I MUST BE OUT OF MY MIND! | Subnautica #24
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Subnautica! Today, we're gonna be scanning a Ghost Leviathan. What could possibly go wrong, right?
simon: Oh man, I can't wait to see you get eaten alive by that thing, Neebs! It's gonna be hilarious!
appsro: I must be out of my mind watching you guys play this. But hey, it's entertaining, so I'm all in!
neebs: Oh come on, Appsro! You know you love watching me make questionable decisions in this game. It's all part of the fun!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, have you seen the latest Subnautica video from Neebs Gaming? They're on a mission to scan a Ghost Leviathan and things are getting pretty intense! I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right? If you're a fan of Subnautica and love watching hilarious gameplay, this is definitely the video for you.
I love how Neebs Gaming always brings their A-game when it comes to playing Subnautica. The way they explore the underwater world and encounter all sorts of crazy creatures is both entertaining and thrilling. From shallow coral reefs to deep-sea trenches, they never fail to keep me on the edge of my seat.
And let's not forget about the music in their videos. It really sets the tone and adds to the overall experience. Plus, the guys at Neebs Gaming always make sure to give credit to the artists, like Kevin MacLeod, whose tracks are featured in their videos. It's little details like this that really show how much they care about their content and their fans.
If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to their channel and hit that bell icon so you never miss a Subnautica log. Trust me, you won't regret it! And don't forget to check out their Patreon and grab yourself a 00FU t-shirt to show your support. Let's support these guys who bring us so much joy and laughter with their awesome gameplay videos. #NeebsGaming #SubnauticaGame #UnknownWorlds.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 7.48 | 3.089 |
[Music] | 16.75 | 4.329 |
my name's Mia sir you still want me to | 25.71 | 12.91 |
scan this damn thing oh man you could | 28.57 | 10.85 |
see it | 38.62 | 4.23 |
yeah the giant worm not like the other | 39.42 | 5.47 |
giant worms oh god where'd it go oh I | 42.85 | 8.459 |
see yeah I see it this would be the size | 44.89 | 8.04 |
of like oh boy here we go here we go | 51.309 | 4.1 |
here we go | 52.93 | 2.479 |
[Music] | 58.19 | 3.17 |
[Laughter] | 64.37 | 3.33 |
no it's bigger than two great things all | 75.93 | 24.88 |
right I'll tell you what I'm gonna do | 99.729 | 2.611 |
Neves I'm gonna go for the one that I | 100.81 | 5.1 |
know the eyestalk see I know I stock | 102.34 | 5.52 |
seeds so I'm going for that but here's | 105.91 | 3.9 |
the thing I may want to upgrade dr. | 107.86 | 4.71 |
spaghetti again should I go check on the | 109.81 | 7.38 |
Cyclops yes I think it's destroyed but I | 112.57 | 6.96 |
can't we can run out and check I don't | 117.19 | 3.81 |
know if there's any sandwich to be found | 119.53 | 4.32 |
over there maybe I can find the the mark | 121.0 | 5.78 |
the depth thing | 123.85 | 2.93 |
I was out here oh yeah the Cyclops I | 132.09 | 45.8 |
[Music] | 180.23 | 3.12 |
don't know | 185.42 | 4.72 |
oh wait now that I look good oh yeah no | 186.989 | 7.771 |
it's [ __ ] I think I don't know yeah I | 190.14 | 7.8 |
can't even get in it oh there's a warper | 194.76 | 7.59 |
oh oh god yeah the giant where is the | 197.94 | 5.94 |
port where's the team from the front | 202.35 | 5.039 |
seat with the front - yeah oh yeah it is | 203.88 | 10.5 |
[ __ ] man hold on man that planners here | 207.389 | 9.0 |
a lot of engagement stations here oh | 214.38 | 5.54 |
wait is only doctor here | 216.389 | 3.531 |
oh yeah hey all my still here yeah | 222.099 | 5.881 |
silver and diamond oh man if you take | 226.03 | 4.92 |
that diamond silver alright well we know | 227.98 | 8.369 |
where to come to get stuff yeah I know I | 230.95 | 7.019 |
am taking a first aid kit and I'm | 236.349 | 4.73 |
getting the [ __ ] out of here | 237.969 | 3.11 |
what am I sensors app store you're | 245.38 | 4.08 |
getting thirsty did you break anything | 247.51 | 4.2 |
on the beach yeah I do have one bottle | 249.46 | 7.529 |
of regular water with you yes I also I | 251.71 | 7.97 |
have four I have four things as he wants | 256.989 | 5.191 |
yeah I have a still suit it just makes | 259.68 | 7.44 |
