Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, if you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you've gotta check out their latest Minecraft video titled "CRISIS in Pantsylvania!" This one is a real nail-biter as Appsro is dealing with the aftermath of the Bread World bombing that tragically took the life of Anthony. And let me tell you, he's not taking it lightly - the whole server is in for a wild ride.
In this episode, they're using a new resource pack that adds a whole new level of immersion to the game. Plus, they've shared the link to download the map they're playing on so you can join in on the fun too! And don't forget to follow their video tutorial to make sure everything runs smoothly.
If you're a die-hard fan like me, you'll definitely want to check out their merch store and grab yourself a Super Simon Defense Squadron shirt. It's the perfect way to show your support for the channel and look cool doing it.
And let's not forget about their Folding@Home team - they're doing some amazing work for a great cause, so be sure to check them out and maybe even join in yourself. Also, if you're interested in copying their mod setup, they've got a video tutorial to help you get started.
I absolutely love the energy and camaraderie of the Neebs Gaming crew, and this Minecraft series is always a blast to watch. So grab your snacks, settle in, and get ready for some epic Minecraft adventures with your favorite YouTubers!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 11.36 | 3.11 |
um | 14.92 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 21.35 | 3.109 |
oh boy what's wrong with you uh-huh you | 27.92 | 5.12 |
just gotta watch out sometimes i | 31.359 | 3.521 |
i feel like something might be coming | 33.04 | 3.28 |
after me yeah | 34.88 | 4.08 |
yeah i did a little something last week | 36.32 | 4.079 |
and you weren't here and | 38.96 | 3.84 |
uh i just feel like the the man's gonna | 40.399 | 3.761 |
come after me you know | 42.8 | 4.48 |
the man okay yeah the man | 44.16 | 7.76 |
whoop whoop whoa i am sure what's up | 47.28 | 6.88 |
yeah there's been an act of terrorism | 51.92 | 4.08 |
what terrorism terrorism | 54.16 | 4.8 |
that is an abstractopia that is crazy | 56.0 | 5.359 |
and yeah i did it i knew you did it | 58.96 | 5.76 |
i knew you did it oh sh oh son of a | 61.359 | 4.001 |
booger | 64.72 | 5.2 |
oh boy oh i knew you did it | 65.36 | 6.56 |
oh yeah god oh you want to play that | 69.92 | 3.519 |
game drop that tnt | 71.92 | 3.519 |
i don't know i don't know what i don't | 73.439 | 3.281 |
know how to play that game | 75.439 | 2.561 |
i'll play that game yeah i don't know | 76.72 | 3.12 |
how i don't even know how to play it can | 78.0 | 2.32 |
we not | 79.84 | 2.88 |
put tnt in my place yeah we could | 80.32 | 3.439 |
probably not | 82.72 | 3.759 |
how you gonna get out of there oh boy oh | 83.759 | 3.441 |
no | 86.479 | 4.161 |
huh are you gonna get out of there | 87.2 | 6.559 |
i'll just come out to open it i suppose | 90.64 | 6.96 |
nope hey hey oh i see you hey | 93.759 | 5.441 |
i see you you're treating your employees | 97.6 | 3.28 |
like you know that right | 99.2 | 4.72 |
this was my mob spawner thing | 100.88 | 6.96 |
yeah now i'm gonna blow up all your sh | 103.92 | 8.72 |
wait this is my stuff hold on it's my | 107.84 | 4.8 |
building | 112.84 | 3.879 |
rebuild it neebs i apologize okay i had | 114.079 | 4.08 |
to get back at the terrorists | 116.719 | 4.08 |
and then and then he'll have slaves | 118.159 | 3.441 |
there | 120.799 | 9.041 |
yeah they're free labor | 121.6 | 8.24 |
[Music] | 131.14 | 4.13 |
[Music] | 139.29 | 7.27 |
hmm all right well that feel better yeah | 142.879 | 7.121 |
i do i can see both sides of the story | 146.56 | 6.24 |
you don't know any side i don't think | 150.0 | 4.239 |
yeah well you weren't even here | 152.8 | 3.6 |
well are you you're angry at him because | 154.239 | 3.921 |
he's treating his people badly yeah and | 156.4 | 3.68 |
you're angry at him because he blew up | 158.16 | 3.359 |
something that you liked oh | 160.08 | 2.799 |
that's that you're right that was | 161.519 | 3.521 |
perceptive you could have protested | 162.879 | 4.801 |
it went straight to terrorism i you know | 165.04 | 5.04 |
what i don't feel good about that but | 167.68 | 4.24 |
