We carried a baby HORSE across the ENTIRE MAP. It went poorly. - Conan Exiles
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Conan Exiles! Today, we're doing the impossible - carrying a baby horse across the ENTIRE map. And let me tell you, it went about as well as you'd expect.
simon: Oh yeah, it was a disaster from start to finish. Anthony really dropped the ball on this one, becoming a deadbeat dad and all.
appsro: I still can't get over the monkey cave shenanigans. And Simon, getting seduced by a slug monster? Classic. This video is definitely one for the books.
neebs: Absolutely, nothing like a good ol' adventure in Conan Exiles with my favorite goofballs. And hey, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check out our Neebs Gaming Coffee for some extra energy to tackle these crazy challenges!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fan! Have you checked out the latest episode of Conan Exiles Season 2? If not, you're in for a treat because in Episode 12, things get pretty wild. Anthony takes on the role of a deadbeat dad, Appsro explores a monkey cave, and Simon finds himself seduced by a slug monster. I mean, who wouldn't want to see that in action, right?
If you haven't already, make sure to grab a cup of Neebs Gaming Coffee to enjoy while watching the chaos unfold. And don't forget to use the code NEEBS10 for a sweet 10% discount at checkout. Plus, the Neebs Gaming team is powered by Xidax PCs, so you know the gameplay is going to be top-notch.
As you dive into the episode, be sure to keep an eye out for some hilarious moments like Neebs being pregnant with a horse and the gang facing off against an elephant attack. The timestamps provided in the description will guide you through all the action-packed shenanigans, from Leapin Sky Dairy to Goddess Ada's Intervention.
And of course, don't forget to show your support for Neebs Gaming by subscribing to their channel, joining their Patreon, and checking out their Twitch streams. With their infectious humor and epic gameplay, you'll be hooked in no time. So grab your favorite Neebs Gaming shirt, sit back, and enjoy the ride with Conan Exiles Season 2 - Episode 12. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey guys thanks for coming I don't know | 0.96 | 5.28 |
how ruthless my God is but um you know I | 3.24 | 4.8 |
just figured I'd have a couple Witnesses | 6.24 | 4.04 |
and you still all about this spider God | 8.04 | 5.599 |
thing Wrath of z z keep it down okay but | 10.28 | 4.92 |
what do you mean though just keep it | 13.639 | 5.041 |
down oh we just don't know I'm upgrading | 15.2 | 5.2 |
crap this is going to take some time I'm | 18.68 | 4.64 |
sort of did you guys grab some SN you | 20.4 | 4.16 |
think it would just upgrade like | 23.32 | 3.08 |
automatically no have you ever played | 24.56 | 4.879 |
Conan Exiles where everything takes 20 | 26.4 | 5.16 |
20,000 | 29.439 | 4.161 |
how long do it say I'm not blaming you | 31.56 | 3.96 |
I'm blaming the the devs on this one | 33.6 | 4.04 |
well it it's a it's a whole new Shrine | 35.52 | 3.719 |
it's going to take time I'm building it | 37.64 | 4.079 |
a right now with my mind okay but what's | 39.239 | 4.521 |
a while tell me I mean this is like you | 41.719 | 4.32 |
and a car trip yep it is well how about | 43.76 | 3.6 |
you answer the question cuz it probably | 46.039 | 2.961 |
tells you you know what it's going to be | 47.36 | 4.519 |
done in 2 minutes you son of a I don't | 49.0 | 4.44 |
know about okay well in the meantime I | 51.879 | 3.961 |
made something called a yell Lotus | 53.44 | 4.32 |
potion okay and it's a potion that | 55.84 | 4.32 |
causes hallucinations and visions I'm | 57.76 | 5.319 |
all about it I'm I'm drinking it oh oh | 60.16 | 6.24 |
wow here I go I wish I could see seeing | 63.079 | 4.921 |
we should it's always more fun to trip | 66.4 | 2.88 |
together yeah it's true it is I only | 68.0 | 3.92 |
made one oh my stamina's plus 10 though | 69.28 | 4.8 |
got that going for me okay all right | 71.92 | 4.36 |
let's see not seeing any hallucinations | 74.08 | 4.92 |
or visions though you got some bunk [ __ ] | 76.28 | 4.4 |
you know what I was I was promised | 79.0 | 3.36 |
hallucinations and Visions I got none of | 80.68 | 3.64 |
it you got to let it kick in you might | 82.36 | 3.92 |
just need to wait a little bit you know | 84.32 | 4.52 |
maybe I'm seeing something in the sky | 86.28 | 5.76 |
ooh is that something a to edited in I | 88.84 | 6.08 |
can't tell oh you never know right right | 92.04 | 5.359 |
is this part of the game or is this all | 94.92 | 5.559 |
fakery the mystery will never be known | 97.399 | 4.921 |
got a minute left only 2 minutes really | 100.479 | 3.481 |
I thought it was going to be like 3 days | 102.32 | 3.56 |
feels like 3 days Simon you want to go | 103.96 | 4.88 |
do a fight a boss after this yes okay oh | 105.88 | 4.279 |
before you guys go let me give you some | 108.84 | 3.72 |
good potions like what I'll take them | 110.159 | 4.081 |
like these is aloe extract matter of | 112.56 | 2.599 |
fact if you guys are out in the about | 114.24 | 2.519 |
and you see any aloe grab it we can use | 115.159 | 3.32 |
it to make better [ __ ] in these bandages | 116.759 | 4.561 |
aloe Alo I dropped that's four of them | 118.479 | 4.401 |
there you go Simon put them up your butt | 121.32 | 3.24 |
taking them in my butt what the hell is | 122.88 | 4.32 |
that oh you seeing [ __ ] uh maybe oh yeah | 124.56 | 4.36 |
cuz I don't see anything what do you | 127.2 | 5.08 |
what do you see I saw that what okay | 128.92 | 5.48 |
what do you see I I saw a lady on the | 132.28 | 4.92 |
