THIS IS A BAD IDEA! - Conan Exiles
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Simon, have you seen that new Conan Exiles video? It's titled 'THIS IS A BAD IDEA!' Sounds like our kind of adventure!
simon: Oh yeah, I saw it! Cliff diving, pussy loot, and synchronized diving? Count me in! That's the kind of bad idea I can get behind.
appsro: Guys, guys, guys! You know what's a bad idea? Watching you two attempt synchronized diving in real life. That would be a disaster!
neebs: Haha, you're probably right, Appsro! But at least we'd have a good laugh about it afterwards. Just like we do with all our Conan Exiles adventures!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest episode of Conan Exiles Season 2 yet? If not, you're in for a treat! In Episode 21, the gang encounters some hilarious moments, including a cat named Pussy and some epic cliff diving. Trust me, it's a rollercoaster of emotions and laughs!
And hey, don't forget to grab some of that awesome resort merch from the Neebs Gaming spreadshop. Who wouldn't want to rock some cool gear while watching their favorite YouTubers in action, right? And if you need a little pick-me-up while watching the episode, why not brew yourself some Neebs Gaming coffee? Use code NEEBS10 for a sweet discount!
I don't know about you, but I love seeing the gang play games on their Xidax PCs. Those machines are absolute beasts! And if you're like me and can't get enough of Neebs Gaming content, make sure to hit that subscribe button and check out their Patreon for some exclusive perks.
Oh, and did you catch all the timestamps in the episode? From a pirate coaster to synchronized diving, there's never a dull moment with Neebs and the crew. And let's not forget about the epic music that sets the perfect tone for all the shenanigans that go down in Conan Exiles.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the latest episode, laugh along with the gang, and join the Neebs Gaming community for some epic adventures.

Caption | Start | Duration |
there it is Dora a cockeyed pirate ship | 1.04 | 4.4 |
yeah but I'm full of I've got my | 3.199 | 3.72 |
inventory full there nothing you can | 5.44 | 3.36 |
toss out rocks man I want to keep | 6.919 | 3.281 |
everything I got there's a pillow in | 8.8 | 3.12 |
there that's dope dud I can make you a | 10.2 | 3.479 |
nice pillow all you got to do is ask | 11.92 | 5.119 |
your buddy Queen abro say I don't even I | 13.679 | 5.001 |
don't need this pillow now I'm just like | 17.039 | 3.201 |
keeping crap I don't need and also | 18.68 | 3.759 |
pillow shouldn't be that heavy it's no | 20.24 | 4.32 |
it's not but the pillow's gone you happy | 22.439 | 4.16 |
not really but you know what ask when we | 24.56 | 3.32 |
get back ask me I'll make you a nice | 26.599 | 4.041 |
pill there there's so many enemies on | 27.88 | 4.719 |
that like roller coaster looking the | 30.64 | 3.32 |
pirate roller coaster I did that with | 32.599 | 3.681 |
thick okay it's a pirate ship well | 33.96 | 3.279 |
that's | 36.28 | 3.599 |
cockey be on the P oh yeah it is I see | 37.239 | 4.401 |
what you're saying now can we just run | 39.879 | 3.2 |
there I don't want to fight that no | 41.64 | 3.399 |
because it will be we be flanked I don't | 43.079 | 5.881 |
know oh okay like you're so much tougher | 45.039 | 7.36 |
than I and I just avoided four enemies | 48.96 | 4.88 |
you didn't have to fight them oh wait so | 52.399 | 2.721 |
you're just going well now I'm going to | 53.84 | 5.08 |
fight a panther Panthers | 55.12 | 6.239 |
rather uhoh don't get in trouble I don't | 58.92 | 4.08 |
want to you ran down there without me of | 61.359 | 3.8 |
course you do yeah that was a smack oh | 63.0 | 4.6 |
boy I got okay all right sorry dude I | 65.159 | 3.96 |
should have stuck by you that makes | 67.6 | 3.159 |
sense and I'm sorry to bring threats | 69.119 | 4.04 |
here oh boy oh D what have you done | 70.759 | 4.921 |
already Panthers Panthers to the part | 73.159 | 3.561 |
it's not a party if you don't have a | 75.68 | 3.0 |
panther party careful careful all right | 76.72 | 3.2 |
yeah you get him oh wait no he's coming | 78.68 | 3.36 |
for | 79.92 | 2.12 |
me sorry about the kittens these are bad | 82.2 | 5.12 |
kitties they're bad bad kitties it's | 85.28 | 3.839 |
okay all right let's make let's make our | 87.32 | 6.839 |
way to the dock charge charge and | 89.119 | 5.04 |
heal I gotta heal hey | 94.799 | 6.411 |
