Raft Survival Simulator - Barely Surviving
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey, Appsro, have you seen our latest video, 'Raft Survival Simulator - Barely Surviving'? It's the best one yet!
appsro: Oh yeah, that video was hilarious! I can't believe we were barely surviving out there. Classic Neebs Gaming content.
simon: I loved that video too! The best part was when Neebs fell off the raft and almost drowned. Classic Neebs move right there.
neebs: Hey, I'll have you know that I was just testing the waters...literally. And it made for some great entertainment for our viewers!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! If you're like me and can't get enough of the hilarious adventures of the crew, you're in for a treat with Part 2 of their Raft Survival Simulator series. These guys never fail to entertain, and this episode is no exception.
In this video, the Neebs Gaming team has learned a few things since the last episode, and it's exciting to see how they navigate the challenges of surviving on a raft. From crafting tools to battling sharks, there's never a dull moment with these guys. And if you're a fan of their signature humor and camaraderie, you won't be disappointed.
Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and help them reach their goal of 1,000,000,000 subscribers! And if you want to support the channel even more, check out their Patreon and spreadshirt shop for some awesome merchandise. Plus, their Twitch streams are a must-watch, so mark your calendar for Thursday nights at 8:00 EST for the world's greatest stream.
Whether you're a fan of Battlefield 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, or their epic music videos, Neebs Gaming has something for everyone. And with their infectious energy and passion for gaming, it's no wonder they have such a dedicated fan base. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with the Neebs Gaming crew in Part 2 of Raft Survival Simulator.

Caption | Start | Duration |
all right he damaged it hard to build it | 7.22 | 5.32 |
what are we here do it again we're | 10.769 | 3.75 |
surviving we're just surviving I need to | 12.54 | 12.899 |
build this raft into a bigger base just | 14.519 | 12.571 |
lay down whenever I want to look at me | 25.439 | 3.541 |
we can sleep through the night once we | 27.09 | 3.81 |
all have bits feel like a Minecraft so | 28.98 | 4.56 |
what we just make 4 beds you take a lot | 30.9 | 4.29 |
of resources it's gorgeous out that's | 33.54 | 11.01 |
why another spear oh yeah not kill him | 35.19 | 12.72 |
whoa not kill this thing is he did we | 44.55 | 5.37 |
need to eat it get me meat off of the | 47.91 | 23.43 |
get up get there paddle oh yeah okay | 49.92 | 25.65 |
cook shark going down the gullet yeah | 71.34 | 6.24 |
that was a good chunk of it wasn't all | 75.57 | 5.7 |
the way but it's probably half you we | 77.58 | 5.55 |
need to be killing more sharks man that | 81.27 | 3.81 |
was good food yeah no kidding | 83.13 | 4.919 |
all right oh [ __ ] shovel just broke | 85.08 | 5.55 |
che can you make another one I got okay | 88.049 | 5.491 |
I got you where's my pattern on my | 90.63 | 4.68 |
paddle broke to sign up a bit and he | 93.54 | 3.39 |
wrote oh man are we gonna be able to | 95.31 | 2.849 |
catch this thing I feel like we should | 96.93 | 3.42 |
talk like a tango I feel like I'm best | 98.159 | 7.441 |
just let this one go I'm gonna go | 100.35 | 6.9 |
towards you just in case we gain it a | 105.6 | 3.57 |