water yeah but it wasn't a it could have | 134.4 | 4.68 |
been I mean you know what she looks like | 137.2 | 3.88 |
goddess a is usually naked this this | 139.08 | 3.6 |
this was a clothed woman all right well | 141.08 | 3.32 |
it could have been a Man Too like from | 142.68 | 4.16 |
from a distance hard to | 144.4 | 5.88 |
tell wow I like the old one better | 146.84 | 6.24 |
I don't I don't I like this one better | 150.28 | 4.679 |
how how are you guys' Gods doing I'm | 153.08 | 3.56 |
still figuring out whether or not I | 154.959 | 3.041 |
believe okay you know what I might I | 156.64 | 3.56 |
might start on M mine today I might | 158.0 | 3.84 |
start my Metro worship today matter of | 160.2 | 3.28 |
fact I'm doing it okay all right good | 161.84 | 3.72 |
gear up buddy we we're leaving soon all | 163.48 | 3.32 |
right my Temple's going to make your | 165.56 | 3.48 |
Temple look bunk buddy zap's killing it | 166.8 | 3.95 |
on Tik | 169.04 | 9.08 |
[Music] | 170.75 | 10.569 |
Tock okay listen I'm kind of done with | 178.12 | 5.199 |
our little trip here I know I know I | 181.319 | 3.84 |
want to leave too so I'm building a | 183.319 | 4.2 |
bridge to that side look I've went I've | 185.159 | 3.72 |
gone to the other side there's no metal | 187.519 | 2.481 |
over there is this the way you want to | 188.879 | 3.36 |
go home this way no because that would | 190.0 | 4.48 |
not be the way home why are we doing | 192.239 | 4.041 |
this bridge because there's no metal on | 194.48 | 3.2 |
this side of the lake so maybe there's | 196.28 | 4.92 |
some on that side okay you know what I | 197.68 | 5.96 |
think I'm just going to go home now nebs | 201.2 | 5.0 |
we want to go home but I look my Katana | 203.64 | 4.319 |
is broken I don't think I'll make it do | 206.2 | 3.319 |
you your Shield's broken right is home | 207.959 | 3.92 |
this way nebs is your Shield broken uh | 209.519 | 4.401 |
not quite almost is home this way then | 211.879 | 3.521 |
man we should get some metal to repair | 213.92 | 3.12 |
our things for the trip home I'm going | 215.4 | 3.399 |
to ask my question one more time all | 217.04 | 5.16 |
right is home this way no home is this | 218.799 | 5.401 |
way follow me come on okay good deal | 222.2 | 4.0 |
this was easier than I thought what the | 224.2 | 4.679 |
hell is this son I don't know I mean it | 226.2 | 4.44 |
looks like one of the guys made it right | 228.879 | 3.92 |
well I mean it looks like it was made | 230.64 | 7.0 |
what the [ __ ] okay right huh wish | 232.799 | 8.08 |
interesting interesting design well okay | 237.64 | 5.679 |
how far away we got to make it past | 240.879 | 4.801 |
these guys and it's in that Temple right | 243.319 | 5.041 |
ahead of us okay so so we easy enough we | 245.68 | 4.72 |
just got to run run past the guys shall | 248.36 | 3.56 |
we yeah we shall it's been a lot of | 250.4 | 3.479 |
running so far I think I got that down | 251.92 | 4.2 |
yeah let's run run run little cowards is | 253.879 | 4.561 |
what we are hey guys we're cowards we | 256.12 | 4.16 |
don't have time we don't we don't want | 258.44 | 4.199 |
to mess with you at all we just want to | 260.28 | 5.4 |
see your um your tourist attraction if | 262.639 | 5.12 |
you will yes yeah great you guys are all | 265.68 | 4.84 |
tough is there a is there like a I can | 267.759 | 6.601 |
buy with ears do this thing have ears W | 270.52 | 5.32 |
say guys pardon me we might have to | 274.36 | 2.48 |
fight some of them I don't know they're | 275.84 | 2.6 |
running right past like I'm running with | 276.84 | 3.4 |
them like we're buddies Dr how does this | 278.44 | 3.4 |
work again crap we might have to I | 280.24 | 3.799 |
forget how this goes oh [ __ ] yeah cuz we | 281.84 | 4.359 |
can't go in there all right fight time | 284.039 | 4.241 |
fight time all right you know what these | 286.199 | 4.801 |
are always fun take that yeah that's my | 288.28 | 5.12 |
buddy don't okay wow feel like I'm | 291.0 | 4.44 |
that's my spider buddy let me get a oh | 293.4 | 4.28 |
god oh there's a spider in here yeah I | 295.44 | 4.36 |
don't think I could do the bandage thing | 297.68 | 6.799 |
okay [ __ ] why is my H off look at them | 299.8 | 6.92 |
all dumb and distracted by spider all | 304.479 | 6.121 |
right hold on idiot we're good all | 306.72 | 6.6 |
right yeah yeah all right heal up dude I | 310.6 | 5.28 |
just put a bandage on them I'm ready now | 313.32 | 4.56 |
thank you spider friend thank you for | 315.88 | 4.28 |
your | 317.88 | 2.28 |
sacrifice all right we get this last | 321.84 | 6.079 |
tree down and I'm thinking let's see | 324.199 | 7.12 |
religion boom Shrine of Metra oh no | 327.919 | 5.481 |
we're going to have to turn this oh yeah | 331.319 | 4.32 |
right here on the tip of this peninsula | 333.4 | 4.519 |
Peninsula however you say that word not | 335.639 | 4.041 |
enough contact with the ground you | 337.919 | 4.041 |
screwing with me there it is there it is | 339.68 | 6.16 |
Bam Metra oh MRA how I'd like to see you | 341.96 | 5.92 |
touching me at night see so what can I | 345.84 | 4.799 |
do here in the shrine of Metra what is | 347.88 | 5.68 |
this stuff burn offering flesh of | 350.639 | 5.68 |
remembrance where do you get stuff like | 353.56 | 5.28 |
that skull of yog what is this junk | 356.319 | 5.201 |
tablet of dirt ketto tapety of what is | 358.84 | 5.04 |
this mess lingering Essence I don't have | 361.52 | 4.399 |
any of this stuff oh wait I can do this | 363.88 | 5.039 |
an Anka used in the ritual purification | 365.919 | 6.0 |
of the Dead craft an Ana and then I got | 368.919 | 6.361 |
to get bricks and oh God 250 iron how is | 371.919 | 5.161 |