it's minecraft and i felt good about | 170.08 | 3.36 |
that yeah oh yeah | 171.92 | 3.2 |
i feel good about what i just did yeah i | 173.44 | 3.68 |
felt good um but uh | 175.12 | 3.28 |
grambling the thing was though there | 177.12 | 3.119 |
were i believe there were two terrorists | 178.4 | 2.96 |
so uh i'll be back | 180.239 | 4.321 |
no no it was all me that was entirely me | 181.36 | 5.92 |
no oh no i have information i did it on | 184.56 | 3.28 |
my own | 187.28 | 2.56 |
abstract i'm so glad i don't own | 187.84 | 3.2 |
anything in that direction | 189.84 | 2.64 |
i'm so glad i don't care about anything | 191.04 | 2.17 |
i own | 192.48 | 2.24 |
[Music] | 193.21 | 5.669 |
yeah what do you want hey hey | 194.72 | 6.239 |
hey hey hey what are you doing hold on | 198.879 | 4.0 |
where do you think you're oh you | 200.959 | 5.121 |
what you dirty what am i doing is that | 202.879 | 4.881 |
what you're gonna do | 206.08 | 3.439 |
yeah that's what i'm gonna do oh you son | 207.76 | 3.6 |
of a [ __ ] i'm on fire | 209.519 | 5.44 |
i'm on fire it's all on fire | 211.36 | 6.879 |
you son of a you have just started a war | 214.959 | 6.161 |
that you will wish you never started | 218.239 | 6.64 |
me started trust me mother | 221.12 | 7.44 |
you will be sorry and you better | 224.879 | 5.621 |
beep that | 228.56 | 2.38 |
[Music] | 230.5 | 3.019 |
[Laughter] | 230.94 | 6.34 |
oh simon um i told i told | 233.519 | 5.92 |
simon just to plant trees because i | 237.28 | 4.159 |
thought you guys would like trees | 239.439 | 3.681 |
he didn't know oh he didn't know what | 241.439 | 3.601 |
you were doing nah he still he was | 243.12 | 2.88 |
working with the enemy | 245.04 | 2.559 |
well he didn't you burn his house down | 246.0 | 3.439 |
for planting trees yeah | 247.599 | 4.321 |
well it seems excessive for working with | 249.439 | 4.481 |
the enemy i don't negotiate with you | 251.92 | 3.36 |
he didn't know that though he wasn't | 253.92 | 4.719 |
aware oh simon all that work | 255.28 | 5.679 |
yeah he's not going to be happy well he | 258.639 | 3.781 |
wasn't oh no not at all | 260.959 | 4.001 |
[Music] | 262.42 | 5.9 |
what the get out of my way what the hell | 264.96 | 5.679 |
man | 268.32 | 2.319 |
is this freaking apps for his place is | 270.96 | 3.76 |
this something that he built | 272.639 | 6.0 |
but he is gonna burn he's gonna burn | 274.72 | 6.0 |
all right all right mother i'm gonna | 278.639 | 4.321 |
start taking you down with hand tools | 280.72 | 4.72 |
unless you got in here i can steal i'm | 282.96 | 5.679 |
going to trash this place | 285.44 | 5.44 |
another damn zombie has been living in | 288.639 | 4.641 |
this thing | 290.88 | 2.4 |
what the hell is going on down there | 295.28 | 5.52 |
i have no idea what if we why are there | 298.32 | 4.08 |
so many zombies under his house | 300.8 | 4.959 |
what have we unleashed oh no oh god the | 302.4 | 9.04 |
skeletons are zombies | 305.759 | 8.0 |
oh the skeletons are coming out oh boy | 311.44 | 4.08 |
oh that's crazy | 313.759 | 4.961 |
oh boy ow oh oh watch out watch out oh | 315.52 | 5.519 |
geez i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh boy | 318.72 | 3.36 |
oh boy let's see | 321.039 | 2.88 |
do i have any food i got a golden carrot | 322.08 | 3.52 |
i'm gonna eat one of those oh that guy | 323.919 | 4.081 |
is fully armed these zombies are serious | 325.6 | 4.8 |
yeah they're no joke zombies right here | 328.0 | 4.4 |
how are they under his house and they're | 330.4 | 3.92 |
all equipped with armor and weapons | 332.4 | 5.12 |
what is happening you're cursed dora | 334.32 | 6.24 |
what no this is his house oh yeah i am | 337.52 | 4.959 |
cursed hold up hold up hold up i can | 340.56 | 3.199 |
take care of him all right all right | 342.479 | 2.481 |
they're down they're down is that all of | 343.759 | 1.521 |
them | 344.96 | 2.72 |
i think so down what kind of sadistic | 345.28 | 3.84 |
like they might have been summoning them | 347.68 | 1.92 |
all right | 349.12 | 2.24 |
the fire is spreading so much now i feel | 349.6 | 4.4 |
like i got to try to put it out oh no | 351.36 | 4.24 |
yeah i'm starting to feel bad it spread | 354.0 | 3.44 |
much further than i thought it would | 355.6 | 5.12 |
okay what is going on down here how do | 357.44 | 4.479 |
