Green Hell makes us CRY - Hardest Difficulty
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to Neebs Gaming! Today's video is all about Green Hell and let me tell you, it made us cry like babies on the hardest difficulty!
simon: Oh man, I still can't believe how tough that game was. I mean, I cried so much, I think I need a tissue just thinking about it!
appsro: Haha, you guys are such wimps! I didn't cry at all, I just had something in my eye...for the whole video. But seriously, make sure to grab a sandwich before watching, you're gonna need it to soften the blow of our epic fails!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! So, today's video is all about the gang having a rough time in Green Hell. I don't want to spoil too much, but let's just say it's been a bit of a disaster. You're definitely going to want to watch and see how it all unfolds.
But before you dive into the chaos, make sure to grab a sandwich or snack to help soften the blow. Trust me, you'll need it for this one. And of course, don't forget to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with all the latest Neebs Gaming content.
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And if you're looking for more epic videos, be sure to check out their playlists for cartoons, 7 Days to Die, Scrap Mechanic, Minecraft, GTA V, and Subnautica. There's always something exciting happening on Neebs Gaming, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!

Caption | Start | Duration |
last time on Green Hill we gotta get | 0.539 | 4.561 |
organized that's our problem we're not | 3.84 | 2.82 |
organized I feel like what we really | 5.1 | 3.84 |
need is a safer spot like I hate this | 6.66 | 3.6 |
place well we just don't have stuff | 8.94 | 2.4 |
we're dying because we don't have stuff | 10.26 | 2.58 |
we're not getting attacked we don't have | 11.34 | 3.78 |
stuff yeah no we also need stuff but we | 12.84 | 4.32 |
need stuff in a place that's not hyper | 15.12 | 3.96 |
exposed like we are here no I'm looking | 17.16 | 3.119 |
for that set up there we're gonna build | 19.08 | 3.42 |
a badass base okay and then we're gonna | 20.279 | 4.08 |
be Kings of the Jungle but like he needs | 22.5 | 4.199 |
uh like marinara leaves or something oh | 24.359 | 5.641 |
I'm in trouble I'm gonna die again he's | 26.699 | 5.041 |
gonna die again real quick what are you | 30.0 | 3.78 |
dying from Simon I'm dying because I'm a | 31.74 | 3.72 |
cut and because I gave away my bandages | 33.78 | 3.18 |
because he don't have bandages right no | 35.46 | 3.48 |
well you need marinara sauce more than | 36.96 | 4.02 |
anything in this game right now yep and | 38.94 | 4.139 |
I need a nap so clean up afterwards it's | 40.98 | 3.599 |
a mess right here okay yeah he'll get it | 43.079 | 3.121 |
he dropped it you know for the death oh | 44.579 | 3.421 |
I need to go pick up my stuff I left all | 46.2 | 3.539 |
my Spears and my tools over here all | 48.0 | 3.98 |
right well good night [ __ ] | 49.739 | 5.82 |
you good salmon | 51.98 | 6.54 |
yeah you're good | 55.559 | 2.961 |
does anybody have any maggots no what do | 61.62 | 5.819 |
you need them for I was just reading the | 65.76 | 3.42 |
The Notebook apparently I can put | 67.439 | 4.981 |
maggots on my uh cat wound and they'll | 69.18 | 5.04 |
uh they'll eat the infection | 72.42 | 4.92 |
but yeah is there a dead body anywhere | 74.22 | 5.579 |
oh I got maggots right by our place oh | 77.34 | 4.62 |
really yep oh really really close hold | 79.799 | 4.081 |
on let me go get him yep all right okay | 81.96 | 5.46 |
I see you yeah right right here how are | 83.88 | 5.4 |
maggots right there uh there's the | 87.42 | 3.54 |
carcass right there are you kidding me | 89.28 | 3.78 |
