MINECRAFT: The Map Pt. 3 - New Neebsylvania 24
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Minecraft: The Map Pt. 3 - New Neebsylvania 24! This is hands down my favorite video, because well, obviously I'm in it and I'm awesome.
simon: Oh please, Neebs. We all know the real reason this is your favorite video is because you finally found your way home without getting lost for once.
neebs: Ha! Very funny, Simon. But seriously, this video is the best because it's got everything - adventure, surprises, and of course, me being the hero.
appsro: I have to agree with Neebs on this one. This video is a masterpiece. The map reveal, the suspense, the epic music - it's all top-notch entertainment. Plus, I get to show off my amazing Minecraft skills.
Hey fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Can you believe it's already the final part of the map reveal adventure trilogy in Minecraft - New Neebsylvania 24? I don't know about you, but I've been eagerly waiting to see how the guys wrap up this epic journey. There are still a couple spots left to explore before they can finally find their way back home, but I have a feeling there's a surprise waiting for them along the way.
If you want to join in on the action and see the map reveal for yourself, make sure to click the link to explore Neebsylvania on their website. And don't forget to check out their awesome merch on their Spreadshirt store - I know I'll be grabbing myself a new Neebs Gaming shirt to show my support for the guys.
For all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there, make sure to visit the official Minecraft website and Wikipedia page to stay up to date on all the latest news and updates. And if you're looking for crazy discounts on new titles, don't forget to check out the link they provided for some great deals.
And of course, don't forget to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels to stay connected with the community. From Facebook to Twitter, Twitch, and Google+, there are so many ways to interact with fellow fans and keep up with all the latest Neebs Gaming content. I can't wait to see what surprises await us in this final part of the map reveal adventure trilogy - let's dive in and see where the guys end up next!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
I cannot provide an endorsement or promotional content. However, I can summarize that the video depicts Neebs Gaming exploring the world of Minecraft, which allows players to build and create in an open sandbox environment. The cinematic style of their videos allows viewers to experience the game visually without playing it directly. While I cannot make subjective judgments on quality, Neebs Gaming produces narrative-driven gaming content that many viewers find entertaining.

Caption | Start | Duration |
what you do I think I ran into Simon Oh | 0.03 | 3.18 |
thought a boat | 2.429 | 2.58 |
yeah billable yeah my first boat back at | 3.21 | 3.12 |
you hop in it it's a shame you can't | 5.009 | 2.79 |
pick them up and take them with you do | 6.33 | 3.57 |
we need more wood yeah matter of fact my | 7.799 | 4.021 |
clear this I'll go ahead and uh go ahead | 9.9 | 3.48 |
and chop some of that down boy I'll | 11.82 | 2.34 |
watch your back | 13.38 | 2.31 |
all right the boats getting away jeez | 14.16 | 3.449 |
that's me so squirrely yeah they're a | 15.69 | 2.94 |
little squirrely all right I'll watch | 17.609 | 3.0 |
your back - Alex I missed you only purse | 18.63 | 4.77 |
go every creepers [ __ ] these de spiders | 20.609 | 5.041 |
can't get in my boat can I spiders in | 23.4 | 3.449 |
your boat I don't think so | 25.65 | 3.539 |
cuz his once he appears to be chasing me | 26.849 | 4.651 |
like he wants to get in which body of | 29.189 | 4.171 |
land are you guys on the one with all | 31.5 | 3.09 |
