A Woman Moved In With Us and She's Not Happy. - Enshrouded
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Alright guys, I gotta say, this video is my absolute favorite. 'A Woman Moved In With Us and She's Not Happy'—classic content right there.
simon: Oh come on, Neebs! You just like it because Emily's giving you a hard time. Admit it, you love the drama.
appsro: It's definitely the drama, but let's not forget the part where Neebs tries to cook dinner and sets off the smoke alarm. Pure comedy gold!
neebs: Hey, at least I tried! Unlike some people who just sat around and watched the chaos unfold. Right, Simon?
simon: Oh, I was just there for moral support. And, you know, to make sure the fire department had the right address.
appsro: Moral support, huh? More like 'morale support' because you were laughing your butt off the entire time. But seriously, this video has everything: drama, comedy, and a whole lot of Neebs failing spectacularly.
Hey everyone! If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like I am, you're in for a treat with their latest video. So, Emily has just moved in and let's just say, things get pretty intense. She's super demanding, and poor Neebs is definitely not having it. You can already guess the hilarious chaos that's about to unfold, right?
But before you dive into the video, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button if you haven't already. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on any of their epic content. And a huge shoutout to all the Patrons out there—your support makes all these awesome videos possible!
Guess what? Neebs and the gang have a brand new channel, Neebs Magic Dumpster! It's packed with even more crazy adventures and laughs, so definitely check it out. And if you're looking to show some love, why not snag some cool merch from their store? They've got some really fun designs that you'll love.
Oh, and if you're in the market for a powerful gaming PC, Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs. They’re seriously top-notch, so give them a look. Plus, for all you coffee lovers, you can get 10% off your order at Player One Coffee with the code NEEBS10. Pretty sweet deal, right?
Stay connected with Neebs Gaming on all their social media platforms. They’re on Facebook, Twitter, and even have their own website, Neebsflix.com. And if you’re itching for more content, they’ve got playlists for everything from Cartoons to Minecraft to Subnautica.
Alright, that's enough from me. Go check out the video and see how Neebs handles Emily's demands. Spoiler alert: it's absolutely hilarious!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest hilarious and cinematic playthrough of [game name]. Their immersive style immediately pulls you into the world, making you feel like part of the adventure. The witty banter between the crew coupled with the cinematic camera work and editing makes it feel like you're watching a movie, not just another Let's Play.
Each episode is masterfully crafted to maximize both comedy and storytelling. The crew's reactions to the game's events feel genuine, drawing you further into their tale. It's clear a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make the series feel so seamless and polished.
While many gaming channels focus on showing raw gameplay, Neebs elevates the experience by adding their signature cinematic flair. You get the full narrative payoff without having to dedicate dozens of hours to playing the game yourself. It's like getting the thrill of a summer blockbuster without having to leave your couch.
For anyone looking to get the most entertaining and rewarding way to experience [game name], look no further than Neebs Gaming's playthrough. Their commitment to high-quality storytelling and filmmaking pays off in spades, letting viewers have their cake and eat it too. This is Let's Play content at its absolute best.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 1.71 | 11.009 |
sorry that I'm sorry what did you do I | 9.48 | 6.799 |
threw a a grenade I had the wrong um you | 12.719 | 6.121 |