Dora upgrading all this stuff is he | 375.28 | 3.52 |
making a [ __ ] ton of damn iron | 377.08 | 2.959 |
reinforcement over there that I don't | 378.8 | 3.72 |
know about or is he cheating all right | 380.039 | 4.681 |
well I got stuff to work on iron and | 382.52 | 4.72 |
branches I can do iron and branches MRA | 384.72 | 3.759 |
you and me are going to have a good old | 387.24 | 2.6 |
time we going to worship you actually | 388.479 | 4.081 |
you know what no you're going to worship | 389.84 | 5.68 |
me that's how this is going to | 392.56 | 7.4 |
go I'm your God MRA prepare to bend | 395.52 | 8.32 |
over okay oh excuse me sorry sorry okay | 399.96 | 6.48 |
all right oh I heard a all right so I | 403.84 | 5.079 |
don't see anything I'm assum we're | 406.44 | 5.759 |
salamanders hold on read this who | 408.919 | 6.321 |
comes we do yeah it's us hey go ahead | 412.199 | 4.881 |
and uh hit e on that so you can acquire | 415.24 | 3.92 |
the knowledge of dredger okay I've done | 417.08 | 3.16 |
it | 419.16 | 3.08 |
required it I hit that guy he didn't | 420.24 | 2.88 |
okay they're talking you already | 422.24 | 2.44 |
starting to shoot well I was trying to | 423.12 | 3.759 |
hit a salamander okay I'm going to take | 424.68 | 4.639 |
out my weapon cuz I don't feel safe not | 426.879 | 4.72 |
screw the torch I'm going to do that too | 429.319 | 3.921 |
all right I remember doing this with | 431.599 | 4.761 |
thick been a long time thick was a lot | 433.24 | 4.72 |
better than me | 436.36 | 3.959 |
R um I don't remember how to die but | 437.96 | 4.76 |
there's a chest down there okay but what | 440.319 | 4.041 |
what are we fighting you first you said | 442.72 | 3.599 |
snake but then it's we got a ways to go | 444.36 | 3.6 |
how do you die what do you say there's a | 446.319 | 3.72 |
ways to go there's a we got a ways to go | 447.96 | 3.639 |
oh [ __ ] no I thought we were fighting an | 450.039 | 3.361 |
enemy right here this seems very like | 451.599 | 3.561 |
important did you want to go get that | 453.4 | 3.76 |
chest I can't dive I I don't know how to | 455.16 | 3.96 |
dive either C but I might have rebound | 457.16 | 4.64 |
[ __ ] crap whatever I di I hit C hold on | 459.12 | 4.72 |
go get that chat I'm doing | 461.8 | 5.399 |
it why I don't need it right what do you | 463.84 | 4.96 |
mean you don't need it I mean do we | 467.199 | 3.481 |
really need the plant fiber in the thir | 468.8 | 4.56 |
I know what was in there could have been | 470.68 | 5.88 |
CH that was my way of saying pardon me | 473.36 | 5.04 |
yes yes that was my way of saying it it | 476.56 | 3.359 |
it didn't really have anything that was | 478.4 | 3.479 |
really all right let's move on and I'm | 479.919 | 5.761 |
heavy now I'm heavier and I'm Sor sorry | 481.879 | 7.081 |
sorry leave me alone kimono dragon | 485.68 | 5.72 |
looking thing salamanders they look like | 488.96 | 5.239 |
kimono dragons Okay so if they say | 491.4 | 6.04 |
salamanders they don't look like oh so | 494.199 | 5.4 |
what do you guys got hold on hold on | 497.44 | 4.159 |
what there's people they're just walking | 499.599 | 4.44 |
through okay yeah we'd love to let me uh | 501.599 | 3.921 |
let me drop some freaking watch out | 504.039 | 3.321 |
Simon that's not a good place to drop no | 505.52 | 3.359 |
okay I guess not I didn't know that they | 507.36 | 3.76 |
were still on our ass here we go okay | 508.879 | 5.561 |
welome I would not to the next chamber | 511.12 | 5.68 |
oh this is where that yeah come to me | 514.44 | 4.719 |
come to me are they still behind yep | 516.8 | 6.479 |
some still freaking behind us all right | 519.159 | 6.641 |
didn't mean you yeah we we didn't and | 523.279 | 5.281 |
have to kill you you asked for it not | 525.8 | 5.82 |
even messing with you all | 528.56 | 4.24 |
[Music] | 531.62 | 5.14 |
right ah home lies Yonder Beyond them | 532.8 | 7.719 |
Hills can't wait oh God God nees | 536.76 | 5.6 |
anthonyb what there's a thing in the | 540.519 | 3.76 |
woods stop getting into fights man it's | 542.36 | 3.0 |
not in the woods it's not in the woods | 544.279 | 2.721 |
anymore now it's now it's behind me | 545.36 | 2.9 |
thing is huge what is | 547.0 | 4.24 |
[Music] | 548.26 | 5.78 |
it it's a big brute Beast or something | 551.24 | 5.68 |
it's a tree demon tree demon how fast is | 554.04 | 4.799 |
it I don't know but now it wants you oh | 556.92 | 5.08 |
God where's my bow can we kill it uh I'm | 558.839 | 5.201 |
going to attempt to strike it oh my God | 562.0 | 4.88 |
fre skull free skulls guess what today's | 564.04 | 5.359 |
a cardio day isn't it I think so wow | 566.88 | 4.16 |
look at my legs go up and down really | 569.399 | 4.281 |
quickly yep you running Yep this area is | 571.04 | 4.6 |
very pretty look how green it is yeah | 573.68 | 4.12 |
it's Lush and green okay at least it's | 575.64 | 4.48 |
not very aggressive he left us alone oh | 577.8 | 4.44 |
God deal yep I'm not ready for that with | 580.12 | 4.279 |
my little tiny sword and these crappy | 582.24 | 4.68 |
arrows I ran right into it are you ready | 584.399 | 6.201 |
for baby is that a horse yep I don't | 586.92 | 5.0 |
have any room to carry anything let's | 590.6 | 2.96 |
grab a horse come on my my weight's | 591.92 | 3.28 |
maxed out I just want to trap it I want | 593.56 | 3.519 |
to trap it inside a bag it'll be funny | 595.2 | 4.04 |
okay if you're going to use that horse | 597.079 | 3.481 |
do it if you're not I'm not going to use | 599.24 | 3.599 |
the horse new not going to use the horse | 600.56 | 3.36 |
don't trap it if you're not going to use | 602.839 | 2.481 |