his zombies | 360.72 | 4.56 |
have so many resources okay i don't know | 361.919 | 4.961 |
building up oh boy | 365.28 | 4.08 |
gotcha okay you putting the fires out | 366.88 | 3.759 |
after yeah well it doesn't it doesn't | 369.36 | 3.119 |
help half of its damn house is made out | 370.639 | 2.721 |
of netherrack | 372.479 | 3.521 |
okay yep here we go here we go oh you're | 373.36 | 3.04 |
just | 376.0 | 1.919 |
smacking it out yeah just smack it out | 376.4 | 3.04 |
just smack it out man i'm glad i didn't | 377.919 | 2.801 |
go get water i was about to go get a | 379.44 | 2.479 |
bunch of water no i don't need water | 380.72 | 2.0 |
just smack it | 381.919 | 2.241 |
all right did we do it oh wait there's a | 382.72 | 4.0 |
piece over here that's okay | 384.16 | 5.68 |
what are we gonna do what's the plan | 386.72 | 5.12 |
i mean i know we got a lot of others out | 389.84 | 3.199 |
of our system now we | 391.84 | 2.639 |
we should probably move on from that | 393.039 | 3.28 |
yeah absolutely kiss and make up oh | 394.479 | 4.481 |
absolutely | 396.319 | 2.641 |
not you need to stay out okay all right | 400.479 | 3.84 |
all right i feel better take that long | 404.479 | 3.041 |
shouldn't do that | 406.72 | 2.96 |
but like i was saying what now now we | 407.52 | 3.2 |
win minecraft | 409.68 | 3.68 |
we do need to win this you know what i | 410.72 | 3.28 |
got a | 413.36 | 3.04 |
ton of ender pearls from them pigs okay | 414.0 | 3.759 |
don't we need in the pearls to make the | 416.4 | 2.48 |
thing to help us find | 417.759 | 2.56 |
the thing at the end throw them and then | 418.88 | 3.12 |
they do the thing and then you | 420.319 | 2.961 |
find them so you have to make the eye | 422.0 | 3.36 |
how do you make the eye | 423.28 | 3.6 |
this feels like an episode of drunk | 425.36 | 3.76 |
history yep it is absolutely that | 426.88 | 5.52 |
yep we throw a green shiny eye | 429.12 | 5.199 |
through the air and then we go to a | 432.4 | 3.359 |
place underground and then we fight a | 434.319 | 3.121 |
dragon but i feel like that's exactly | 435.759 | 3.28 |
what happened it is what happened right | 437.44 | 2.879 |
i didn't say drunk history wasn't | 439.039 | 2.081 |
accurate | 440.319 | 3.6 |
right so how do we make the eye of the | 441.12 | 3.6 |
ender | 443.919 | 3.84 |
um blaze rods and | 444.72 | 6.08 |
ender eyes and their pearls pearls i got | 447.759 | 3.761 |
into pearls | 450.8 | 2.08 |
we just need blaze rods go find some | 451.52 | 3.28 |
blaze rods there we go yeah | 452.88 | 6.24 |
we got a plan yeah and break | 454.8 | 6.08 |
you didn't break you just you squatted | 459.12 | 4.72 |
okay squat nobody nobody's ever break | 460.88 | 4.96 |
i'm breaking okay if you break that way | 463.84 | 3.359 |
i don't feel like i i can't break the | 465.84 | 2.16 |
same way you do | 467.199 | 2.72 |
you gotta quit talking when we say break | 468.0 | 3.599 |
well i mean it was a weird break right | 469.919 | 3.12 |
kind of defeated how are we breaking | 471.599 | 2.241 |
minecraft | 473.039 | 2.56 |
break break means go different ways | 473.84 | 3.68 |
doesn't it don't all go the same way you | 475.599 | 3.44 |
don't say break and i'll go out the same | 477.52 | 2.239 |
[ __ ] door | 479.039 | 2.56 |
about it for a few minutes i know but | 479.759 | 3.761 |
it's a dumb phrase if y'all going at the | 481.599 | 2.72 |
same | 483.52 | 3.84 |
freaking door break okay now break i'll | 484.319 | 4.16 |
go this way | 487.36 | 3.76 |
damn it going back to my house get some | 488.479 | 4.371 |
gear | 491.12 | 14.88 |
[Music] | 492.85 | 17.31 |
wait what is that simon | 506.0 | 6.959 |
yeah where are you did you get here well | 510.16 | 3.28 |
i went | 512.959 | 2.96 |
uh i think when you uh when you had | 513.44 | 5.039 |
killed me by setting me on fire | 515.919 | 5.12 |
and setting my house on fire i spawned | 518.479 | 3.521 |
here | 521.039 | 3.521 |
what yeah would you have slept here i | 522.0 | 4.24 |
guess because something happened i mean | 524.56 | 2.0 |
it's | 526.24 | 2.96 |
i'm happy to see you hey listen man | 526.56 | 4.64 |
listen we we we got off on the wrong | 529.2 | 4.56 |
foot didn't we yeah yeah you know what i | 531.2 | 4.24 |
i forgive you | 533.76 | 3.92 |
i do i forgive you too yeah i think | 535.44 | 3.6 |
we're all made up now uh sorry about | 537.68 | 2.0 |