know hot bar oh no the bed's gone well | 16.279 | 5.361 |
there's another bed uh yeah but we we | 18.84 | 4.64 |
need more I mean ideally we need four | 21.64 | 3.959 |
beds okay all right well your first | 23.48 | 4.84 |
Quest today baby daora make a bed okay | 25.599 | 4.881 |
so yeah get that going again but hey I | 28.32 | 3.68 |
want to show you something real quick | 30.48 | 4.68 |
check this out okay father uh I have | 32.0 | 6.68 |
made a couple of these I'll just stick | 35.16 | 7.28 |
them down right here now these are great | 38.68 | 6.16 |
chest because any material we put in | 42.44 | 4.56 |
here like if we use the workbenches | 44.84 | 4.16 |
they'll automatically suck from this | 47.0 | 5.28 |
chest oh sucking is good yeah so these | 49.0 | 4.8 |
are good suck chest so we don't need to | 52.28 | 3.04 |
be building any more regular chest we | 53.8 | 3.36 |
build a chest we got to build suck chest | 55.32 | 4.32 |
make a darn suck chest Perfect all right | 57.16 | 4.199 |
so yeah put materials in the suck chest | 59.64 | 3.8 |
and get to making a bed I don't know | 61.359 | 4.961 |
what you didn't have to yell again | 63.44 | 5.64 |
chapter 53 Simon being | 66.32 | 4.76 |
simony there you go you got him oh I | 69.08 | 3.96 |
went right into him that time that was | 71.08 | 4.2 |
nice well done Simon thank you but I got | 73.04 | 3.96 |
to heal up I got very hurt all right | 75.28 | 2.96 |
I'll go kill everything while you do | 77.0 | 3.0 |
that all right wait [ __ ] I didn't even | 78.24 | 3.839 |
think about bandages or whatnot what is | 80.0 | 4.84 |
the whoa what's the stuff in this game | 82.079 | 5.601 |
um I don't know neither do I like elixir | 84.84 | 8.279 |
things oh [ __ ] hold on that's not wrong | 87.68 | 8.759 |
way oh no oh no | 93.119 | 6.201 |
summon oh God I should I atat first can | 96.439 | 5.161 |
I eat right now I got a lock unlock from | 99.32 | 5.36 |
this guy okay whoa they're shooting | 101.6 | 6.36 |
arrows too hey I'm coming back sh oh | 104.68 | 4.96 |
yeah nice you spawn in the right place | 107.96 | 3.4 |
yeah well it kind of it did it | 109.64 | 5.28 |
automatically okay perfect so where this | 111.36 | 6.56 |
is me get back in here buddy I'm I'm | 114.92 | 7.119 |
coming in oh he blocked that nice so I'm | 117.92 | 6.72 |
still trying to figure out this game I'm | 122.039 | 5.12 |
trying to think should I use my magic | 124.64 | 6.08 |
wand or ma um either just help I guess | 127.159 | 4.401 |
oh | 130.72 | 4.2 |
God what are you | 131.56 | 3.36 |
doing okay come on almost there okay I | 135.0 | 7.04 |
got the one guy hey I'm back all right | 138.28 | 5.12 |
hey I'm not really sure what I'm | 142.04 | 3.72 |
supposed to do I'm trying to kill people | 143.4 | 4.559 |
and they're killing me yeah um did you | 145.76 | 6.04 |
eat first uh no no no I didn't eat you | 147.959 | 7.28 |
should eat first I'm going | 151.8 | 3.439 |
to above and beyond baby Dora above and | 155.92 | 5.92 |
beyond right right I I could make the uh | 158.84 | 5.72 |
the the better beds but yeah listen | 161.84 | 5.2 |
that's a good start and I figured daddy | 164.56 | 5.12 |
you'd sleep away from the US boys oh you | 167.04 | 4.68 |
made daddy his own bed in the corner | 169.68 | 4.24 |
yeah that's sweet then I can get nasty | 171.72 | 3.68 |
and the little boys don't have to hear | 173.92 | 4.599 |
me well we will you're it's like 4T away | 175.4 | 5.16 |
well that's a good bit of distance yeah | 178.519 | 4.401 |
okay oh we need to place down the | 180.56 | 4.84 |
Carpenter and uh what the farmer right | 182.92 | 4.28 |
tell me when okay you know what I think | 185.4 | 4.36 |
I've set out a space okay so come over | 187.2 | 4.52 |
here I'm thinking over here could be the | 189.76 | 5.199 |
farm right I cleared this Shack great | 191.72 | 5.439 |
Spot Great spot uh yeah maybe put the | 194.959 | 4.881 |
the farmer out here I will she's a woman | 197.159 | 3.761 |
she don't want to live in the house with | 199.84 | 4.2 |
all the boys no no no no no no all right | 200.92 | 4.84 |
all right all right | 204.04 | 4.08 |
um and | 205.76 | 6.479 |
