MINECRAFT: Cliffhanger - New Neebsylvania 29
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey Simon, have you seen that latest Neebsylvania video, 'Cliffhanger'? It's my absolute favorite!
simon: Oh yeah, that one was hilarious! I can't believe I lost something on that cliff, typical Simon move, right?
appsro: Guys, that video had me in stitches! The mobpocalypse was insane, and then Simon losing something just topped it off perfectly.
neebs: I know, right? And the music choices were spot on. 'Spring In My Step' really added to the suspense of Simon's cliffhanger moment.
Hey everyone, have you checked out the latest episode of Neebsylvania on Neebs Gaming? In this one, our favorite heroes are recovering from a mobpocalypse and decide to explore the cliffs. But uh-oh, Simon loses something important! What could it be? You'll have to watch Minecraft - New Neebsylvania 29: Cliffhanger to find out.
If you're a fan of Minecraft and Neebs Gaming like me, you're going to love this episode. The team always brings the laughs, the adventure, and of course, the unexpected twists. I can't wait to see how they handle this cliffhanger (pun intended) and what new challenges they face.
Don't forget to check out their website for more Neebsylvania content and cool merch. And if you're looking to get some new games at a great price, they've got some crazy discounts for you. Plus, make sure to follow them on all their social media channels to stay up to date on all things Neebs Gaming.
The music in this episode really sets the tone and adds to the excitement. From "Rollin at 5" to "The Chase," the soundtrack always enhances the epic moments in Neebsylvania. And of course, the Neebs Gaming intro is always a classic. Hank and Jed really know how to create a fun and immersive experience for their fans. Can't wait for the next episode to see how our heroes tackle the challenges ahead.

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, I absolutely love watching the Neebs Gaming crew play Minecraft. Their New Neebsylvania series is hilarious and so entertaining. The way they interact with each other and approach the game makes for such an enjoyable viewing experience.
In this latest episode, Simon loses something important and they have to try and find it. Seeing them explore the cliffs and recover after the mob attacks is classic Neebs. They have such great chemistry as a group and their banter always cracks me up.
The cinematic style of their videos really pulls you into the world. It's like you're right there with them, living out this Minecraft adventure. Even though I've played Minecraft myself, watching the Neebs crew makes me experience it in a whole new way.
Their editing and camera work builds such an immersive environment. It really is the next best thing to playing it yourself. The music and sound effects add so much atmosphere too.
Overall, if you're looking for a fun, entertaining way to enjoy Minecraft, you can't do better than the Neebs Gaming series. Their personalities and filmmaking draw you in and provide an incredibly enjoyable viewing experience. I'd highly recommend checking out their New Neebsylvania playlist and seeing this Minecraft world brought to life!

Caption | Start | Duration |
oh [ __ ] I don't have my bed I have two | 0.0 | 8.78 |
beds doraleous put two down real quick | 6.96 | 6.089 |
no Simon come over that one can I sleep | 8.78 | 4.84 |
on yep | 13.049 | 2.851 |
thank you snuggle up okay do you pick up | 13.62 | 6.919 |
my bed yeah yeah yeah creeper creeper | 15.9 | 7.95 |
can I stay in bed oh Jesus Christ oh I | 20.539 | 4.24 |
just stay in bed | 23.85 | 3.45 |
holy ho you can see samba you can't do | 24.779 | 15.03 |
so Simon get up come out come out let it | 27.3 | 14.849 |
come to a zombies and creepers set up | 39.809 | 3.781 |