your house | 539.04 | 2.479 |
hey hey you know what we're gonna start | 539.68 | 3.52 |
working towards the end of this game | 541.519 | 3.681 |
simon that's right that's right we're | 543.2 | 3.44 |
gonna go fight the dragon and you know | 545.2 | 2.48 |
what i was thinking | 546.64 | 3.12 |
no what were you thinking i was thinking | 547.68 | 4.08 |
we need a headquarters like an avengers | 549.76 | 2.639 |
base | 551.76 | 3.759 |
you are reading my mind so we take your | 552.399 | 5.12 |
house and we rebuild it | 555.519 | 4.801 |
into the base that it needs to be i | 557.519 | 3.921 |
don't think so | 560.32 | 3.12 |
but i will tell you this a house is just | 561.44 | 3.12 |
a house they're not really | 563.44 | 4.0 |
important if one house gets destroyed | 564.56 | 4.48 |
it's not really that big of a deal | 567.44 | 1.92 |
because | 569.04 | 2.4 |
friendship is more important i agree | 569.36 | 3.44 |
especially in a world like this i mean | 571.44 | 2.0 |
yeah this is | 572.8 | 2.08 |
it's all just stuff in it all right well | 573.44 | 2.959 |
hey listen now i'm just going to be here | 574.88 | 2.88 |
i'll come back you go in and i'll see | 576.399 | 2.56 |
you in a little bit or maybe | 577.76 | 3.04 |
can i come in do you mind yeah come on | 578.959 | 3.201 |
in thanks maybe i couldn't | 580.8 | 3.2 |
you can get another uh you know maybe i | 582.16 | 3.359 |
get some pants or something | 584.0 | 3.04 |
all right yeah i'll give you some pain | 585.519 | 3.041 |
what is this what | 587.04 | 3.52 |
what's what this stack of cobblestone | 588.56 | 3.12 |
where | 590.56 | 3.2 |
where right here stack of cobblestone | 591.68 | 3.76 |
thing what is that | 593.76 | 3.519 |
i was playing around when you i i was | 595.44 | 3.68 |
here i was bored and i just started to | 597.279 | 3.441 |
play around a little bit no big deal | 599.12 | 4.719 |
just this your idea of revenge hey | 600.72 | 4.16 |
listen | 603.839 | 3.44 |
you think this is revenge no i'd do a | 604.88 | 4.16 |
lot better than that wouldn't i | 607.279 | 4.0 |
you would hope you would think you would | 609.04 | 4.08 |
really hope yeah it's a little dark in | 611.279 | 2.961 |
here | 613.12 | 3.44 |
i like it i like it dark yeah good you | 614.24 | 3.36 |
can't see me coming | 616.56 | 3.279 |
all right all right let's see let's go | 617.6 | 4.0 |
go on my friend hey i've only been here | 619.839 | 3.041 |
for a short while i'm glad that you | 621.6 | 2.16 |
enjoy the place | 622.88 | 2.8 |
oh wait wait a minute go on what up no | 623.76 | 3.04 |
no nothing nothing | 625.68 | 3.12 |
everything's fine hey wait a minute this | 626.8 | 3.12 |
is too dark what do you mean it's | 628.8 | 2.08 |
usually light here | 629.92 | 2.64 |
it's not it's not really dark down here | 630.88 | 3.199 |
is it is it too dark | 632.56 | 3.68 |
here i mean i could see really well | 634.079 | 3.521 |
because look i could read all these | 636.24 | 1.839 |
things | 637.6 | 2.16 |
but you can read though oh wait of | 638.079 | 3.44 |
course i can this is this is | 639.76 | 3.759 |
definitely this is actually probably | 641.519 | 4.081 |
better lit than it was before | 643.519 | 3.921 |
over here this looks a little bit bright | 645.6 | 4.4 |
though did you just take torches down | 647.44 | 4.8 |
excuse me are you what are you talking | 650.0 | 4.48 |
about down here look if you go down here | 652.24 | 4.719 |
you can see everything can't you you | 654.48 | 3.28 |
don't think that | 656.959 | 2.641 |
they were i can't because i'm holding a | 657.76 | 3.28 |
torch in my hand but there used to be | 659.6 | 2.32 |
torches on the wall | 661.04 | 3.039 |
well listen i don't know what you're | 661.92 | 3.359 |
talking about | 664.079 | 5.121 |
and i might have taken your torches yes | 665.279 | 6.881 |
burn literally okay i'll just put them | 669.2 | 4.72 |
back up but still that's just the | 672.16 | 4.08 |
beginning | 673.92 | 6.08 |
i'm still doing it you will always be in | 676.24 | 5.36 |
the dark my friend | 680.0 | 6.48 |
always he would make a horrible super | 681.6 | 4.88 |
villain | 686.839 | 3.0 |
you think someone's gonna let us use his | 690.56 | 3.2 |
uh i don't care if we build a new place | 692.079 | 4.161 |
i don't care if we use this yeah yeah | 693.76 | 3.92 |
