I. AM. THOR! ⚡ (Minecraft Ep 25)
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! So, you won't believe what happened in the latest Minecraft video. Our favorite crew is back at it again, with Dora taking on the role of the mighty God of Thunder. I mean, how cool is that? And let's not forget about Simon, who's busy building a brand new house in the game. The creativity these guys have never ceases to amaze me.
But wait, there's more! Neebs swoops in to save a villager in distress, proving once again that he's the hero we all need in Minecraft. And as if that wasn't enough, Appsro is hard at work building up their castle even more. The dedication these guys have to making their virtual world epic is truly inspiring.
Oh, and did I mention there's a dance party? Yes, you read that right. A dance party in Minecraft. I couldn't stop laughing watching them goof off and have a blast in the game. It's moments like these that make me love Neebs Gaming even more. And hey, if you're as big a fan as I am, you can even grab a Super Simon Defense Squadron shirt to show your support for the channel. How awesome is that?
If you're curious about the mods they're using in this video, they've got you covered with a link to their setup. And if you're not already subscribed to Neebs Gaming, what are you waiting for? They bring so much joy and laughter to their videos, it's impossible not to get hooked. Plus, they've got a whole playlist dedicated to their Minecraft adventures that you won't want to miss.
So, grab a cup of Neebs Gaming Coffee, join their Discord server, and get ready for some epic Minecraft fun. And don't forget to check out their Patreon, Twitch channel, and website for even more content. Trust me, you won't regret diving into the world of Neebs Gaming. Thanks for watching Minecraft with us, and remember - keep on gaming! 🚀 #Minecraft #Raytracing #Neebs

Caption | Start | Duration |
noobs yep what's the story is this | 2.27 | 4.509 |
working the internet I mean like three | 5.069 | 3.721 |
zombies came out of it yesterday that's | 6.779 | 4.11 |
not working though is it no you moved | 8.79 | 3.69 |
well I didn't move yet I'm in the | 10.889 | 3.12 |
process of moving you know that's still | 12.48 | 3.629 |
my house over there okay you know I | 14.009 | 4.261 |
still I still built that home are you | 16.109 | 3.42 |
saying that I can't have that always | 18.27 | 3.06 |
keep it down calm down please | 19.529 | 4.531 |
nice tried in thank you so much that's | 21.33 | 3.75 |
cute yeah | 24.06 | 3.209 |
the world boy you're like Aquaman yes | 25.08 | 5.43 |
but better Aquaman sucks yes what were | 27.269 | 5.191 |
they thinking I haven't even seen it nor | 30.51 | 3.78 |
do I want to knock on the moon tell by | 32.46 | 3.81 |
the character oh you're thinking I don't | 34.29 | 5.76 |
put my food I like fish yeah swim | 36.27 | 5.879 |
underwater it'd be cool but I don't | 40.05 | 4.89 |
wanna hear stories about it no why not I | 42.149 | 4.68 |
don't want to hear stories about that | 44.94 | 2.82 |
what do you want to hear stories about | 46.829 | 3.3 |
not talking to fish what do you want to | 47.76 | 4.11 |
hear a story about like of about the | 50.129 | 4.59 |
couple that fall in love no no you | 51.87 | 4.439 |
watched those movies though sometimes I | 54.719 | 3.031 |
don't want a good love story hey you | 56.309 | 3.511 |
like you like fish stories though like | 57.75 | 4.98 |
dorri dorri not finding the first one | 59.82 | 18.63 |
Finding Nemo Finding Nemo okay I wanted | 62.73 | 17.49 |
to be kind of close oh you want to be | 78.45 | 9.87 |
close to here because this place sucks | 80.22 | 10.02 |