nope in front of me there's nothing that | 90.96 | 3.74 |
goes up there to say | 93.06 | 4.26 |
do me a favor I will can you take a | 94.7 | 4.12 |
magazine grab the maggots and then come | 97.32 | 3.0 |
over here and drop them near the fire | 98.82 | 3.299 |
yes I could do that I think I need to do | 100.32 | 3.78 |
this quick all right | 102.119 | 4.801 |
uh I've not had maggots yet so it's in | 104.1 | 4.379 |
the food with oh there they are they're | 106.92 | 3.36 |
ready for they are actually in the food | 108.479 | 5.161 |
all right so I if I do this correctly | 110.28 | 7.26 |
now I look at my wound on my leg and | 113.64 | 5.64 |
then I go into my backpack and I find | 117.54 | 3.18 |
the maggots | 119.28 | 4.14 |
there we go hey guys there's a company | 120.72 | 5.7 |
y'all found like uh just kind of in a | 123.42 | 6.74 |
round thing with stuff built yeah | 126.42 | 7.38 |
I heard voices are you going crazy am I | 130.16 | 5.799 |
thought I was doing good holy [ __ ] | 133.8 | 4.74 |
there's molinero right freaking here man | 135.959 | 4.021 |
you are seeing all kinds of stuff I'm | 138.54 | 3.12 |
not but I love that there's molinero | 139.98 | 3.119 |
marinara right there yeah that's | 141.66 | 3.6 |
wonderful oh have I got a leech on me | 143.099 | 6.661 |
you son of a [ __ ] where's that leech | 145.26 | 7.8 |
got three of them bastards oh I got | 149.76 | 4.74 |
leeches on me too yeah they're | 153.06 | 3.66 |
everywhere how my maggots doing | 154.5 | 4.8 |
oh yeah maggots are chewing up this uh | 156.72 | 6.42 |
cat wound real good that is gross ah | 159.3 | 6.0 |
crap I guess I'll come back and hang out | 163.14 | 4.98 |
by the fire yeah these uh I'm hanging | 165.3 | 4.5 |
out by the fire tonight caves I think I | 168.12 | 2.82 |
think more than I'm gonna try to go | 169.8 | 2.519 |
explore that area | 170.94 | 3.42 |
deserve this crazy I've been eating good | 172.319 | 4.021 |
taking care of myself this is not not | 174.36 | 4.28 |
right | 176.34 | 2.3 |
yo what's up okay my infection's gone | 190.22 | 4.54 |
but I'm still bleeding a little bit | 193.379 | 4.261 |
right you make another bandage oh no I | 194.76 | 4.5 |
don't I can't I can't I need I'm gonna | 197.64 | 3.3 |
die if I don't have one more bandage how | 199.26 | 3.42 |
many times have I died every time if I | 200.94 | 3.48 |
can get full health I will go out and do | 202.68 | 3.72 |
nothing but Harvest marinara sauce for | 204.42 | 4.739 |
you that's a lie it is not I swear you | 206.4 | 5.759 |
get me better and I will bring back so | 209.159 | 6.3 |
much marinara yep pardon me it's coming | 212.159 | 5.16 |
through crazy man coming through all | 215.459 | 3.841 |
right here's some marinara | 217.319 | 4.441 |
all right thank you you're welcome | 219.3 | 5.04 |
it's the last time this mean ass Jaguar | 221.76 | 4.02 |
cut | 224.34 | 3.78 |
the bandage put the bandage on the cut | 225.78 | 5.819 |
there we go health is gonna go back up | 228.12 | 7.38 |
finally yeah now you know what you can | 231.599 | 7.5 |
do cook me some damn food oh don't have | 235.5 | 5.94 |
any food you don't have anything make me | 239.099 | 5.101 |
some freaking water something took a nap | 241.44 | 4.14 |
still crazy | 244.2 | 4.14 |
but we love you anyway there you go uh | 245.58 | 4.14 |
Simon what you want I'm making some | 248.34 | 2.88 |
snail soup right there be wonderful | 249.72 | 3.42 |
thank you thank you what I was thinking | 251.22 | 2.879 |
trying to leave the camp and do | 253.14 | 2.159 |
something but hey don't forget the water | 254.099 | 3.181 |
catcher over here guys none what about | 255.299 | 3.84 |
cooking water's never a problem I need | 257.28 | 3.84 |
protein I'm about to die man why won't | 259.139 | 4.741 |
my health climb back up | 261.12 | 4.799 |