torches set up torches get over here | 42.149 | 3.0 |
between the water get in the water | 43.59 | 3.96 |
sorry go to law between the water see | 45.149 | 3.781 |
the currents around oh I gotta get those | 47.55 | 4.02 |
beds oh [ __ ] we'll fight them off | 48.93 | 4.559 |
I'll get beds he's giving oh they're | 51.57 | 4.71 |
shooting at us this is it laughs holy | 53.489 | 3.39 |
[ __ ] | 56.28 | 4.32 |
Oh crash I just witnessed that this is a | 56.879 | 6.241 |
horrible day in the history this is a | 60.6 | 4.8 |
horrible day I'm ready get look at him | 63.12 | 5.66 |
so quick oh my god this place is hell | 65.4 | 8.43 |
hey hey you loser man where the [ __ ] do | 68.78 | 7.21 |
I got it yeah we gotta meds what do we | 73.83 | 4.679 |
do come on come up here in the water | 75.99 | 4.35 |
sign me to etrem Ryan gentlemen the | 78.509 | 4.65 |
eater of the guy it's the creepers that | 80.34 | 6.569 |
are the problem the Reapers are part um | 83.159 | 5.64 |
be the zombies are the worst | 86.909 | 4.741 |
I mean idiots Bradley you're right then | 88.799 | 4.921 |
you got the creepers and then oh my gosh | 91.65 | 4.2 |
you know you screw you here I'll come | 93.72 | 3.27 |
and get you come and get me a little | 95.85 | 1.68 |
[ __ ] | 96.99 | 2.489 |
all right Circle up all right Neves I'm | 97.53 | 4.26 |
looking at your back all right I think a | 99.479 | 3.721 |
good place to sleep would be right there | 101.79 | 4.35 |
between the two waterfalls good idea who | 103.2 | 4.349 |
has beds oh go ahead | 106.14 | 5.189 |
I do waterfalls all right there's a | 107.549 | 5.131 |
there's a skeleton up there it'd be | 111.329 | 2.82 |
great if someone else could get him I'm | 112.68 | 5.039 |
on him oh god Apter just got shot good | 114.149 | 5.0 |
to get | 117.719 | 3.171 |
he's down all right cool all right Leah | 119.149 | 3.481 |
beds out the creeper raper | 120.89 | 3.63 |
where are we laying the bed's anywhere | 122.63 | 3.15 |
limp I'm gonna lay them out once a good | 124.52 | 3.749 |
thing people here okay when do we start | 125.78 | 4.289 |
cuz I go ahead and lay them out right | 128.269 | 4.771 |
now I'm going I'm going right now I I | 130.069 | 5.461 |
got a bed down I'm going to bed | 133.04 | 4.44 |
all right I'm watching one watching this | 135.53 | 3.599 |
way there's nothing's where he wears her | 137.48 | 3.479 |
down all right and someone else has | 139.129 | 2.371 |
another bed | 140.959 | 2.521 |
did we lose one in the explosion yet did | 141.5 | 3.569 |
we lose one you don't have another one | 143.48 | 3.899 |
doraleous no I just had to oh man do I | 145.069 | 3.06 |
have any wool | 147.379 | 3.591 |
oh no are you looking down there noobs | 148.129 | 6.661 |
no other Enderman I don't see a bed damn | 150.97 | 5.769 |
it well look we've got this place nice | 154.79 | 3.36 |
and lit up so not a lot of chickens | 156.739 | 3.81 |
spawn yeah boy spider on me we need a | 158.15 | 5.55 |
bed I have nothing make a bed I see a | 160.549 | 4.921 |
sheep right here and I've shears their | 163.7 | 3.75 |
sheep nearby yeah we should probably all | 165.47 | 3.39 |
go together if we're gonna go out there | 167.45 | 5.16 |
uh what's that for Simon why whoosh | 168.86 | 5.909 |
where should I be somewhere where you | 172.61 | 3.45 |
don't walk here watching the other beds | 174.769 | 5.181 |
oh and it's starting to rain | 176.06 | 3.89 |
all right we need a crafting table and | 183.69 | 3.84 |
would y'all just keep monsters away from | 185.73 | 3.21 |
me all right we got another bed we're | 187.53 | 8.9 |
good okay sleep everybody whoo okay | 188.94 | 9.39 |
fresh morning guys | 196.43 | 4.09 |
yeah I can really appreciate this place | 198.33 | 6.21 |
with a little bit of you know peace why | 200.52 | 5.13 |
are you turning why do you have green | 204.54 | 3.24 |
