We Need The HEAD of a Monster. - Enshrouded
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Alright guys, today on Enshrouded, we're going to tackle the age-old question: why is 'We Need The HEAD of a Monster' our favorite video?
simon: Well, obviously! It's because nothing says 'good ol' fashioned fun' like a bit of decapitation, right?
appsro: Oh yeah, Simon. Totally. Because when I wake up, the first thing I think is, 'Man, I really need to chop off a monster's head today!'
neebs: Exactly, Appsro! It's a classic bonding experience. Nothing brings friends together like a shared love of monster heads.
simon: And let's not forget the educational value! I mean, where else can you learn the fine art of decapitation in such a fun, family-friendly way?
appsro: Oh, absolutely. It's like a cooking show, but instead of soufflés, we're serving up monster heads on a silver platter.
Hey everyone! If you're a fan of epic adventures and hilarious antics, then you’re going to love the latest episode on Enshrouded! In this one, we dive into some classic decapitation action, and let me tell you, it's as thrilling as it sounds.
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Oh, and guess what? Neebs and the gang have launched a brand-new channel! It’s called Neebs Magic Dumpster, and it’s packed with all sorts of goodies. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/@neebsmagicdumpster. You’re going to love it.
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Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs, and if you’re in the market for a new rig, these guys are the best. Check them out here: https://www.xidax.com/neebs. Plus, for all you coffee lovers out there, don’t miss out on the special Neebs blend. Use code NEEBS10 at checkout for 10% off at https://playeronecoffee.com/products/world-peace-neebs-gaming.
Stay connected with Neebs Gaming on social media! Follow them on Facebook at https://www.Facebook.com/NeebsGaming, on X (formerly Twitter) at https://x.com/Neebsofficial, and on their website at http://www.neebsflix.com.
Looking for more videos? Dive into their awesome playlists! From cartoons (https://bit.ly/2RASc99) to survival games like 7 Days to Die (https://bit.ly/32Hb9gV), and even some Minecraft (https://bit.ly/35R51ol) and GTA V action (https://bit.ly/33CxwmP). And don’t miss their underwater adventures in Subnautica (https://bit.ly/2E9g0xJ).
Alright, that's all for now. Go check out the latest episode and enjoy the decapitation madness! See you in the comments!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, I've gotta say, the gameplay in this latest Neebs Gaming video is looking sweeter than ever! The graphics are crisp, the combat is brutal yet satisfying, and the world design is breathtakingly immersive.
You can really tell the developers put some serious thought and care into crafting this game. The attention to detail with things like the physics, enemy AI, and environment interaction creates an experience where you truly feel transported into the game world.
And of course, the cinematic flair and comedy that Neebs Gaming brings to the table elevates the gameplay to a whole new level of entertainment. Their editing and camera work makes you feel like you're watching an action movie at times! Not to mention their hilarious banter and running gags that have me cracking up constantly.
Getting to see these pros experience the game in such an engaging way really is the next best thing to playing it yourself. It's like I'm embarking on this grand adventure along with them. Their passion and expertise shines through and makes me appreciate the hard work that went into developing a game of this caliber.
So if you're looking for an entertaining, high-quality let's play of an awesome new game, Neebs Gaming is absolutely bringing their A-game as usual. I'd highly recommend giving this video a watch to see this impressive title in action with some great personalities guiding the way! It's a blast.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 2.75 | 8.969 |
oh my goodness baby Simon look at you I | 9.28 | 5.12 |
love it old bath has been hooking me up | 11.719 | 5.801 |
old bath who's that isn't this bath | 14.4 | 6.52 |
Bazar Bazar bath old bath I like it I | 17.52 | 5.08 |
like it dor you looking nice too is that | 20.92 | 4.279 |
a new set it is a new set my Scout set | 22.6 | 4.079 |
man that lady helped me out I don't | 25.199 | 3.441 |
remember her name guys are growing up so | 26.679 | 3.68 |
quick nebes where you at I'm working on | 28.64 | 4.36 |
my clothes well get it done come on NS | 30.359 | 5.36 |
I'm going to make some pants okay Papa | 33.0 | 4.96 |
are you going to put on a shirt for | 35.719 | 4.481 |
today's fight oh no I haven't made a | 37.96 | 4.96 |
shirt yet oh I don't think papa wants to | 40.2 | 5.16 |
shirts are for the week or they give you | 42.92 | 4.88 |
protection more Health way yeah way more | 45.36 | 4.199 |
protection yeah yeah it's a weird thing | 47.8 | 4.079 |