um Emily he yeah get Emily in here all | 208.12 | 5.679 |
right make sure she's like actually you | 212.239 | 3.401 |
know on the yeah yep she's there and | 213.799 | 3.401 |
that's where she's going right there | 215.64 | 2.879 |
yeah we'll have to build some walls | 217.2 | 4.92 |
around her aha hi Emily hey Emily how | 218.519 | 5.36 |
you doing all right hey we'll be back to | 222.12 | 4.88 |
talk to you now follow me Dora yes yes | 223.879 | 4.681 |
okay now remember we didn't have access | 227.0 | 3.239 |
to the attic well look what I built | 228.56 | 3.599 |
access to the attic access to the attic | 230.239 | 3.521 |
and I'm thinking the carpenter we can | 232.159 | 3.961 |
stick up in the attic ooh got really | 233.76 | 3.759 |
dark didn't it it really did I got some | 236.12 | 2.88 |
torches in here this is all good but | 237.519 | 3.041 |
yeah look at this nice big space it's a | 239.0 | 3.28 |
great woodworking space would you like | 240.56 | 4.84 |
your your bed in here Daddy uh no | 242.28 | 5.36 |
Carpenter lives in here yeah but I know | 245.4 | 3.839 |
how you'd be I I could see a nice | 247.64 | 4.439 |
bedroom where I could just Stomp and get | 249.239 | 5.041 |
loud up here yeah and if we're too loud | 252.079 | 4.601 |
you could Stomp and say [ __ ] out it's | 254.28 | 4.6 |
true I might do that yeah I might move | 256.68 | 3.799 |
my bed in here this will be my bedroom | 258.88 | 2.919 |
then I can stomp down and yell at you | 260.479 | 3.121 |
kids I love it I love it and we don't | 261.799 | 3.641 |
have to be near you Daddy perfect and | 263.6 | 3.159 |
then we can put our Carpenter buddy | 265.44 | 4.039 |
maybe right here in the corner all right | 266.759 | 6.961 |
and and that is Cade Hawthorne oh Cade | 269.479 | 8.921 |
there you go Cade hey hey hey all right | 273.72 | 5.96 |
this is working out great we got new | 278.4 | 3.12 |
friends okay speaking of beds let's go | 279.68 | 4.0 |
down and sleep okay that way we can | 281.52 | 3.84 |
speed up time I think everybody will | 283.68 | 3.76 |
enjoy a nice uh you know they'll like it | 285.36 | 4.0 |
with nicer weather absolutely let's do | 287.44 | 5.24 |
it all right | 289.36 | 7.399 |
Boop boo really really bury yourself in | 292.68 | 6.04 |
there don't you yeah you really do I am | 296.759 | 3.761 |
deep into this bed | 298.72 | 4.82 |
yeah balls deep | 300.52 | 5.679 |
[Music] | 303.54 | 6.099 |
mhm sumon yeah we're looking for it says | 306.199 | 5.681 |
there should be a chest in the house | 309.639 | 4.041 |
okay I want to chop on something down | 311.88 | 5.159 |
here yeah do some chopping oh oh oh look | 313.68 | 5.16 |
at this you found something freaking | 317.039 | 4.041 |
door hold on I'm coming and it's below | 318.84 | 4.68 |
the stairs perfect where you at right | 321.08 | 4.32 |
here there you are so you chopped can | 323.52 | 3.48 |
you imagine I broke the thing that was | 325.4 | 3.68 |
here and then the door was behind it | 327.0 | 4.4 |
okay so now we have to chop it again I | 329.08 | 4.399 |
mean it says loot right well I think | 331.4 | 3.799 |
it's just some wood on the ground okay | 333.479 | 5.361 |
so there there it is chest yes | 335.199 | 8.481 |
chest Simon Simon this is it oh it's a | 338.84 | 7.919 |
Shepherd staff power of 20 that should | 343.68 | 6.56 |
probably be you huh you do stabs do do I | 346.759 | 5.601 |
yeah you're baby wizard okay all right | 350.24 | 4.04 |
so take all | 352.36 | 5.04 |
baby papa will be so proud he actually | 354.28 | 5.24 |
would be proud yeah he would be unless | 357.4 | 4.0 |
he he saw that fight we were just in | 359.52 | 3.76 |
yeah then he would yeah we'll leave that | 361.4 | 5.519 |
part out yeah um okay now I don't know | 363.28 | 6.28 |
how to get out of here so this way maybe | 366.919 | 6.28 |
and we're out look at that oh man I | 369.56 | 6.6 |
found J it we'll leave that part out too | 373.199 | 6.081 |
leave that part out okay let's go home | 376.16 | 5.319 |
all | 379.28 | 2.199 |
[Music] | 383.66 | 7.259 |
right oh hey did you find the chest yep | 387.08 | 5.559 |