it okay I'm not gonna get rid of the P I | 262.18 | 7.14 |
don't want to get rid of the snow suit | 267.12 | 5.19 |
get rid of it I'm not | 269.32 | 7.14 |
I am a drink P if I need that if I have | 272.31 | 7.75 |
to listen I would love to quit but I may | 276.46 | 5.34 |
need to drink the P to survive you | 280.06 | 10.53 |
understand this right here's how you | 281.8 | 11.19 |
guys help me yet get me off this planet | 290.59 | 4.05 |
and you get me back to a place where I | 292.99 | 4.61 |
can buy bottled water | 294.64 | 2.96 |
[Music] | 305.86 | 9.14 |
what yes I can hear you meow all right | 308.61 | 8.24 |
I'm drinking this bottle of water | 315.0 | 7.17 |
delicious no I'm keeping the pee I'm | 316.85 | 8.2 |
heading back up dr. spaghetti listen I | 322.17 | 4.41 |
want to upgrade dr. spaghetti without | 325.05 | 7.56 |
your spaghetti can go deep I remember we | 326.58 | 7.83 |
needed a modification station which I | 332.61 | 4.38 |
have one of those on the at red graph | 334.41 | 10.67 |
bait it's a little redstone | 336.99 | 8.09 |
Oh need hold on | 354.91 | 11.13 |
yeah I think this is one of them yep the | 362.46 | 7.27 |
ice doc they owned the ice shop see how | 366.04 | 6.12 |
do I get a peep in it with a knife yep | 369.73 | 12.15 |
all right yep one I stock feed searching | 372.16 | 12.0 |
for Ruby if I see any plants that I | 381.88 | 3.84 |
don't think I began I'll just try to | 384.16 | 23.19 |
scan them yeah it was only three I | 385.72 | 29.76 |
needed correct Ruby last feeling it oh | 407.35 | 10.32 |
yeah that was just a bunch of I'm not | 415.48 | 4.11 |
mistaken a plasteel wait no that's | 417.67 | 3.54 |
titanium in here oh god how did I make | 419.59 | 7.29 |
plasteel ingot yeah I'm gonna need | 421.21 | 7.02 |
titanium but I don't want to fill my | 426.88 | 24.54 |
fill up my inventory you know I may have | 428.23 | 25.76 |
taken that off | 451.42 | 2.57 |
[Music] | 511.25 | 15.51 |
your angles are playing Oh | 524.18 | 6.28 |
k3 now we're still missing something my | 526.76 | 6.97 |
plan right now is to eat meat yeah and | 530.46 | 7.65 |
not drink pee now what is it yeah I can | 533.73 | 6.3 |
do that because yeah I can drink a large | 538.11 | 3.96 |
filtered well [ __ ] my inventory space | 540.03 | 3.21 |
see that's the thing that still suit | 542.07 | 2.46 |
just fills up my inventory with pee | 543.24 | 1.68 |
water | 544.53 | 3.21 |
okay so I'm drinking the pee water I'm | 544.92 | 18.66 |
drinking the I'm hungry I'm dying of | 547.74 | 20.9 |
hunger here drinking the [ __ ] pee | 563.58 | 13.05 |
prick I'm not dumping the pee it's an | 568.64 | 11.1 |
easy way to get water | 576.63 | 3.11 |
[Music] | 581.26 | 3.06 |
[Music] | 587.93 | 4.36 |
listen yeah if I had a bottle okay | 589.94 | 4.93 |
that's the thing I like I like having | 592.29 | 4.17 |
the steelsuit did you see it's an easy | 594.87 | 19.62 |
way to get water listen I am just trying | 596.46 | 21.92 |
to survive here if I have to drink | 614.49 | 3.89 |
[Music] | 632.9 | 7.489 |
yeah yeah yeah hot damn that's it | 650.29 | 94.59 |
[Music] | 755.69 | 3.069 |
all right so now we got the flat steel | 765.42 | 4.27 |
ingot and the three rubies what else do | 767.8 | 6.39 |
we need the depth module yeah nice | 769.69 | 7.56 |
telling it three Ruby the modification | 774.19 | 5.94 |
station right so wait this is for the | 777.25 | 5.01 |
mark three yeah yeah didn't you have to | 780.13 | 3.57 |
make the first one before you can make | 782.26 | 5.4 |
the new one okay well oh yeah I'll go | 783.7 | 9.45 |
look where's my modification station | 787.66 | 8.27 |
I've had a modification station in here | 793.15 | 24.84 |
it was here it was here okay I think I | 795.93 | 23.17 |
think we need to make a modification | 817.99 | 3.24 |
station because I don't have one you | 819.1 | 5.82 |
know what yeah I mean I may have taken | 821.23 | 5.73 |
her I may have taken it I may have taken | 824.92 | 4.95 |
it apart and put it on this Cyclops yeah | 826.96 | 4.35 |
which is at the bottom of the ocean in a | 829.87 | 3.89 |
lava pit | 831.31 | 2.45 |
know if I can or if it even is still | 834.0 | 8.819 |
bears resources maybe it may be easier | 836.55 | 7.649 |
just to make a new one because if I | 842.819 | 2.971 |
gotta go there I gotta go to the Cyclops | 844.199 | 4.291 |
which is behind the deep alien base we | 845.79 | 4.109 |