to say neebs neebs you almost done yep | 49.559 | 7.16 |
and a helmet and okay yep uh I think I'm | 51.879 | 9.0 |
ready yeah all right hey that looks nice | 56.719 | 6.081 |
all right not bad huh yeah shirtless | 60.879 | 4.56 |
though huh uh because of the the shirts | 62.8 | 4.76 |
are for the week okay I get you say that | 65.439 | 4.641 |
but you actually have a set of armor | 67.56 | 3.84 |
yeah you just don't have the materials | 70.08 | 3.92 |
to finish I I don't have no I just don't | 71.4 | 4.28 |
have it gotcha well I'll tell you what | 74.0 | 3.759 |
guys I think we're geared up enough I | 75.68 | 3.72 |
want you guys to follow me back to our | 77.759 | 3.68 |
original house and from there we must go | 79.4 | 6.33 |
defeat a great Evil all right Dad huzza | 81.439 | 13.131 |
[Music] | 85.73 | 8.84 |
[Music] | 96.72 | 3.109 |
all right about to enter the Shroud boys | 102.0 | 3.92 |
yeah ready where I'm taking you guys | 103.68 | 5.039 |
there an old Elixir well okay Elixir is | 105.92 | 4.479 |
the stuff everybody got addicted to it's | 108.719 | 3.241 |
kind of the whole reason for the Shroud | 110.399 | 4.441 |
oh really yeah H it was like must be | 111.96 | 4.32 |
pretty good yeah well they were pulling | 114.84 | 2.8 |
it out of the ground they were drinking | 116.28 | 2.96 |
it they were doing all sorts of things | 117.64 | 2.839 |
with it m | 119.24 | 3.28 |
got carried away huh yep they used it as | 120.479 | 4.201 |
lube I was about to say what are the | 122.52 | 4.84 |
things everything it was Elixir it was | 124.68 | 4.6 |
the it was the drug of the century the | 127.36 | 6.0 |
fixer Elixir fixer of all this is it | 129.28 | 7.28 |
this is the old Elixir well oh we got | 133.36 | 7.519 |
idiots o sorry if I hit you there oh yes | 136.56 | 6.2 |
that was quick yeah that was quick yeah | 140.879 | 3.481 |
we're going to kick some butt here I bet | 142.76 | 5.8 |
uh-oh more of them yeah | 144.36 | 9.599 |
yep man y fast I love it okay leveled up | 148.56 | 7.2 |
all right come up oh actually yeah come | 153.959 | 3.36 |
up here this is good this this is a good | 155.76 | 4.64 |
thing okay see this you stand by this | 157.319 | 5.241 |
it'll refill our time in the Shroud I | 160.4 | 4.839 |
love it oh yeah very nice beautiful so | 162.56 | 4.319 |
yeah that'll give us at least 5 minutes | 165.239 | 2.961 |
I don't know if you guys have any of | 166.879 | 2.881 |
those extended things but now's a good | 168.2 | 3.48 |
time to start sucking suck on an | 169.76 | 3.839 |
extended thing yeah if you want to how | 171.68 | 3.16 |
much time you think it's going to take | 173.599 | 2.841 |
yep cuz we're going to go down into this | 174.84 | 3.8 |
well I don't have one of those things | 176.44 | 4.12 |
it's okay I'll stay stay on the same | 178.64 | 3.12 |
page with you guys all right is that the | 180.56 | 3.759 |
yellow ones yeah or is that just | 181.76 | 4.759 |
replenish your thing no gives you | 184.319 | 3.401 |
that'll extend it that'll give you more | 186.519 | 2.601 |
time in the Shroud just read the damn | 187.72 | 4.439 |
thing n I'm taking it oh yeah 8 minutes | 189.12 | 5.28 |
okay let's do it time's taken yeah let's | 192.159 | 4.241 |
go all right I'm going behind you just | 194.4 | 3.399 |
waiting for the last second all right | 196.4 | 5.24 |
yep yep and okay chapter 43 the great | 197.799 | 6.36 |
evil oo | 201.64 | 5.28 |
spoopy okay so we got to go through here | 204.159 | 4.561 |
and I think there's a big big meanie on | 206.92 | 3.48 |
the other side all right let's do it | 208.72 | 3.76 |
right let's do it leoy J all right come | 210.4 | 5.16 |
on baby ooh look at you you're big I got | 212.48 | 6.319 |
to eat one second forgot to eat gotot me | 215.56 | 5.56 |
I'm the one who doesn't like to fight oh | 218.799 | 4.08 |
okay coming | 221.12 | 4.759 |
in oh yeah jump | 222.879 | 5.481 |
swing oh no get away get away from me oh | 225.879 | 5.801 |
you kicked me oh | 228.36 | 3.32 |
boy and get away you're doing great | 231.84 | 6.119 |
babies keep at it woo D it please he's | 234.12 | 7.8 |
coming at me oh oh oh boy got one wrong | 237.959 | 8.961 |
okay careful baby neede I'm good oh | 241.92 | 5.0 |
yes what a sucker hell yeah Dora loot | 247.599 | 6.241 |
his corpse get his head I will think we | 251.12 | 4.679 |
can make something good with that give | 253.84 | 4.56 |
me all that oh man you boys did good all | 255.799 | 4.801 |
right now come over here and chop this | 258.4 | 5.44 |
for rewards I'm chopping chopp choppy | 260.6 | 6.159 |
chop ch ch ch ch like AET CH | 263.84 | 7.12 |
okay Point yeah excited that'll give you | 266.759 | 6.041 |
guys skill points and uh the Shroud is | 270.96 | 3.4 |
cleared from this area we can fast | 272.8 | 3.88 |
travel back home I love it why did I use | 274.36 | 5.08 |
that potion which one well the one that | 276.68 | 4.6 |
gave me two extra minutes that was yeah | 279.44 | 3.52 |
well we didn't know how tough that was | 281.28 | 3.28 |