in with zombies sorry | 88.32 | 4.47 |
alright so Simon what I've started a pet | 90.24 | 3.96 |
well I haven't really started a path but | 92.79 | 3.119 |
eventually from here there's gonna be a | 94.2 | 3.87 |
path right okay it's gonna go off this | 95.909 | 5.221 |
way my show but follow me I'm gonna | 98.07 | 4.77 |
follow you this pass eventually gonna | 101.13 | 3.36 |
make it all the way to my castle hey | 102.84 | 6.569 |
guys before you leave can we have I'm | 104.49 | 7.44 |
gonna make a party tower I'd like to | 109.409 | 3.811 |
have a dance party with you guys that's | 111.93 | 1.89 |
cool | 113.22 | 3.8 |
fine okay | 113.82 | 3.2 |
[Music] | 122.45 | 9.18 |
what about this like this little hill | 136.14 | 5.23 |
over there hey you know what I really | 139.75 | 3.209 |
really like like you're looking at the | 141.37 | 2.789 |
hell I'm looking at the beautiful view | 142.959 | 3.78 |
of the thing that I made that no one | 144.159 | 5.041 |
appreciates except for me right you know | 146.739 | 4.08 |
what I love about my places I can't see | 149.2 | 3.69 |
that oh lucky you so I was thinking | 150.819 | 3.931 |
about letting you have a spot near my | 152.89 | 4.62 |
house so I could see it but now I'm | 154.75 | 4.86 |
looking at what you did previously this | 157.51 | 3.99 |
might be a better decision okay well I | 159.61 | 3.75 |
will tell you this let's tear this hill | 161.5 | 4.53 |
this would be your hill Oh make a little | 163.36 | 5.459 |
path out here look címon Hill oh oh so | 166.03 | 3.72 |
the earth you know you're not gonna | 168.819 | 3.301 |
renovate a mountain no of course not at | 169.75 | 4.769 |
this look you know what look at this | 172.12 | 4.83 |
view you can see everything not only can | 174.519 | 4.53 |
we see everything you know what I love | 176.95 | 3.929 |
about it we're gonna keep it really | 179.049 | 4.261 |
natural I'm even keeping the tree that | 180.879 | 4.351 |
tree is gonna be inside my home oh you | 183.31 | 4.019 |
mean like a hobbit hole I'm gonna I | 185.23 | 3.119 |
don't know what I'm gonna build | 187.329 | 2.791 |
I'm just saying the tree will be inside | 188.349 | 3.901 |
the hot horse eat the horse alone this | 190.12 | 3.69 |
horse might I might have a horse live | 192.25 | 3.599 |
inside my house oh you can have stables | 193.81 | 3.69 |
out here war I'm just sayin ring bow | 195.849 | 4.081 |
cephalus and he could have a meal I just | 197.5 | 4.65 |
like living in the oh this is gonna be | 199.93 | 4.29 |
good maybe I'll make a complete glass | 202.15 | 5.22 |
house okay sure you know what you make | 204.22 | 4.5 |
whatever you want that's the whole point | 207.37 | 4.019 |
of here it's it's far enough away that | 208.72 | 4.71 |
it's out of sight of my castle but it's | 211.389 | 4.951 |
close enough to Neves is that whole | 213.43 | 4.679 |
places whatever I'm passing this place | 216.34 | 4.289 |
the possibilities are endless and let's | 218.109 | 12.09 |
face it I'm a genius I can see him I'm a | 220.629 | 14.69 |
genius he's adorable | 230.199 | 5.12 |
[Music] | 241.16 | 57.14 |
noobs what are you doing I'm trying to | 301.54 | 7.18 |
build a mob spawn or tower yeah you're | 304.82 | 5.94 |
improving on it yeah are you making it | 308.72 | 4.02 |
work in the first place first place yeah | 310.76 | 2.91 |
pretty much | 312.74 | 5.25 |
I give any emeralds not many but just go | 313.67 | 6.95 |
trade leather or books with | 317.99 | 5.64 |
what's-his-name is it cooky with good | 320.62 | 5.92 |
meat yeah you need help with that let | 323.63 | 5.97 |
yeah okay I'll be right down | 326.54 | 5.43 |