it going to do it anyways you trap that | 603.92 | 2.479 |
horse and don't use it I'm going to kill | 605.32 | 3.04 |
you you can try you can't even kill a | 606.399 | 4.201 |
horse demon a tree demon neither can you | 608.36 | 3.919 |
hey look I can still move actually nope | 610.6 | 3.76 |
all right I walk slowly home let's go | 612.279 | 4.321 |
there you go if I see a bag drop with a | 614.36 | 4.479 |
horse in it you're | 616.6 | 4.96 |
dying bye all right I'm checking this if | 618.839 | 5.12 |
there's a horse in it bye name see it | 621.56 | 4.56 |
home yep that's a horse would you be mad | 623.959 | 4.081 |
if I did it again hey I will hold a | 626.12 | 3.68 |
grudge for the rest of the series | 628.04 | 3.239 |
okay I'll be surprised if your house | 629.8 | 3.44 |
falls down all right can't leave this | 631.279 | 5.041 |
horse out here it's not right I tell you | 633.24 | 5.159 |
bean would you look at this this is not | 636.32 | 3.8 |
too far from base I was just out | 638.399 | 3.481 |
exploring a little bit and look what we | 640.12 | 5.8 |
got a brown monkey hole o not on my | 641.88 | 5.959 |
watch I'll tell you damn it let's see | 645.92 | 3.24 |
looks like the monkeys and the turtles | 647.839 | 4.361 |
have been fighting a war zone over here | 649.16 | 4.64 |
okay I want to see what's in this monkey | 652.2 | 6.079 |
hole hold on and boom one monkey down | 653.8 | 6.36 |
well I'm a decent Archer should do that | 658.279 | 5.081 |
more often oi monkey boy I want to see | 660.16 | 5.16 |
what's in your brown monkey hole dumb | 663.36 | 3.279 |
monkeys what are you guys hiding in your | 665.32 | 3.6 |
monkey hole anything good or is this | 666.639 | 4.88 |
just a little monkey cave oh no it goes | 668.92 | 6.479 |
down here my goodness what a discovery | 671.519 | 5.641 |
who and man's | 675.399 | 6.521 |
gato oh Bad Monkey quit it there you go | 677.16 | 6.4 |
let's check what we got down here oh wow | 681.92 | 3.96 |
that's a that's a lot of you that's a | 683.56 | 3.839 |
okay well it's going to be dark dark | 685.88 | 4.079 |
fight I can kill youall in the dark see | 687.399 | 4.56 |
you don't mess with the queen oh you | 689.959 | 3.68 |
messed with the queen and you got the | 691.959 | 4.481 |
bean all right let's see what else is in | 693.639 | 6.161 |
here oh oh wow what the | 696.44 | 5.8 |
hell okay well oh boy all right head | 699.8 | 3.839 |
over here it's a little bit more light | 702.24 | 5.399 |
where I can kind of see yeah come | 703.639 | 4.0 |
on [ __ ] Legend let's see can I | 707.76 | 5.48 |
harvest these crystals oh yeah crystals | 710.2 | 4.6 |
that's not too far from home either | 713.24 | 5.159 |
that's pretty cool let's see then uh oh | 714.8 | 5.96 |
what's that what is this what is that | 718.399 | 4.921 |
looks cool can I pick this up Crystal | 720.76 | 5.24 |
Crystal Crystal I don't want Crystal | 723.32 | 6.079 |
want that what is that well that's a jip | 726.0 | 6.68 |
okay all right whatever moving on man | 729.399 | 5.12 |
I'm hearing a lot of monkey chatter oh | 732.68 | 4.48 |
yeah I see oh that's a big | 734.519 | 6.0 |
monkey come on up here boys come out see | 737.16 | 6.6 |
the queen come get the be okay you guys | 740.519 | 5.241 |
going to play this game | 743.76 | 5.319 |
huh oh okay that's he's got a skull over | 745.76 | 5.12 |
H oh but they don't know how to climb | 749.079 | 3.521 |
cave even though they're mankeys and | 750.88 | 4.72 |
they live here I'm such a stupid monkey | 752.6 | 5.479 |
I'm about to die oh run it away but | 755.6 | 4.599 |
that's okay because yoink got your | 758.079 | 6.401 |
friend and then yoink one more hit and | 760.199 | 8.0 |
you're done God what a stupid boss an | 764.48 | 6.359 |
iron pot hey I got that going for me bar | 768.199 | 6.361 |
FL hide okay I'll take Fair flesh tide | 770.839 | 6.041 |
let's see what else that seemed like the | 774.56 | 5.639 |
biggest monkey in here okay oh there | 776.88 | 6.44 |
goes my torch who can I go to the bottom | 780.199 | 6.841 |
of this it's so dark in | 783.32 | 6.44 |
here okay Simon I remember correctly | 787.04 | 4.479 |
there's a point where we had to raise | 789.76 | 5.12 |
some water to reach things this might | 791.519 | 5.481 |
not be it though that might be it I | 794.88 | 4.399 |
don't know is there a lever crap cuz you | 797.0 | 6.36 |
can't grab that you know what I mean h | 799.279 | 6.601 |
is there lever why can't I climb the | 803.36 | 4.479 |
wall I mean cuz it's an unclimbable wall | 805.88 | 4.399 |
they just you know some of them are like | 807.839 | 5.721 |
that some are like that I guess okay um | 810.279 | 4.56 |
so we might have gone the wrong | 813.56 | 2.719 |
direction is what you're saying no no no | 814.839 | 4.601 |
no we just need to to raise the water we | 816.279 | 5.56 |
need to raise the water in here in this | 819.44 | 3.68 |
particular area I thought you were | 821.839 | 4.081 |
saying like you know when we go up past | 823.12 | 6.64 |
that so see anything on the walls look | 825.92 | 8.0 |
on the walls look on the walls like like | 829.76 | 7.999 |
in am amongst this or or back | 833.92 | 7.279 |
farther I | 837.759 | 3.44 |
forgot well at least we think you're | 841.56 | 5.32 |
right about raising the water right yeah | 844.0 | 5.36 |
I think you're right we do maybe it is | 846.88 | 4.68 |
back I'll take a quick peek so I'm going | 849.36 | 5.36 |
be right back do that do | 851.56 | 3.16 |
that yeah we're trying to come to you | 856.079 | 4.76 |
idiot make it easier oh I think I found | 858.36 | 5.719 |
it yeah am it no but I it's I think all | 860.839 | 6.041 |
right yeah come here yeah what would you | 864.079 | 4.88 |