swear we gotta chop this tree down these | 263.88 | 3.78 |
beef yeah you're living here is crazy we | 265.919 | 3.861 |
live | 267.66 | 2.12 |
what kind of bone is this is that a | 271.32 | 3.48 |
person bone maybe yeah it's a person | 272.88 | 3.599 |
bone there's still there's remnants of | 274.8 | 3.6 |
[ __ ] that's dropped okay plenty of stuff | 276.479 | 5.041 |
there's Stones too oh the bandage Works | 278.4 | 5.04 |
Simon my Health's climbing back up baby | 281.52 | 3.56 |
here you go | 283.44 | 3.96 |
I guess I'll just sit by this fire and | 285.08 | 5.02 |
eat mushrooms and snails all day this is | 287.4 | 3.6 |
my game | 290.1 | 3.24 |
mushroom snail soup game all right I'm | 291.0 | 5.46 |
gonna go out hunting for marinara and | 293.34 | 6.66 |
Hogs oh that sounds like fun I'm coming | 296.46 | 4.56 |
with | 300.0 | 3.8 |
[Music] | 301.02 | 5.82 |
all right not these purple flowers nope | 303.8 | 5.98 |
like oh wait like this oh wait this is | 306.84 | 5.04 |
like a berry bush yeah oh that right | 309.78 | 4.26 |
there I think is is actually Ayahuasca | 311.88 | 4.259 |
but it's gonna call itself an unknown | 314.04 | 3.96 |
herb okay so we don't know what it is | 316.139 | 3.301 |
yet yeah and I don't know what the hell | 318.0 | 3.12 |
you could do with it except for trip and | 319.44 | 3.0 |
I'm not sure if you could trip in here | 321.12 | 2.88 |
yeah and I don't want a trip in here to | 322.44 | 3.42 |
be perfectly honest yeah neither do I I | 324.0 | 3.06 |
hate maggots I know what they're good | 325.86 | 3.36 |
for yeah I'm gonna take those keep them | 327.06 | 4.38 |
in my pocket so you put them on a wound | 329.22 | 5.1 |
and that'll help uh yeah like an | 331.44 | 4.46 |
infection yeah | 334.32 | 4.08 |
Tiger Tiger well first you got a bandage | 335.9 | 4.18 |
it to stop the bleeding then you might | 338.4 | 4.019 |
get an infection and then you put the | 340.08 | 3.54 |
maggot stuff on there and then you | 342.419 | 2.941 |
bandage it again yeah so we're gonna | 343.62 | 3.66 |
need a lot of bandages okay this is the | 345.36 | 3.779 |
stuff yeah that's a purple flower that's | 347.28 | 4.8 |
that's one that's good and this one | 349.139 | 7.141 |
looks new okay what the hell is this is | 352.08 | 6.36 |
that does that go down nope that doesn't | 356.28 | 4.28 |
even do anything | 358.44 | 6.14 |
oh God oh my God | 360.56 | 4.02 |
all right so we gotta we gotta watch out | 366.08 | 5.32 |
for those I still don't see it oh it's | 368.34 | 5.22 |
big it's right there follow me come this | 371.4 | 4.139 |
way yep oh it's it's a little uh it's | 373.56 | 3.479 |
getting dark isn't it it's been dark | 375.539 | 4.621 |
well it feels like it's gotten darker in | 377.039 | 5.88 |
the last like minute no no it's been | 380.16 | 4.8 |
dark I feel like the sun's coming up if | 382.919 | 5.0 |
anything really yeah all right | 384.96 | 6.9 |
oh snake yeah that's some good meat all | 387.919 | 6.001 |
right hold on I'm gonna hit him yeah | 391.86 | 5.059 |
[Music] | 393.92 | 5.499 |
nice job | 396.919 | 4.571 |
wheat sweet snake meat | 399.419 | 5.181 |
[Music] | 401.49 | 3.11 |
all right do you got bites all over your | 406.139 | 4.801 |
arms oh yeah yeah I probably do because | 408.419 | 4.141 |
of that what is this oh this is dry | 410.94 | 3.24 |
stuff we could use this it's bird nest | 412.56 | 4.139 |
yeah yeah yeah wait I might see a cave | 414.18 | 5.579 |
over here Simon no [ __ ] cave | 416.699 | 5.761 |
is that what I'm seeing Simon what | 419.759 | 5.101 |
there's a cave that's exciting and scary | 422.46 | 3.959 |
at the same time all right should we | 424.86 | 4.32 |
peek in hell yeah we need to go in see | 426.419 | 6.241 |
no no this is base right oh oh God what | 429.18 | 6.239 |