bubbles and mittens I was I'm a survivor | 205.65 | 5.31 |
that's why here's your bed thank you | 207.78 | 4.59 |
you're welcome see how I did that | 210.96 | 4.08 |
seamlessly I was very skilled Simon yeah | 212.37 | 4.56 |
well guess what I'm a gamer look at apps | 215.04 | 3.81 |
are riding up but no that's a good idea | 216.93 | 4.14 |
should we do that yeah absolutely I get | 218.85 | 3.63 |
scared when I do that Simon you're gonna | 221.07 | 3.18 |
do it I'm gonna try I don't know how you | 222.48 | 3.93 |
can go it may not go all the way up you | 224.25 | 3.33 |
have a pickaxe you could dig a little | 226.41 | 3.45 |
can I drowned right now don't you fall | 227.58 | 4.38 |
yeah you have to go in and out so not | 229.86 | 3.99 |
not that far out I don't want to do it | 231.96 | 4.95 |
Simon I'm done how do you stay how do | 233.85 | 4.8 |
you do that he's got to stay close it's | 236.91 | 3.66 |
like you're kind of hanging out I see | 238.65 | 4.77 |
I'm doing it now hey yo still scary it | 240.57 | 5.43 |
is super scary is that wood that is wood | 243.42 | 4.71 |
I just laid it oh my god look at me we | 246.0 | 5.19 |
could step it up on it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] | 248.13 | 7.13 |
what I'm Jung going up a tear I [ __ ] uh | 251.19 | 8.51 |
or cliffhangers guys be oh look at us Oh | 255.26 | 7.03 |
Simon how you doing buddy I don't know | 259.7 | 5.35 |
am I still going up I got a pretty tight | 262.29 | 4.56 |
butthole are you asking if you're going | 265.05 | 5.01 |
up do you realize how I'm confused right | 266.85 | 6.9 |
now you're like walking around not even | 270.06 | 9.23 |
near the water here's the looking up | 273.75 | 7.35 |
hell are you doing | 279.29 | 6.37 |
he's on the ground you have no idea it | 281.1 | 6.9 |
was like so I'm a little optical | 285.66 | 5.67 |
illusion where near up dude I thought I | 288.0 | 5.22 |
was going up you guys are getting closer | 291.33 | 3.81 |
I can tell this is some cliffhanger | 293.22 | 3.9 |
stuff right here I'm scared cool scary | 295.14 | 5.04 |
you're you all got up there yeah oh god | 297.12 | 5.12 |
I got a little [ __ ] zombie after me | 300.18 | 4.76 |
you little [ __ ] | 302.24 | 5.62 |
look they wait for you to be alone I | 304.94 | 4.51 |
know you guys left me | 307.86 | 3.48 |
we'll be back we just want to get a good | 309.45 | 4.2 |
vantage point better be a hot damn meal | 311.34 | 3.859 |
when we get back to start | 313.65 | 3.319 |
in Simon yeah do some Krishna [ __ ] yeah | 315.199 | 3.541 |
oh [ __ ] what's wrong | 316.969 | 3.54 |
being attacked by zombies while I'm | 318.74 | 6.239 |
fishing the [ __ ] is going oh I died no | 320.509 | 9.361 |
no I died she's not wonderful Simon I | 324.979 | 6.96 |
died I think I'm in the river does that | 329.87 | 3.539 |
mean all my shits at the water are you | 331.939 | 3.181 |
back when we first started minecraft | 333.409 | 4.1 |
yeah I think I see the light tail light | 335.12 | 5.819 |
now say built your way over there yeah | 337.509 | 5.351 |
make a boat there should be there should | 340.939 | 4.111 |
be a chest actually yeah this would be a | 342.86 | 3.989 |
good you can you can see open I'll see | 345.05 | 4.1 |
if my buoy system works okay | 346.849 | 5.671 |
so leaving Simon was a total bad idea oh | 349.15 | 5.919 |
my god who knew we should go get some | 352.52 | 5.1 |
and stuff yeah he's not gonna I don't | 355.069 | 5.94 |
see any very different biomes yet no so | 357.62 | 5.4 |
I go I'm in a boat how do I know where | 361.009 | 3.75 |
to got follow the buoys yeah that'll | 363.02 | 3.81 |
take you back to yeah buoys you taking | 364.759 | 4.981 |
back go ahead and say it Simon say what | 366.83 | 7.199 |
oh boy oh cheese see now uh-huh we have | 369.74 | 6.959 |