little bit how to flank I'll throw this | 107.25 | 4.5 |
shark bait yeah okay | 109.17 | 5.34 |
jump oh [ __ ] shark speaking out into | 111.75 | 4.29 |
singing I put the shark man in the water | 114.51 | 8.61 |
yeah there we go I got it | 116.04 | 8.55 |
all right and good stuff awesome come | 123.12 | 2.91 |
back I've through the shark bait in so | 124.59 | 3.99 |
hopefully we won't mess with you oh good | 126.03 | 4.83 |
man can I get that shirt no no no no | 128.58 | 3.27 |
he's going for it | 130.86 | 3.51 |
oh yeah hi that's the bait I was trying | 131.85 | 4.92 |
to catch that egg let's kill him kill it | 134.37 | 5.78 |
Oh can I get this bait back get it back | 136.77 | 12.2 |
[Music] | 140.15 | 11.53 |
okay well shark bait | 148.97 | 4.54 |
it kind of works what are you working on | 151.68 | 3.33 |
that you need yeah I'm putting the | 153.51 | 3.87 |
pillars oh cool maybe I can have another | 155.01 | 4.47 |
deck up there I've got the stairs | 157.38 | 7.47 |
started turn around oh well I guess we | 159.48 | 7.2 |
didn't really talk about it you didn't | 164.85 | 3.3 |
coordinate your pillars who built | 166.68 | 4.65 |
everything first me you yeah I've had | 168.15 | 4.32 |
this up for a few minutes | 171.33 | 3.87 |
have you yes well we need to take uh | 172.47 | 5.13 |
something down don't we this makes no | 175.2 | 2.85 |
sense | 177.6 | 2.82 |
I'm going to put it up with a research | 178.05 | 4.35 |
table maybe right here where you got | 180.42 | 3.9 |
these pillars leaves underneath it yeah | 182.4 | 3.69 |
sure BAM | 184.32 | 4.79 |
one research table | 186.09 | 3.02 |
I'm liking this game guys yeah yeah | 191.64 | 5.56 |
crazy that we have no source of light I | 194.83 | 3.87 |
thought there were some little candles | 197.2 | 2.789 |
that came up at one yeah but they're not | 198.7 | 3.66 |
they're not lighting I see I have | 199.989 | 4.651 |
blueprints for antennas and receivers | 202.36 | 5.19 |
yeah throw those in the research station | 204.64 | 4.59 |
what should I do | 207.55 | 4.08 |
I'm just hooking stuff just keep hooking | 209.23 | 4.47 |
yeah keep gathering resources man's | 211.63 | 4.05 |
nothing wrong with that place vitamins | 213.7 | 4.14 |
slot to these matches I don't really | 215.68 | 4.07 |
know this works yeah it's a like | 217.84 | 3.6 |
everything that you have in your | 219.75 | 2.95 |
inventory like you're scrapping | 221.44 | 2.97 |
everything yeah like you have to take | 222.7 | 3.539 |
each individual thing and put it in | 224.41 | 4.23 |
there in order to learn how to do it but | 226.239 | 4.201 |
I wonder if it's shared like needs give | 228.64 | 2.25 |
me a favor | 230.44 | 2.609 |
yeah man wonder your inventory and see | 230.89 | 3.51 |
if you know how to make a bottle of | 233.049 | 3.72 |
water it should be under food yep okay | 234.4 | 3.839 |
boots so because I learned it now you | 236.769 | 4.381 |
can make a ball size know how to make | 238.239 | 5.521 |
antennas and receivers then wonderful | 241.15 | 3.57 |
check it out | 243.76 | 3.15 |
I just research planks which sounds | 244.72 | 4.019 |
crazy but I put planks in research so | 246.91 | 3.78 |
now I've opened lanterns so this is | 248.739 | 2.761 |
going to be good | 250.69 | 3.0 |
yeah we need a lane that's gonna make | 251.5 | 4.5 |
our lives so much easier brake on put it | 253.69 | 5.1 |
put it somewhere up high high Morales is | 256.0 | 9.96 |
okay yeah we are talking about things | 258.79 | 8.7 |
getting there man | 265.96 | 4.2 |
we're getting there okay so I'm gonna go | 267.49 | 5.96 |