well do what you're doing I need to make | 329.6 | 4.62 |
some ladders anyway so okay great cuz I | 331.97 | 4.23 |
want to get this whole channeling power | 334.22 | 4.47 |
for this try dad okay and then I can | 336.2 | 5.07 |
control lightning not kind of though | 338.69 | 6.18 |
really in a thunderstorm I can throw the | 341.27 | 6.0 |
tried it and it summons lightning down | 344.87 | 4.02 |
to it that's like being friends with | 347.27 | 4.62 |
Thor you're like Thor yeah of the stage | 348.89 | 5.55 |
I'm pretty much Thor so that could be | 351.89 | 4.2 |
fun huh be fun to help with I have one | 354.44 | 12.24 |
emerald and I need 13 more gotcha break | 356.09 | 20.34 |
right yeah come here yah break come out | 366.68 | 18.66 |
break you damn animal yo all right good | 376.43 | 9.18 |
deal | 385.34 | 3.03 |
no wait uh I don't have a lead have a | 385.61 | 4.59 |
saddle Lannister saddle back at the | 388.37 | 4.11 |
castle which I can see Hello horthy I | 390.2 | 3.66 |
was gonna give you to my buddy Simon | 392.48 | 5.37 |
he's making up probably a whole back | 393.86 | 7.53 |
over there somewhere and your name be | 397.85 | 6.599 |
like um bumble kiss | 401.39 | 6.149 |
kids come here you follow me you don't | 404.449 | 4.71 |
follow me man I need to lead in the | 407.539 | 3.481 |
saddle you stay right there bumble kits | 409.159 | 4.801 |
run to the castle get a saddle man my | 411.02 | 8.85 |
castles looking tits from here all right | 413.96 | 9.15 |
it's gonna do gotta do I don't know I | 419.87 | 6.359 |
don't know how to start this off cuz | 423.11 | 4.829 |
this is gonna be the first thing that | 426.229 | 4.53 |
I've ever built built I think all right | 427.939 | 7.051 |
so I definitely want the tree inside and | 430.759 | 7.111 |
this is my foundation wall essentially I | 434.99 | 5.519 |
just need to see what shape is that it's | 437.87 | 4.769 |
gonna be a big place so it's gonna be | 440.509 | 5.31 |
deep that's what she said she said it | 442.639 | 14.52 |
was gonna be deep you know oh really | 445.819 | 13.44 |
yeah you might want to build a fence or | 457.159 | 5.31 |
something to keep it in Oh babies bumble | 459.259 | 5.97 |
something bumble something oh look how | 462.469 | 5.28 |
pretty look how pretty bumble gift can | 465.229 | 4.081 |
you do me a favor let me get on a bubble | 467.749 | 3.78 |
kiss and then can you just just follow | 469.31 | 3.87 |
my instructions for a second yeah all | 471.529 | 3.63 |
right so do me a favor | 473.18 | 3.78 |
we need bumble kiss to stay do me a | 475.159 | 4.141 |
favor dig a quick hole right here | 476.96 | 4.41 |
anywhere sure yeah I'll fill it in later | 479.3 | 4.289 |
we'll just dump bumble kiss in the hole | 481.37 | 4.469 |
is bumble a girl or a boy it doesn't | 483.589 | 3.681 |
matter I don't really care I mean I do | 485.839 | 5.971 |
girl oh boy what do you want if you look | 487.27 | 6.129 |
at this right here yeah is that enough | 491.81 | 4.49 |
room for oh yeah it'll stay in there how | 493.399 | 4.98 |
how do I get off of these things this | 496.3 | 4.479 |
guy get away good luck | 498.379 | 6.81 |
I got a torch out I'm getting back to | 500.779 | 6.591 |
work that's so nice of you to do that | 505.189 | 3.681 |
thank you | 507.37 | 5.699 |
I'm hittin the chat yep whitey perfect | 508.87 | 7.209 |
ID that in there where we're keeping | 513.069 | 14.651 |
this in oh yeah but um now now got this | 516.079 | 14.7 |
say I love it this is gonna keep this in | 527.72 | 6.059 |
I know I'm in the chat I've got I've got | 530.779 | 4.531 |
a mouse | 533.779 | 9.101 |
see thank you god I hate this I don't | 535.31 | 17.2 |