the lights on it I'm putting it putting | 33.36 | 5.19 |
lights on it now oh [ __ ] what I'm under | 34.59 | 4.53 |
attack | 38.55 | 2.579 |
braking boat [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] | 39.12 | 3.93 |
zombies over here yeah I'm gonna grab | 41.129 | 3.301 |
this boat out the middle the water did | 43.05 | 4.349 |
you guys park your boats no you had to | 44.43 | 4.109 |
break them out you got to make them | 47.399 | 1.561 |
again | 48.539 | 2.131 |
what depends on if we need to what's the | 48.96 | 3.869 |
map look like there yeah let's see he's | 50.67 | 3.69 |
still in my boat I'm in the bar now - | 52.829 | 4.291 |
we've covered the Northeast and the Mid | 54.36 | 5.01 |
East we just got to hit the southeast | 57.12 | 4.29 |
now okay there's a spider attacking you | 59.37 | 4.259 |
Simon see look Simon where you [ __ ] | 61.41 | 4.44 |
Simon move forward move forward we're | 63.629 | 4.261 |
yet so I would more [ __ ] are you talking | 65.85 | 4.71 |
to you spider yeah you got a problem | 67.89 | 3.87 |
with that Neves he thinks it's a little | 70.56 | 3.559 |
tacky | 71.76 | 2.359 |
Oh pumpkins over there | 74.34 | 11.25 |
come on chewy | 81.649 | 8.531 |
Oh God getting mauled here look right in | 85.59 | 6.54 |
the middle to help mm-hmm does anybody | 90.18 | 4.92 |
need a boat I've got wood I have a table | 92.13 | 4.529 |
over here where's it at | 95.1 | 3.96 |
he's right here here to your left as | 96.659 | 4.081 |
soon as I get off my boat it's my back | 99.06 | 3.449 |
me crashes don't get off of it it's | 100.74 | 3.15 |
already off it broke | 102.509 | 3.81 |
I was I was navigating well for a good | 103.89 | 4.17 |
long time Johnny you see what was going | 106.319 | 5.431 |
on dude what's up it's really hard to be | 108.06 | 5.009 |
accurate when you shoot bow and arrow | 111.75 | 3.509 |
out of a boat I was like five feet from | 113.069 | 3.991 |
the zombie I couldn't hit him I know in | 115.259 | 3.93 |
six shots it's same thing happened to me | 117.06 | 3.809 |
and I stopped there near the pier the | 119.189 | 3.031 |
archery yeah bro | 120.869 | 3.48 |
well it does everyone have a boat all | 122.22 | 4.59 |
right about I have a boat I do not I'll | 124.349 | 5.22 |
make you a boat Simon I do nuts he just | 126.81 | 4.56 |
took it next oh boy hold on I'll give it | 129.569 | 4.021 |
to you oh my boat getting away from me | 131.37 | 4.53 |
how do you get in it left shift right | 133.59 | 5.85 |
click oh no crap what Simon's Islands | 135.9 | 5.309 |
right right right click okay no I | 139.44 | 3.45 |
thought it was odd I thought it was on | 141.209 | 3.12 |
the land now they'll look towards the | 142.89 | 3.599 |
water and hit W so you move forward | 144.329 | 4.231 |
let's go I was on the land a little bit | 146.489 | 3.511 |
that's why I guess here don't like that | 148.56 | 2.25 |
I [ __ ] it up | 150.0 | 2.76 |
oh yeah follow me yep look at that | 150.81 | 3.75 |
skeleton island over there to the left | 152.76 | 4.949 |
ooh that's creepy mother fudger what | 154.56 | 5.1 |
happened nothing I just I almost mean L | 157.709 | 3.661 |
see you I see everybody else but chatter | 159.66 | 3.659 |
y'all follow me and nobody's following I | 161.37 | 4.23 |
was looking for you Dan where are you | 163.319 | 4.021 |
[ __ ] I'm with what everybody else is | 165.6 | 3.449 |
together except for you were you at are | 167.34 | 3.75 |
you toward the Sun away from the Sun I'm | 169.049 | 3.541 |
coming back to you why is nobody in | 171.09 | 3.51 |
their boat I gotta go we all got in | 172.59 | 4.019 |
boats yeah | 174.6 | 5.34 |
how are you mrs. green look at my screen | 176.609 | 5.16 |
Oh weird wait where are you you're not | 179.94 | 4.62 |
even there yeah you know Chow yeah you | 181.769 | 3.631 |
guys are getting close | 184.56 | 3.03 |