here I'm gonna learn to make more stuff | 270.16 | 3.29 |
[Music] | 277.62 | 6.85 |
familiar sounds of Simon looking stuck | 281.22 | 11.14 |
then some more stuff guys I can make us | 284.47 | 9.51 |
a chair and a scarecrow | 292.36 | 3.06 |
I just learned chair it says up there | 293.98 | 4.11 |
needs again in know you were a fan of | 295.42 | 4.44 |
farming why don't you figure out how to | 298.09 | 4.02 |
make us a crop like wrap plot I could | 299.86 | 3.38 |
probably do that | 302.11 | 7.57 |
[Music] | 303.24 | 6.44 |
hey you doing Eve's I'm good I need to | 312.39 | 4.57 |
I'm trying to I feel like sometimes the | 315.25 | 3.15 |
water just doesn't work you know | 316.96 | 3.93 |
no it's been working fine for me and I | 318.4 | 5.7 |
have a cup of salt water right now that | 320.89 | 4.5 |
one's full look at the little red cup on | 324.1 | 2.49 |
the side of it you see it full of water | 325.39 | 8.6 |
water cup yeah that's well that changes | 326.59 | 7.4 |
yeah I mean that's how you know fresh | 338.07 | 4.24 |
waters in there yeah oh I see just how | 339.97 | 2.64 |
it works | 342.31 | 3.6 |
I knew that summon look at this what if | 342.61 | 5.309 |
the steam comes up hits the leaf and | 345.91 | 5.1 |
flows into the yeah that makes a whole | 347.919 | 4.041 |
lot more sense now | 351.01 | 4.53 |
that I didn't understand I think I see a | 351.96 | 7.12 |
raft out here let's do it someone else | 355.54 | 5.31 |
do it I don't have a paddle man you the | 359.08 | 3.81 |
paddler Baum not the only pot alone with | 360.85 | 4.7 |
my paddles broken pretty much and I need | 362.89 | 5.85 |
plastic and planks I'll make a paddle to | 365.55 | 6.13 |
do it I can help everyone shut paddles | 368.74 | 5.28 |
all right yeah I'm helping oh wait we're | 371.68 | 3.9 |
going you want to go the island oh I was | 374.02 | 2.82 |
going for the wrap yeah all right head | 375.58 | 2.46 |
to the island | 376.84 | 4.59 |
some scrap job noobs thanks man first | 378.04 | 7.2 |
day battling some going down again she's | 381.43 | 6.78 |
doing that rope some me yeah | 385.24 | 6.12 |
you mean the rope tied to my ankle just | 388.21 | 5.87 |
walking around with a night of them it | 391.36 | 4.86 |
alright we're anchored at this island | 394.08 | 4.36 |
Alex can you get on top of there if we | 396.22 | 4.35 |
built up high enough can we jump from | 398.44 | 7.11 |
the deck to the seeds and stuff I see | 400.57 | 13.26 |
fruits on those trees very nice what do | 405.55 | 10.8 |
you what do you see up there um oh oh a | 413.83 | 6.18 |
red flower and a red flower yeah I'm | 416.35 | 4.98 |
picking them up there's a yellow flower | 420.01 | 4.17 |
awesome yellow flower yellow flower any | 421.33 | 4.08 |
seeds any food | 424.18 | 3.93 |
what's this got is that a can't grab the | 425.41 | 16.32 |
coconut you try with your hook that's | 428.11 | 15.42 |
what I'm doing not working | 441.73 | 5.19 |
yeah you build ladders uh no I tried | 443.53 | 4.74 |
it's got to go up with your raft it | 446.92 | 3.59 |
would soon yeah yeah I jump on your head | 448.27 | 10.47 |
okay get them to Elias yeah nice this oh | 450.51 | 10.81 |
[ __ ] it's like a chest up there or a | 458.74 | 5.04 |
chair or I can't tell what all I want to | 461.32 | 3.87 |
get up there so alright so maybe I could | 463.78 | 3.12 |
get underneath if you were just jumping | 465.19 | 3.75 |
on him maybe I can jump let's jump | 466.9 | 4.62 |
yeah start at three okay maps are you | 468.94 | 5.43 |