oh get it what's going on I have no idea | 432.66 | 4.2 |
I just got hit by something did you stab | 435.419 | 3.661 |
me no oh [ __ ] there's scorpions in here | 436.86 | 6.2 |
oh I wonder if we could get hold on | 439.08 | 7.08 |
I just tried to kill a scorpion didn't | 443.06 | 6.46 |
work come on right on here there we go | 446.16 | 4.56 |
yeah | 449.52 | 2.64 |
all right I got a little bit of a | 450.72 | 3.24 |
temperature because you know I got bit | 452.16 | 3.72 |
by a scorpion yeah that'll do it all | 453.96 | 3.66 |
right so keep an eye on the ground all | 455.88 | 3.539 |
right scorpions all right I'm picking up | 457.62 | 3.24 |
the Scorpion body | 459.419 | 3.78 |
maybe that could be used for some sort | 460.86 | 3.959 |
of bandage | 463.199 | 4.321 |
be weird what does this go I don't know | 464.819 | 4.261 |
but I'm so glad you're here to bring us | 467.52 | 3.119 |
back because I have no idea how to get | 469.08 | 4.14 |
back home that goes nowhere oh there's | 470.639 | 5.581 |
an iron vein oh and I have a pickaxe | 473.22 | 9.02 |
iron vein pickaxe pickaxe iron vein | 476.22 | 6.02 |
cool we got some iron yeah all right | 483.0 | 3.479 |
we're gonna do with iron we don't even | 485.52 | 2.399 |
have a forge I don't know but you know | 486.479 | 3.541 |
what you have a memory you should take | 487.919 | 4.56 |
note of where this is yeah no I think | 490.02 | 5.34 |
it's uh yeah it's on our map now 47 30. | 492.479 | 5.641 |
yeah it's right down here but this is a | 495.36 | 4.26 |
really good place for a [ __ ] base | 498.12 | 3.66 |
yeah because you can like have animal | 499.62 | 4.079 |
pens if you could can you build any like | 501.78 | 3.419 |
you could we're building but I wonder if | 503.699 | 2.821 |
you could put like little walls up | 505.199 | 3.12 |
because we could like tame animals and | 506.52 | 4.739 |
[ __ ] in here that's a good idea yeah um | 508.319 | 4.201 |
let's you know what let's experiment | 511.259 | 2.821 |
let's see if we can build in here see if | 512.52 | 3.0 |
you could put one of those small little | 514.08 | 3.36 |
like the sleeping thing that you made | 515.52 | 3.24 |
yeah you know what that'd be good | 517.44 | 3.24 |
because of the uh that bite the scorpion | 518.76 | 3.48 |
bite yeah I'm actually getting real | 520.68 | 4.68 |
sleepy oh okay look behind me do you see | 522.24 | 4.68 |
more like uh Palm leaves or banana | 525.36 | 4.26 |
leaves uh I would say palm Palm leaves | 526.92 | 4.68 |
okay I'm gonna try to build a bed | 529.62 | 4.86 |
uh nope you cannot build inside the cave | 531.6 | 5.22 |
no [ __ ] oh I'm gonna be tired listen | 534.48 | 4.56 |
I'm gonna be tired too so if you do | 536.82 | 3.78 |
build this yeah I guess if we could both | 539.04 | 3.18 |
sleep I can't I can't build it anywhere | 540.6 | 2.76 |
you know what it probably needs a damn | 542.22 | 2.64 |
Foundation all right we gotta get back | 543.36 | 3.539 |
otherwise we're gonna pass out okay all | 544.86 | 3.3 |
right let's follow me let's book it we | 546.899 | 3.661 |
gotta book it booking it it's attempting | 548.16 | 4.56 |
to book it oh no damn it Sam I might | 550.56 | 4.32 |
have [ __ ] up really yep yep yep I'm | 552.72 | 4.38 |
Mike uh because of that scorpion bite | 554.88 | 4.62 |
I'm going down so quick oh no | 557.1 | 4.44 |
I think I'll just pass out though yeah | 559.5 | 3.54 |
you know this is some nice soft ground | 561.54 | 3.419 |
right here I'll just pass out right here | 563.04 | 4.26 |
for a minute just you mind guarding me I | 564.959 | 4.081 |
know it's okay yeah just guard me for a | 567.3 | 3.3 |
second let me pass out I'll eat | 569.04 | 3.299 |
mushrooms if I got them I think I still | 570.6 | 3.78 |
have some yeah this should be okay past | 572.339 | 4.62 |