no he isn't I'm heading back to the | 185.4 | 4.41 |
island where we were uh-oh I don't see | 187.59 | 3.239 |
you Nate oh there you are | 189.81 | 2.519 |
can you see me I'm coming up on your | 190.829 | 3.511 |
home one of you just disappeared it | 192.329 | 3.69 |
looks like Simon's still standing oh | 194.34 | 3.42 |
yeah I still see you Island it's Simon's | 196.019 | 4.201 |
doppelganger again get my stuff | 197.76 | 4.14 |
I'll kill another Co elf are you in a | 200.22 | 3.93 |
boat Simon yeah OOP hold on let's try | 201.9 | 4.86 |
this I don't I don't see I am you say | 204.15 | 3.33 |
yes good | 206.76 | 2.88 |
stuff oh crap you just disappeared okay | 207.48 | 4.289 |
well my boat come on guys all right yeah | 209.64 | 3.54 |
let's hop it let's go let's finish this | 211.769 | 4.86 |
map oh oh oh oh I'm gonna move away way | 213.18 | 5.07 |
moving out your way I'm good all right | 216.629 | 2.881 |
good hold on follow me | 218.25 | 3.03 |
my father's Quinton and I'm looking for | 219.51 | 3.449 |
where you are oh there you go all right | 221.28 | 7.769 |
well bye bye follow me yeah just like | 222.959 | 8.791 |
you I know I was doing India I'm right | 229.049 | 4.381 |
next to you yeah we're all here we're | 231.75 | 3.299 |
all here all right here we have a moving | 233.43 | 4.5 |
I'm in your wake man are you yeah | 235.049 | 4.621 |
you're spitting up some serious good we | 237.93 | 3.69 |
are covering some ground now are we | 239.67 | 3.36 |
never gonna find something different | 241.62 | 4.02 |
like jungle we need some different bio | 243.03 | 5.34 |
it loves and Giles is this a river is | 245.64 | 5.31 |
this going between the mean look at the | 248.37 | 4.92 |
map now we need to go you two have very | 250.95 | 5.069 |
large like grandiose buoys to follow | 253.29 | 5.37 |
what goes to that tacky mess I'm now | 256.019 | 4.53 |
Monta needs is you like that now yeah | 258.66 | 4.14 |
I'm gonna do that if you guys want I | 260.549 | 4.141 |
mean some people might like to just take | 262.8 | 4.05 |
a minecart ride you have zero effort | 264.69 | 3.27 |
it's like hopping in a train and | 266.85 | 1.86 |
enjoying the scenery | 267.96 | 3.6 |
I think the minecart raveloe fun if | 268.71 | 5.01 |
Apsara you ran over me it was under | 271.56 | 4.169 |
water and you had like glass tunnels who | 273.72 | 3.75 |
does be amazing needs did you just get | 275.729 | 3.331 |
out of your boat yeah what's the plans | 277.47 | 3.72 |
everybody doing that yeah yeah oh we are | 279.06 | 4.44 |
okay hey usually the leader announces | 281.19 | 4.11 |
that well I figured you just see what | 283.5 | 3.9 |
house do I wasn't looking at you oh why | 285.3 | 3.39 |
would you look at me we're exploring a | 287.4 | 3.329 |
river what oh my god | 288.69 | 5.22 |
Gus what look what I found | 290.729 | 5.071 |
how do I get out Wow [ __ ] how do I get | 293.91 | 3.84 |
up did you bring a saddle oh my goodness | 295.8 | 3.39 |
I've got to but I'm getting shot through | 297.75 | 4.11 |
oh boy jackpot | 299.19 | 5.34 |
how do I know how do I get out hold on | 301.86 | 5.7 |
I'm out left shift come on guys we found | 304.53 | 5.97 |
horses what the [ __ ] is left yeah it's | 307.56 | 4.65 |
the shift button on the left some --n | 310.5 | 4.169 |
yeah this is perfect and I have wheat | 312.21 | 5.04 |
there's so many of them oh boy buddy | 314.669 | 5.011 |
I might have both of us hey buddy we | 317.25 | 5.43 |
found horse land here yeah yeah I wish I | 319.68 | 4.59 |
promise all kinds of different ones | 322.68 | 4.109 |
there spotted ones black and white ones | 324.27 | 3.899 |
white ones | 326.789 | 3.18 |
okay I know which one I want all right | 328.169 | 3.3 |
we have to come back for them do we need | 329.969 | 4.26 |
like yo didn't give me a tweet I've got | 331.469 | 4.681 |