going to be but you guys are killing it | 282.96 | 3.0 |
really good this is crazy we're not in | 284.56 | 3.96 |
the Shroud anymore no out of the Shroud | 285.96 | 5.12 |
done see you babies at the house all | 288.52 | 5.16 |
right all | 291.08 | 2.6 |
right dad's weird I don't think he's a | 296.16 | 5.96 |
real dad I don't either yeah he's not my | 298.68 | 6.78 |
father chapter 44 Father Like | 302.12 | 7.84 |
[Music] | 305.46 | 7.459 |
Son baby siren yeah buddy I was | 309.96 | 5.28 |
impressed with your Wizarding skills oh | 312.919 | 4.961 |
well thank you Father speaking of skills | 315.24 | 5.64 |
I'd like to teach you something it looks | 317.88 | 7.319 |
like oh that's that that you should have | 320.88 | 6.84 |
enough skill points to unlock it I do | 325.199 | 7.84 |
hold on so skills I saw this yes uh four | 327.72 | 8.16 |
four out of four going to click this and | 333.039 | 6.401 |
hit unlock and it is unlocked for the | 335.88 | 6.24 |
dearest all right so now instead of | 339.44 | 5.36 |
Dodge what happens I forget uh how to do | 342.12 | 5.56 |
Dodge cuz I never do it probably alt | 344.8 | 5.239 |
yeah okay I'm going to trust you in | 347.68 | 4.4 |
that | 350.039 | 5.361 |
nope o that one what was that it's | 352.08 | 6.559 |
control it's control oh I like it oh | 355.4 | 4.799 |
yeah | 358.639 | 5.441 |
look at us we yeah that is so who's my | 360.199 | 7.961 |
baby who my baby yeah I am I'm so glad | 364.08 | 5.88 |
I've never I didn't think I'd be happy | 368.16 | 3.759 |
that you were my father ever but I am | 369.96 | 6.76 |
now yeah da yes hey um tell you guys are | 371.919 | 6.84 |
doing great uh we need to go save the | 376.72 | 3.479 |
carpenter why don't you and Simon run | 378.759 | 3.88 |
off and do that Simon yes let's save the | 380.199 | 5.041 |
carpenter let's save the carpenter over | 382.639 | 6.481 |
going this way huh nope we're going to | 385.24 | 7.16 |
fly you follow me after I fly here okay | 389.12 | 5.0 |
okay yeah fast travel to the Spire all | 392.4 | 3.079 |
right that's fine but look at me he | 394.12 | 3.88 |
didn't even he didn't even react it oh I | 395.479 | 4.881 |
missed it sorry oh I saw that one oh | 398.0 | 4.56 |
okay okay bye | 400.36 | 5.36 |
bye now you now | 402.56 | 7.56 |
me it'll take me a while | 405.72 | 4.4 |
clearly bye daddy bye baby | 412.96 | 5.4 |
[Music] | 418.81 | 5.43 |
Simon yes sir I think those uh like | 421.8 | 4.48 |
houses down there oh yeah with like the | 424.24 | 5.2 |
orange uh roof however to get there I I | 426.28 | 5.639 |
feel like I don't fully understand the | 429.44 | 4.759 |
the length that we can glide so no you | 431.919 | 3.28 |
probably don't we're not going to get | 434.199 | 3.28 |
anywhere near there yeah so maybe off to | 435.199 | 4.321 |
the left take that bridge over jump from | 437.479 | 5.241 |
that other place yeah follow me | 439.52 | 6.399 |
okay oh yeah I'm glad I didn't commit to | 442.72 | 4.52 |
going all the way to the right we'll | 445.919 | 3.321 |
just take it one step at a time right | 447.24 | 5.72 |
yep I like that hey that'll do that will | 449.24 | 6.72 |
do all right so you know exactly where | 452.96 | 5.519 |
we're going here no I mean I I I've got | 455.96 | 4.12 |
an idea all right well I'm looking | 458.479 | 3.361 |
forward to seeing this Carpenter do you | 460.08 | 4.32 |
like when um Daddy calls you baby I | 461.84 | 4.28 |
don't understand that part no but when | 464.4 | 4.4 |
you call him daddy it really kind of | 466.12 | 5.039 |
freaks me out too even though just kind | 468.8 | 4.32 |
of giving the weirdness back to him I | 471.159 | 3.72 |
know but it's the voice that you use | 473.12 | 3.919 |
maybe I don't know the oh I know if I | 474.879 | 3.76 |
just call him like Daddy like this it | 477.039 | 4.56 |
doesn't make me feel too weird yeah but | 478.639 | 5.141 |
he does enjoy it too | 481.599 | 5.281 |
[Music] | 483.78 | 3.1 |
much what you doing EBS I am going to | 488.879 | 6.081 |
grow stronger together it's a farmer | 491.639 | 5.28 |
Mission I think oh I know how much you | 494.96 | 4.799 |
like farming uh well it's necessary for | 496.919 | 5.761 |
survival it is I know uh Simon and D are | 499.759 | 4.4 |
off trying to find the carpenter we | 502.68 | 4.0 |
could try to go get the farmer yeah how | 504.159 | 4.801 |
about that all right that's pretty far | 506.68 | 3.72 |
up north I don't think we've been that | 508.96 | 4.079 |
far so uh yeah travel maybe wait until | 510.4 | 5.16 |
the morning travel to the Spire okay and | 513.039 | 4.48 |
then uh we'll take off from there yeah | 515.56 | 5.359 |
yeah that's the plan all right sure | 517.519 | 5.52 |
chapter 45 down | 520.919 | 5.6 |
below all right Simon come on yeah okay | 523.039 | 8.081 |
y I'm here crap yeah there is nothing | 526.519 | 6.721 |
here oh hold on let me let me look at | 531.12 | 3.76 |
the map real quick yeah we're kind of | 533.24 | 3.56 |
like I would see it there all right top | 534.88 | 4.32 |
of a mountain I tell you what looks like | 536.8 | 5.32 |