wow I got I got nuts in here this is | 574.38 | 4.26 |
this is a good little trip here yeah | 576.959 | 4.681 |
yeah worked out yeah all right I think | 578.64 | 4.5 |
I'm going crazy though because of the | 581.64 | 3.9 |
fever scorpion bite yeah uh in the | 583.14 | 5.16 |
future let's try to avoid that do my | 585.54 | 4.88 |
best | 588.3 | 2.12 |
so cute | 593.839 | 3.241 |
what do y'all want to try maggot soup | 598.5 | 3.6 |
does anyone know anything about Mega | 600.54 | 3.9 |
suit I don't it should be good right you | 602.1 | 4.32 |
boil the [ __ ] out of them I'm already | 604.44 | 4.14 |
crazy so I probably shouldn't eat it I | 606.42 | 4.02 |
mean I'll I'll take a maggots too okay | 608.58 | 3.3 |
the one on the right here that's some | 610.44 | 3.18 |
maggot soup see what it does to you can | 611.88 | 3.42 |
I have this meat soup right here yeah | 613.62 | 2.82 |
you can eat that I think that's | 615.3 | 2.84 |
rattlesnake Snoop soup | 616.44 | 4.8 |
all right uh that was eight protein 10 | 618.14 | 5.5 |
hydration five energy minus two sanity | 621.24 | 3.96 |
hey good to know we can boil some | 623.64 | 4.199 |
maggots yeah minus two sanity it's gonna | 625.2 | 4.199 |
help you yeah I can't have that that's | 627.839 | 4.56 |
oh minus it makes me say mine is saying | 629.399 | 5.601 |
it but you know what I don't know I mean | 632.399 | 6.841 |
your sanity goes down yeah so you don't | 635.0 | 6.22 |
want that I know I was thinking it was | 639.24 | 4.38 |
like good for some reason | 641.22 | 4.5 |
minus two Insanity that's what I want | 643.62 | 4.26 |
right well at least I think the voices | 645.72 | 3.359 |
stopped | 647.88 | 4.74 |
finally see God I need protein and I | 649.079 | 5.7 |
gave you guys all my meat all right um | 652.62 | 4.62 |
hey Simon you remember we were trying to | 654.779 | 5.041 |
get to that one area over here and uh we | 657.24 | 5.52 |
got attacked by a leopard yeah | 659.82 | 4.86 |
hold on damn it I pack it up back it up | 662.76 | 5.579 |
oh God oh my God yeah yeah yeah hold on | 664.68 | 6.659 |
[ __ ] face oh God oh my God I lost my | 668.339 | 4.641 |
spear | 671.339 | 6.381 |
I'm pulling it out I'm running damn it | 672.98 | 4.74 |
I'm gonna try to go back to it you up | 681.32 | 4.48 |
for it I'm up for it if we do it quickly | 683.88 | 4.139 |
because you know power goes down fast | 685.8 | 4.62 |
like energy and I don't have any blue | 688.019 | 4.621 |
mushrooms left uh we could both sleep | 690.42 | 4.919 |
yeah yeah here let me get my sleep all | 692.64 | 4.8 |
the way up all right I'll do the same | 695.339 | 4.381 |
and then we're off leaves you want to | 697.44 | 4.38 |
come too sure let's all do it let's get | 699.72 | 3.299 |
some meat | 701.82 | 3.66 |
let's go | 703.019 | 5.461 |
I think this is where we were yeah where | 705.48 | 4.68 |
if we had a grapple hook we can go up | 708.48 | 3.72 |
that's right we made it out here and | 710.16 | 4.14 |
then okay my entire memory was taken | 712.2 | 4.379 |
over by the leopard okay well [ __ ] while | 714.3 | 3.479 |
we're out here we may as well explore | 716.579 | 3.361 |
maybe we'll find something so we need to | 717.779 | 3.841 |
figure out how to make a gravel hook huh | 719.94 | 4.98 |
no I think we have to find it let's take | 721.62 | 5.459 |
at a particular location in here we | 724.92 | 4.859 |
would run across uh vehicle a vehicle | 727.079 | 5.401 |
all right yeah and like uh I think it's | 729.779 | 4.74 |
going to be in a I don't know like a | 732.48 | 4.38 |
ditch and there's [ __ ] around there to | 734.519 | 3.961 |
find and the grappling hooks one with it | 736.86 | 3.96 |
okay well that's good to know | 738.48 | 5.28 |
can we do anything up here let's see if | 740.82 | 4.98 |