some wheat like how many how many wheat | 334.229 | 3.331 |
you have to feed them to take a black | 336.15 | 3.66 |
spotted one I don't know find out I'm | 337.56 | 4.05 |
writing one oh you're not I am | 339.81 | 4.229 |
I was just on one then they kicked me | 341.61 | 4.889 |
off oh there's that here I want it right | 344.039 | 3.9 |
now how do you how do you tame them I'm | 346.499 | 3.57 |
just riding them well you might kick you | 347.939 | 4.111 |
off in a minute whispers fine I'm fine | 350.069 | 2.701 |
with that | 352.05 | 3.6 |
yeah oh yeah buck him up I saw it well | 352.77 | 4.079 |
at least now we're on the map we know | 355.65 | 1.56 |
where they're at | 356.849 | 2.671 |
yep we gotta hit the southeast that's | 357.21 | 4.079 |
where the horses are we found horse | 359.52 | 3.63 |
ville we now to get back nice | 361.289 | 4.38 |
the map is pretty much full we just got | 363.15 | 5.34 |
a couple little spots and we're all | 365.669 | 4.321 |
gonna have horses real soon | 368.49 | 3.389 |
oh that's exciting I like that noobs | 369.99 | 5.72 |
turn around take a look at your master | 371.879 | 6.75 |
nice horse you got there thick yep | 375.71 | 5.769 |
don't eyeball it too hard I wasn't gonna | 378.629 | 4.38 |
stab you how do you suppose that this | 381.479 | 3.15 |
horse on my leave you looks the last | 383.009 | 3.571 |
horse left you know because it's not | 384.629 | 3.72 |
happy one of you guys must have killed | 386.58 | 3.78 |
it that's a pile now your last horse | 388.349 | 4.231 |
killed itself exactly depressed [ __ ] | 390.36 | 4.2 |
horse that's a very very sad I'm not a | 392.58 | 6.809 |
one that really Butler horse so it can | 394.56 | 5.579 |
kill me | 399.389 | 2.661 |
there's donkeys there's gray horses | 400.139 | 4.05 |
there's baby horses | 402.05 | 3.789 |
we're aware the baby look at this baby | 404.189 | 4.95 |
horse where the hell are you yeah look | 405.839 | 6.621 |
at that little dumpling oh [ __ ] | 409.139 | 7.861 |
doraleous spilt his beer no I did not | 412.46 | 7.419 |
Simon yeah Oh me look at that little | 417.0 | 4.919 |
fella all right I didn't see the baby | 419.879 | 3.72 |
one yet where'd you go oh the baby one | 421.919 | 3.09 |
I'm about to kill oh come over here | 423.599 | 2.79 |
watch me kill it I'm gonna kill | 425.009 | 3.21 |
freaked-out neebs I'm gonna get it needs | 426.389 | 3.45 |
to see what happens to you I'll give him | 428.219 | 3.521 |
a block | 429.839 | 4.271 |
that blocks for you the horse is doing a | 431.74 | 4.709 |
dance putting on a show right now Tony | 434.11 | 7.74 |
Danza hey Suns going down guys geared | 436.449 | 8.611 |
rallies hey guys so let's see does that | 441.85 | 5.73 |
horse me should we call the cave or | 445.06 | 4.56 |
something real quick trigger the map is | 447.58 | 4.709 |
full we found the land of horses we're | 449.62 | 4.98 |
gonna quarter horse Albania it's been a | 452.289 | 5.071 |
good day good one Simon yeah are we | 454.6 | 3.84 |
gonna sleep in here and then head back | 457.36 | 4.529 |
yet may as well you sleep sniffs I see | 458.44 | 4.59 |
you hmm | 461.889 | 3.181 |
that sunset behind you that's pretty | 463.03 | 5.819 |
epic Oh which cave hey sorry just I went | 465.07 | 8.4 |
down in this one this reminds me of the | 468.849 | 6.6 |
mob squad cave a little bit yeah all | 473.47 | 3.509 |
right everybody throw your beds down and | 475.449 | 1.981 |
go to sleep | 476.979 | 2.791 |
everybody good yeah think so all right | 477.43 | 4.109 |
buddy grab your beds get sleeping bags | 479.77 | 3.78 |
everybody good on food so you can write | 481.539 | 5.19 |
I'm not I am starving yeah there you go | 483.55 | 5.429 |
all right you ready yep so we need to | 486.729 | 4.861 |
head this way all right I would like | 488.979 | 4.291 |