a lot of stuff down here to the West | 539.2 | 5.12 |
maybe there's maybe it's in the mountain | 542.12 | 4.279 |
something like that let's um let's do | 544.32 | 4.32 |
that let's go back down here all right | 546.399 | 4.68 |
he is in the mountain working as a | 548.64 | 4.879 |
carpenter it's a it's worth a | 551.079 | 5.721 |
shot all right okay oh this was such a | 553.519 | 7.241 |
pain to get oh my god oh Jesus get back | 556.8 | 6.8 |
okay all right heal yourself we are | 560.76 | 5.92 |
about to dive down below that's not good | 563.6 | 5.16 |
and I guess we'll be in the Shroud there | 566.68 | 4.0 |
um yeah yeah we're okay so you're above | 568.76 | 3.92 |
me I see you all right you want to watch | 570.68 | 4.159 |
where I dive sure we'll see how this | 572.68 | 3.92 |
goes all | 574.839 | 4.641 |
right I'm going to wrap back | 576.6 | 5.96 |
around I oh there is an entrance Simon | 579.48 | 4.479 |
all right I'm going with you all right | 582.56 | 3.56 |
we're in shrouded all right we're in TR | 583.959 | 6.161 |
got to W whap it around oh [ __ ] I'm like | 586.12 | 7.08 |
I did not reach you no I see that damn | 590.12 | 5.159 |
it uh-oh this guy's pretty tough is | 593.2 | 4.759 |
there a way for me to oh [ __ ] oh God | 595.279 | 5.12 |
uh-oh Simon no | 597.959 | 5.0 |
oh boy I'm just uh very hurt these guys | 600.399 | 6.361 |
are very tough oh no oh crap little [ __ ] | 602.959 | 5.241 |
will you please get up here this should | 606.76 | 6.519 |
be not that hard up see Daisy oh God I F | 608.2 | 8.0 |
all right oh no you I watched you die | 613.279 | 4.601 |
you fell right there can I revive you | 616.2 | 4.759 |
very quickly oh yeah I can look I'm | 617.88 | 5.6 |
holding you I'm holding the I'm holding | 620.959 | 5.801 |
it huh it's just that oh it's a tack | 623.48 | 5.84 |
that's what it is it's a tack you felt | 626.76 | 6.28 |
fell in the right place yes okay oh okay | 629.32 | 6.12 |
my brother oh boy heal yourself up buddy | 633.04 | 3.88 |
I will I will I will I will brother | 635.44 | 4.44 |
brother all right woo um I'm going to do | 636.92 | 4.039 |
a couple of those I'm going to eat | 639.88 | 3.04 |
something do that oh yeah I'm I'm going | 640.959 | 4.0 |
to do that too I'm going to eat okay | 642.92 | 5.0 |
let's eat a a berry and let's eat a | 644.959 | 5.32 |
steak too y yep yep yep whatever you can | 647.92 | 5.28 |
eat yep put in your mouth M yummy yummy | 650.279 | 5.041 |
all right we looking pretty good yeah | 653.2 | 4.319 |
looking at the map yeah there's we're | 655.32 | 4.639 |
facing the wrong way now y we just need | 657.519 | 4.841 |
to get out of here agreed number one | 659.959 | 4.921 |
priority doesn't even matter which way | 662.36 | 4.56 |
just so we get a reprieve from the | 664.88 | 4.6 |
Shroud yeah we got still a good amount | 666.92 | 3.919 |
of time what the hell are we on the | 669.48 | 2.84 |
other side of the mountain we don't have | 670.839 | 3.721 |
that much time though like oh oh yeah we | 672.32 | 5.24 |
do right here all right wow all right | 674.56 | 5.839 |
let's let's regain our composure yes and | 677.56 | 4.959 |
we will try again I'm going to get so | 680.399 | 4.641 |
composed it's going to be awesome | 682.519 | 7.961 |
yes chapter 46 going north | 685.04 | 5.44 |
hey neees notice anything different um | 691.44 | 5.56 |
oh you finally made that Shield you man | 694.36 | 5.159 |
you know me I like it I didn't think | 697.0 | 5.519 |
you'd notice no of course I would okay | 699.519 | 5.081 |
all right so we got to go pretty far to | 702.519 | 4.641 |
the North you got your bat marked uh yes | 704.6 | 5.359 |
I do all right I'm behind you lead the | 707.16 | 5.88 |
way and here we | 709.959 | 6.241 |
go look at him so cute I don't know if I | 713.04 | 4.64 |
can go that far I got to upgrade the | 716.2 | 3.04 |
stuff that's okay we're going to have to | 717.68 | 3.48 |
a walk there uhhuh all right I'm right | 719.24 | 5.039 |
behind you all right let's see oh yeah | 721.16 | 4.76 |
we're going to land by that uh dungeon | 724.279 | 4.961 |
we went in look at you | 725.92 | 6.12 |
man one day one day baby well we just | 729.24 | 4.0 |
got to keep fighting stuff so I can | 732.04 | 4.159 |
upgrade right yeah fighting stuff and uh | 733.24 | 4.88 |
yeah if we get these people helping us | 736.199 | 4.241 |
out we should be able to make some sweet | 738.12 | 5.399 |
progress okay oh hey here's a tip yeah | 740.44 | 4.519 |
uh for torches and stuff around the | 743.519 | 4.32 |
house you see these trees that uh have | 744.959 | 4.601 |
more yellow leaves yeah they drop more | 747.839 | 4.201 |
resin oh really yeah Pro | 749.56 | 5.399 |
tip got to chop them yep just like any | 752.04 | 5.32 |
other tree it's not my tree Cho chopping | 754.959 | 4.201 |
act but does it both work Simon do the | 757.36 | 3.88 |
same damn thing I just didn't feel like | 759.16 | 4.08 |
switching why it's not even equipped now | 761.24 | 5.279 |
I got a rake see it's a rake can't do | 763.24 | 5.36 |