think if you look you look up and you | 866.88 | 5.12 |
see those have yeah oh look at that so | 868.959 | 4.24 |
that's what it looks like you'd shoot | 872.0 | 4.24 |
the middle so go for it Bo we are | 873.199 | 7.121 |
Indiana Jones's yes yes yes water come | 876.24 | 7.64 |
up uh-huh what a good eye Simon what a | 880.32 | 6.56 |
good eye Twi I'm glad I'm glad I got to | 883.88 | 6.399 |
help a little bit next yep | 886.88 | 6.28 |
yep what next I'm the I'm the puzzle | 890.279 | 5.521 |
Buster yeah she called you her clever | 893.16 | 6.84 |
one you are so clever I am so clever | 895.8 | 6.36 |
Mommy thank you for calling me clever | 900.0 | 4.12 |
you're going to you're so getting laid | 902.16 | 4.84 |
with my mommy no with with this oh but I | 904.12 | 4.88 |
called her I just called her mommy so | 907.0 | 4.56 |
well that's between well I mean role | 909.0 | 4.6 |
play is one thing but even that's weird | 911.56 | 5.199 |
okay you just right whatever | 913.6 | 6.159 |
um | 916.759 | 3.0 |
puzzles nebs are you're really going to | 920.24 | 3.44 |
carry the horse the whole way home are | 922.079 | 3.961 |
you really going to be a dead beat dad I | 923.68 | 3.64 |
it was a joke I didn't know it was going | 926.04 | 3.64 |
to ruin my day oh ruins your day how | 927.32 | 4.16 |
about the horse's day R the horse is a | 929.68 | 4.68 |
horse of | 931.48 | 2.88 |
course horses have bad days too but it | 934.44 | 4.36 |
look at the very most it could be like a | 937.199 | 3.041 |
racehorse but it's not going to amount | 938.8 | 2.64 |
to things it's not going to have a | 940.24 | 3.48 |
career and oh my God you hear the words | 941.44 | 4.639 |
out of your mouth right now yes this is | 943.72 | 4.799 |
this is how like orphan movies go no an | 946.079 | 4.721 |
orphan of a baby this horse ends up | 948.519 | 3.521 |
caring cancer there's going to be a | 950.8 | 2.399 |
movie about it you're going to be the | 952.04 | 5.2 |
bad guy I don't horses can't cure cancer | 953.199 | 5.601 |
all right I mean we can't even do it | 957.24 | 2.92 |
what makes you think a horse can do it | 958.8 | 2.959 |
okay if a horse cured cancer it' | 960.16 | 4.039 |
probably be more of a gruesome story cuz | 961.759 | 4.44 |
it'd probably be parts of it yeah you | 964.199 | 3.56 |
don't have cancer if you're dead when a | 966.199 | 3.721 |
horse kicks you I guess anyway look are | 967.759 | 3.601 |
you going to fight that wolf thing cuz | 969.92 | 3.479 |
I'm carrying horse right yep all right | 971.36 | 3.24 |
you have your sword out you can still | 973.399 | 3.841 |
swing if it gets close yep all right is | 974.6 | 4.599 |
that what you tell pregnant ladies we | 977.24 | 3.959 |
can do this yeah pregnant ladies can get | 979.199 | 5.12 |
a lot done it's 23 knes okay I hear you | 981.199 | 5.08 |
they can build bullets while men go and | 984.319 | 5.241 |
fight Wars I'm here to help you bam | 986.279 | 4.68 |
there you go I'm glad you got to the | 989.56 | 4.0 |
fight just in time yep all right keep | 990.959 | 4.24 |
walking it's going to be a long journey | 993.56 | 3.6 |
I'll catch up don't worry yeah you going | 995.199 | 5.801 |
ahead I'll get there whenever I get | 997.16 | 3.84 |
there he anything can I go | 1001.399 | 6.161 |
under not expect all this in this monkey | 1005.04 | 7.279 |
hole come rise up rise up right okay oh | 1007.56 | 8.8 |
oh hey now what's going on | 1012.319 | 6.681 |
here I'm going to be sneaky I'm going to | 1016.36 | 3.8 |
be real | 1019.0 | 4.72 |
sneaky Tor out oh he's got three damn | 1020.16 | 6.48 |
skulls on him who the hell is this why | 1023.72 | 5.76 |
is he hiding in a monkey | 1026.64 | 6.88 |
hole Vias the loyal he's a fighter man | 1029.48 | 5.52 |
attempted to knock him out but how the | 1033.52 | 3.08 |
hell would I get him at oh I suppose I | 1035.0 | 3.919 |
could go that way over the cave instead | 1036.6 | 4.239 |
of under it all right you know what | 1038.919 | 5.241 |
let's see how tough this VI fighter is | 1040.839 | 6.12 |
oh I completely missed okay o I wish | 1044.16 | 5.48 |
that did more damage all right cool w o | 1046.959 | 5.041 |
I got | 1049.64 | 2.36 |
[Music] | 1052.46 | 7.42 |
you oh okay yeah you do a lot of damage | 1057.36 | 4.24 |
well you got ghost no no no no no no no | 1059.88 | 3.6 |
you ain't got ghost interact what's that | 1061.6 | 4.88 |
fight but interact what's that | 1063.48 | 6.6 |
do inter interact what's that do oh | 1066.48 | 7.36 |
God okay okay come | 1070.08 | 6.479 |
on okay o got a little bleed damage on | 1073.84 | 5.24 |
you you're not as tough as you look | 1076.559 | 4.161 |
although you're pretty tough Boy tell | 1079.08 | 3.64 |
you what just sometimes it just goes no | 1080.72 | 4.48 |
I'm not going to hit you oh it's a lot | 1082.72 | 4.4 |
of BL page yes start bleeding start | 1085.2 | 5.719 |
bleeding you idiot and queen suck on my | 1087.12 | 6.439 |
be okay yeah okay yeah you hit you hit | 1090.919 | 4.521 |
pretty hard half | 1093.559 | 4.881 |
Health there we go one two that should | 1095.44 | 4.16 |
have hit that should have hit that's | 1098.44 | 3.32 |
some [ __ ] right there there we go 20 | 1099.6 | 4.0 |
bleed damage yeah keep bleeding dummy | 1101.76 | 6.399 |
keep bleeding dummy oo I got you oh man | 1103.6 | 5.24 |
think | 1108.159 | 1.921 |
that should have been a hit why does | 1108.84 | 3.959 |
that one hit not hit Bam Bam Bam Bam | 1110.08 | 6.56 |
there we go come at me again I | 1112.799 | 6.88 |
need oh yeah you don't know me do you | 1116.64 | 5.039 |
kind of the queen of these Realms and as | 1119.679 | 6.081 |