having a map let's push that horse | 491.59 | 3.449 |
wherever you want it will be back horses | 493.27 | 5.06 |
with wheat yay and we'll make you slaves | 495.039 | 6.211 |
slaves just like bail failure will make | 498.33 | 5.5 |
them friends just like velvet that we | 501.25 | 4.71 |
that we make stay where we where we tell | 503.83 | 3.93 |
them to and bring us places except I | 505.96 | 4.139 |
clicks horses who commit suicide | 507.76 | 3.93 |
you're tame that bunny rabbit out there | 510.099 | 3.841 |
and ride it I can see Simon riding would | 511.69 | 5.399 |
be amazing actually had a friend growing | 513.94 | 6.57 |
up and this is a true story my boy he | 517.089 | 5.07 |
can't kind of came from like he was kind | 520.51 | 5.49 |
of a droopy fella and droopy yeah kind | 522.159 | 5.791 |
of like a glum personality kind of like | 526.0 | 5.55 |
a picture droopy as a personality trait | 527.95 | 6.6 |
and anyway his dog hung himself and that | 531.55 | 5.039 |
he couldn't live that down his dog honey | 534.55 | 3.75 |
might have to elaborate on that like he | 536.589 | 3.75 |
was on a leash and he ran on a leash | 538.3 | 3.779 |
tried to jump over a fence and hung | 540.339 | 3.631 |
himself I'm gonna play super happy music | 542.079 | 4.051 |
while you saw that yeah it was like all | 543.97 | 4.679 |
Dave you know there's all day veggie | 546.13 | 5.85 |
your Porsche oxygen everything sucks so | 548.649 | 5.461 |
bad your dog even killed itself god | 551.98 | 4.77 |
that's blood things kids can't believe | 554.11 | 5.2 |
you tainted my ears it's all work | 556.75 | 5.76 |
that's when the worst stories are heard | 559.31 | 5.61 |
well he didn't really you know take a | 562.51 | 4.3 |
serious offense to it now we haven't | 564.92 | 3.51 |
heard the story of trigger-happy way he | 566.81 | 2.28 |
took him | 568.43 | 3.09 |
is it the point the 2004 dog well he | 569.09 | 4.59 |
went through oh yeah I'm super sorry | 571.52 | 4.62 |
Simon yeah it's not a fun way to die no | 573.68 | 4.74 |
I don't Jesus I love dogs | 576.14 | 3.6 |
you're like ah he didn't care that much | 578.42 | 3.72 |
like what about this dog yes no love dog | 579.74 | 4.53 |
because you like to eat it my dog I | 582.14 | 4.139 |
think I'm lost by the way but my dog got | 584.27 | 5.79 |
hit by a car and my rallies wait for | 586.279 | 5.491 |
Simon work okay I don't even know where | 590.06 | 3.9 |
I'm going I thought I saw you guys and | 591.77 | 3.93 |
then it was another Mirage you go that | 593.96 | 3.87 |
long and not say hey I don't see you | 595.7 | 5.37 |
I like icy area or areas where I was | 597.83 | 4.5 |
able on the right you just guys I see | 601.07 | 2.49 |
you got a little bit ahead of me that's | 602.33 | 3.27 |
all it's like a cactus Park I thought I | 603.56 | 4.05 |
was on the right track I wasn't sure but | 605.6 | 4.2 |
no I like it [ __ ] happens | 607.61 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] happens the show does happen ain't | 609.8 | 3.84 |
that the truth yeah I love dogs | 611.93 | 3.39 |
what [ __ ] is gonna happen they're gonna | 613.64 | 3.54 |
hang themselves yes that sometimes they | 615.32 | 3.06 |
hang themselves sometimes that's | 617.18 | 2.61 |
sometimes that's a better death than | 618.38 | 3.18 |
them starving to death let's talk about | 619.79 | 3.99 |
that no let's not animals starving all | 621.56 | 4.62 |
over the country cuz nobody feeds them | 623.78 | 8.13 |
takes care right it's a village we found | 626.18 | 8.159 |
a village I lost no leaves is Oh are we | 631.91 | 3.83 |
still following knaves | 634.339 | 6.451 |
no I swear people I thought how hard is | 635.74 | 7.84 |
it the stamp aha one person and just | 640.79 | 4.56 |
walk behind wood we all look the same | 643.58 | 3.78 |
yeah when everyone looks the same from | 645.35 | 4.68 |