even have a shovel are you really | 542.88 | 16.13 |
sticking with me yes hole your own Souls | 552.51 | 8.25 |
and EBEs | 559.01 | 5.29 |
yeah how's it going super you really | 560.76 | 4.92 |
really good yeah and I got that | 564.3 | 3.03 |
channeling thing worked out on my AMA | 565.68 | 4.53 |
thing okay yeah can't wait till | 567.33 | 5.61 |
thunderstorms oh I don't think I've ever | 570.21 | 4.8 |
seen a thunderstorm in this game maybe | 572.94 | 8.37 |
once okay yeah you're not gonna get much | 575.01 | 7.53 |
use out of this thing are you | 581.31 | 4.17 |
probably not no but hey it's gonna be | 582.54 | 5.82 |
fun when that happens yep I hope I'm | 585.48 | 5.76 |
here for it yeah so how are you gonna go | 588.36 | 5.94 |
this is this is how hot this is it okay | 591.24 | 4.35 |
that's it and then you're just gonna do | 594.3 | 4.29 |
the same thing down like just the | 595.59 | 5.34 |
zombies spawn up here in the dark and | 598.59 | 4.14 |
they fall down to their death and they | 600.93 | 3.15 |
give us stuff that we need to build | 602.73 | 6.09 |
things I didn't go high enough and maybe | 604.08 | 6.42 |
not wide enough and there's gonna be | 608.82 | 3.45 |
water involved uh-huh | 610.5 | 5.03 |
yeah what was that one Jesus song I'm | 612.27 | 6.77 |
high enough wide enough get me to me | 615.53 | 10.57 |
ain't no mountain high enough to keep me | 619.04 | 10.96 |
Jesus from you babe okay | 626.1 | 6.6 |
trying to sing with you oh I can barely | 630.0 | 3.15 |
hear you | 632.7 | 2.22 |
right we got a little distance between | 633.15 | 4.08 |
us don't worry yeah man I can't wait for | 634.92 | 9.45 |
this party to keep me Jesus from you | 637.23 | 11.94 |
babe keep me Jesus from you babe amen | 644.37 | 7.73 |
god bless | 649.17 | 2.93 |
all right check it out one two three | 657.089 | 6.06 |
pieces of wood one two three pieces a | 659.639 | 4.081 |
wolf | 663.149 | 3.391 |
oh-ho make yourself a bed oh oh thank | 663.72 | 4.95 |
you so much this is a big deal yeah so | 666.54 | 3.959 |
listen yeah I just gave you your first | 668.67 | 2.609 |
bid that's where you're gonna sleep | 670.499 | 1.89 |
every night son | 671.279 | 2.43 |
oh and I can't make a bed unless I'm in | 672.389 | 4.651 |
my craft and fan training just rain rain | 673.709 | 5.461 |
hold on a second rain it's ray it's okay | 677.04 | 4.26 |
if it's raining I'm fine with that | 679.17 | 5.82 |
oh I heard rally's yell whoo yeah that's | 681.3 | 15.899 |
a whoo I got a bed whoa whoa uh we're | 684.99 | 17.519 |
we're not meet you want to see this name | 697.199 | 7.731 |
a place with your friend with your mouth | 702.509 | 6.27 |
where are you going where are you I'm | 704.93 | 5.709 |
coming off my tower yeah I'm coming to | 708.779 | 8.6 |
you oh oh here's a creeper | 710.639 | 6.74 |
I'm God the ISIS thorn out he go control | 723.8 | 13.83 |
lightning or something blew up our yard | 727.56 | 10.07 |
can you read it back | 740.75 | 3.87 |
Oh | 744.91 | 2.03 |
[Music] | 747.63 | 3.09 |
[Music] | 761.46 | 5.9 |
[Music] | 778.6 | 4.49 |
that was awesome I get to see that is | 787.73 | 7.06 |
really cool I hate those phantoms oh | 793.47 | 3.059 |
yeah the worst can we sleep how do we | 794.79 | 3.87 |
get rid of them I keep hearing to go to | 796.529 | 3.24 |
sleep but every time I go to sleep it | 798.66 | 3.359 |
just come back is this night yes yeah I | 799.769 | 3.75 |
mean it seems like nighttime doesn't it | 802.019 | 3.69 |
go to bed go to your house need a bed | 803.519 | 5.19 |
I'm good right now he does need a bed | 805.709 | 5.49 |
all right he's a bit we all have to | 808.709 | 5.55 |
sleep right there you go bid I got one I | 811.199 | 5.31 |