the queen i s it you oh to death oh oh | 1121.679 | 8.961 |
oh [ __ ] oh what that was | 1125.76 | 4.88 |
[Music] | 1131.91 | 6.45 |
[ __ ] wow look how far we've gotten no | 1135.0 | 5.799 |
might take us weeks to get home mhm | 1138.36 | 4.96 |
literally probably faster to build a | 1140.799 | 4.601 |
stable and raise this horse here yeah | 1143.32 | 3.599 |
and then you could ride the horse home | 1145.4 | 4.279 |
yeah that'd be amazing mhm oh this is | 1146.919 | 5.681 |
steep oh god look is that like tigers or | 1149.679 | 4.681 |
Panthers or something down there oh my | 1152.6 | 3.68 |
is that an elephant ah this is where we | 1154.36 | 4.12 |
are wait elephants | 1156.28 | 5.16 |
yep I've been wanting to see one yeah we | 1158.48 | 6.079 |
got across the Savannah with a baby | 1161.44 | 6.359 |
horse yeah we have to there's no other | 1164.559 | 4.961 |
there's no I agree with you there's no | 1167.799 | 3.281 |
other option until someone picked it up | 1169.52 | 3.08 |
what are you talking about from course | 1171.08 | 5.92 |
we have to of of okay yep of horse of | 1172.6 | 6.199 |
course we have to I wish that worked it | 1177.0 | 4.08 |
almost does man we have to bring home a | 1178.799 | 5.521 |
horse of course all right um well come | 1181.08 | 4.2 |
on | 1184.32 | 3.88 |
slide you make it I mean not yet but I'm | 1185.28 | 4.6 |
going to oh | 1188.2 | 4.359 |
God careful it bows in a little bit be | 1189.88 | 4.2 |
careful yep you know what I'm going to | 1192.559 | 3.561 |
put a bed down here just in case okay | 1194.08 | 3.32 |
I'll build a trampoline down here for | 1196.12 | 3.559 |
the horse you can throw it down okay | 1197.4 | 4.0 |
make him down way down a little slower | 1199.679 | 4.041 |
than you no I'm I'm pretty slow too I'm | 1201.4 | 5.24 |
climbing for two now I'm walking for two | 1203.72 | 4.439 |
I've filled myself with good stuff if | 1206.64 | 3.399 |
we're going to walk I'm I'm loading up | 1208.159 | 4.721 |
oh God this is crazy Debs I found a cave | 1210.039 | 4.801 |
behind a waterfall yeah I'm going to | 1212.88 | 6.679 |
explore it okay I'll meet you down there | 1214.84 | 7.64 |
okay all right I'm tired of walking oh | 1219.559 | 4.721 |
God there's a tiger in it and like an | 1222.48 | 4.12 |
actual orange tiger is it fighting you | 1224.28 | 6.16 |
yes cuz it's a tiger right okay okay I | 1226.6 | 5.559 |
think I can do this I think oh God I | 1230.44 | 4.08 |
can't do this oh God I can't get to you | 1232.159 | 4.88 |
cuz I'm walk | 1234.52 | 5.12 |
SL it's all right you good I'm | 1237.039 | 6.321 |
protecting for two now I got | 1239.64 | 3.72 |
you so Simon I'm I'm curious yeah have | 1245.6 | 5.199 |
you ever met a previous Tinder date in a | 1248.72 | 4.839 |
sewage system uh no no I haven't and | 1250.799 | 5.321 |
this exciting yeah this is fun it's a | 1253.559 | 5.921 |
different different atmosphere oh sweet | 1256.12 | 5.039 |
nothings wow that's four play right | 1259.48 | 3.8 |
there yeah the thing is though I if | 1261.159 | 4.041 |
we're hanging out here I do not want you | 1263.28 | 4.879 |
to watch okay you're going to have to go | 1265.2 | 5.16 |
as hard as it's going to be to not watch | 1268.159 | 3.76 |
I | 1270.36 | 4.36 |
know you see cuz something tells me the | 1271.919 | 4.561 |
water needs to raise I don't know why | 1274.72 | 3.52 |
I'm thinking that weird all right I'm | 1276.48 | 5.04 |
going the the left way okay so so I | 1278.24 | 6.2 |
should go the right way sure sure sure | 1281.52 | 5.12 |
so yep we're looking for circles we can | 1284.44 | 6.2 |
shoot oh I didn't know interesting man I | 1286.64 | 6.12 |
wish we could pray to our I you know | 1290.64 | 4.039 |
what I could pick a religion I'd pick | 1292.76 | 4.519 |
the religion of adahop and and I would | 1294.679 | 4.401 |
you know why one of the reasons why I | 1297.279 | 3.921 |
could actually talk to her and I'd ask | 1299.08 | 3.719 |
her questions and she'd answer my | 1301.2 | 4.68 |
prayers and I'd say adahop oh God is | 1302.799 | 5.521 |
adahop the target is over here where you | 1305.88 | 4.24 |
came from no no you don't have to tell | 1308.32 | 4.479 |
me exactly I'm just saying why the [ __ ] | 1310.12 | 4.84 |
did you ask me but that's what I would | 1312.799 | 4.0 |
why are you just standing there well I | 1314.96 | 3.8 |
came back you you explored the whole | 1316.799 | 5.12 |
right there wasn't that far to go when I | 1318.76 | 6.32 |
go in here there's water and then | 1321.919 | 5.721 |
there's like a a dead end and I don't | 1325.08 | 5.599 |
see can't see anything over there oh | 1327.64 | 5.2 |
maybe I can climb on top of this hold on | 1330.679 | 5.281 |
can I climb on top of this damn my menu | 1332.84 | 6.28 |
is going crazy oh [ __ ] okay maybe I can | 1335.96 | 5.64 |
do that yeah see something maybe you can | 1339.12 | 4.64 |
make an effort are you oh I did make an | 1341.6 | 4.959 |
effort you see anything I swam over here | 1343.76 | 4.6 |
maybe you cannot be an [ __ ] that's | 1346.559 | 5.0 |
true man I'm my you should see what like | 1348.36 | 4.919 |
what I'm doing right now my body is | 1351.559 | 4.081 |
insane okay but I think I do see the | 1353.279 | 6.4 |
beginnings of something yes we can shoot | 1355.64 | 6.8 |
yep you ready ready like your weapons | 1359.679 | 5.681 |
are now oh me yeah um well nebs I wanted | 1362.44 | 5.359 |
I wanted to ask okay um do you want me | 1365.36 | 4.679 |
to carry the horse for a little bit um | 1367.799 | 3.521 |
well I don't want you to have this | 1370.039 | 3.561 |
burden all alone N I kind of want to you | 1371.32 | 3.959 |
know hold it over your head later yeah | 1373.6 | 2.959 |