jump yet oh my full up get on like come | 471.52 | 4.68 |
on now AB sorry you're gonna have to try | 474.37 | 3.09 |
to jump straight up but I got to try to | 476.2 | 4.2 |
get underneath you ready ready one two | 477.46 | 3.66 |
three | 480.4 | 4.61 |
I jump now knock me off | 481.12 | 3.89 |
wait hey did you see where I put the | 488.49 | 4.87 |
crop plot it's right under the stairs | 490.749 | 4.89 |
Oh beautiful and I put the storage right | 493.36 | 4.739 |
here noobs beside the the crafting table | 495.639 | 5.43 |
stored a research table perfect oh we're | 498.099 | 4.141 |
about to learn a bunch of stuff boys | 501.069 | 3.77 |
ready yeah we learned how to make a rug | 502.24 | 4.649 |
beautiful learn how to make some | 504.839 | 3.04 |
flippers | 506.889 | 3.48 |
I like flippers you learn how to make a | 507.879 | 6.171 |
collection net oh it's so collection | 510.369 | 7.86 |
priority a large crop lot yes sir | 514.05 | 7.479 |
and what is this 8 mil man are we gonna | 518.229 | 5.67 |
be painting stuff over here no I'm gonna | 521.529 | 4.05 |
put some stuff in the storage bin we're | 523.899 | 4.261 |
getting smart boys all right I'm gonna | 525.579 | 4.711 |
try to make this collection net okay | 528.16 | 3.84 |
this thing just automatically collects | 530.29 | 4.5 |
items that float into it yeah exactly | 532.0 | 8.279 |
we'd be [ __ ] wonderful BAM we got a | 534.79 | 7.52 |
collection net what's this in my hand | 540.279 | 4.381 |
what the [ __ ] is that where did you get | 542.31 | 3.759 |
a shark man I think when I killed the | 544.66 | 3.78 |
shark I got one that's awesome is it | 546.069 | 4.591 |
like a trophy yeah you should hang it up | 548.44 | 3.839 |
somewhere actually I think you can make | 550.66 | 3.15 |
a trophy | 552.279 | 3.48 |
I like it all right I'm pulling up | 553.81 | 3.18 |
anchor let's do it | 555.759 | 3.241 |
all right the stuff will catch it in our | 556.99 | 5.849 |
net hey collection thing works | 559.0 | 6.18 |
yeah [ __ ] that's great we did use that | 562.839 | 4.291 |
across like all the sides yeah exactly | 565.18 | 3.69 |
once we have a big enough thing we'll | 567.13 | 4.53 |
have collection boxes everywhere yep | 568.87 | 8.969 |
that'll be just the bees tits when we're | 571.66 | 7.679 |
all grumpy you guys remember that that's | 577.839 | 2.911 |
because we were stressed out because we | 579.339 | 2.851 |
didn't have such a luxury cruiser like | 580.75 | 4.38 |
this is a luxury it really is I'm | 582.19 | 4.29 |
getting your hands on out there don't | 585.13 | 3.329 |
you move yeah man you can get stuff so | 586.48 | 3.779 |
fast hey guys you ready to learn | 588.459 | 2.461 |
something | 590.259 | 6.181 |
yup check this out bird's nest are you | 590.92 | 7.74 |
gonna get dem eggs all day it's all day | 596.44 | 4.259 |
all day thank you if we make a bird's | 598.66 | 4.65 |
nest with birds like latex a palm leaf | 600.699 | 5.01 |
plank oh we need another giant clam at | 603.31 | 4.11 |
be locked if we were taking their eggs | 605.709 | 4.471 |
right under them we have to we got to | 607.42 | 4.26 |
survive man I guess that's what happens | 610.18 | 3.389 |
with chickens on the rag huh you gotta | 611.68 | 5.82 |
pay to rent yeah really like to catch | 613.569 | 4.5 |
shark | 617.5 | 2.88 |
it wouldn't be realistic with these | 618.069 | 4.531 |
poles yeah probably not | 620.38 | 4.29 |
yeah yank your ass into the water that | 622.6 | 4.26 |
would actually be great just drag you | 624.67 | 4.609 |
around yeah that's the price of my hey | 626.86 | 5.669 |