sweet oh hey baby neees come over here | 390.919 | 4.12 |
and meet the farmer okay you don't know | 392.639 | 4.801 |
what was in it what was in it the wand | 395.039 | 5.44 |
okay cool yes this is Emily Emily so | 397.44 | 4.52 |
yeah talk to Emily you can get Quests | 400.479 | 2.84 |
for her and you can start crafting | 401.96 | 2.639 |
things for the farm because we're going | 403.319 | 3.44 |
to need food okay will she do Quests for | 404.599 | 5.241 |
me no that'd be cool wouldn't it yeah | 406.759 | 5.121 |
Simon yeah uh let's go talk to the | 409.84 | 4.44 |
carpenter all right so yeah he's | 411.88 | 3.759 |
upstairs here in the Attic you remember | 414.28 | 2.96 |
how we couldn't get into the attic I do | 415.639 | 2.96 |
well now we can get in the Attic follow | 417.24 | 2.799 |
those stairs up there get some quests | 418.599 | 3.641 |
from the farmer Dora daddy you have | 420.039 | 3.961 |
anything you want to do I just did it | 422.24 | 4.03 |
Daddy what'd you | 424.0 | 3.759 |
[Music] | 426.27 | 4.69 |
do hey wait door door's up here he just | 427.759 | 4.401 |
did you told me to go up to the | 430.96 | 4.079 |
carpenter oh yeah that's upstairs daddy | 432.16 | 5.879 |
look it what what' you do is that | 435.039 | 5.121 |
Daddy's bed it is Daddy's bed oh my | 438.039 | 4.041 |
goodness Baby D you are becoming my | 440.16 | 4.479 |
favorite very quickly you hear that hear | 442.08 | 4.799 |
that s i yeah that's fine with me he's | 444.639 | 3.441 |
going to want to spend more time with | 446.879 | 3.04 |
you I also made our beds better better | 448.08 | 4.519 |
daddy oh wonderful yeah great uh so this | 449.919 | 4.161 |
is the carpenter you're saying yeah if | 452.599 | 2.88 |
you talk to the carpenter he'll build | 454.08 | 3.679 |
stuff for us too and we uh he'll give us | 455.479 | 3.801 |
quests so we we should probably take | 457.759 | 3.56 |
some quests from the Carpenter and from | 459.28 | 5.599 |
the [ __ ] farmer right Lord quests | 461.319 | 6.041 |
know how this works boy this girl wants | 464.879 | 4.641 |
me to build her a house already well | 467.36 | 6.559 |
yeah I I started working on that okay so | 469.52 | 7.399 |
Hollow the hollow Halls ooh I don't know | 473.919 | 5.28 |
if we're ready for that probably not how | 476.919 | 4.481 |
about the Bridge the bridge what's that | 479.199 | 3.96 |
Quest I don't know I'm waiting for Cade | 481.4 | 3.919 |
to stop talking is this like tombs and | 483.159 | 4.0 |
treasures what the hell do I do I | 485.319 | 3.921 |
haven't done any of this uh mine is a | 487.159 | 4.121 |
chest I set in the foundation of brilin | 489.24 | 4.28 |
bridge right by the middle pillar ooh | 491.28 | 3.96 |
that's the bridge near our first home I | 493.52 | 3.959 |
love it I want it all right Dora I'm | 495.24 | 4.2 |
with you okay fast travel back to the | 497.479 | 4.481 |
original home I yes let's do it or | 499.44 | 4.4 |
actually screw it the Spire meet me at | 501.96 | 3.0 |
the Spire | 503.84 | 6.72 |
baby chapter 54 railand Bridge | 504.96 | 5.6 |
okay my favorite baby yeah looks that's | 511.319 | 5.52 |
the bridge said the middle pillar so all | 514.44 | 4.92 |
right I'm behind you that never gets old | 516.839 | 5.241 |
I love watching it the the jump and yeah | 519.36 | 5.12 |
yeah watching my babies fly yeah yeah I | 522.08 | 4.24 |
want to get one of those better gliders | 524.48 | 6.0 |
but oh f f show show show show show so | 526.32 | 7.519 |
it says below location's below uh yeah | 530.48 | 4.76 |
at the you said the bottom of the middle | 533.839 | 3.961 |
glider uh the middle pillar middle all | 535.24 | 5.4 |
right pillar | 537.8 | 6.56 |
y am I going to okay thank goodness okay | 540.64 | 7.12 |
circling back AR runed yeah what you see | 544.36 | 7.52 |
uh shroud stuff in the Shroud a little | 547.76 | 5.56 |
bit but that's uh we know how to get out | 551.88 | 3.56 |
of here we've been here before yeah was | 553.32 | 5.0 |
it where's the middle | 555.44 | 5.44 |
pillar H not | 558.32 | 5.84 |
sure is it is it underground did he say | 560.88 | 4.88 |