Simon's horse oh [ __ ] no sometimes horse | 374.029 | 5.7 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] I found my way home noobs you | 376.699 | 5.7 |
did yeah pretty proud of myself | 379.729 | 5.131 |
yep you really done good for dying you | 382.399 | 3.721 |
guys really you left me in the lurch | 384.86 | 3.359 |
yeah we did we've gotta left you a | 386.12 | 4.56 |
little bit hey Belvedere now going down | 388.219 | 4.23 |
a waterfall is that just as easy | 390.68 | 3.659 |
yeah just hop in it and ride it yeah I | 392.449 | 3.661 |
feel like I've fallen out before you | 394.339 | 7.591 |
will you'll fall all right where'd you | 396.11 | 9.75 |
die Simon oh it was I was fishing I see | 401.93 | 6.509 |
you up here we go look at all that like | 405.86 | 3.809 |
that's what I would say the downside of | 408.439 | 2.79 |
an area like this neebs yeah watch it | 409.669 | 3.691 |
was creeper coming right towards you how | 411.229 | 5.19 |
about here guts come running yeah he's | 413.36 | 5.039 |
gonna blow I know don't let him blow | 416.419 | 3.42 |
nearly stuff I don't like that was the | 418.399 | 2.811 |
first time I got attacked by a spider | 419.839 | 4.05 |
and it won't eat time yeah because it | 421.21 | 3.85 |
was in the shade | 423.889 | 2.43 |
yeah it's spawning in a dark area | 425.06 | 4.05 |
perilous what how hard was that to not | 426.319 | 4.77 |
let him blow up he didn't blow up any of | 429.11 | 3.479 |
that's no he blew up all that stuff no | 431.089 | 2.85 |
he didn't we were over here when he blew | 432.589 | 3.66 |
up well it was never a lot of stuff that | 433.939 | 4.021 |
was there second ago there anymore | 436.249 | 3.871 |
because you picked it up no there was a | 437.96 | 3.959 |
whole bunch stuff I was waiting to go | 440.12 | 4.589 |
back for mmm all right yeah should we go | 441.919 | 5.071 |
get our horses make sure you grab we're | 444.709 | 3.751 |
coming had like a hundred done | 446.99 | 3.45 |
at least there's only three horses out | 448.46 | 4.23 |
here who's missing my horse escape me | 450.44 | 5.16 |
could not handle me oh [ __ ] you should | 452.69 | 4.02 |
come over here we should sleep real | 455.6 | 2.55 |
quick all right I'm in bed I'm in | 456.71 | 4.59 |
battery up I'm in bed come on I'm in bed | 458.15 | 6.66 |
nice group so what's the deal with | 461.3 | 5.13 |
Simon's horse I have no idea I don't | 464.81 | 3.54 |
know if it's dead or if well name it or | 466.43 | 3.63 |
what Neves should we head back towards | 468.35 | 2.73 |
the barn you helped me this [ __ ] | 470.06 | 5.52 |
zombie he hustles you a zombie see they | 471.08 | 7.2 |
don't burn the babies don't burn leaves | 475.58 | 4.02 |
don't you know how to breed horses now | 478.28 | 3.33 |
we can't give up on Simon's horse that | 479.6 | 3.75 |
easy if we find out what the hell are we | 481.61 | 2.7 |
supposed to do with it we don't have | 483.35 | 2.34 |
Simon I mean the horse should have been | 484.31 | 4.35 |
in that hole right yeah yeah Jesus I'm | 485.69 | 4.17 |
running aimlessly I don't even know | 488.66 | 2.55 |
where I'm going don't get lost | 489.86 | 3.03 |
yeah don't get lost dude just that was a | 491.21 | 5.4 |
big big hole holy [ __ ] into lava oh wow | 492.89 | 4.77 |
yeah Jesus | 496.61 | 2.67 |
what did your horse look like Simon it | 497.66 | 3.57 |
was all black I'm running around the | 499.28 | 3.24 |
whole area I don't probably fell into | 501.23 | 3.0 |
that lava if it has anything to do with | 502.52 | 2.34 |
its owner | 504.23 | 2.52 |
maybe check the barn yeah can you get to | 504.86 | 3.9 |
the barn Simon I'm at the barn it's not | 506.75 | 4.44 |
GTA there's no horse no you own a head | 508.76 | 3.12 |
back to camp | 511.19 | 3.21 |
might as well so we can bone breed a | 511.88 | 4.23 |
horse and I'll name mine I'm gonna I | 514.4 | 3.18 |