anything with you guys seem can't do | 766.519 | 3.241 |
anything with you guys if you really | 768.6 | 3.16 |
want me to go to my menus and switch to | 769.76 | 5.24 |
an ax I will do it you don't have to but | 771.76 | 4.519 |
if you're going to do it do it right | 775.0 | 2.8 |
damn it okay there look at all that | 776.279 | 3.841 |
resin on the ground there we go go all | 777.8 | 4.32 |
right now I'm ready all right lead the | 780.12 | 4.92 |
way okay we're going north I didn't plan | 782.12 | 4.68 |
on chopping anything on this | 785.04 | 4.799 |
trip okay I guess I'm going jump | 786.8 | 8.12 |
this yep right behind you try to keep up | 789.839 | 8.081 |
grandpa I may be old but I'm Sprite you | 794.92 | 5.479 |
are sprite wait I see uh | 797.92 | 6.68 |
H are we oh wow look at this wow okay | 800.399 | 6.361 |
this is like a whole Raider Camp here | 804.6 | 3.44 |
are they getting ready he's looking at | 806.76 | 4.199 |
us oh oh wow yep | 808.04 | 4.44 |
we might have to either fight or go | 810.959 | 4.44 |
around these idiots gotcha um I'm a big | 812.48 | 5.24 |
fan of fighting them cuz they shot at me | 815.399 | 4.161 |
all right yeah let's do some killing | 817.72 | 5.76 |
okay Simon yes sir this is uh just a | 819.56 | 6.76 |
guess but like that area ahead which | 823.48 | 5.08 |
looks very lootable and explorable | 826.32 | 4.48 |
uh-huh I feel like we might have to do | 828.56 | 3.959 |
that and to make our way back up into | 830.8 | 2.8 |
that entrance in the side of the | 832.519 | 5.391 |
mountain but follow me | 833.6 | 6.359 |
[Music] | 837.91 | 4.57 |
oh red stuff not good oh God careful | 839.959 | 6.521 |
careful oh God no | 842.48 | 4.0 |
no or Crap yeah crap but at least we got | 848.48 | 6.24 |
our stuff still like I still have the | 853.04 | 3.44 |
things I care about right no I'm with | 854.72 | 3.84 |
you on that so so that works but we can | 856.48 | 3.96 |
do this we know we can get down to that | 858.56 | 4.36 |
entrance we can do this yeah I know we | 860.44 | 5.8 |
can just not that way well yeah no we're | 862.92 | 4.279 |
we're going to make our way into the | 866.24 | 3.159 |
entrance like we intended in the first | 867.199 | 4.401 |
like Speed Run how about that how quick | 869.399 | 5.721 |
uh Speed Run Speed | 871.6 | 3.52 |
Run chapter 47 it's just embarrassing I | 875.56 | 6.04 |
I don't know why anyone watches | 878.88 | 7.28 |
this okay Simon speedrun let's let's do | 881.6 | 9.2 |
this [ __ ] God damn it down again buddy | 886.16 | 7.039 |
come get me damn it D get it together we | 890.8 | 5.24 |
need to stop [ __ ] this up oh there's | 893.199 | 4.921 |
a skeleton coming behind you [ __ ] [ __ ] | 896.04 | 4.76 |
oh damn it no no no no don't mess with | 898.12 | 4.639 |
me buddy I got to I got to revive my | 900.8 | 4.399 |
friend oh boy oh Simon yeah yeah are you | 902.759 | 4.121 |
uh no stop fighting him he's going to | 905.199 | 4.121 |
get you cuz you're you're taking hits go | 906.88 | 4.36 |
up the hill go up the hill stop fighting | 909.32 | 4.72 |
trying all right why are you running | 911.24 | 5.24 |
into them going up the hill I didn't | 914.04 | 4.4 |
know well maybe look at this maybe that | 916.48 | 3.76 |
was the way to go you're going to die | 918.44 | 4.079 |
with one hit no | 920.24 | 6.68 |
no no what oh no yes yes okay yes thank | 922.519 | 6.44 |
you now it's yes now okay I appre | 926.92 | 5.88 |
appreciate that uh oh | 928.959 | 3.841 |
no chapter 48 nebs and abso murder a | 934.6 | 6.2 |
town I'm going to try to take somebody | 938.44 | 5.759 |
out you ready um oh wow so you I I got | 940.8 | 6.959 |
here yep I got that guy oh doing good | 944.199 | 6.2 |
damage uh pretty decent uh now that he's | 947.759 | 4.88 |
moving it's going to be a lot harder | 950.399 | 4.56 |
right yeah they're just down there | 952.639 | 5.041 |
uh-huh okay now this might be quicker if | 954.959 | 5.041 |
we go down oh wa then watching you stand | 957.68 | 4.599 |
up here with an arrow and shoot them one | 960.0 | 3.759 |
individually yes yes it would probably | 962.279 | 3.601 |
be a lot quicker if we went down okay uh | 963.759 | 3.361 |
let's do it maybe we'll go over here to | 965.88 | 3.0 |
the left you ready sure right behind you | 967.12 | 5.959 |
you on me all right going this way yeah | 968.88 | 5.399 |
okay and now I'm going to switch to the | 973.079 | 3.44 |
axe oh they're coming they're coming in | 974.279 | 3.68 |
be ready to heal me up yeah he's | 976.519 | 4.32 |
shooting yep okay want to eat some of | 977.959 | 5.721 |
this let's get him oh we got one coming | 980.839 | 5.161 |
in left side I see it Bo yep I got him | 983.68 | 5.92 |
stunned okay nope ah boy stunned I | 986.0 | 4.759 |
thought I said left side what are you | 989.6 | 3.32 |
doing I had to eat some meat should have | 990.759 | 3.921 |
done that maybe before we jump down here | 992.92 | 5.64 |
you're right hindsight huh taking hits | 994.68 | 7.44 |
okay and here we go oh that's going to | 998.56 | 7.279 |