hey I can make a ladder Tim you want to | 629.279 | 5.021 |
do it just later huh yeah we all know | 632.529 | 4.411 |
how to make it cuz our shop speaking of | 634.3 | 9.229 |
shark you oh yeah who's got a spear | 636.94 | 6.589 |
honestly I need pitch I need some sort | 645.3 | 4.51 |
of a goal other than just keep on grab | 647.86 | 4.26 |
materials it's not really it no I mean | 649.81 | 4.86 |
you go in here constantly | 652.12 | 4.62 |
a bigger boat bill to bring a boat great | 654.67 | 6.18 |
of course but what today forbids that's | 656.74 | 6.03 |
a good goal alright everybody has to | 660.85 | 2.97 |
make their own bed | 662.77 | 3.09 |
alright I already have it then it's down | 663.82 | 3.63 |
alright that'll be your bed technically | 665.86 | 3.57 |
I made that one okay but I slept in it | 667.45 | 4.11 |
yeah but I feel like that one's mine my | 669.43 | 4.98 |
bed's going up top there so you know | 671.56 | 4.65 |
yeah yeah I that I'll look I'll let that | 674.41 | 4.89 |
be your bed neaps thanks man | 676.21 | 6.59 |
[Music] | 679.3 | 5.79 |
alright I got some water in my cup can I | 682.8 | 4.75 |
just pour it on this thing here maybe | 685.09 | 3.06 |
try it | 687.55 | 3.63 |
eat water crops look smart the crops | 688.15 | 4.59 |
that just make it grow faster yeah | 691.18 | 2.91 |
something like what even goes I'm | 692.74 | 3.18 |
complan girl is every minute | 694.09 | 3.6 |
well that's great but what I need we | 695.92 | 3.15 |
need clear goals so that we're all not | 697.69 | 2.82 |
sitting around that was a clear goal | 699.07 | 3.69 |
what we have a crop plot do you think | 700.51 | 4.14 |
all this just magically happened how do | 702.76 | 4.62 |
I beat this big no let her come from you | 704.65 | 4.14 |
know this thing the clothes look | 707.38 | 3.21 |
magically I was talking about an end | 708.79 | 3.51 |
goal doesn't matter come from talking | 710.59 | 3.99 |
about an end goal there's no end of | 712.3 | 4.17 |
course there's an end goal the end go to | 714.58 | 4.14 |
your life you're really trying to I was | 716.47 | 3.84 |
trying to push his buttons aren't you | 718.72 | 4.77 |
saying what she is keep on dragging this | 720.31 | 6.03 |
out that's fine then that wants to go | 723.49 | 5.1 |
home and go to bed I mean we need to | 726.34 | 4.11 |
have a goal we were recording for two | 728.59 | 5.73 |
hours old beds hey [ __ ] he was just | 730.45 | 5.49 |
giving me [ __ ] about it so I was talked | 734.32 | 3.57 |
to back to him yeah they the [ __ ] out of | 735.94 | 5.18 |
it oh wow we were doing so good guys | 737.89 | 5.82 |
everything's good we're doing some good | 741.12 | 5.19 |
me shit's not giving us [ __ ] all right | 743.71 | 9.66 |
[ __ ] yeah you got on anywhere in | 746.31 | 8.92 |
particular I should put my bed you | 753.37 | 4.23 |
should probably sleep well alright I had | 755.23 | 3.87 |
a great place for it never mind all | 757.6 | 3.96 |
right well then I'll take it or I can't | 759.1 | 3.64 |
pick it up now | 761.56 | 3.07 |
all right too late do you think it's a | 762.74 | 4.89 |
magic bed yeah yeah I do I thought it | 764.63 | 6.27 |
was a magic bed no Fantasia oh wait I | 767.63 | 4.89 |
need some food come on fish | 770.9 | 3.06 |
I'll be over here in the corner away | 772.52 | 4.26 |
from salmon no don't be away from me | 773.96 | 10.2 |
I've decided not to edit this five | 776.78 | 9.0 |
minutes I ain't added in this yeah you | 784.16 | 3.15 |
are editing this [ __ ] now | 785.78 | 3.57 |