it was underground I don't think he did | 564.16 | 6.239 |
say okay maybe he did he might have said | 565.76 | 6.44 |
okay whatever your instincts are do the | 570.399 | 5.44 |
opposite this is my instincts this mound | 572.2 | 5.639 |
oh yeah that that does that does seem | 575.839 | 4.201 |
like a a hidden Mound doesn't it yeah it | 577.839 | 3.481 |
does it does what are we here for | 580.04 | 5.799 |
Treasure uh yeah treasure treasure all | 581.32 | 7.639 |
right um come on give it to me there got | 585.839 | 6.041 |
to be something here give it to | 588.959 | 4.44 |
me | 591.88 | 3.68 |
anything | 593.399 | 6.201 |
uh anything uh not yet father H oh wait | 595.56 | 7.2 |
I see a treasure oh | 599.6 | 6.919 |
yes oh whatever is it I | 602.76 | 7.44 |
wonder it is a ring of Health oh now man | 606.519 | 5.56 |
that's good that's a that is a good one | 610.2 | 4.0 |
and another oh yeah and another U mace | 612.079 | 4.401 |
for me which is perfect cuz this one's | 614.2 | 4.36 |
perfect perfect all right hey that | 616.48 | 3.64 |
worked out you want to go uh yeah I | 618.56 | 2.839 |
guess we can go back and talk to the | 620.12 | 2.44 |
carpenter it's going to take us a minute | 621.399 | 2.761 |
to get out of the Shroud though oh yeah | 622.56 | 6.04 |
right yep just follow me baby following | 624.16 | 4.44 |
how's that look yeah that looks great | 632.0 | 4.639 |
man okay what's your key Bings are | 634.0 | 5.92 |
whacka dude yeah I have my key bindings | 636.639 | 4.721 |
changed cuz I like to fight the way it | 639.92 | 3.44 |
is and then when I build it's a | 641.36 | 4.56 |
nightmare okay so well I got a question | 643.36 | 5.12 |
for you uhhuh have you ever made linen | 645.92 | 4.719 |
uh yeah I think so okay how the hell do | 648.48 | 4.32 |
I find out where to make it cuz I can't | 650.639 | 4.801 |
find it in the the crafting things maybe | 652.8 | 4.52 |
I just made string and I thought it that | 655.44 | 4.12 |
was linen maybe I don't know but you'll | 657.32 | 3.759 |
have to help me eventually cuz I want to | 659.56 | 4.04 |
upgrade my wing suit okay now I need to | 661.079 | 5.2 |
I need to rotate this yeah rotate | 663.6 | 6.16 |
it do it ah it just builds no it just | 666.279 | 5.641 |
builds God but you can pick it up easy | 669.76 | 4.8 |
right no no we got to break it it say it | 671.92 | 5.12 |
says left trigger remove and it's just | 674.56 | 5.48 |
still here yep should I chop Ao no cuz | 677.04 | 5.64 |
left trigger nope you know what I'm | 680.04 | 4.56 |
going mouse and keyboard how about that | 682.68 | 3.959 |
wow I'm so happy you were quite the | 684.6 | 5.039 |
troubleshooter | 686.639 | 3.0 |
chapter 55 things just got | 690.44 | 6.0 |
weird right | 694.16 | 5.64 |
yeah hey the house is looking cute yep | 696.44 | 5.88 |
thank you think Emily's going to be very | 699.8 | 4.279 |
satisfied I still think it's weird she | 702.32 | 3.72 |
won't do Quests for me well you she | 704.079 | 3.88 |
wants a house first she needs shelter | 706.04 | 3.96 |
all right after that she'll do Quests | 707.959 | 3.721 |
for everybody yeah I mean we could move | 710.0 | 3.6 |
her into the house to go ahead and get a | 711.68 | 4.52 |
quest it's weird that for some reason | 713.6 | 6.28 |
only the girls out here right no no I | 716.2 | 5.28 |
feel like that's appropriate for the | 719.88 | 4.199 |
lady she's the farmer sausage fest over | 721.48 | 4.32 |
here true and what if you know daddy | 724.079 | 4.721 |
wants to pay a visit at night don't call | 725.8 | 5.0 |
yourself dadd if you're Vis her in that | 728.8 | 3.76 |
way I think you just I can't visit her | 730.8 | 5.0 |
if she's in here with us oh boy yeah | 732.56 | 5.24 |
come on things just got really think | 735.8 | 5.2 |
idiot disturbing I'm okay all right this | 737.8 | 4.68 |
whole place has gotten | 741.0 | 4.32 |
weird all right see if the carpenter has | 742.48 | 4.599 |
any more Quest or Treasures that's what | 745.32 | 6.72 |
I'm doing good hey Simon hey you | 747.079 | 4.961 |
remember I got to build more blocks and | 756.56 | 5.8 |
this door should probably have a lock on | 759.519 | 6.721 |