and it's surrounded by war purrs and | 848.49 | 3.81 |
things that want to eat alright how do I | 849.899 | 3.99 |
make a modification station maybe it's | 852.3 | 4.28 |
not that bad look it up | 853.889 | 13.17 |
[Music] | 856.58 | 10.479 |
yeah remind me the copper wire and what | 868.62 | 72.54 |
else | 938.98 | 2.18 |
[Music] | 948.2 | 8.519 |
yep boards that's right I can make hot | 957.42 | 7.32 |
knives got about that yeah make all this | 961.65 | 4.62 |
good stuff a lot of it which already | 964.74 | 7.53 |
have seemed off upgrades okay oh [ __ ] I | 966.27 | 8.28 |
gotta make to make the mark three I have | 972.27 | 3.48 |
to make the mark two | 974.55 | 2.58 |
you know what we might be able to just | 975.75 | 3.69 |
we might be okay with just the mark one | 977.13 | 7.44 |
arms wait yeah yeah oh god I need to | 979.44 | 7.26 |
mark honey I need the mark one to make | 984.57 | 8.64 |
the mark too big waste of time no we're | 986.7 | 7.89 |
making stuff that's gonna come in useful | 993.21 | 3.9 |
Simon come in handy come in useful why I | 994.59 | 11.31 |
say that all right here's what I'm gonna | 997.11 | 12.3 |
do go down I'm gonna store this eyestalk | 1005.9 | 6.57 |
see and lose it and then we'll go to the | 1009.41 | 5.1 |
Cyclops and see we can find maybe we can | 1012.47 | 4.4 |
find some stuff | 1014.51 | 5.54 |
[Music] | 1016.87 | 5.709 |
all right got the bulb sambal got the | 1020.05 | 7.869 |
eyestalk seed to down i stock got it got | 1022.579 | 5.7 |
it | 1027.919 | 4.13 |
see ground following goes wait business | 1028.279 | 6.451 |
yeah I suppose we could yeah let's go | 1032.049 | 27.161 |
check out the Cyclops monster just ate | 1034.73 | 36.78 |
something frame right to it yeah how you | 1059.21 | 14.849 |
describe this thing it looks like a | 1071.51 | 8.029 |
dragon with with like tentacles like no | 1074.059 | 10.791 |
like puffs it just disappeared - no | 1079.539 | 6.581 |
alright | 1084.85 | 3.789 |
run to the Cyclops please I need you to | 1086.12 | 6.019 |
keep it out of my health and my oxygen | 1088.639 | 3.5 |
yeah but I'm out here in the hot ass | 1092.62 | 8.08 |
water it is not gonna go down no I'm | 1094.82 | 9.8 |
okay I ate a little bit before I left | 1100.7 | 3.92 |
okay | 1105.34 | 5.86 |
sound the deep [ __ ] I'm entering the | 1106.49 | 8.659 |
deep [ __ ] now the ruins of it anyway | 1111.2 | 3.949 |
okay oh hey my modification station was | 1124.23 | 3.94 |
down here | 1127.51 | 3.54 |
hold on I wonder if I can yeah let me | 1128.17 | 5.91 |
deconstruct this one so I can get ya the | 1131.05 | 5.88 |
diamond back all right yeah well I even | 1134.08 | 7.07 |
got a tip yeah all right let's see | 1136.93 | 7.65 |
quartz coral titanium all we needed a | 1141.15 | 7.3 |
little coal right Mabel coral and then | 1144.58 | 9.47 |
copper copper gold copper yeah copper | 1148.45 | 10.65 |
nice silver and diamond the gravity of | 1154.05 | 14.05 |
that okay you know what this battery | 1159.1 | 11.19 |
charger deconstructing the battery | 1168.1 | 5.61 |
charger so we can rebuild it power still | 1170.29 | 6.6 |
charger I'm bailing oh yeah I'm hurt I'm | 1173.71 | 22.849 |
hurt I'm hurt getting out of there hot | 1176.89 | 37.08 |
no no it's hot hot hot everywhere okay | 1196.559 | 22.0 |
all right good run though yeah it's | 1213.97 | 6.98 |
women | 1218.559 | 2.391 |
a little I'm going through the portal by | 1223.559 | 28.37 |
Simon | 1249.45 | 2.479 |
you guys go do that stupid nail Joe [ __ ] | 1257.57 | 9.219 |
off with it pretty it's just night time | 1261.389 | 7.591 |
I'm in this mushroom forest and dr. | 1266.789 | 18.24 |
spaghetti was good logic you're right | 1268.98 | 23.48 |
hold on can I smack got something | 1285.029 | 7.431 |
I got a pogo Fayetteville [ __ ] yeah nice | 1293.57 | 9.299 |
nice work needs see you don't need to | 1296.749 | 7.41 |
bring up the parking spots every time | 1302.869 | 3.06 |
you do something good that's what that's | 1304.159 | 3.39 |
what time I was talking about it is | 1305.929 | 10.95 |
being a little sloppy yeah thanks to you | 1307.549 | 12.0 |
you know what the [ __ ] just call me in | 1316.879 | 3.78 |
the morning I'm gonna go back to red | 1319.549 | 2.58 |
grass base and make this damn | 1320.659 | 4.7 |
depth-finder and get some sleep | 1322.129 | 3.23 |
call me in the morning | 1326.229 | 3.63 |
[Music] | 1334.31 | 14.789 |
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