I'm good oh yes the sound of your own | 787.31 | 3.99 |
[ __ ] you can't take it back after the | 789.35 | 6.24 |
back are we done now with the beds yeah | 791.3 | 5.49 |
we already got all the finger got the | 795.59 | 2.67 |
bed so we're good is that no and you | 796.79 | 2.67 |
can't use them until night we have to | 798.26 | 3.63 |
wait till night now okay sue didn't tell | 799.46 | 4.05 |
me you could else we win you're gonna | 801.89 | 3.48 |
wait til the Sun Goes Down this game | 803.51 | 5.37 |
longer was gonna hurt and going so slow | 805.37 | 6.42 |
god I love walking around so so we got a | 808.88 | 5.81 |
pup shark | 811.79 | 2.9 |
kill that thing [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh see you | 817.67 | 13.1 |
go | 828.98 | 4.53 |
stab him who's got a spear I guess are | 830.77 | 4.45 |
you somebody's definitely gonna eat this | 833.51 | 4.53 |
up he's off oh wait you know what what | 835.22 | 5.22 |
what's he taking our stuff yeah that | 838.04 | 4.32 |
little son of a [ __ ] yeah of course he | 840.44 | 4.8 |
was taking our flowers we can't have | 842.36 | 4.56 |
that we might have to put a page around | 845.24 | 5.22 |
this thing I'm gonna die I'm not the | 846.92 | 5.49 |
birds back get it [ __ ] you got any a | 850.46 | 3.57 |
bear kill this [ __ ] bird hold on | 852.41 | 2.39 |
where is it | 854.03 | 3.69 |
yeah [ __ ] hey so I'm looking harvest our | 854.8 | 4.81 |
thing salmon here I'll pick you up and | 857.72 | 2.61 |
I'll put you to bed | 859.61 | 3.27 |
yeah hey you can wake back up your goal | 860.33 | 8.66 |
is to wake up Simon you like those clear | 862.88 | 6.11 |
[Laughter] | 869.68 | 5.83 |
harvest this harvest of plants yeah this | 885.28 | 4.99 |
already | 889.79 | 2.37 |
what do you be with it I got one new | 890.27 | 3.45 |
flower David again I didn't get seeds | 892.16 | 3.69 |
that time Oh Sees yeah | 893.72 | 3.87 |
all right let's sum up I'm about | 895.85 | 4.05 |
finished our look on Pierce it's crazy | 897.59 | 5.07 |
though the blue flower like all you all | 899.9 | 5.55 |
I get you is you can paint stuff it | 902.66 | 4.59 |
gives you color Oh Kyle I like color hey | 905.45 | 4.13 |
I do too but look at this you got | 907.25 | 6.38 |
hey it tells us what direction we're | 909.58 | 4.38 |
going | 913.63 | 2.31 |
that's right see that collection thing | 913.96 | 3.99 |
we have yeah | 915.94 | 4.92 |
worst possible place isn't it or is it I | 917.95 | 4.56 |
said oh that's pretty good if we're | 920.86 | 3.3 |
moving this way well the trash moving | 922.51 | 4.23 |
faster than us we talking about slider | 924.16 | 4.77 |
should be it's it's lighter | 926.74 | 5.25 |
we are lighter dispersion I don't know | 928.93 | 4.26 |
if that's the word you use they should | 931.99 | 3.92 |
have those off to the sides like wings | 933.19 | 9.87 |
this well okay nibs jump platform I need | 935.91 | 8.71 |
to throw your raft wonderful | 943.06 | 4.08 |
throw me a raft yeah do you go save it | 944.62 | 6.87 |
for me me Oh Oh God yeah hold on hold on | 947.14 | 6.66 |
oh man I'm going for it all right | 951.49 | 4.5 |
right behind you me and our raft looks | 953.8 | 5.49 |
good I don't how much still sleeping | 955.99 | 6.69 |
thanks sleep it has one go alright | 959.29 | 6.3 |
almost there look at this there's a | 962.68 | 5.07 |
cooker up here does anything on that | 965.59 | 3.68 |
cooker | 967.75 | 4.31 |
it looks empty is it sinking going oh | 969.27 | 8.25 |
yeah you're sinking baby you just wait | 972.06 | 7.08 |