pop he keeps swinging ow oh wow he went | 1002.12 | 6.76 |
down he blew up from something all right | 1005.839 | 6.041 |
get this guy yeah I'm on him Bam Bam o | 1008.88 | 6.319 |
bam combo yeah baby got him stunned got | 1011.88 | 5.48 |
him | 1015.199 | 2.161 |
stunned there go that guy's down got him | 1017.68 | 6.159 |
stunned yeah yeah moving in oh I like | 1020.839 | 4.84 |
the stun thing oh yeah the stun thing is | 1023.839 | 6.161 |
great yeah they can't fight back suckers | 1025.679 | 7.601 |
he's almost down almost down come on | 1030.0 | 6.679 |
baby nice heal up yeah what these guys | 1033.28 | 5.08 |
give us what they yeah what do we get | 1036.679 | 4.76 |
ooh this is a Elixir consumable damage | 1038.36 | 6.88 |
multiplier ooh that might be all right I | 1041.439 | 5.321 |
might go ahead and drink | 1045.24 | 4.2 |
that all right Simon I think this | 1046.76 | 5.279 |
probably the the smarter route yeah I | 1049.44 | 5.52 |
mean there's a path yeah there's a path | 1052.039 | 4.601 |
um like | 1054.96 | 5.079 |
that um there's the village okay okay | 1056.64 | 6.32 |
yeah this wraps off left we don't need | 1060.039 | 5.401 |
the village I don't think nice big house | 1062.96 | 3.64 |
so this is the place that you said you | 1065.44 | 2.92 |
wanted to loot this is where I wanted | 1066.6 | 2.92 |
well we're not going to loot now we're | 1068.36 | 2.96 |
going to focus on the prize cuz waste a | 1069.52 | 4.159 |
lot of time this is where we think theur | 1071.32 | 5.16 |
is that's yes this makes sense we tried | 1073.679 | 4.281 |
to get to the Village but ended up in | 1076.48 | 6.52 |
the red stuff no bueno yeah no so okay | 1077.96 | 8.68 |
okay now we're looking good and um I've | 1083.0 | 5.4 |
got something there's that thing up | 1086.64 | 3.399 |
there that we can go up to and and get | 1088.4 | 5.88 |
all charged up yeah a ball chargy ball | 1090.039 | 6.281 |
okay yeah I mean we're not even in it | 1094.28 | 5.279 |
yet but no we're not location | 1096.32 | 6.56 |
above location above is it | 1099.559 | 6.761 |
just H hard to see in here isn't it yeah | 1102.88 | 5.08 |
it doesn't seem like a very nice place | 1106.32 | 3.52 |
at all it's not | 1107.96 | 3.4 |
I don't like | 1109.84 | 4.24 |
it oh these guys okay we got some | 1111.36 | 4.88 |
suckers to fight I'm thinking like from | 1114.08 | 4.32 |
uh I might might not go they're right on | 1116.24 | 4.799 |
you careful buddy yeah they're these are | 1118.4 | 5.0 |
oh god oh boy yep that wasn't that was | 1121.039 | 4.481 |
no good there's a lot y holy [ __ ] | 1123.4 | 5.159 |
there's enough to the point | 1125.52 | 3.039 |
where I summoned a oh God | 1128.679 | 6.521 |
and H nice give me meat yeah finally got | 1139.679 | 4.321 |
meat this time sometimes they don't give | 1142.88 | 3.72 |
me meat yeah it's a random so this place | 1144.0 | 6.12 |
up here about 80 70 some met away yeah | 1146.6 | 5.76 |
the very obvious yeah I see some sort of | 1150.12 | 4.72 |
tower uh-huh that's probably where our | 1152.36 | 4.88 |
farmer is hanging | 1154.84 | 5.079 |
out hopefully he doesn't like it here I | 1157.24 | 3.76 |
hate to take people away from something | 1159.919 | 2.321 |
they like you know one I think it's a | 1161.0 | 5.159 |
she and two [ __ ] them okay so I guess if | 1162.24 | 6.64 |
that's the take we're taking yeah yeah | 1166.159 | 4.121 |
no we're uh they're they're they're | 1168.88 | 4.84 |
coming with us gotcha okay right stairs | 1170.28 | 6.44 |
all right seems pretty cool so far seems | 1173.72 | 5.24 |
pretty relaxed I don't see any threats | 1176.72 | 4.199 |
yet yeah hey here's a respawn point for | 1178.96 | 5.839 |
us okay easy peasy right there huh yeah | 1180.919 | 7.561 |
right here at the entrance so ooh this | 1184.799 | 6.601 |
looks creepy this does look creepy | 1188.48 | 4.24 |
doesn't look like a place a farmer would | 1191.4 | 3.08 |
live no if I were a farmer I wouldn't | 1192.72 | 3.36 |
[ __ ] live here okay so we're going to | 1194.48 | 5.36 |
go up above it says h | 1196.08 | 6.28 |
oh look at this door you see a door I | 1199.84 | 5.199 |
see a door right ahead maybe I can just | 1202.36 | 4.48 |
open it probably not it looks like it | 1205.039 | 4.201 |
has three little bibbles on it and yep | 1206.84 | 3.959 |
yep there's the Egg Baby right through | 1209.24 | 4.08 |
the door okay three bibbles means you | 1210.799 | 5.321 |
can't use an arrow yeah we got to find | 1213.32 | 5.0 |
buttons start looking around for buttons | 1216.12 | 3.84 |
spread out I guess spread out where | 1218.32 | 3.76 |
would a button be hiding if I were a | 1219.96 | 4.839 |
button on a | 1222.08 | 8.28 |
shirt chapter 49 round two | 1224.799 | 5.561 |
going straight forward running through | 1231.2 | 4.28 |
all right doing it too yeah running | 1232.6 | 4.8 |
through oh good boy this is these this | 1235.48 | 4.8 |
are bad okay oh boy I don't know what | 1237.4 | 5.04 |
the hell that is I don't like it oh no | 1240.28 | 3.96 |