simon's gonna be fine he's gonna be fine | 696.24 | 2.88 |
he's gonna show up and be like yeah | 697.68 | 2.48 |
whatever it's | 699.12 | 2.399 |
yeah it's gonna be fun it's gonna be | 700.16 | 3.44 |
fine all right i might build like a big | 701.519 | 3.921 |
dragon on top of the roof | 703.6 | 3.919 |
should i ask him or just build it i feel | 705.44 | 3.36 |
like uh we could | 707.519 | 3.681 |
enforce eminent domain that usually is | 708.8 | 3.68 |
pretty popular | 711.2 | 3.36 |
yeah people love that stuff well maybe | 712.48 | 3.599 |
apso could be in charge of that | 714.56 | 3.6 |
uh on account of him taking the popular | 716.079 | 4.0 |
route with him hey let's see | 718.16 | 5.679 |
what what hey hey man the water's | 720.079 | 4.721 |
leaking out | 723.839 | 3.761 |
yeah that'll do that is anyone not gonna | 724.8 | 3.839 |
fix this | 727.6 | 2.64 |
we're working on the front right now | 728.639 | 4.0 |
simon i think it was always that way | 730.24 | 3.12 |
what do you mean | 732.639 | 3.2 |
it wasn't leaking out earlier on it was | 733.36 | 3.76 |
you had fish | 735.839 | 4.24 |
on the back the lawn no always no i | 737.12 | 4.399 |
didn't i was building | 740.079 | 4.241 |
a round about it i had this all filled | 741.519 | 4.32 |
with wood you nut bag | 744.32 | 3.759 |
it wasn't like this oh yeah this is a | 745.839 | 3.201 |
new leak yes | 748.079 | 2.721 |
that's a new leak the back leak i | 749.04 | 3.44 |
plugged in dip that's a | 750.8 | 3.92 |
that's a cool leak though how cool the | 752.48 | 3.28 |
leak is that | 754.72 | 3.119 |
oh that looks good you know what as far | 755.76 | 3.92 |
as legs go honestly | 757.839 | 3.761 |
good well you know what never don't say | 759.68 | 3.36 |
i never finished anything you're not | 761.6 | 2.64 |
allowed to because i was going to never | 763.04 | 4.16 |
miss this we never said it never once | 764.24 | 5.599 |
it's all gone all the wood that's but | 767.2 | 3.28 |
you know what | 769.839 | 2.56 |
simon simon what this is the beautiful | 770.48 | 3.52 |
thing it's as if the universe smiled | 772.399 | 2.24 |
upon us | 774.0 | 3.2 |
and said hey let's jack this place up | 774.639 | 4.481 |
this beautiful creation simon actually | 777.2 | 2.56 |
was | 779.12 | 2.56 |
near finishing and and then let's | 779.76 | 3.68 |
provide them this wonderful | 781.68 | 4.64 |
base to listen i got stipulations i | 783.44 | 4.16 |
really don't give a [ __ ] except for the | 786.32 | 2.8 |
fact is the tree okay | 787.6 | 4.08 |
yeah please she's fine treat the tree | 789.12 | 3.36 |
stays | 791.68 | 2.56 |
looks like it's on fire up top but | 792.48 | 3.44 |
you're getting bastard | 794.24 | 5.279 |
oh boy oh you're gonna shoot me shoot me | 795.92 | 9.28 |
yeah did he just die | 799.519 | 5.681 |
oh yep he's got enemies down there we've | 805.44 | 6.0 |
got some floor work to do | 808.16 | 3.28 |
oh god you gotta be kidding me simon | 811.839 | 7.281 |
you're back in the castle yes | 815.279 | 6.0 |
what bet are you spawning in i don't | 819.12 | 3.2 |
know | 821.279 | 2.881 |
where is it i want to break it oh it's | 822.32 | 3.04 |
over there it's in that house | 824.16 | 2.4 |
it's in the building why did you go to | 825.36 | 3.36 |
sleep in that house listen | 826.56 | 5.68 |
i want to just oh all right no big deal | 828.72 | 6.72 |
it's all gravy i'm going to the nether | 832.24 | 4.88 |
see you later all right have fun in the | 835.44 | 2.639 |
nether why are you going to the | 837.12 | 1.44 |
netherlands | 838.079 | 2.161 |
not really i was it was a it was | 838.56 | 3.04 |
desperate and then i'm glad this thing | 840.24 | 1.76 |
stopped | 841.6 | 2.56 |
me all right i need to go back home see | 842.0 | 3.36 |
ya okay hey | 844.16 | 4.239 |
i'll go with you i got materials come do | 845.36 | 5.919 |
do do the things with the things man | 848.399 | 4.88 |
it's weird you should put torches along | 851.279 | 3.041 |
this uh | 853.279 | 2.881 |
this walkway here it's got to be really | 854.32 | 3.28 |
dark at night | 856.16 | 3.84 |
did you take the torches you take the | 857.6 | 3.359 |
torches from this | 860.0 | 1.45 |
walkway | 860.959 | 3.44 |
[Laughter] | 861.45 | 6.47 |
you will pay jesus christ jesus christ | 864.399 | 7.841 |
okay cool oh hi oh no simon | 867.92 | 6.88 |