for it to sink and then gram it right oh | 977.52 | 4.74 |
crap I can't hold much this stuff oh oh | 979.14 | 5.04 |
you a you you need to research some of | 982.26 | 4.89 |
that [ __ ] I got a bunch of it okay what | 984.18 | 4.38 |
can't you hold where we're going we're | 987.15 | 5.52 |
not a hinge come on boy alright but I | 988.56 | 5.79 |
got I got a lot of stuff oh man can I | 992.67 | 2.76 |
still pick that stuff up | 994.35 | 4.2 |
can you float me over there all right | 995.43 | 5.31 |
y'all paddle you uh you got a paddle yep | 998.55 | 8.79 |
all right I'm going for it make a door | 1000.74 | 9.33 |
yeah oh yeah boom we can research this | 1007.34 | 7.68 |
start coming out all right leaves you | 1010.07 | 7.41 |
pulled us away from all the good stuff | 1015.02 | 4.35 |
but you got good stuff I know we got a | 1017.48 | 4.07 |
hinge and a paddle back over there now | 1019.37 | 4.94 |
okay look at all those barrels | 1021.55 | 5.11 |
we've already researched hinges it's | 1024.31 | 6.31 |
almost heavily oh [ __ ] I got a drink | 1026.66 | 6.24 |
water fun yeah me too man I'm thirsty | 1030.62 | 9.02 |
amateur stick poet salmon still sleeping | 1032.9 | 13.2 |
ignoring is one goal oh hey you woke up | 1039.64 | 8.94 |
just in time to get it back to bed yeah | 1046.1 | 4.98 |
good all right so let's all try this bed | 1048.58 | 4.81 |
thing lay down and see if it turns to | 1051.08 | 3.21 |
day time | 1053.39 | 5.55 |
all right you guys ready yeah I'm here | 1054.29 | 7.47 |
all right Sam is down I'm going down I'm | 1058.94 | 4.82 |
down and I'll go to sleep and then | 1061.76 | 5.58 |
[Music] | 1063.76 | 10.51 |
BAM rhodonite time look at that horn and | 1067.34 | 9.49 |
starving Wow so my like I would rather | 1074.27 | 4.029 |
fish through the night so I wasn't | 1076.83 | 3.3 |
starving in the whale well now we know | 1078.299 | 4.141 |
[ __ ] now we know now we know don't sleep | 1080.13 | 25.489 |
[Music] | 1082.44 | 23.179 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I'm loving watching the Neebs Gaming crew play Raft Survival Simulator! This game looks like such a blast. The way they have to start with just a tiny raft and slowly build it up into a floating fortress is awesome. Gathering resources by diving into the ocean and scavenging islands is such a cool gameplay element. And the crafting system looks really deep, with tons of items to build for survival or just for fun.
The banter between the Neebs guys while they play is hilarious as always. Their chemistry really shines when they play these survival games together. I lost it when Appsro accidentally chopped a hole in the floor of their raft! And Thick's screaming when he got attacked by a shark was priceless. These guys just have so much fun playing together.
Neebs Gaming is really good at making gameplay entertaining through their funny commentary and cinematic editing. Even just watching them gather resources is interesting and humorous. And the way they edit the action into little story vignettes pulls you into the experience. It really feels like you're right there surviving alongside them.
Overall, Raft looks like an awesome survival game and Neebs Gaming's playthrough is the most entertaining way to experience it outside of playing it yourself. Their commentary and editing add so much humor and drama to the gameplay. I hope they continue the series because I can't wait to see what other adventures and mishaps they'll have trying to survive at sea! Neebs Gaming is the best for making gameplay fun to watch.