know what I'm gonna name on do you have | 516.11 | 3.63 |
a nametag now uh no [ __ ] I need a | 517.58 | 3.81 |
nametag what I like we're gonna need | 519.74 | 3.36 |
another saddle you want to check up in | 521.39 | 3.69 |
my spider Sam I've never been up there | 523.1 | 4.35 |
go ahead so we go down all right | 525.08 | 4.47 |
may as well all right back on the map | 527.45 | 4.62 |
nice life where the hell is the spider | 529.55 | 4.56 |
up here go down there and over the | 532.07 | 3.6 |
bridge I see I've never done that | 534.11 | 3.81 |
Micah you never did that never done that | 535.67 | 5.54 |
I never did that bird or | 537.92 | 4.71 |
Suns going down | 541.21 | 3.46 |
I'm in bed I'm staying in bed you gonna | 542.63 | 3.84 |
hop out Simon once you explore my chest | 544.67 | 3.06 |
and see if there's a name tag that's why | 546.47 | 2.31 |
you're up there in the first place right | 547.73 | 2.7 |
oh we all together yeah I'm with you and | 548.78 | 3.06 |
then with a chance Simon grab me a beer | 550.43 | 4.35 |
guess we gotta cross this alright oh boy | 551.84 | 5.37 |
don't kill her with her oh geez oh wait | 554.78 | 4.47 |
what else is there be careful there's a | 557.21 | 3.39 |
couple in which I think pushing the | 559.25 | 4.02 |
other way scales in where is there a | 560.6 | 4.4 |
creeper | 563.27 | 2.84 |
all right there's a creeper in the water | 565.0 | 4.14 |
I'm up all right noobs I'm I'm on my | 566.11 | 5.04 |
horse so I'm watching you I'm gonna pull | 569.14 | 4.86 |
up my bow and arrow I'm gonna hit my | 571.15 | 5.37 |
donkey i watch you guys' but I had some | 574.0 | 5.22 |
bees coming in we've got creepers on | 576.52 | 3.87 |
that side there | 579.22 | 3.6 |
creepers dead I don't have a bow and | 580.39 | 3.48 |
arrow watch my back | 582.82 | 2.73 |
mommy I'm watching your back man do what | 583.87 | 3.03 |
you got to do get that donkey out of the | 585.55 | 3.63 |
water Oh mr. teeth face come on you need | 586.9 | 4.2 |
us go that thing Oh little [ __ ] | 589.18 | 3.9 |
little [ __ ] Simon's not here little | 591.1 | 4.76 |
[ __ ] you guys miss me | 593.08 | 4.95 |
mm-hmm-hmm I got a nametag | 595.86 | 6.25 |
oh good see oh crap creepers holy shots | 598.03 | 6.15 |
just keep running there we're too fast | 602.11 | 2.67 |
for them | 604.18 | 3.74 |
skeletons up top but I see the barn yeah | 604.78 | 6.29 |
made it the heck got three eggs | 607.92 | 5.74 |
bamm-bamm oh I made a little chicken did | 611.07 | 5.11 |
you well sugar are you guys all going to | 613.66 | 6.02 |
bed I'm going upstairs gonna sleep all | 616.18 | 4.86 |
right | 619.68 | 3.49 |
and get me a beer Sammy I do have a | 621.04 | 4.17 |
saddle that's good I don't know how I | 623.17 | 3.48 |
got it alright neebs | 625.21 | 5.1 |
hmm horse breeding that's our next step | 626.65 | 6.96 |
in it so I just made gold nuggets out of | 630.31 | 8.84 |
a gold bar yeah nuggets bar here it gold | 633.61 | 8.4 |
up I just made my first gold karat | 639.15 | 6.34 |
alright I have three gold carats maybe I | 642.01 | 5.19 |
should make four are we about to witness | 645.49 | 4.35 |
some magic I would think so yeah we got | 647.2 | 3.12 |
a saddle | 649.84 | 2.85 |
we got a nametag are you gonna go ahead | 650.32 | 3.6 |
and name your horse now you can wait to | 652.69 | 3.12 |
get it I think I'm gonna wait til I get | 653.92 | 4.68 |
it so we need to make our way to the | 655.81 | 4.92 |
horses what we can't use our horses we | 658.6 | 5.64 |
need to get to the horse field no why | 660.73 | 4.74 |
don't we use our horses yeah what I | 664.24 | 3.54 |
can't we breed our horses yeah breed our | 665.47 | 4.89 |
horses that just seems like too personal | 667.78 | 5.49 |
we know these horses oh that's nothing I | 670.36 | 4.53 |
don't [ __ ] letting bang that's a good | 673.27 | 3.87 |