okay the enchanted forest is uh yeah | 872.24 | 3.76 |
it's enchanted at night | 874.8 | 4.08 |
running running run okay yeah run i'm | 876.0 | 3.279 |
pregnant | 878.88 | 2.8 |
i'm practically dead so gotta run hey | 879.279 | 3.12 |
cheeky check | 881.68 | 2.48 |
come on spider come on bring it up bring | 882.399 | 4.321 |
it up oh oh boy yeah it's night time | 884.16 | 5.28 |
hey you're good man my beautiful place | 886.72 | 3.679 |
is right here | 889.44 | 3.36 |
we can find refuge in here you still | 890.399 | 3.281 |
have a bed | 892.8 | 2.719 |
uh yeah i should probably go to sleep in | 893.68 | 3.599 |
it right bam | 895.519 | 4.32 |
there you go oh there you go you got air | 897.279 | 3.36 |
on your head bud | 899.839 | 3.36 |
that's okay | 900.639 | 2.56 |
i'm going to shoot you mother i'm going | 905.279 | 3.761 |
to punch you | 907.04 | 5.2 |
jesus christ go boy yep yep | 909.04 | 5.52 |
the night time is a potus oh ow careful | 912.24 | 3.36 |
care about that sorry | 914.56 | 5.04 |
sorry oh oh hey your bed worked jesus | 915.6 | 5.2 |
christ i will fight you | 919.6 | 3.44 |
where is this guy of course it is that's | 920.8 | 4.08 |
what i do where are you | 923.04 | 4.72 |
oh you're gonna die by my hand by my | 924.88 | 3.519 |
hand | 927.76 | 3.999 |
get him simon get him run my hand | 928.399 | 6.161 |
get over here | 931.759 | 2.801 |
all right i'll get him i'm gonna be oh | 935.92 | 3.359 |
hey simon | 938.32 | 3.36 |
hey it's nice to be back here i don't | 939.279 | 4.24 |
care how many times i die | 941.68 | 5.36 |
oh my red dwarf my door is out | 943.519 | 6.0 |
is that a creeper yeah yeah you're | 947.04 | 8.799 |
looking good bad | 949.519 | 6.32 |
[Laughter] | 959.54 | 4.56 |
all right we can't all sleep in here | 964.959 | 3.12 |
this is a death trap i'm going | 966.56 | 3.68 |
home i'm going with you i'm sleeping | 968.079 | 4.401 |
over here neebs | 970.24 | 4.24 |
no again i'm following you break doesn't | 972.48 | 11.359 |
work there | 974.48 | 9.359 |
all right oh ow all right listen what | 983.92 | 3.12 |
are you thinking | 986.24 | 2.32 |
because i already see what you're doing | 987.04 | 3.12 |
and i'm like all right oh | 988.56 | 4.56 |
son of a i'm thinking that my my hands | 990.16 | 4.16 |
don't they don't work | 993.12 | 3.04 |
it happens the it's the whole game | 994.32 | 3.36 |
switching thing yeah | 996.16 | 3.44 |
now what initial are you going for | 997.68 | 3.279 |
initials or do you want to go | 999.6 | 3.599 |
a little bit bigger and then spell i | 1000.959 | 4.081 |
think i think you know where i'm going | 1003.199 | 2.801 |
don't you | 1005.04 | 4.719 |
ow no okay i don't oh | 1006.0 | 7.04 |
yeah okay yeah very juvenile | 1009.759 | 6.08 |
i get it i like it it's a classic it's a | 1013.04 | 4.799 |
classic | 1015.839 | 4.881 |
okay all right i'm happy i'm happy how | 1017.839 | 6.96 |
funny how funny is that though | 1020.72 | 6.079 |
what's uh what's that gonna be it's a | 1024.799 | 3.28 |
dragon oh | 1026.799 | 2.321 |
you're gonna you're gonna make a drag | 1028.079 | 2.96 |
you got enough wool to make a dragon man | 1029.12 | 2.4 |
i've | 1031.039 | 2.321 |
had a sheep farm forever oh listen i | 1031.52 | 3.76 |
know and i got a bunch of sheep back at | 1033.36 | 3.76 |
uh absolutely if you need more wool | 1035.28 | 3.84 |
yeah i kind of want to have like some | 1037.12 | 3.6 |
purple | 1039.12 | 3.919 |
like toenails i don't know if that works | 1040.72 | 3.68 |
uh | 1043.039 | 3.201 |
i don't care for it doesn't the ender | 1044.4 | 3.6 |
dragon have purple eyes | 1046.24 | 4.0 |
i'm gonna do eyes too but toenails would | 1048.0 | 3.679 |
really bring it home wouldn't it | 1050.24 | 3.04 |
yeah but i don't i don't get toenail | 1051.679 | 3.041 |
from that i'm looking at that right now | 1053.28 | 1.84 |
and | 1054.72 | 3.52 |
i i get an eraser vibe eraser yeah you | 1055.12 | 4.32 |
know with a pinky tip | 1058.24 | 4.08 |
okay yep what if it was underneath or | 1059.44 | 3.599 |
just | 1062.32 | 4.08 |
on top just a toenail just this one | 1063.039 | 4.081 |
toenail | 1066.4 | 3.44 |
it's it should be bigger i don't know | 1067.12 | 3.2 |
man | 1069.84 | 2.88 |
look let's stick how's the shape guide | 1070.32 | 3.28 |
me up here | 1072.72 | 3.839 |
oh like that's the belly right there oh | 1073.6 | 5.439 |