it Salon yeah I'm on my way Bubba hey | 762.36 | 6.719 |
hey hey uh The Alchemist has a quest | 766.24 | 5.52 |
called The Alchemist mortar um unlock | 769.079 | 4.2 |
more crafting recipes hidden in The | 771.76 | 3.079 |
Alchemist Tower and lone thistle | 773.279 | 3.68 |
somewhere below the surface that sounds | 774.839 | 4.0 |
like fun yeah that'll be yeah below the | 776.959 | 3.68 |
surface always sounds like a good time | 778.839 | 5.321 |
yeah um shall we uh let's go to that | 780.639 | 6.281 |
home level one up there and journey | 784.16 | 4.76 |
listen you lead the way I will be your | 786.92 | 4.68 |
faithful companion bye | 788.92 | 5.039 |
yo oh yeah that way though I got to do | 791.6 | 6.0 |
that yeah that yeah I didn't do | 793.959 | 8.841 |
that wa little late better late than | 797.6 | 5.2 |
never just sounds like they took off and | 803.279 | 4.641 |
this is looking good neebs yeah I don't | 805.8 | 4.0 |
know if she wants a door yeah she needs | 807.92 | 3.599 |
a door I don't think she needs a door | 809.8 | 3.399 |
she needs a door yeah well let's see if | 811.519 | 2.961 |
you can talk to her see if she's fine | 813.199 | 3.561 |
with having shelter now uh took you long | 814.48 | 4.76 |
enough let's get to work there you go | 816.76 | 4.439 |
you hear this woman oh yeah I hear her | 819.24 | 5.12 |
she's going to hear me later God here we | 821.199 | 6.481 |
go okay uh the world opens up what's | 824.36 | 5.12 |
that all about you're doing it Flame | 827.68 | 4.12 |
born you're healing the springlands but | 829.48 | 4.279 |
our world is vast trust me I've traveled | 831.8 | 4.599 |
at plenty set your sights on the ancient | 833.759 | 5.64 |
Spire in the re revelwood it was open | 836.399 | 5.36 |
our world more we're all with you okay | 839.399 | 4.321 |
so that's the big Spire all right real | 841.759 | 3.841 |
quick neebs uh travel with me to the | 843.72 | 5.64 |
Spire near us uh-huh okay you got it I | 845.6 | 8.799 |
can totally do that okay Emily see you | 849.36 | 5.039 |
later there okay so this is one ancient | 855.32 | 4.759 |
Spire so the one to the north you can | 858.04 | 4.719 |
see it from here I can see it um that | 860.079 | 5.401 |
one yeah that's a ways away deep in the | 862.759 | 6.44 |
rwood so I need to go to there um o if | 865.48 | 5.08 |
you want to try you might want to armor | 869.199 | 3.0 |
up a little more Bubba that's the the | 870.56 | 4.719 |
Revel Wood's Deep full of full of | 872.199 | 5.2 |
creatures okay scary horrendous | 875.279 | 3.441 |
creatures I mean why would I I wouldn't | 877.399 | 2.961 |
go by myself would I I mean no I'll go | 878.72 | 3.88 |
with you okay but I'm not a good fighter | 880.36 | 6.0 |
remember uh okay well okay you want to | 882.6 | 5.919 |
go now uh I don't know like we should | 886.36 | 5.64 |
wait yeah let's | 888.519 | 3.481 |
wait so I again I'm sorry we're looking | 893.24 | 5.48 |
for a mortar all right now we are in | 896.279 | 5.161 |
trout so let's be mindful of that and go | 898.72 | 6.0 |
in mhm probably some fighting coming up | 901.44 | 4.88 |
I can see that damn I wish I had a whis | 904.72 | 3.32 |
oh here we go those are thankful or | 906.32 | 4.8 |
helpful come on people thought maybe | 908.04 | 4.96 |
we'd have a little bit more going on so | 911.12 | 5.159 |
far uh that is that looks very important | 913.0 | 5.16 |
it's very locked yeah it | 916.279 | 5.68 |
is um hello there might be some way to | 918.16 | 6.76 |
open it from up top I bet that's the | 921.959 | 5.041 |
mortar it looks like a mortar I mean it | 924.92 | 3.44 |
does like it looks like a mortar and | 927.0 | 3.36 |
pestle okay so | 928.36 | 5.2 |
maybe up top we got to find some way to | 930.36 | 6.2 |
open those somewhere moving up I'm just | 933.56 | 5.12 |
looking around the corners here yep | 936.56 | 4.32 |
you'll find | 938.68 | 7.56 |
it chapter 56 daddy abso versus | 940.88 | 5.36 |
bees yo hey that was all right oh wow | 946.88 | 6.639 |
did you see that move uh yeah here it | 950.959 | 6.081 |
comes a take that sucker man you're a | 953.519 | 4.961 |