interior like each other let them put | 674.89 | 3.93 |
their fingers in each other and have fun | 677.14 | 3.24 |
you know what I mean you want to go off | 678.82 | 3.06 |
and let some other horse have fun what's | 680.38 | 3.48 |
wrong with you I would like these horses | 681.88 | 4.29 |
bang and have a good time do me a favor | 683.86 | 4.83 |
let me choose who which ones you mate | 686.17 | 5.13 |
cuz I'm I want to choose the color look | 688.69 | 4.62 |
I love a puffy puss we'll gladly [ __ ] | 691.3 | 3.45 |
any one of these | 693.31 | 3.3 |
you know what I'm looking for I'm | 694.75 | 4.71 |
looking for this awakens which one is | 696.61 | 5.49 |
the black spotted which ones black with | 699.46 | 3.39 |
white spots | 702.1 | 2.88 |
that's Ella Murray Ella Murray okay I | 702.85 | 4.86 |
want to meet Ella no hotel mr. teeth | 704.98 | 5.52 |
face wants in on this okay I wanna I | 707.71 | 4.74 |
wanna eat it with your damn you where | 710.5 | 4.77 |
listen this is what I heard if you mate | 712.45 | 5.37 |
a horse with a mute with it one key you | 715.27 | 5.55 |
get a horse with storage capability no | 717.82 | 4.11 |
way that's what I've heard | 720.82 | 3.09 |
well guess what that's what I want that | 721.93 | 3.6 |
makes that donkey prime mate material | 723.91 | 4.38 |
yeah I wanted a true are what are you | 725.53 | 6.27 |
wingman donkey teeth face can you try to | 728.29 | 5.85 |
do the donkey with the with the black | 731.8 | 5.34 |
horse with the white spots white spots | 734.14 | 6.0 |
Ella Murray LM crazy face Emma's teeth | 737.14 | 4.71 |
base and now if that doesn't work out I | 740.14 | 5.43 |
want Ella Murray with um fix horse all | 741.85 | 5.1 |
right well let's let's get on their own | 745.57 | 3.84 |
space can little private area stay | 746.95 | 4.02 |
watching I don't want a private here I | 749.41 | 2.88 |
want to watch him I don't feel weird | 750.97 | 3.45 |
yeah they won't feel mama watch it and | 752.29 | 3.42 |
I'm gonna enjoy watching on the | 754.42 | 3.15 |
environment is like we're swingers here | 755.71 | 3.57 |
all right brains are fine bring Ella | 757.57 | 4.26 |
Murray over here hey Ella you cool with | 759.28 | 2.76 |
this | 761.83 | 2.07 |
all right snuffle puffle you get by a | 762.04 | 4.53 |
donkey you're aware that well you don't | 763.9 | 4.56 |
know which ones doing the [ __ ] do you | 766.57 | 3.54 |
Ella Murray's a woman hey why don't | 768.46 | 3.27 |
y'all ride those two so they stay out of | 770.11 | 2.85 |
this you know they're gonna want to jump | 771.73 | 4.41 |
in no it's not no look snuffle puffle | 772.96 | 5.04 |
puss is perfectly fine hanging back and | 776.14 | 3.87 |
watching alright because i like horsing | 778.0 | 2.4 |
around | 780.01 | 3.12 |
yes oh yeah that was all the worse I was | 780.4 | 5.01 |
a horse around I hate wet come here look | 783.13 | 3.78 |
at she's coming back to it okay honey | 785.41 | 4.44 |
it's okay honey here we go she's there | 786.91 | 5.16 |
we go all right you're fine babe is the | 789.85 | 4.59 |
hottest thing is oh look at this oh my | 792.07 | 10.17 |
god hey little guy you can look at us | 794.44 | 10.32 |
buddy oh my gosh let me tell you one | 802.24 | 3.81 |
thing right now those colors are | 804.76 | 3.45 |
beautiful it's brown oh you know what | 806.05 | 4.68 |
his name is gonna be well his name's | 808.21 | 5.16 |
gonna be pudding pudding pudding yeah | 810.73 | 4.44 |
cuz it's like chocolate pudding write it | 813.37 | 4.05 |
write it Simon I'm gonna ride him | 815.17 | 3.93 |
do you have a set up your honor you | 817.42 | 3.27 |
can't ride him until he gets older you | 819.1 | 2.7 |
can't ride him when you're on another | 820.69 | 2.639 |
horse either yeah yeah we got away from | 821.8 | 4.05 |