that's gonna be the belly these are feet | 1076.559 | 5.921 |
two feet belly wings coming out the side | 1079.039 | 5.921 |
oh well you're going all out huh yeah | 1082.48 | 3.439 |
holy moly | 1084.96 | 3.92 |
um okay put the toenail back oh now you | 1085.919 | 3.441 |
see it | 1088.88 | 3.6 |
yeah okay out front yeah now | 1089.36 | 5.12 |
go a block over and put another toenail | 1092.48 | 3.04 |
like not right beside | 1094.48 | 2.559 |
right beside it but yeah yeah you go | 1095.52 | 3.2 |
over a little bit like two claws | 1097.039 | 3.681 |
yeah but now we need to make the feet | 1098.72 | 3.839 |
bigger so we can have three claws | 1100.72 | 4.319 |
then the toenail works so go out this | 1102.559 | 3.12 |
way | 1105.039 | 3.601 |
yes and then one more these are big feet | 1105.679 | 4.24 |
i know they're big feet but | 1108.64 | 2.72 |
you know if the boss is gonna have some | 1109.919 | 3.521 |
nice toenails you gotta have big feet | 1111.36 | 5.439 |
okay this is good yeah boom see now | 1113.44 | 5.92 |
that now that that looks like a big | 1116.799 | 3.601 |
dragon foot | 1119.36 | 3.679 |
yeah with some pink-ass toenails now we | 1120.4 | 4.56 |
match this on the other side | 1123.039 | 4.561 |
and we're good to go what's up simon | 1124.96 | 4.56 |
that's gonna be a dragon foot | 1127.6 | 5.439 |
yep okay i listen i'm down but you know | 1129.52 | 3.84 |
what | 1133.039 | 2.721 |
listen i'm doing a big thing by letting | 1133.36 | 3.84 |
you take this over | 1135.76 | 3.68 |
i need to have at least can i have the | 1137.2 | 3.92 |
interior of this place | 1139.44 | 4.08 |
can i be in charge of the interior base | 1141.12 | 3.28 |
floor | 1143.52 | 2.72 |
yeah all right but we're gonna need like | 1144.4 | 3.6 |
a place for all of us to sit | 1146.24 | 3.439 |
and like plan stuff like this is the | 1148.0 | 3.36 |
avengers house right oh well i was going | 1149.679 | 2.88 |
to do a whole dragon base | 1151.36 | 2.64 |
i was going to do a bunch of chickens | 1152.559 | 2.961 |
i've got like i stole a bunch of eggs | 1154.0 | 2.96 |
from no we're not doing it | 1155.52 | 2.64 |
you can't do a bunch of chicken can i | 1156.96 | 3.28 |
please do a bunch of chicken somewhere | 1158.16 | 4.0 |
no no it's always your go-to all right | 1160.24 | 3.76 |
well maybe listen i might do | 1162.16 | 4.399 |
some chickens beneath you may or may not | 1164.0 | 4.24 |
see them i love chickens they make me | 1166.559 | 2.161 |
happy | 1168.24 | 2.96 |
right i don't mind chickens in the base | 1168.72 | 3.44 |
we'll see | 1171.2 | 3.28 |
but it's a dragon base all right fine | 1172.16 | 5.12 |
and this dragon is in drag look at them | 1174.48 | 5.36 |
toenails | 1177.28 | 2.56 |
i like it | 1180.4 | 16.23 |
[Music] | 1193.53 | 3.1 |
i don't even know what i'm doing i heard | 1201.76 | 4.24 |
that people do this but oh | 1204.48 | 3.439 |
what the hell what is that what's going | 1206.0 | 3.12 |
on over it | 1207.919 | 4.721 |
oh boy things are happening | 1209.12 | 6.64 |
at simon palace | 1212.64 | 8.399 |
hmm maybe just a quick real quick uh | 1215.76 | 5.279 |
i think that's how you do it i saw it in | 1224.32 | 3.92 |
a youtube video | 1225.84 | 5.52 |
all right i'm gonna see what is afoot | 1228.24 | 7.919 |
over at simon central which is now | 1231.36 | 6.96 |
for uh we don't have a team name yet | 1236.159 | 4.241 |
we'll come up with a team name | 1238.32 | 3.68 |
yeah that should be probably the first | 1240.4 | 9.44 |
thing we do what's our team name | 1242.0 | 7.84 |
[Music] | 1251.5 | 4.5 |
it's a nice little meeting space i it's | 1253.6 | 3.68 |
it's | 1256.0 | 4.48 |
it's what i had right now no i know | 1257.28 | 4.48 |
it's like you know you always try to | 1260.48 | 2.88 |
build chairs in this game but you've | 1261.76 | 2.72 |
actually built chairs but they're not | 1263.36 | 2.96 |
chairs you stand on them and it works | 1264.48 | 4.079 |
perfect better than any other kind of | 1266.32 | 4.08 |
and does this make it any better | 1268.559 | 2.961 |
probably not oh it looks like you're | 1270.4 | 3.6 |
pooping nope yeah this is the way to go | 1271.52 | 3.68 |
you're standing tall you're a proud | 1274.0 | 2.0 |
proud | 1275.2 | 2.8 |
man yes and i'm aware you can't write | 1276.0 | 3.76 |