but like look if you're going to walk | 1375.279 | 2.361 |
with it anyways I'm going to do it | 1376.559 | 2.36 |
anyways you could fight a little bit and | 1377.64 | 4.039 |
I'll hold the horse so you don't like | 1378.919 | 5.88 |
the dead beat Dead uh title I guess well | 1381.679 | 4.6 |
no if if it's going to happen I'm going | 1384.799 | 3.161 |
to do it right but right from the | 1386.279 | 2.921 |
beginning I was just going to put it up | 1387.96 | 2.68 |
for adoption and give up it's a little | 1389.2 | 3.2 |
too late for that I mean I know so now | 1390.64 | 3.0 |
that it's too late I got to take | 1392.4 | 4.24 |
responsibility and be a man right is | 1393.64 | 4.8 |
that that's not a storm coming in is it | 1396.64 | 2.8 |
oh yeah that's a storm coming we got | 1398.44 | 2.2 |
build a shelter all right yeah you know | 1399.44 | 3.119 |
what you you hold on to the baby I'll | 1400.64 | 3.48 |
I'll carry it a little bit when uh | 1402.559 | 2.961 |
against this wall start chopping stuff | 1404.12 | 3.28 |
and making a thing wait I'm sheltered | 1405.52 | 4.0 |
right here are you yes come on sounds | 1407.4 | 4.08 |
great I'm not walking very fast get over | 1409.52 | 4.48 |
here Women and Children First oh God but | 1411.48 | 4.48 |
seriously like imagine if a couple could | 1414.0 | 3.799 |
just like trade the baby like I'm busy | 1415.96 | 3.68 |
this week let me let me carry the baby | 1417.799 | 3.721 |
yeah that sounds like crazy talk right | 1419.64 | 4.36 |
there well but here what's possible okay | 1421.52 | 4.2 |
Jes let me carry this child sheltered | 1424.0 | 3.76 |
it's too late man it's not give me the | 1425.72 | 3.6 |
child or I'm going to punch a pregnant | 1427.76 | 3.2 |
woman Cats in the Cradle give me the | 1429.32 | 3.88 |
horse nope you're not fit the you're not | 1430.96 | 4.48 |
fit to be give the no you had your | 1433.2 | 4.04 |
chance he was a baby and you missed you | 1435.44 | 5.239 |
blew it too late too little too late I'm | 1437.24 | 5.6 |
going to get | 1440.679 | 5.321 |
milk oh you little [ __ ] oh you actually | 1442.84 | 5.48 |
made me put my helmet back on oh what's | 1446.0 | 4.48 |
you got ghost people that's what was | 1448.32 | 5.719 |
happening last time let's see here what | 1450.48 | 5.76 |
he doesn't know is my buddy Dora gave me | 1454.039 | 4.0 |
a spider | 1456.24 | 6.48 |
ball yeah what the oh God okay that was | 1458.039 | 6.76 |
oh all right yeah this spider's doing a | 1462.72 | 4.52 |
little bit of damage yeah get in there | 1464.799 | 3.88 |
yeah I'm going to work you down with us | 1467.24 | 3.84 |
yeah come on get him get him first yeah | 1468.679 | 4.841 |
you get him oh I should be hitting him | 1471.08 | 4.64 |
with arrows oh spider's almost dead okay | 1473.52 | 4.36 |
that's okay cuz guess what I got another | 1475.72 | 6.199 |
spider ball I Choose You D spider oh boy | 1477.88 | 7.08 |
come on nope not spider yes did I just | 1481.919 | 5.281 |
hit the spider I did didn't I God damn | 1484.96 | 5.24 |
it | 1487.2 | 3.0 |
fine you see your first mistake sir is | 1490.48 | 5.559 |
you messed with the queen and for doing | 1493.72 | 5.4 |
so the punishment is is the | 1496.039 | 7.481 |
bean come out oh okay yep oh I'm going | 1499.12 | 5.96 |
to get you this time well if I can't get | 1503.52 | 3.44 |
you this time I'm just m you made me put | 1505.08 | 4.44 |
on my helmet you realize that sir | 1506.96 | 5.959 |
insult yeah I need new man I do not do | 1509.52 | 6.039 |
as much damage as I want going do | 1512.919 | 3.801 |
another swing oh you're not going to do | 1515.559 | 2.801 |
your second swing [ __ ] I'll go in there | 1516.72 | 3.04 |
do a little bit of this all right now | 1518.36 | 3.12 |
boom bleed the death bleed the death | 1519.76 | 4.56 |
yeah choke | 1521.48 | 2.84 |
out you dare | 1526.24 | 3.439 |
fo okay is it we like a an arrow | 1530.88 | 5.96 |
peppering or is that even possible I'm | 1534.76 | 4.12 |
assuming there's not just one big thing | 1536.84 | 3.8 |
you guys were going to like really oh | 1538.88 | 4.0 |
God talking to you she's talking to you | 1540.64 | 4.44 |
all right listen we're we're I don't I | 1542.88 | 3.84 |
don't I'm not you want to put down a bed | 1545.08 | 2.88 |
roll I'm putting it down I already put | 1546.72 | 3.04 |
down a bed roll oh well good for you | 1547.96 | 4.959 |
you're really smart yeah okay | 1549.76 | 5.44 |
so do you want to go see what she looks | 1552.919 | 5.441 |
like Salon you excited oh shut up | 1555.2 | 6.28 |
yeah it's this [ __ ] come on can we just | 1558.36 | 5.799 |
can it would be nice all right you want | 1561.48 | 6.6 |
me to come on hold on I'll say um now | 1564.159 | 6.801 |
yep just keep hitting the wall Skelly | 1568.08 | 5.04 |
wow yeah they they don't like messing | 1570.96 | 5.52 |
with me you know probably because of Zap | 1573.12 | 4.799 |
right you know what it does probably | 1576.48 | 3.96 |
help to have a lord behind you it does | 1577.919 | 4.201 |
not hurt let me grab those arrows might | 1580.44 | 4.68 |
just need them okay all right so I think | 1582.12 | 5.559 |
I'm getting a flashback are you of | 1585.12 | 4.559 |
watching you and thick do this in a vide | 1587.679 | 5.561 |
yes so it's in the round go see your | 1589.679 | 6.12 |
Totum say hi to your Totum so she just | 1593.24 | 5.64 |
jumps in and out of the hole ohy pretty | 1595.799 | 5.921 |
pretty oh | 1598.88 | 2.84 |
boy she is pretty so this is a big Arrow | 1603.159 | 6.721 |
time yeah might as well use her Oh [ __ ] | 1607.32 | 4.839 |
forgot that these guys damn it just let | 1609.88 | 6.08 |
us fight I got one arrow | 1612.159 | 7.441 |