got one white whoa Simon you need three | 814.259 | 6.06 |
well I know can you make it over here I | 816.509 | 6.75 |
just found stone bricks okay that's not | 820.319 | 4.5 |
helping us at all I don't care about | 823.259 | 3.721 |
what you want to do we'll take it up get | 824.819 | 3.901 |
over here Ning's has plenty of wool all | 826.98 | 3.539 |
right can you can make it to nîmes house | 828.72 | 4.38 |
oh boy creepers in front of Eve's house | 830.519 | 4.38 |
I'll make you a band I'm making one | 833.1 | 3.599 |
right now I can't go to Neves house | 834.899 | 5.821 |
there's trouble vitam up Wow | 836.699 | 6.301 |
all right I'm doing this and voted give | 840.72 | 4.64 |
a me | 843.0 | 2.36 |
by munch hey if we sleep now we should | 849.68 | 4.59 |
be alright oh yeah hold on let me get | 851.87 | 12.39 |
down here we did it leaves guten morgen | 854.27 | 21.81 |
don't come down here don't we're gonna | 864.26 | 15.389 |
trap this guy before he burns up working | 876.08 | 8.31 |
up chef this guy come here sir you trap | 879.649 | 11.521 |
trap I'm right here in front of the | 884.39 | 10.56 |
house don't kill the villagers I won't | 891.17 | 5.31 |
kill them I won't do so bad though where | 894.95 | 3.86 |
is he boss side of the now you see | 896.48 | 5.45 |
[Music] | 898.81 | 3.12 |
villagers of it come here so many of | 906.23 | 5.78 |
them it's raining though that's why | 908.6 | 3.41 |
behind yep yep yep yep behind after one | 912.31 | 16.33 |
poops oh uh oh god where to go oh my got | 915.59 | 14.07 |
it | 928.64 | 4.77 |
Oh scary here he comes get him I got him | 929.66 | 4.86 |
what is that what did he just drop | 933.41 | 5.48 |
phantom poop phantom membrane okay | 934.52 | 7.41 |
it's probably gonna die oh yeah he's | 938.89 | 6.97 |
definitely die oh I can do up oh think | 941.93 | 6.24 |
noisy thing can do huh hold on if I | 945.86 | 4.47 |
could open this door wait I'm I have a | 948.17 | 2.76 |
plan | 950.33 | 4.77 |
I open the door come in shut this door | 950.93 | 7.86 |
okay oh hey I think I got it oh yeah I | 955.1 | 6.2 |
think so | 958.79 | 2.51 |
I got hey some man what the hell where | 962.259 | 7.29 |
am I | 969.1 | 2.399 |
I get good question cuz I guess because | 969.549 | 4.171 |
of the bed thing and yeah I've been | 971.499 | 4.71 |
sitting here waiting I mean my stub so | 973.72 | 6.019 |
bad yeah so do I my stuff has dive eggs | 976.209 | 6.87 |
this way Simon alright alright doing it | 979.739 | 4.9 |
cuz there were these beacons that see | 983.079 | 2.67 |
the beacon that's right that's right | 984.639 | 2.75 |
thank you | 985.749 | 5.43 |
okay I just trap the zombie villagers | 987.389 | 5.8 |
over here beautifully coming yeah rip | 991.179 | 3.57 |
hood you I got a potion I got a potion | 993.189 | 3.51 |
of weakness I've been saving yeah so I | 994.749 | 4.32 |
want to see this I got a Golden Apple so | 996.699 | 3.961 |
it's down in this hole okay | 999.069 | 4.02 |
you better still be there oh there he is | 1000.66 | 5.94 |
it's kind of Titan you tell me what you | 1003.089 | 5.33 |
do okay so I think I just throw this | 1006.6 | 5.039 |
right I don't know and then I give him | 1008.419 | 3.76 |
an apple | 1011.639 | 4.53 |
oh he's blinking red and blue okay | 1012.179 | 9.421 |
somebody grab my different needs and | 1016.169 | 12.9 |
waving at me I know but I picked up very | 1021.6 | 8.969 |
little that was there like but it | 1029.069 | 3.63 |
probably wasn't even my stuff I didn't | 1030.569 | 3.36 |
pick up anything my inventory was | 1032.699 | 4.2 |
already full oh hey rain stop Sun coming | 1033.929 | 6.78 |