anything on the board but it's like more | 1278.0 | 2.88 |
of a | 1279.76 | 3.44 |
it looks like you could i'm glad to have | 1280.88 | 3.679 |
you guys here too | 1283.2 | 3.28 |
because the place looks better now i | 1284.559 | 3.521 |
like it you know what else though | 1286.48 | 4.0 |
we could pretend like i could be here | 1288.08 | 3.04 |
yeah then | 1290.48 | 2.24 |
you know you get a shot and as i'm | 1291.12 | 3.6 |
talking the graphics are popping up | 1292.72 | 3.36 |
behind me it can be like | 1294.72 | 4.079 |
just as your imagination charts show | 1296.08 | 3.52 |
that we're | 1298.799 | 2.961 |
trending upward you know see that again | 1299.6 | 3.28 |
what | 1301.76 | 4.88 |
show that we're trending upwards oh | 1302.88 | 6.0 |
graphs how cool is that oh you show like | 1306.64 | 3.44 |
stunks | 1308.88 | 4.48 |
stocks yeah stonks going up | 1310.08 | 6.8 |
stock market no stock stock stock market | 1313.36 | 5.679 |
okay okay okay who's leading who's | 1316.88 | 3.44 |
leading this next | 1319.039 | 3.841 |
portion like the end what who's come on | 1320.32 | 3.599 |
someone correctly | 1322.88 | 3.039 |
me me me look at this look at this i | 1323.919 | 3.441 |
figured out how to make something real | 1325.919 | 3.041 |
good these ender pearls i got | 1327.36 | 3.439 |
yeah check it out into pearls and then | 1328.96 | 3.44 |
blaze rods you break them down into | 1330.799 | 2.161 |
blaze | 1332.4 | 3.68 |
powder yeah boom boys we got eight | 1332.96 | 6.24 |
eyes of vendors those can go over here | 1336.08 | 4.8 |
uh-huh in the stomp chest | 1339.2 | 3.44 |
this is the stunt chest so boom we | 1340.88 | 3.039 |
stonking there we go | 1342.64 | 3.36 |
all of our armor all of our objects we | 1343.919 | 4.481 |
need to beat minecraft go in this chip | 1346.0 | 5.44 |
that's right eyes of ender is a big | 1348.4 | 6.08 |
deal yes okay it's causing stonks to | 1351.44 | 3.92 |
rise right now | 1354.48 | 2.4 |
yes i can picture that on the board | 1355.36 | 2.96 |
right behind you simon right when you | 1356.88 | 3.84 |
said that i pictured a bunch of isaander | 1358.32 | 5.76 |
oh big deal good now | 1360.72 | 5.04 |
anthony's not here but i made a chair | 1364.08 | 3.36 |
for him back there we'll fill him in | 1365.76 | 3.76 |
uh we'll fill him in on it later i don't | 1367.44 | 3.68 |
like him here | 1369.52 | 5.76 |
does is anyone else liking him here yeah | 1371.12 | 6.32 |
yeah i'm okay with that we all like him | 1375.28 | 4.16 |
here okay i like him because | 1377.44 | 3.84 |
let's face it he wasn't here for a day | 1379.44 | 3.359 |
and we tore each other apart no that's | 1381.28 | 1.84 |
true | 1382.799 | 2.561 |
that's true maybe i need him maybe i | 1383.12 | 4.0 |
need him more than ever we all need him | 1385.36 | 3.439 |
okay we all need him he's the glue | 1387.12 | 4.32 |
that keeps us all together is he oh god | 1388.799 | 3.281 |
yes | 1391.44 | 3.2 |
yes he's he is smelly glue let me tell | 1392.08 | 3.04 |
you | 1394.64 | 2.88 |
so this is dragon based alpha dragon | 1395.12 | 3.36 |
base alpha | 1397.52 | 3.279 |
and can we uh get someone to build that | 1398.48 | 3.36 |
dragon it's a lot of work | 1400.799 | 2.24 |
i know it's a lot of work you know what | 1401.84 | 4.079 |
i i got some guys we're gonna make a | 1403.039 | 5.601 |
nice damn dragon out of this place and | 1405.919 | 3.76 |
then | 1408.64 | 4.32 |
we're gonna go to the end no that's the | 1409.679 | 3.921 |
plan | 1412.96 | 2.079 |
right i just wanted to say it for | 1413.6 | 4.88 |
dramatic you don't have to we knew that | 1415.039 | 4.561 |
we knew that i don't know why you said | 1418.48 | 2.88 |
it again because then everyone's like | 1419.6 | 3.36 |
yeah but you said | 1421.36 | 4.08 |
that well now it's ruined yeah yeah yeah | 1422.96 | 3.04 |
guess who | 1425.44 | 6.4 |
i guess are ruined oh well montage | 1426.0 | 5.84 |
[Music] | 1433.57 | 9.14 |
[Music] | 1445.4 | 33.77 |
so | 1484.84 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1489.98 | 10.68 |
do | 1498.84 | 6.199 |
[Music] | 1500.66 | 4.379 |
[Music] | 1511.05 | 3.09 |
[Music] | 1517.3 | 3.08 |
[Music] | 1522.86 | 10.34 |
[Applause] | 1535.7 | 4.23 |
[Music] | 1536.21 | 3.72 |
[Music] | 1542.75 | 8.21 |
food | 1554.039 | 3.0 |
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