shot okay fight skeleton all right so | 1615.96 | 5.68 |
little by little yep and then when it | 1619.6 | 4.559 |
collapses then we jump in is that it and | 1621.64 | 4.399 |
then hit it with the sword oh | 1624.159 | 5.601 |
w got hit by the the Fireball the mouth | 1626.039 | 6.041 |
all right good for you it's a spitter oh | 1629.76 | 4.08 |
she's spitting it out she does she's | 1632.08 | 3.719 |
spitting it out not a swallower now | 1633.84 | 5.16 |
she's down she went in yep oh now you | 1635.799 | 5.561 |
get her get her that what you do [ __ ] | 1639.0 | 4.08 |
isn't she pretty when she flops she | 1641.36 | 3.84 |
really is pretty I wouldn't mind having | 1643.08 | 3.839 |
her slide right inside me if you know | 1645.2 | 4.28 |
what I mean ah oh flip it up a little | 1646.919 | 6.0 |
bit yeah yeah oh yeah she is a strap on | 1649.48 | 6.28 |
o and that's what we do that's that's | 1652.919 | 4.681 |
going to be the thing that's how we do | 1655.76 | 3.68 |
it all | 1657.6 | 4.48 |
right nebs that thing's getting real | 1659.44 | 5.599 |
close yep let's do I don't is that no | 1662.08 | 4.839 |
he's looking at us isn't he I think so | 1665.039 | 4.041 |
is that the aggress aggressive yes | 1666.919 | 3.441 |
that's the aggressive he's kicking and | 1669.08 | 3.199 |
doing his thing he's kicking he's around | 1670.36 | 4.36 |
Shield up okay he went by you got to | 1672.279 | 3.88 |
keep him off of me I'll distract him | 1674.72 | 3.28 |
yeah there you go look at me look at me | 1676.159 | 3.801 |
Big Elephant Man okay yeah you're a big | 1678.0 | 4.96 |
elephant boy very enticing yes look at | 1679.96 | 4.8 |
me what do elephants like to eat I don't | 1682.96 | 4.0 |
know okay I think I'm good man what are | 1684.76 | 3.72 |
elephants like to eat they they eat | 1686.96 | 3.68 |
peanuts don't you know anything a rock | 1688.48 | 4.84 |
monster I'm a giant peanut what rock | 1690.64 | 7.759 |
monster a crap and elephant boy neees I | 1693.32 | 6.479 |
don't really care about you I care about | 1698.399 | 3.76 |
the horse you're carrying do you now yes | 1699.799 | 5.841 |
of course I do of course you do oh | 1702.159 | 6.76 |
God okay careful okay how's the horse | 1705.64 | 5.519 |
yep he's in a bag he could have been | 1708.919 | 4.161 |
frolicking in the field with his family | 1711.159 | 3.161 |
well now he's going to be with a new | 1713.08 | 5.079 |
family we're going to make this work oh | 1714.32 | 7.04 |
you're not predictable at all no oh wait | 1718.159 | 6.681 |
all right yeah yeah yeah come on man | 1721.36 | 8.88 |
come on yeah yes o oh man I know down | 1724.84 | 8.92 |
there real close I know you take it oh a | 1730.24 | 6.36 |
cake cake cake I just had a piece of | 1733.76 | 4.56 |
cake | 1736.6 | 3.6 |
okay they're fighting we're getting away | 1738.32 | 4.44 |
they're fighting perfect we're free | 1740.2 | 4.52 |
that's right you little [ __ ] oh is you | 1742.76 | 4.32 |
getting ready to be down she get so wet | 1744.72 | 4.88 |
yeah oh she's about to go she's about to | 1747.08 | 5.439 |
go used all my arrows ooh I just hit the | 1749.6 | 5.24 |
spitball with an arrow that's a thing | 1752.519 | 4.04 |
and it stopped it yeah that's cool it | 1754.84 | 4.8 |
looks like it come on | 1756.559 | 3.081 |
baby oh my God look at that ass oh | 1760.24 | 8.439 |
man that's nice she's a little stinky | 1764.519 | 6.121 |
but I'll bet you'll get through | 1768.679 | 4.201 |
it yeah you just got to eat your way | 1770.64 | 4.08 |
through | 1772.88 | 5.84 |
it that's it good fight Simon yum yum | 1774.72 | 6.36 |
I'm going to do this do do the things I | 1778.72 | 3.679 |
don't know if that's what I'm supposed | 1781.08 | 3.959 |
corpse maybe abysmal Fang got three of | 1782.399 | 6.28 |
them what and here's a book ooh reading | 1785.039 | 6.921 |
oh abysmal bunch of stuffs man we're so | 1788.679 | 6.081 |
smart did you read the book nah read for | 1791.96 | 5.8 |
losers come read it you idiot all right | 1794.76 | 5.84 |
reads for | 1797.76 | 2.84 |
[Music] | 1802.1 | 8.249 |
losers | 1819.399 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I just watched the latest episode of Neebs Gaming's Conan Exiles series and it was hilarious as always! This group of guys cracks me up with their goofy adventures and camaraderie in survival games.
In this episode, Anthony decides to abandon his newborn baby to go loot some ruins, which is so in-character for him. Meanwhile, Appsro explores a "brown monkey hole" cave that looks pretty nasty. And Simon, oh Simon. He gets seduced and knocked out by a weird slug lady, which is both disturbing and funny at the same time!
The best part is that even though they goof around, you can tell these dudes really know their stuff when it comes to building cool bases and taking down bosses in these games. And their cinematic editing makes it so much fun to watch. It really feels like you're on an adventure with them!
Honestly, watching Neebs Gaming play Conan Exiles is the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their commentary and camaraderie give me life and their editing is top-notch. If you're looking for an entertaining way to experience this brutal survival game, look no further than Neebs and the gang.
Whether they're getting mauled by elephants, seduced by slugs, or abandoning their children, you're guaranteed to laugh your butt off watching them bumble through the savage world of Conan Exiles. So do yourself a favor and dive into their Conan Exiles playlist for a good time! Just be prepared for some questionable parenting techniques and lots of hilarious misadventures.