy you ready to learn some stuff | 237.93 | 3.96 |
sure yeah we are going to learn a | 239.61 | 15.51 |
paintbrush sit on his ass | 241.89 | 14.819 |
how's that brick looking still wet I | 255.12 | 4.44 |
would sir bird Oh newbs got a dry brick | 256.709 | 7.471 |
that brick now if I think I'm gonna do | 259.56 | 9.47 |
this right Oh leaves you ready yeah | 264.18 | 7.85 |
smelter | 269.03 | 3.0 |
a kid nothing good about that everything | 281.05 | 11.64 |
in Abe's yeah just made some shark bait | 289.259 | 6.431 |
so we can get sand and clay whoo yeah | 292.69 | 5.699 |
beautiful all this fish I'll just cook | 295.69 | 4.8 |
them all right Russ I'm gonna throw this | 298.389 | 3.75 |
shark bait and I'm going diving you kill | 300.49 | 2.97 |
womenís yeah I come with you | 302.139 | 3.691 |
hell yeah let's do this all right ready | 303.46 | 5.579 |
yeah throw the shark bait all right go | 305.83 | 5.45 |
diving | 309.039 | 2.241 |
if you figured out how to get said uh | 312.19 | 4.33 |
yeah just go to the street and see | 314.69 | 3.84 |
little punks and saying oh then you just | 316.52 | 6.54 |
pick them up with your hook oh that's | 318.53 | 6.18 |
the sharknadoes but you can all look at | 323.06 | 4.92 |
him going that that Bay go and add that | 324.71 | 5.25 |
play oh so what are we supposed to | 327.98 | 4.83 |
attack him now while he's going | 329.96 | 5.19 |
well that wouldn't be a bad idea with it | 332.81 | 7.97 |
no I'm going come on | 335.15 | 5.63 |
come on you son of a [ __ ] back here | 341.52 | 4.929 |
[ __ ] and now he's going down I'll be | 344.169 | 4.981 |
back he'll be back yeah come on back up | 346.449 | 5.581 |
you safe all right we'll keep an eye out | 349.15 | 4.59 |
welcome back you can't resist that I | 352.03 | 8.81 |
like Splenda honey - yeah | 353.74 | 7.1 |
yep that's metal | 362.15 | 3.51 |
in harvest that Judge back babe do we | 366.85 | 11.73 |
like make that be like bacon last long | 376.15 | 2.76 |
did it | 378.58 | 1.74 |
it didn't know that's out there still | 378.91 | 3.45 |
still there it's still there ain't still | 380.32 | 4.62 |
there yeah and he attacked you after hey | 382.36 | 4.77 |
bit my ass well we've been we've been | 384.94 | 3.75 |
attacking him while he was on the bait | 387.13 | 5.91 |
oh maybe anyone's God will pay back on | 388.69 | 6.36 |
me needs how much sand you get I've only | 393.04 | 5.19 |
got one right now yeah give me what you | 395.05 | 8.55 |
got I'll put it in here look at some | 398.23 | 16.79 |
more sand make this [ __ ] pineapple | 403.6 | 14.85 |
about the watermelon looks good good I | 415.02 | 14.1 |
mean oh wow oh oh I got three sin | 418.45 | 13.62 |
getting dark in it it is alright yeah do | 429.12 | 6.04 |
it one more time I need a lot if we're | 432.07 | 5.99 |
gonna make a smelter | 435.16 | 2.9 |
yeah rallies it's absolutely what you're | 453.53 | 8.71 |
doing yeah you took him off the bait oh | 460.68 | 3.57 |
well that's what we said we did oh yeah | 462.24 | 3.87 |
yeah we're trying to kill them sure I | 464.25 | 4.14 |
get it but yeah yeah we would try to | 466.11 | 4.05 |
dive I know but we did that like | 468.39 | 10.8 |
immediately I started i7o all right | 470.16 | 10.95 |
where you want the same just output V I | 479.19 | 3.84 |
put it big storage put in the big stores | 481.11 | 3.3 |
there's already some sand in there just | 483.03 | 3.15 |
pile it up all right 13 in there now | 484.41 | 5.97 |
yeah okay yeah so here's not did you | 486.18 | 4.65 |
take it | 490.38 | 2.58 |
hold on what close it I just looked in | 490.83 | 5.58 |
there uh it's in Miami cause I'm a star | 492.96 | 6.84 |
I pulled a Simon yeah okay uh those two | 496.41 | 5.55 |
guys let me get some food cooking am i | 499.8 | 2.61 |
right | 501.96 | 2.55 |
you're right no one's ever gonna be able | 502.41 | 5.6 |
to use this but if you were both shaky | 504.51 | 3.5 |
there comes a shark salmon hold salmon | 508.57 | 3.12 |
yep | 510.82 | 10.62 |
let's go for it oh okay there you go | 511.69 | 23.13 |
coming right back at me oh he's going | 521.44 | 15.75 |
down soon we're gonna I just want to | 534.82 | 4.23 |
kill sharks it's all I want | 537.19 | 3.21 |
alright guys I'm putting some bricks | 539.05 | 3.96 |
down no shell touch these bricks where's | 540.4 | 4.56 |
the first bring never touch bricks the | 543.01 | 3.9 |
first brick I haven't gone all you | 544.96 | 3.69 |
researched that's right | 546.91 | 2.85 |
we're gonna need more bricks than that | 548.65 | 2.94 |