back that's nice how's that going down | 1036.899 | 6.27 |
there noobs I don't know if it's working | 1040.709 | 2.94 |
or not | 1043.169 | 4.071 |
hey top is this working are you sure | 1043.649 | 11.341 |
okay damn it that's Mike this is my new | 1047.24 | 9.88 |
place what about your old place my old | 1054.99 | 3.72 |
place didn't have I didn't put my | 1057.12 | 6.299 |
diamonds there okay miss neebs | 1058.71 | 6.63 |
if he got his stuff you think the | 1063.419 | 3.301 |
diamonds would have been there you would | 1065.34 | 13.049 |
think I don't think okay look at now we | 1066.72 | 13.38 |
got get him out of here yeah that's | 1078.389 | 3.54 |
right boy are you gonna dig him a tunnel | 1080.1 | 4.1 |
I'll tell you what | 1081.929 | 4.25 |
we're gonna need a boat and I got to dig | 1084.2 | 4.459 |
some stairs up there bohtan stairs | 1086.179 | 5.37 |
go get your boat thank you sit tight | 1088.659 | 4.301 |
buddy we'll have you in Pennsylvania in | 1091.549 | 10.081 |
no time a little pickle we know it's | 1092.96 | 15.179 |
very tiny I can't tell where my glass | 1101.63 | 8.73 |
floor is I'm putting a glass floor over | 1108.139 | 6.77 |
fire thought that'd be fun party stuff | 1110.36 | 7.549 |
yeah can't tell where I place PLAs | 1114.909 | 12.73 |
anyone that'll been smart as hell oh I | 1117.909 | 18.551 |
lost the villager should name him Lou | 1127.639 | 12.181 |
Oh Tommy love it yeah come to the | 1136.46 | 4.17 |
bathroom with you | 1139.82 | 3.329 |
that is where we boot take a whiff spill | 1140.63 | 5.7 |
what wait a minute what are you doing in | 1143.149 | 8.101 |
here cooky there's two of you in there | 1146.33 | 7.099 |
hold on let me go carrot | 1151.25 | 4.74 |
hey whatever your name is you don't have | 1153.429 | 18.46 |
a name over here damn it I'm just | 1155.99 | 18.38 |
parting | 1171.889 | 2.481 |
no no's a joke oh okay bunny you can see | 1177.69 | 11.229 |
yeah the party might be postponed guys | 1185.399 | 4.24 |
just let me know | 1188.919 | 5.22 |
sure yeah it's so much to do my house is | 1189.639 | 6.87 |
a wreck all right but we got a new | 1194.139 | 5.16 |
villager all right got a bid I started a | 1196.509 | 4.29 |
bid I got a composter go make him a | 1199.299 | 4.08 |
farmer yeah I think you may have already | 1200.799 | 4.051 |
changed us something oh really | 1203.379 | 3.99 |
uh yes it's him I can't tell he and | 1204.85 | 4.38 |
kooky cotton to bathroom together | 1207.369 | 3.27 |
they're not coming out I think we've | 1209.23 | 4.139 |
named I don't know look put them over | 1210.639 | 4.41 |
here we'll build the house around it | 1213.369 | 3.15 |
later | 1215.049 | 4.681 |
there's a compost and here's a bad all | 1216.519 | 5.1 |
right can we turn him into a farmer or | 1219.73 | 3.389 |
can't we make him have a baby and turn | 1221.619 | 3.331 |
the baby into a farm I think it's up to | 1223.119 | 3.66 |
them like they go and they go hmm I | 1224.95 | 3.449 |
could see myself doing this and then | 1226.779 | 3.15 |
they do it oh really I don't think you | 1228.399 | 4.831 |
get to choose okay you got a coax him we | 1229.929 | 4.531 |
got it we got to make him look at this | 1233.23 | 3.269 |
little okay yeah but is he a thing right | 1234.46 | 5.189 |
now yeah he turn he got a I guess a | 1236.499 | 5.49 |
leather worker outfit on well let's say | 1239.649 | 4.801 |
is this the end kookier by him there | 1241.989 | 4.41 |
oh this is new right where were the | 1244.45 | 4.469 |
river what does this mean look there's | 1246.399 | 4.53 |
like lines through it is that three | 1248.919 | 6.301 |
emeralds for leather pants what if his | 1250.929 | 5.49 |