you this guy's a good | 98.0 | 7.719 |
[Music] | 101.21 | 9.79 |
fighter and tea and one day when is | 105.719 | 7.121 |
[Music] | 111.0 | 4.96 |
take up butter bean hey what's up Su in | 112.84 | 5.639 |
Hey so uh what's the what's the plan I | 115.96 | 4.759 |
missed last week no not uh place looks | 118.479 | 4.32 |
nice I like the foundation I'm trying to | 120.719 | 3.44 |
place something I don't know if it's cuz | 122.799 | 2.801 |
you're there or because it's just not | 124.159 | 4.401 |
going to go here what not enough contact | 125.6 | 4.639 |
you trying to do the wheel of pain you | 128.56 | 3.039 |
have to do this on the dirt this is a | 130.239 | 3.521 |
really big wheel of pain oh I can do it | 131.599 | 4.201 |
here but I want them to have a good view | 133.76 | 3.68 |
a good view like if you're in front of | 135.8 | 2.88 |
me you're basically where I'm going to | 137.44 | 2.76 |
be placing something so just keep that | 138.68 | 3.36 |
in mind well there you go okay well | 140.2 | 3.319 |
you've been a few different places but | 142.04 | 2.88 |
all right from in front of you there you | 143.519 | 3.201 |
go it's you want me to take down this | 144.92 | 4.399 |
tree M I really want it to be up here on | 146.72 | 4.68 |
this thing but it won't seem to let me | 149.319 | 4.761 |
can this not go can't go huh keep on | 151.4 | 4.44 |
trying what happens when you jump or if | 154.08 | 3.4 |
you're on top of something can you are | 155.84 | 4.6 |
you too heavy to be able to jump uh yeah | 157.48 | 5.399 |
I'm too heavy nope I jumped jump I mean | 160.44 | 4.36 |
maybe you know how sometimes jumping and | 162.879 | 4.36 |
and twitching and doing things funky | 164.8 | 3.88 |
will make things be able to land | 167.239 | 3.321 |
somewhere yeah I don't want to place | 168.68 | 4.0 |
this until I'm sure oh Jesus I keep on | 170.56 | 4.28 |
trying to get away from you no I'm I've | 172.68 | 4.76 |
I've you know stopped trying all right | 174.84 | 4.36 |
maybe I put some ceilings right here and | 177.44 | 4.68 |
expand this out yeah do it let's uh | 179.2 | 4.64 |
there we place as as we can then we'll | 182.12 | 3.56 |
find out here we go look at this we're | 183.84 | 4.6 |
right here already okay and | 185.68 | 6.16 |
then you ready I'm ready you're not | 188.44 | 4.879 |
you're not facing where you would want | 191.84 | 3.64 |
to put it no I'm steing menus buddy okay | 193.319 | 3.801 |
buddy that's it but I'm I'm not going to | 195.48 | 3.2 |
say anything we want to be right up | 197.12 | 3.36 |
there on the edge cuz the people Our | 198.68 | 4.119 |
Guest are going to be super happy the | 200.48 | 5.36 |
more on the edge the more people like it | 202.799 | 7.761 |
it oh look at that massive well would | 205.84 | 7.36 |
you look at that well if it isn't bad | 210.56 | 5.759 |
dad Anthony oh greetings gentlemen | 213.2 | 5.2 |
greetings greetings how you doing today | 216.319 | 4.601 |
good oh great yeah good good I'm here I | 218.4 | 4.6 |
like your new wheel very nice thank you | 220.92 | 3.92 |
when you have an offer what do you say | 223.0 | 4.159 |
uh we have an offer well I have an offer | 224.84 | 5.119 |
propo proposition that's the word okay I | 227.159 | 4.8 |
have a proposition I assume you're | 229.959 | 4.36 |
hunting today for THS yeah I would like | 231.959 | 4.441 |
to join you okay we both know it's | 234.319 | 3.441 |
difficult work you could use the extra | 236.4 | 3.44 |
hands on one condition I get the the | 237.76 | 4.399 |
cooks you get the cooks I need a cook | 239.84 | 4.72 |
that's fine yeah all right cool just | 242.159 | 4.761 |
just yeah all right hey Simon hey glad | 244.56 | 4.239 |
you're back this week thanks neees you | 246.92 | 3.48 |
you should do one more row cuz it's | 248.799 | 3.841 |
overhanging okay and that's annoying is | 250.4 | 3.96 |
this up to code your horse is following | 252.64 | 3.719 |
you that's fine is it can we I'm going | 254.36 | 3.52 |
to build some pillars under here is that | 256.359 | 4.241 |
okay why you no you came over for a | 257.88 | 4.599 |
proposition now you're trying to add on | 260.6 | 4.0 |
to things this is a d look how dangerous | 262.479 | 5.16 |
this is you tossed us away like we were | 264.6 | 5.92 |
dirty lettuce no you left what kind of | 267.639 | 5.601 |
revisionist history is this [ __ ] no you | 270.52 | 4.92 |
don't toss out dirty lettuce you wash it | 273.24 | 4.519 |