neither do I but I'm shoot oh no look at | 1242.44 | 3.119 |
all these things it I'm just running | 1244.24 | 3.48 |
through oh you're running I'm running | 1245.559 | 4.641 |
through okay trying to run trying to run | 1247.72 | 5.64 |
oh I wish I had I wish I had a bandage I | 1250.2 | 5.24 |
wish I knew what wish I had some sort of | 1253.36 | 5.319 |
Health thing oh boy I'm practically | 1255.44 | 4.96 |
where am I where am I where are we going | 1258.679 | 3.24 |
what am I doing oh this is horrible I | 1260.4 | 4.04 |
can't see no not good maybe if I just | 1261.919 | 6.64 |
Crouch here found way I found | 1264.44 | 7.16 |
Simon oh that hurt yep that's all right | 1268.559 | 6.641 |
I'm still going Simon sorry buddy AR | 1271.6 | 5.679 |
think I can do this oh there's bugs on | 1275.2 | 6.359 |
my butt what is this restore time okay | 1277.279 | 7.121 |
oh climb climb it climb it I don't have | 1281.559 | 7.0 |
the stamina I got to fight the bug | 1284.4 | 4.159 |
oh I do see a button though oh yeah yeah | 1290.039 | 5.081 |
just ate some meat and you found a | 1293.32 | 3.88 |
button beautiful yeah at the end of that | 1295.12 | 4.08 |
hallway oh man I can't shoot in Arrow | 1297.2 | 4.56 |
can I uh no I think we've trapped that | 1299.2 | 4.68 |
before and it has failed every time and | 1301.76 | 3.6 |
if you want to do it again go for it I | 1303.88 | 4.08 |
feel like one time it worked Dres did it | 1305.36 | 4.52 |
okay don't try to use your shield on | 1307.96 | 3.959 |
these all right I'll stay here you go | 1309.88 | 3.56 |
for the button I can get between these | 1311.919 | 4.441 |
right yes okay and bloop Crossing there | 1313.44 | 5.16 |
you go Crossing yeah it's like Frogger | 1316.36 | 4.76 |
Crossing all right made it yeah it's | 1318.6 | 4.36 |
just Frogger these are getting | 1321.12 | 3.64 |
crazier yep | 1322.96 | 6.52 |
Crossing yep and I'm through easy hit | 1324.76 | 7.039 |
the button hitting the button button's | 1329.48 | 5.52 |
been hit nice all right well that's one | 1331.799 | 5.441 |
yeah oh I stopped it yeah you did okay | 1335.0 | 4.2 |
so maybe it's over here huh yeah let's | 1337.24 | 4.96 |
keep searching good job baby Lees yeah I | 1339.2 | 5.8 |
get a gold star you'll get a gold | 1342.2 | 7.479 |
nothing chapter 50 third times a charm | 1345.0 | 6.679 |
I'm going to go buddy try to stay on my | 1349.679 | 6.0 |
butt I'm going to all right I wish I had | 1351.679 | 7.521 |
more to heal I know I know I'm running | 1355.679 | 5.401 |
well I'm going to until I have to run I | 1359.2 | 5.56 |
got to maintain that stamina | 1361.08 | 3.68 |
right okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh good | 1364.799 | 7.12 |
good I hear him I hear him oh why why | 1369.24 | 7.0 |
why did I fall there I don't know no y | 1371.919 | 7.081 |
no you okay God | 1376.24 | 4.84 |
yeah you died first I had a feeling that | 1379.0 | 5.36 |
was going to happen um where where was | 1381.08 | 5.28 |
he he was just looking for stuff speed | 1384.36 | 6.48 |
run right it's amazing how much longer | 1386.36 | 7.04 |
I'm alive than | 1390.84 | 4.88 |
him right now it's just running around | 1393.4 | 3.879 |
in | 1395.72 | 4.68 |
circles uh coming back in Simon okay | 1397.279 | 5.241 |
good oh there's a chest I just ran by a | 1400.4 | 4.24 |
chest I don't think we need a chest I | 1402.52 | 3.48 |
know but it might be in the chest right | 1404.64 | 3.399 |
we need an egg we need an egg okay the | 1406.0 | 4.039 |
egg might be in the chest now no that's | 1408.039 | 5.921 |
not we've seen the eggs okay all right S | 1410.039 | 7.081 |
I live so much longer than you you sure | 1413.96 | 5.8 |
did you're a big boy hey I'm not going | 1417.12 | 6.96 |
to stop and save you okay all right you | 1419.76 | 7.56 |
didn't make it much further though did | 1424.08 | 3.24 |
you EES yeah I think it's over here oh | 1429.4 | 7.639 |
yeah yeah I see a grapple a grapple oh | 1433.12 | 6.36 |
good god that's way up there yeah you | 1437.039 | 4.561 |
think we can make that uh you want me to | 1439.48 | 5.679 |
go first I mean yep and then jump and | 1441.6 | 8.28 |
then yeah and yep easy easy damn peasy | 1445.159 | 7.12 |
here it goes if I can quit crouching | 1449.88 | 5.279 |
make sure you got plenty of stamina yep | 1452.279 | 7.441 |
and oh crap no de baby ow God baby de | 1455.159 | 7.321 |
okay baby yeah I didn't fall in the lava | 1459.72 | 4.199 |
but it's going to be a minute before I | 1462.48 | 3.0 |
get there all right well yeah just try | 1463.919 | 3.041 |
to work your way back up I'll peek | 1465.48 | 3.439 |
forward and see if I see this button | 1466.96 | 3.56 |
okay oh y actually there's one right | 1468.919 | 3.64 |
here in this room I'm smacking it not | 1470.52 | 4.8 |
two buttons is there nope just the one | 1472.559 | 5.36 |
we still need a third damn button all | 1475.32 | 3.92 |
right I'll keep | 1477.919 | 4.091 |
looking chapter 51 the | 1479.24 | 5.24 |
[Music] | 1482.01 | 7.549 |