marked out maybe is like a discount | 1255.22 | 2.97 |
thing it's like it was three but I'll | 1256.419 | 3.931 |
give it to you for the sweet price of | 1258.19 | 4.5 |
whatever else it is free | 1260.35 | 4.86 |
nope not free we give him a place to | 1262.69 | 6.15 |
live and he can even give us a charge | 1265.21 | 5.429 |
and week three and seven three and seven | 1268.84 | 3.39 |
what's he charged nude is there a line | 1270.639 | 3.0 |
through it no there's a line through it | 1272.23 | 2.85 |
he charged me three and seven for | 1273.639 | 3.331 |
leather pants and leather tunic I'm | 1275.08 | 3.449 |
slick mine has a line through it okay | 1276.97 | 3.75 |
and wait is that health what is that | 1278.529 | 5.0 |
is there a number beside the line a one | 1280.72 | 5.789 |
oh wait maybe it's one have your stupid | 1283.529 | 5.251 |
hold on | 1286.509 | 3.531 |
[Music] | 1288.78 | 5.14 |
are you a merchant genius yeah you can | 1290.04 | 6.1 |
see with a little Ines through a number | 1293.92 | 8.37 |
oh yeah yeah please you guys okay | 1296.14 | 8.79 |
they're probably women huh I don't think | 1302.29 | 4.89 |
they have any sort of orientation yeah | 1304.93 | 3.9 |
but you start what they are women go to | 1307.18 | 4.32 |
the bathroom so leatherworker should we | 1308.83 | 4.38 |
do this everyone goes to the bathroom | 1311.5 | 3.75 |
together like this all right | 1313.21 | 3.96 |
oh no well I mean that depends on where | 1315.25 | 4.26 |
you go oh this is perfect | 1317.17 | 5.4 |
what I just got a ton I mean I spent | 1319.51 | 4.62 |
more money than I wanted to but I just | 1322.57 | 4.53 |
got five dyed leather pants wow I can't | 1324.13 | 4.95 |
wait to never wear those look where we | 1327.1 | 6.09 |
live look at this okay good for you okay | 1329.08 | 14.16 |
yep don't do this like that BAM you got | 1333.19 | 13.8 |
a place ready yeah okay yeah good timing | 1343.24 | 5.13 |
cuz I just ran out of stone I'll be | 1346.99 | 1.71 |
right there | 1348.37 | 5.7 |
BYOB what's a big brick blocks bring | 1348.7 | 9.63 |
your own huh bought it time it badasses | 1354.07 | 9.24 |
place mmm long overdue hey guys yeah I'm | 1358.33 | 6.54 |
trying to get some sleep | 1363.31 | 4.08 |
okay okay no but I think it'd be good if | 1364.87 | 5.04 |
everyone got in their bed part of town | 1367.39 | 4.83 |
needs a party cuz we can go back to | 1369.91 | 5.97 |
building we all have time to party we | 1372.22 | 9.63 |
slept last night even going up into this | 1375.88 | 10.41 |
place is psychedelic whoo just try to | 1381.85 | 7.65 |
keep it down if you can like turn it | 1386.29 | 5.31 |
down like what's turn it down to like a | 1389.5 | 6.72 |
seven no oh yeah | 1391.6 | 9.27 |
oh god I feel like we would have died | 1396.22 | 10.14 |
here you will this is a party to you | 1400.87 | 8.689 |
it's a party to me | 1406.36 | 3.199 |
great man | 1414.929 | 3.271 |
the world's going on out there but in | 1419.64 | 6.9 |
here like make your own party house come | 1421.32 | 5.58 |
on | 1426.54 | 2.37 |
yeah I will make both party house oh I'm | 1426.9 | 3.6 |
gonna fly to us and then I'll have you | 1428.91 | 3.66 |
we're part of one night yeah whoa | 1430.5 | 4.26 |
there's some hallucinogenic way ahead | 1432.57 | 4.56 |
eeeh and then tomorrow I should be able | 1434.76 | 3.47 |
to finish my | 1437.13 | 7.929 |
love spun out our three strings forever | 1438.23 | 6.829 |
that's exactly what I asked you did not | 1447.34 | 5.49 |
do | 1450.5 | 2.33 |
[Music] | 1453.3 | 6.89 |
whoops damn stickykeys | 1456.05 | 4.14 |
[Music] | 1470.51 | 10.45 |
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