the Grove little bit you see Simon | 823.329 | 5.13 |
trodden to horse I get his hips ain't | 825.85 | 3.03 |
around | 828.459 | 3.12 |
he's shy that's all it's son he's | 828.88 | 3.93 |
ashamed of what he is | 831.579 | 3.151 |
oh he's a little bad shouldn't be ready | 832.81 | 5.61 |
shiny oh let's let's quit looking at him | 834.73 | 5.19 |
look at this [ __ ] corner right now | 838.42 | 3.84 |
this is my son the cows if he came over | 839.92 | 7.08 |
okay look this is my son that's not your | 842.26 | 7.079 |
son it is doesn't make any sense - sighs | 847.0 | 4.829 |
son leave him will you leave my freaking | 849.339 | 4.531 |
horse alone right about here I'm trying | 851.829 | 3.931 |
to have let him have a good time go have | 853.87 | 4.05 |
go have happy times go screw that | 855.76 | 3.63 |
chicken let's go to sleep maybe I'll | 857.92 | 2.55 |
grow up while we're sleeping I want to | 859.39 | 2.699 |
feed it a little bit more [ __ ] buddy | 860.47 | 3.239 |
all right you don't have a good bed | 862.089 | 4.201 |
Simon can't you realize that I still | 863.709 | 4.491 |
have a hard time with ladder something | 866.29 | 3.419 |
there we go | 868.2 | 3.819 |
oh god you just keep falling you're | 869.709 | 3.0 |
gonna die | 872.019 | 2.521 |
boom you know like night guys good night | 872.709 | 3.031 |
everybody your neck | 874.54 | 3.21 |
good night puddin where's Simon Simon | 875.74 | 7.62 |
you have a visitor I do yeah baby zombie | 877.75 | 7.41 |
oh good lord | 883.36 | 6.12 |
grow grow how do you feed them pit right | 885.16 | 7.83 |
quickly oh ho yeah hit him hit him with | 889.48 | 5.58 |
the weed yeah oh that a winema where you | 892.99 | 4.38 |
get a bond do you like carrots who likes | 895.06 | 4.889 |
chicken who likes chicken all right I | 897.37 | 4.17 |
don't like pudding anymore I think he's | 899.949 | 5.601 |
a dick oh wait he's bigger he's big | 901.54 | 4.01 |
now it's on him Halon son go ahead okay | 905.779 | 6.12 |
see if you can do that double jump oh | 909.64 | 4.0 |
all right yeah I see the saddle space | 911.899 | 3.961 |
but hold it up oh he goes pretty high | 913.64 | 7.59 |
huh yay all right now we have to put | 915.86 | 7.38 |
ultimate test yep this time I have to be | 921.23 | 3.81 |
off of it maybe you know yes I'm at hop | 923.24 | 6.27 |
I won't know up very good oh my god it's | 925.04 | 7.2 |
a horse best that's the best combo so | 929.51 | 4.35 |
how do I name my first you have to get | 932.24 | 3.51 |
all have to get off get off yeah there's | 933.86 | 3.51 |
not a handle on your on your [ __ ] | 935.75 | 3.779 |
donkey they hated Belvedere it's getting | 937.37 | 4.17 |
dark I can't believe it salmon you just | 939.529 | 4.471 |
click the thing type it what the [ __ ] am | 941.54 | 4.14 |
i doing grab what are you doing right | 944.0 | 5.73 |
box now that what this right [ __ ] | 945.68 | 5.76 |
arrow is pull that down | 949.73 | 4.02 |
yeah you did it now what's you do just | 951.44 | 3.78 |
right-click on him I don't know if | 953.75 | 3.24 |
something's by the window where the [ __ ] | 955.22 | 5.1 |
is he over here he's over here just look | 956.99 | 6.45 |
big brown eyed look at him if I looked | 960.32 | 6.3 |
at him I saw various right now right | 963.44 | 4.889 |
click been around like an idiot oh yeah | 966.62 | 5.88 |
put the nut put the wooden fork or Satan | 968.329 | 6.421 |
there you go there you get it right I'm | 972.5 | 3.449 |
good | 974.75 | 4.019 |
hey boom your dumb half-breed god I | 975.949 | 4.771 |
freaking hate this I hate this game | 978.769 | 4.38 |
today you have the best donkey horse in | 980.72 | 4.77 |
the game yeah no excited to the house | 983.149 | 5.221 |
let's call it a day the house or the | 985.49 | 6.5 |
barn the barn okay | 988.37 | 3.62 |
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