farmer y right behind me y it's I'm I'm | 1484.48 | 7.319 |
so tired like I guess my stamina's low | 1489.559 | 3.881 |
cuz I haven't been home yet yeah we need | 1491.799 | 3.401 |
to go home and rest we had had a good | 1493.44 | 3.479 |
sleep in a minute all right wow we're | 1495.2 | 4.599 |
out outside this is pretty yeah let's | 1496.919 | 7.081 |
see maybe this way H I don't know I'm | 1499.799 | 6.641 |
just kind of following following paths | 1504.0 | 3.88 |
see where they lead me you know it's a | 1506.44 | 3.119 |
weird place to put a button you know | 1507.88 | 3.24 |
yeah I wouldn't put a button here would | 1509.559 | 3.6 |
you imagine if your like kitchen light | 1511.12 | 4.4 |
was outside in the porch yeah no that | 1513.159 | 4.721 |
that'd be dumb that'd be a porch light | 1515.52 | 5.519 |
uh-huh oh can we open this can o oh and | 1517.88 | 4.799 |
I see the last | 1521.039 | 6.88 |
button spikes okay do that do that do | 1522.679 | 7.401 |
that and then they do that yep and then | 1527.919 | 6.36 |
they do I'm going oh oh just missed it | 1530.08 | 6.64 |
nice going no need for me to go over | 1534.279 | 4.52 |
there right okay yeah I'll hit that | 1536.72 | 3.88 |
button no actually I want to see you do | 1538.799 | 3.641 |
it now I'll hit the button you know what | 1540.6 | 5.079 |
now I want to see you do it okay um here | 1542.44 | 4.88 |
it goes been bad at this before see if | 1545.679 | 3.961 |
you got any better uh probably | 1547.32 | 5.959 |
not come on okay come onab yep come on | 1549.64 | 5.84 |
baby I'm going to do it now come on baby | 1553.279 | 4.28 |
yep okay I'm going go over here to the | 1555.48 | 3.799 |
side take a break for a second yeah | 1557.559 | 4.801 |
that's not a bad idea I like it and wait | 1559.279 | 5.0 |
and then aoop there we go nice you | 1562.36 | 4.96 |
deserve to hit the button oh sweet all | 1564.279 | 4.64 |
right bet the other guys going to be | 1567.32 | 5.079 |
jealous button pushed yeah all right and | 1568.919 | 6.961 |
then uh where oh I see the bridge right | 1572.399 | 7.841 |
below us oh yeah boom and there that's | 1575.88 | 8.24 |
the Egg Baby there it is huh yes right | 1580.24 | 5.919 |
there straight ahead man finding these | 1584.12 | 4.64 |
Egg Babies is easy sure is thought this | 1586.159 | 4.161 |
you know they were going to be hard this | 1588.76 | 3.96 |
is the Walk of the park wait up Emily | 1590.32 | 5.079 |
Frey the farmer sweet we got the farmer | 1592.72 | 5.439 |
let's get on out of here all righty heck | 1595.399 | 4.4 |
yeah could use some more ladies around | 1598.159 | 3.52 |
the place yeah no kidding it is a | 1599.799 | 4.6 |
sausage fest little | 1601.679 | 6.161 |
bit chapter 52 the grand | 1604.399 | 6.751 |
[Music] | 1607.84 | 3.31 |
Escape what you breaking it through well | 1612.84 | 6.4 |
yeah oh my God you found it yes I think | 1615.399 | 5.841 |
yeah I mean I got through oh there's so | 1619.24 | 3.36 |
bad there's a bad guy yeah that's not | 1621.24 | 3.64 |
good not good at all is he coming uh | 1622.6 | 4.4 |
well coming through yeah I don't know | 1624.88 | 5.799 |
about one maybe want to yeah just wanted | 1627.0 | 5.24 |
to see what would happen where is where | 1630.679 | 4.161 |
are you oh man I only got 2 minutes left | 1632.24 | 4.039 |
oh I forgot about that I've got one | 1634.84 | 4.36 |
minute though oh god dude it's the all | 1636.279 | 6.681 |
for yeah go go boom hold on hold on is | 1639.2 | 5.839 |
this it I think that's it awaken | 1642.96 | 4.68 |
Survivor come on baby I did it I did it | 1645.039 | 4.921 |
I awaken the Survivor okay can we just | 1647.64 | 5.279 |
fast travel back uh I don't know oh my | 1649.96 | 4.68 |
God I it's got to open oh wait go over | 1652.919 | 3.721 |
the door open come here what door this | 1654.64 | 3.759 |
door over here okay I kind of want to | 1656.64 | 3.279 |
just fast travel cuz I only have 46 | 1658.399 | 3.361 |
seconds can you fast travel I don't know | 1659.919 | 3.201 |
you can't unless you're in a place that | 1661.76 | 2.48 |
that allows you and when you're in the | 1663.12 | 3.48 |
Shroud you can't go Go baby go baby baby | 1664.24 | 4.64 |
so uh is it is the other door over there | 1666.6 | 5.919 |
open ready I'm doing it flying [ __ ] oh | 1668.88 | 5.519 |
God it just went straight down I think | 1672.519 | 4.76 |
my stamina was slow oh God no Stam as | 1674.399 | 4.681 |
long as we get this | 1677.279 | 4.841 |
okay Simon um I'm still in the | 1679.08 | 6.599 |
Shroud Simon 20 seconds I know I can't I | 1682.12 | 5.2 |
can't I | 1685.679 | 4.441 |
can't get out of here get out of | 1687.32 | 4.65 |
here oh | 1690.12 | 3.159 |
[Music] | 1691.97 | 5.709 |
no you bre am I in the Shroud get out | 1693.279 | 8.28 |
get out yes I made | 1697.679 | 6.761 |
it I know sorry buddy you you're you're | 1701.559 | 7.321 |
a hero I'll catch you on the flip | 1704.44 | 4.44 |
[Music] | 1709.88 | 14.29 |
[Applause] | 1721.04 | 3.13 |
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