I see anything man | 743.76 | 4.019 |
why they call this game Green Hill I | 745.8 | 3.479 |
think the animals are on strike I | 747.779 | 3.0 |
haven't seen one all day that's true | 749.279 | 4.261 |
yeah it's been uh other than the uh | 750.779 | 5.701 |
Jaguar we've seen a few but there's | 753.54 | 4.62 |
nowhere else to go around here is that | 756.48 | 3.599 |
yeah no this is uh yeah it's kind of a | 758.16 | 3.27 |
dead end damn it [ __ ] | 760.079 | 4.801 |
[Music] | 761.43 | 6.33 |
hey Simon there's another cave down here | 764.88 | 5.399 |
oh really oh yeah neebs we found a cave | 767.76 | 5.34 |
oh yeah earlier on did you go in uh yeah | 770.279 | 4.86 |
and it was it seemed like uh there | 773.1 | 3.96 |
wasn't much in there it seemed like uh | 775.139 | 4.801 |
oh we got a scorpion he got bit by one | 777.06 | 5.88 |
did the Scorpion have meat uh no I have | 779.94 | 5.1 |
it in my on my person yeah we haven't | 782.94 | 4.019 |
tried to eat the Scorpion yet all right | 785.04 | 4.799 |
I'll peek in here man could we build out | 786.959 | 5.041 |
here did we build a bridge you know like | 789.839 | 4.261 |
a little house because this is a pretty | 792.0 | 6.779 |
nicely defensible area I Concur and live | 794.1 | 6.84 |
inside the cave uh no I don't think we | 798.779 | 4.341 |
can build inside the cave yes | 800.94 | 5.22 |
hey there's an obsidian Stone has anyone | 803.12 | 4.54 |
ever picked one of those up before I | 806.16 | 4.2 |
have not Simon all right interesting all | 807.66 | 4.38 |
right I'm pushing into the cave slightly | 810.36 | 3.659 |
I bet you it's stronger if we find a | 812.04 | 3.239 |
couple of them we can make a blade but | 814.019 | 2.701 |
that'll be a better spear or something | 815.279 | 3.601 |
we need a torch or yeah another obsidian | 816.72 | 3.44 |
Stone | 818.88 | 3.84 |
oh and there's just some iron back here | 820.16 | 4.84 |
yeah okay so there's not much just | 822.72 | 4.2 |
another iron vein okay so you could live | 825.0 | 4.68 |
back here maybe let's let's see if we | 826.92 | 4.5 |
could uh can we potentially build | 829.68 | 5.58 |
foundations like out here because I like | 831.42 | 5.64 |
this spot what do you guys think as long | 835.26 | 2.879 |
as there's stuff to get to you don't | 837.06 | 2.579 |
want to feel trapped you know yeah I | 838.139 | 3.901 |
mean unless unless they could also just | 839.639 | 4.38 |
come from up above | 842.04 | 4.56 |
you know yeah that's true I don't know | 844.019 | 3.961 |
how this works all right you know what | 846.6 | 3.539 |
let's let's put it on the list | 847.98 | 5.099 |
it's on a list it's on the list | 850.139 | 5.521 |
you know I'm gonna lose the list ah okay | 853.079 | 4.081 |
I'm keeping I'm keeping track of the | 855.66 | 4.2 |
list in my head is that a Brazil nut | 857.16 | 5.359 |
thank God | 859.86 | 2.659 |
we've wrapped around this actually just | 867.42 | 3.359 |
lead us back to camp | 868.92 | 3.479 |
yeah we're back uh yeah we're back at | 870.779 | 2.461 |
camp | 872.399 | 3.661 |
and there's a dude in our camp really | 873.24 | 5.46 |
did he destroy our structure what the no | 876.06 | 5.579 |
no no because this this is where we came | 878.7 | 5.579 |
from isn't it yeah this is Camp there | 881.639 | 4.56 |
this is Camp that's the B tree this is | 884.279 | 3.781 |
Camp and this guy is breaking our | 886.199 | 6.38 |
structure right now come on man | 888.06 | 4.519 |
hold on I want to be a part of this stab | 893.06 | 6.54 |
me oh man he broke all of our [ __ ] | 895.56 | 4.04 |
[Music] | 899.71 | 7.01 |
oh we got him oh you got that one | 904.519 | 3.641 |
there's another one right behind the | 906.72 | 4.26 |
Simon there needs I'm hurt I'm hurt uh | 908.16 | 4.2 |