killer now that's right I got some | 957.04 | 2.64 |
spores | 958.48 | 4.279 |
yeah taking all of them okay so I think | 959.68 | 6.36 |
we are still oh God bees look at the | 962.759 | 6.281 |
bees I can I can get him with the bow | 966.04 | 4.4 |
yeah yeah knock that down this uh the | 969.04 | 4.56 |
bees wag's good okay here we go | 970.44 | 7.28 |
yep oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bees | 973.6 | 7.32 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] bees yeah I'm fine damn it | 977.72 | 7.64 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] bees [ __ ] still on you I know | 980.92 | 7.08 |
give it bees bees give it [ __ ] give it | 985.36 | 8.039 |
[ __ ] be damn it what [ __ ] [ __ ] bees [ __ ] | 988.0 | 8.0 |
[ __ ] okay I got the bees there you go | 993.399 | 4.281 |
okay did you get all the good stuff I | 996.0 | 3.92 |
hope so uh yeah I did pick that up all | 997.68 | 4.399 |
right I think we are on now the edge of | 999.92 | 6.2 |
the revelwood uh-huh and uh o I see see | 1002.079 | 8.081 |
a house up the hill see it uh yeah I do | 1006.12 | 5.88 |
check that out here why Emily want us to | 1010.16 | 3.76 |
come here again um I don't know you talk | 1012.0 | 4.079 |
to her yeah I don't know she's really | 1013.92 | 4.599 |
needy man she's not little bit she just | 1016.079 | 4.961 |
wanted damn place to live okay before | 1018.519 | 4.081 |
she did anything a lot of people want to | 1021.04 | 3.24 |
pitch in first before they start asking | 1022.6 | 3.599 |
for stuff right but I mean you do have | 1024.28 | 3.72 |
the quest in your Journal you know why | 1026.199 | 3.48 |
we've come out here yeah I just didn't | 1028.0 | 3.28 |
want to open oh no we were going for the | 1029.679 | 4.321 |
Spire we did the Spire oh we're going to | 1031.28 | 5.96 |
unlock the Spire other Spire yeah that's | 1034.0 | 5.88 |
what we're going for uh-oh bees [ __ ] | 1037.24 | 5.4 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bees can we just run from | 1039.88 | 4.84 |
them jump in the water like a normal | 1042.64 | 5.52 |
person uh no there is no water here okay | 1044.72 | 4.68 |
we got some rat | 1048.16 | 3.8 |
come on you little rat yeah two three | 1049.4 | 5.44 |
dead rats three dead rats three dead | 1051.96 | 5.599 |
rats and a bottle of milk that's a fairy | 1054.84 | 4.64 |
tale that my mom used to read me I don't | 1057.559 | 6.12 |
believe that you should oh oh salmon | 1059.48 | 6.559 |
yeah check it out hey look at me look at | 1063.679 | 4.88 |
my top J it looks nice oh that is really | 1066.039 | 5.88 |
nice yeah what's up that's a thing it's | 1068.559 | 5.36 |
very important looking is it a | 1071.919 | 6.081 |
button how do you oh use that's how'll | 1073.919 | 6.681 |
do it okay so down we got to go down | 1078.0 | 5.44 |
damn got it that had to open it down how | 1080.6 | 4.8 |
do you get down I don't know but there's | 1083.44 | 4.16 |
something to collect here what is this | 1085.4 | 5.0 |
I'm going down all right I'm coming uh I | 1087.6 | 4.439 |
didn't know if it was like a time thing | 1090.4 | 3.56 |
sometimes things are you know in games | 1092.039 | 5.52 |
oh no okay all right oh still down okay | 1093.96 | 5.839 |
I'm running all right hey I got it you | 1097.559 | 6.041 |
did good got the mortar yay grab what | 1099.799 | 5.441 |
you can we'll uh we'll bring this home | 1103.6 | 5.25 |
daddy's going to be so happy yay | 1105.24 | 6.28 |
[Music] | 1108.85 | 4.23 |
these crazy plants you see in these | 1111.52 | 3.24 |
things oh of course we're not going to | 1113.08 | 3.0 |
mess with them uh you want to try to | 1114.76 | 4.2 |
take one oh he shot at me yeah try to | 1116.08 | 4.88 |
take it okay see what we get from it | 1118.96 | 5.599 |
I'll try yep can I chop it with whatever | 1120.96 | 6.52 |
doesn't matter yep I'll punch him okay | 1124.559 | 4.801 |
oh did that do anything oh yeah okay it | 1127.48 | 5.6 |
stuns the plants he went lamp Okay him | 1129.36 | 8.36 |
again drop it down nice o there he goes | 1133.08 | 5.76 |
here I'm going to try to make him | 1137.72 | 4.4 |