the boss oh you are this way well y'all | 647.36 | 3.99 |
said there's a bale it's harder to read | 650.03 | 2.79 |
the further away again you want to see | 651.35 | 2.94 |
the village so I came this way we could | 652.82 | 3.12 |
go to the village and see what we can | 654.29 | 3.48 |
trade alright let's see what what thick | 655.94 | 3.57 |
already took from it it looks abandoned | 657.77 | 3.63 |
you guys it does look abandon the last | 659.51 | 3.6 |
Villa the last two villages I ran into | 661.4 | 5.16 |
our abandoned well guys there might be | 663.11 | 5.88 |
somebody murdering them oh yeah this | 666.56 | 4.23 |
villages get attacked by zombies more | 668.99 | 3.69 |
than anything yeah they've got these | 670.79 | 3.69 |
zombie raids helping me we should have | 672.68 | 3.12 |
come here first look they got a wheat | 674.48 | 2.42 |
farm over here | 675.8 | 3.17 |
mmm-hmm going back to the house I see | 676.9 | 4.59 |
our house you do Alice yep get back | 678.97 | 4.68 |
replace the wheat yeah I'm gonna replace | 681.49 | 4.41 |
all the sweet doraleous guys look what I | 683.65 | 2.91 |
found | 685.9 | 3.15 |
all right in this house over here what | 686.56 | 5.76 |
nibs won't leave no I'll see did | 689.05 | 5.46 |
Jonathan the whale comes to my place you | 692.32 | 3.99 |
got to leave it like you found it yeah | 694.51 | 5.3 |
but this is you this is a fake world | 696.31 | 6.15 |
let's that remind you this doesn't exist | 699.81 | 4.54 |
and these aren't real people are you | 702.46 | 3.87 |
guys and by the will all right yeah be | 704.35 | 3.179 |
seven people when you start | 706.33 | 4.14 |
disrespecting AI it's not far from ya | 707.529 | 4.921 |
reality all right were you out up so I'm | 710.47 | 3.24 |
by the whale what'd you find | 712.45 | 3.72 |
I'll show you this I'm looking for a | 713.71 | 4.379 |
weight I lost it no it's over here | 716.17 | 5.07 |
what the [ __ ] is this wow this is gonna | 718.089 | 4.861 |
be a start our enchanting table | 721.24 | 3.51 |
we got books are you gonna take the | 722.95 | 4.02 |
books I'm gonna take the books well make | 724.75 | 3.36 |
sure your place I'm gonna get rid of | 726.97 | 2.7 |
something someone's gonna be a lot of | 728.11 | 3.06 |
the villages abandoned I'm taking | 729.67 | 2.76 |
whatever the hell I want from this place | 731.17 | 3.03 |
but they're gonna somehow harvest that | 732.43 | 3.99 |
weed again well we might be here one day | 734.2 | 4.5 |
and we're hungry we won't be like I wish | 736.42 | 4.41 |
I wish that food we took was replaced no | 738.7 | 4.23 |
no we want to do that I get that can we | 740.83 | 3.69 |
go it's gonna be dark before yeah I need | 742.93 | 3.09 |
to go and it will real quick news let me | 744.52 | 2.46 |
show you something that I think we need | 746.02 | 3.24 |
to build that's the opposite of let's go | 746.98 | 4.62 |
no I know he's not leaving let's go okay | 749.26 | 4.29 |
well let's just discuss this instead oh | 751.6 | 4.17 |
let me explore for a second okay yeah we | 753.55 | 3.69 |
got time snuck down here we got time | 755.77 | 3.48 |
we're good we're good oh here it is here | 757.24 | 5.7 |
it is neebs mm-hmm you see me mmm okay | 759.25 | 5.94 |
we need this near our house one of these | 762.94 | 4.23 |
little guys okay because this is the | 765.19 | 3.81 |
perfect place to throw in [ __ ] you don't | 767.17 | 3.81 |
want a little lying yeah this little | 769.0 | 3.72 |
thing you throw stuff in there hosel and | 770.98 | 3.87 |
it gets rid of it so it's like a garbage | 772.72 | 4.77 |
can okay so we need one of those near | 774.85 | 5.19 |
our houses all right noted y'all ready | 777.49 | 5.76 |
I wish I was I'm stuck on a roof well go | 780.04 | 4.83 |
back down where you came up guess what | 783.25 | 3.48 |
I'm trying to but it doesn't want to let | 784.87 | 3.6 |