yeah I'm hurt too I threw my spear | 910.98 | 3.479 |
where'd my spear go don't let him get | 912.36 | 4.08 |
away I'm sorry I don't want to give him | 914.459 | 4.44 |
my spear bag chase him get him neebs I'm | 916.44 | 5.459 |
hurt I'm chasing oh he turns he's ready | 918.899 | 4.8 |
you coming yeah right behind you I'm | 921.899 | 3.3 |
right behind you come on you're not | 923.699 | 3.0 |
getting away break all of our stuff yeah | 925.199 | 2.94 |
let's quarter this son of a [ __ ] here | 926.699 | 4.58 |
he is oh [ __ ] did I miss him | 928.139 | 5.461 |
that was a nice move so there were two | 931.279 | 4.3 |
more of them oh am I going crazy uh | 933.6 | 4.2 |
maybe uh crap where'd the other guy go I | 935.579 | 4.62 |
lost him right in front of me | 937.8 | 4.08 |
oh yeah you must be going crazy I don't | 940.199 | 3.421 |
see whoever's in front he is yep I'm | 941.88 | 3.18 |
going crazy all right I'm getting back | 943.62 | 5.24 |
to base all right | 945.06 | 3.8 |
oh my God I'm gonna pass out I'm gonna | 968.36 | 5.159 |
[ __ ] pass out hey | 971.16 | 5.1 |
oh there's one behind you oh there's a | 973.519 | 5.401 |
bunch of them coming in | 976.26 | 5.819 |
oh those they were fake seven hold on | 978.92 | 6.479 |
I'm trying to craft a Spears | 982.079 | 3.32 |
oh God | 987.839 | 5.101 |
I got a freaking spear you sons of | 989.22 | 6.0 |
[ __ ] | 992.94 | 4.019 |
tons of [ __ ] you killed my best | 995.22 | 2.76 |
friends | 996.959 | 3.18 |
I see you | 997.98 | 5.219 |
I see you | 1000.139 | 6.481 |
you lucky prick thank God | 1003.199 | 5.461 |
the God would despair go | 1006.62 | 4.5 |
[ __ ] spear gold so I'm in our base | 1008.66 | 7.14 |
yeah our base our base I can't believe | 1011.12 | 8.519 |
everything everything oh well hey least | 1015.8 | 5.719 |
I got a tribal spear out of it | 1019.639 | 5.101 |
Jesus Christ knees hungry oh did my | 1021.519 | 5.32 |
stuff blow up yeah oh I forgot I had | 1024.74 | 4.199 |
that fruit that's gonna be good later so | 1026.839 | 4.381 |
we moving well worse off than we started | 1028.939 | 6.201 |
I'd say so yeah definitely | 1031.22 | 3.92 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I've got to tell you about this YouTube channel called Neebs Gaming. These guys are hilarious and so creative with their video game playthroughs. They're currently doing a series on Green Hell that is just epic.
In their latest Green Hell video, things go from bad to worse real fast. I don't want to give away any spoilers but let's just say the team gets into some crazy situations trying to survive the harsh jungle environment. Between the terrifying wildlife encounters, deadly diseases, and limited resources, this game looks brutally tough.
But what makes Neebs Gaming so great is they don't just play the game straight through. They add their own storytelling elements and cinematic scenes to make it like you're watching a movie unfold. The characters they play have such unique and funny personalities too. It's way more entertaining than just watching raw gameplay footage.
Plus, the production quality is top notch. They clearly put a lot of work into editing the videos, adding custom sound effects, camera angles and everything. It feels so immersive, like you're right there struggling alongside them. The only way you could get more immersed is by playing the game yourself.
So if you want to experience Green Hell or any other survival game in a totally new way, you've got to check out Neebs Gaming. Their cinematic approach makes it feel like the game comes alive. I'm always laughing at their antics but also on the edge of my seat rooting for them. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to their channel for some of the best gaming entertainment around.