you need more sand I need more sanity | 549.76 | 3.81 |
more clay well let's don't let's don't | 551.59 | 3.48 |
get out of here until we get enough Sam | 553.57 | 4.47 |
I agree there's the shark but safe he | 555.07 | 4.17 |
goes after this bait we'll go back down | 558.04 | 5.43 |
there so don't attack the shark if he's | 559.24 | 5.91 |
attacking that bait leave him alone | 563.47 | 3.3 |
okay I think the point is if he | 565.15 | 3.21 |
continues to attack it he's gonna eat it | 566.77 | 3.27 |
very quickly and then it'll be gone | 568.36 | 3.48 |
that's kind of what I'm thinking but | 570.04 | 3.36 |
we'll see well listen what we did before | 571.84 | 2.97 |
wasn't working because he was coming | 573.4 | 3.99 |
after us no well it did work but you | 574.81 | 4.65 |
know I got bit by sharks alright alright | 577.39 | 3.72 |
well I'm gonna make a point but I'm not | 579.46 | 3.3 |
going to cuz it's wasting breath on you | 581.11 | 3.75 |
so go ahead and make your points no it's | 582.76 | 5.37 |
okay here comes here can't wait alright | 584.86 | 6.24 |
let's go let's go [ __ ] with the shark no | 588.13 | 4.62 |
we're not gonna [ __ ] anything go guys go | 591.1 | 6.03 |
Leo was a shark yeah great fun no fish | 592.75 | 7.17 |
or something losing ball Wow neither do | 597.13 | 4.85 |
I | 599.92 | 2.06 |
it's still going at it some yeah I'm | 610.879 | 5.64 |
just gonna watch it yeah because I can't | 614.089 | 4.47 |
there's nothing to harvest out and it's | 616.519 | 10.31 |
gone gone heads up guys oh boy no oxygen | 618.559 | 18.99 |
come on really deep going down pretty | 626.829 | 14.7 |
here we go there's gotta be it okay | 637.549 | 3.98 |
all right oh yeah I need code or resort | 654.87 | 5.53 |
where's all the fish I had three fish on | 658.69 | 3.24 |
here I was hungry | 660.4 | 3.24 |
they don't free fish dip but not the | 661.93 | 3.72 |
milk we couldn't have three fish I had | 663.64 | 3.93 |
three fish three of those things now | 665.65 | 10.95 |
grab the mango cooking fish Oh coconuts | 667.57 | 10.8 |
I'll eat those and I got one more fish | 676.6 | 7.89 |
as well I'm going out to the shark where | 678.37 | 7.89 |
are you going after let's be a team | 684.49 | 3.99 |
doraleous I feel like we've been doing | 686.26 | 2.87 |
this together | 688.48 | 2.88 |
alright let me even stick with you this | 689.13 | 3.97 |
is the only photo perfect right now | 691.36 | 5.31 |
let's try to kill a shark all right I | 693.1 | 5.7 |
see the son of a [ __ ] he's right oh god | 696.67 | 5.78 |
he's coming right at ya | 698.8 | 3.65 |
if I'm always there we got it yep | 704.0 | 5.49 |
- steak tonight but right hey guys these | 710.67 | 6.22 |
uh these bricks are dragged they're done | 715.24 | 5.61 |
yeah yeah I'm making a smelter love it | 716.89 | 8.36 |
ready move we got a smelter boys | 720.85 | 4.4 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Raft Survival Simulator is a brilliant survival game that will keep you engaged for hours on end. You start with nothing but a small raft in the vast open ocean, and must gather resources to build up your raft into a seaworthy vessel. The thrill of exploration and discovery is unparalleled as you navigate from one island to the next, finding essential supplies and new blueprints to expand your raft.
The gameplay strikes a perfect balance between relaxing crafting/building mechanics and intense moments trying to avoid shark attacks or storms. There is a deep crafting system that allows immense creativity and customization of your raft. Seeing your raft transform from a tiny wooden platform into a multi-story floating base is immensely satisfying.
But what really brings Raft Survival Simulator to life is the cinematic storytelling of Neebs Gaming. Their signature humor and banter between characters immerses you into the world. You become invested in the survival journey as if you're right there on the raft with them. Things like building the first water purifier or completing an engine feel like monumental achievements.
Neebs Gaming has mastered the art of weaving an engaging narrative into open world survival games. Their cinematic style transports you into the world in a way that playing alone simply can't match. You get the full experience of playing Raft Survival Simulator, with all the laughs, screams, and triumphs that come with joining the Neebs crew on an epic ocean adventure. Their videos make Raft come alive in a way that is more entertaining and memorable than playing it yourself.