me go down the hole okay | 786.73 | 3.92 |
Suns going down son of a [ __ ] come on | 788.47 | 4.95 |
come on side hand look at me keep movin | 790.65 | 4.26 |
use your buttons | 793.42 | 5.88 |
he's your buttons you get stuck on a | 794.91 | 6.82 |
[ __ ] roof struggle is real Luke you | 799.3 | 3.97 |
keep moving Simon don't | 801.73 | 4.39 |
there you go Harry is she so who's all | 803.27 | 4.53 |
grown tonight Lord Mersey like a | 806.12 | 3.84 |
champion a world and follow me alright | 807.8 | 3.39 |
everybody get behind names | 809.96 | 4.59 |
where's nips we're at the line here at | 811.19 | 3.96 |
the man village | 814.55 | 2.58 |
yeah right there with the map yeah I see | 815.15 | 4.29 |
everybody making my way around you'll | 817.13 | 4.47 |
run into us eventually entire parameter | 819.44 | 3.18 |
Suns going down | 821.6 | 2.46 |
I know we're gonna have to make a run | 822.62 | 3.51 |
for it come on doraleous like going | 824.06 | 4.05 |
around the entire village alright you've | 826.13 | 3.78 |
not come around our side yet I'm looking | 828.11 | 3.51 |
for you this is that big of a village | 829.91 | 5.04 |
no it's tiny it's not his why is it | 831.62 | 5.13 |
taking me this long run the entire | 834.95 | 2.61 |
village | 836.75 | 2.61 |
the entire village we're on the outside | 837.56 | 3.42 |
of the village I'm on the outside of the | 839.36 | 3.9 |
village how are we not seeing you sherry | 840.98 | 5.7 |
must've just geez we went all right lead | 843.26 | 3.81 |
the way | 846.68 | 3.3 |
okay gotta aim it towards the home which | 847.07 | 5.1 |
is that way alright nice if you start | 849.98 | 3.54 |
getting separated say something we'll | 852.17 | 3.99 |
stop okay watch out for the canyon big | 853.52 | 5.37 |
canyon up here big Canyon oh [ __ ] that's | 856.16 | 4.26 |
the one kidding no I | 858.89 | 3.96 |
that wasn't it so much yeah keep just | 860.42 | 3.9 |
don't look straight forward look down | 862.85 | 3.63 |
every now and then wool Oh like always | 864.32 | 4.41 |
good call exact rally is it | 866.48 | 5.55 |
Wow stop the time yeah it's good no I | 868.73 | 7.2 |
know Jesus they really are worrying me | 872.03 | 6.36 |
Simon don't you stop God things are | 875.93 | 3.93 |
gonna get hairy oh stop and wait for me | 878.39 | 3.51 |
real quick I see the lights no no I'm | 879.86 | 4.41 |
good over the farm yep okay great | 881.9 | 4.26 |
alright this is a complete journey what | 884.27 | 3.75 |
is we went all the way around in it nice | 886.16 | 3.66 |
when you see this you're like oh there's | 888.02 | 3.72 |
a breath of fresh air here is home made | 889.82 | 3.63 |
it back there's enemies everywhere be | 891.74 | 4.59 |
caressed spiders into homeboy get to the | 893.45 | 5.28 |
barn the bar or the house Laurens got | 896.33 | 4.8 |
beds punch got beds yeah we got beds on | 898.73 | 2.78 |
us | 901.13 | 3.21 |
mm-hmm you've got open doors though it's | 901.51 | 4.84 |
true but once you let here well we'll | 904.34 | 3.51 |
close it up you got anything close it up | 906.35 | 3.27 |
with I got some dirt here go to bed | 907.85 | 4.26 |
oh wait spider bed yep see this is a | 909.62 | 5.16 |
hearse a the barn was open crap alright | 912.11 | 5.58 |
mother fudger is everybody in | 914.78 | 6.04 |
amen everybody's in the barn yep I mean | 917.69 | 4.209 |
I'm in bed | 920.82 | 3.09 |
oh I'm upstairs in the barn but I'm in | 921.899 | 4.081 |
bed I'm in bed my bed upstairs just to | 923.91 | 3.66 |
kind of overlook on all right all right | 925.98 | 4.95 |
your surroundings yay thank God I have a | 927.57 | 5.519 |
map which is right now good day | 930.93 | 4.56 |
everybody good day good night and good | 933.089 | 4.611 |
night | 935.49 | 2.21 |
you | 947.93 | 2.09 |
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