liptick plant oh boy do it keep going | 1138.84 | 4.92 |
around around all right all right there | 1142.12 | 4.36 |
we go lip plant jump swing it boom boom | 1143.76 | 5.76 |
that's a good combo yep Bo oh God what's | 1146.48 | 5.04 |
on your face arrow on my face what's on | 1149.52 | 3.72 |
your face I got like berries on my face | 1151.52 | 3.36 |
oh God you got like oh God what did you | 1153.24 | 3.88 |
do I don't what's on your face I see it | 1154.88 | 4.679 |
what get it off I don't know get off get | 1157.12 | 4.559 |
off what I do get it off how I get off | 1159.559 | 3.961 |
face get it off okay it went off your | 1161.679 | 4.521 |
face punch it yep is this plant ever | 1163.52 | 4.279 |
going to go down I don't know what's it | 1166.2 | 5.56 |
health all right it's St kill it okay | 1167.799 | 3.961 |
yep it oh god there woo Jesus okay all | 1172.76 | 7.96 |
right what do you get from it that was | 1178.919 | 4.321 |
like raspberry face or something um loot | 1180.72 | 6.68 |
it uh poison sack materials ooh we might | 1183.24 | 6.679 |
be able to use that to make a good | 1187.4 | 6.72 |
potion chapter 57 super shroud super | 1189.919 | 8.041 |
that sounds cool oh wait oh uh-oh what | 1194.12 | 5.84 |
is that uh oh baby neees what are you | 1197.96 | 4.52 |
looking at oh he help me kill this guy | 1199.96 | 5.32 |
and his dog real quick I do not like | 1202.48 | 5.48 |
hearing stuff like that I know yep I'm | 1205.28 | 5.0 |
chopped the wolf there we go stunned the | 1207.96 | 4.719 |
guy yep oh he missed me wolf oh he | 1210.28 | 4.68 |
running no can I knock this guy off the | 1212.679 | 6.521 |
cliff yes dog down oh god oh I hit it I | 1214.96 | 8.44 |
hit okay get him yep here we go oh God | 1219.2 | 6.2 |
we got more dogs coming in more dogs huh | 1223.4 | 5.639 |
sh oh boy I'm hurt I'm moving I'll heal | 1225.4 | 6.8 |
you okay yep thank you I'll keep healing | 1229.039 | 4.481 |
you keep fighting yep there's two of | 1232.2 | 3.08 |
them yeah it's a lot I'm coming in | 1233.52 | 4.12 |
there's a lot feel like I should do some | 1235.28 | 6.0 |
range stuff now maybe let's just keep | 1237.64 | 4.64 |
backing up together how about that all | 1241.28 | 1.879 |
right yeah I'm backing up with you I'm | 1242.28 | 2.2 |
backing up with you | 1243.159 | 4.52 |
yep that's a lot of them B okay is | 1244.48 | 5.16 |
anything dying uh no no it doesn't seem | 1247.679 | 4.041 |
to be okay this guy maybe here in a | 1249.64 | 4.039 |
second okay I I just noticed something | 1251.72 | 4.0 |
though the Shroud over there has a red | 1253.679 | 4.201 |
tint to it I don't think we can go into | 1255.72 | 4.16 |
that yet until we upgrade our altar back | 1257.88 | 4.36 |
at the house what yeah we're out here | 1259.88 | 4.039 |
for nothing uh we might be out here for | 1262.24 | 3.96 |
nothing I think yeah we need to upgrade | 1263.919 | 3.76 |
the alter again I feel like I need to | 1266.2 | 4.2 |
run away right now maybe but maybe not | 1267.679 | 4.961 |
maybe we can't get over there uh-huh my | 1270.4 | 5.36 |
health is bad whoop St it you want to | 1272.64 | 4.639 |
see if we can make it across the bridge | 1275.76 | 3.44 |
uh yeah let's do it okay I'm following | 1277.279 | 3.88 |
you come | 1279.2 | 4.4 |
on the bridge is the bridge in the | 1281.159 | 5.081 |
Shroud at all all right step into that | 1283.6 | 5.0 |
shroud see if see if you can survive it | 1286.24 | 4.679 |
I might not be able to survive it maybe | 1288.6 | 4.079 |
what do you mean NOP that looks really | 1290.919 | 3.12 |
fast and weird Okay so yeah that's super | 1292.679 | 3.12 |
shroud we can't go through here super | 1294.039 | 4.401 |
shroud yo kind of we got to yeah we got | 1295.799 | 3.88 |
to go back and we got to upgrade our | 1298.44 | 3.599 |
flame alter at the house uh-huh also | 1299.679 | 3.961 |
yeah this is this is a lot this is a | 1302.039 | 3.801 |
damn lot okay we're running yeah we're | 1303.64 | 5.53 |
running we're running yep | 1305.84 | 8.669 |
[Music] | 1309.17 | 5.339 |
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