yeah exactly we all you got to do is | 275.44 | 5.16 |
wash us you don't throw us away you bad | 277.759 | 5.761 |
analy Simon sh yeah this isn't at all | 280.6 | 4.52 |
what happen I want to be on your side | 283.52 | 3.36 |
but you're makus look weird with lce | 285.12 | 4.44 |
thing okay give me an analogy uh you | 286.88 | 5.08 |
don't throw the wash out with the baby | 289.56 | 4.76 |
you I don't know we don't know these two | 291.96 | 4.92 |
right you don't you don't peel an orange | 294.32 | 4.68 |
without eating the seeds yeah that's why | 296.88 | 4.039 |
I don't bring a ban alies all right so | 299.0 | 4.44 |
get out of here after after us doing the | 300.919 | 4.241 |
throw thing together don't add on to | 303.44 | 3.0 |
this business unless you want to | 305.16 | 2.96 |
apologize for your behavior he's still | 306.44 | 3.68 |
being weird e he's still being I don't | 308.12 | 3.04 |
get what he's saying does he want me | 310.12 | 2.2 |
here you're going to get you cook don't | 311.16 | 2.0 |
worry about it all right I don't want to | 312.32 | 2.84 |
cook don't make additions to anything | 313.16 | 5.28 |
you want get better with the | 315.16 | 5.44 |
words okay I'm just going to rush in and | 318.44 | 4.12 |
kill okay | 320.6 | 6.8 |
hey ah Kush i' Fighters huh well yes you | 322.56 | 7.12 |
are effect you are effective and here it | 327.4 | 7.239 |
in is eye from when did I come from nice | 329.68 | 7.04 |
oh man popped his head right off right | 334.639 | 5.601 |
I'll bet there oh it's a panther you got | 336.72 | 6.28 |
it I don't know maybe hey careful to not | 340.24 | 5.32 |
fall off the edges and stuff it's uh | 343.0 | 4.24 |
there's edges I gained a level I was | 345.56 | 3.0 |
looking forward to that hey I found some | 347.24 | 2.959 |
pillows for you all right I'm going to | 348.56 | 4.8 |
put those in your place what no man you | 350.199 | 4.601 |
got to make your place look nice yeah I | 353.36 | 3.279 |
was starting to feel materialistic I | 354.8 | 3.08 |
don't need the pillows you know what I | 356.639 | 4.081 |
mean sir where you going don't [ __ ] shot | 357.88 | 4.879 |
leave my friend alone oh it was that | 360.72 | 4.0 |
piece of [ __ ] I'm not good at fighting | 362.759 | 4.121 |
in this just this huh man you know | 364.72 | 3.84 |
you're going down and called the SEC | 366.88 | 4.08 |
you're going | 368.56 | 2.4 |
down so Anthony you put K bars in the | 372.199 | 5.321 |
refrigerator uh this is what we're going | 374.8 | 4.56 |
with yeah okay yes there are kind bars | 377.52 | 3.76 |
and refrigerator I was surprised what | 379.36 | 5.04 |
kind are they I mean dark chocolate sea | 381.28 | 5.56 |
Sal okay I like that good yeah do you | 384.4 | 4.239 |
not you you like them out of the box or | 386.84 | 3.12 |
out of the fridge I've just never had | 388.639 | 2.641 |
them in the fridge I can see that why | 389.96 | 3.16 |
that would be good yeah I prefer most | 391.28 | 3.639 |
candies Reese's Peanut Butter Cups | 393.12 | 4.04 |
anything in a fridge some in the freezer | 394.919 | 4.4 |
okay so we got here they are now now go | 397.16 | 4.4 |
up and see what they are okay crap do we | 399.319 | 3.801 |
have the this guy's an Archer I think we | 401.56 | 3.12 |
know that okay we don't need any more | 403.12 | 3.88 |
archers nope or spear people all right | 404.68 | 3.919 |
take these guys out wow they they are | 407.0 | 4.0 |
very weak very weak like yeah so what's | 408.599 | 3.961 |
the point in getting these guys if | 411.0 | 3.0 |
they're that weak yeah these are the | 412.56 | 2.56 |
cream of the crop people you were | 414.0 | 2.56 |
talking about yeah we're not going for | 415.12 | 3.16 |
uh s we're not going for like Fighters | 416.56 | 3.16 |
we're going for people to work at our | 418.28 | 2.88 |
you know our workbenches I know but | 419.72 | 2.599 |
people that work at our workbench | 421.16 | 2.28 |
something that you still need to have | 422.319 | 3.56 |
good ones right let's go look go look at | 423.44 | 4.84 |
least go look and we're | 425.879 | 5.841 |
off was that that's what you're doing oh | 428.28 | 5.479 |
it's a fancy a fancy new tumble roll you | 431.72 | 3.96 |
haven't learned no GES we're where'd you | 433.759 | 3.641 |
go I missed it I was looking at my menu | 435.68 | 4.079 |
look you can jump and then o how do you | 437.4 | 4.0 |
do that do a jumping jumping little | 439.759 | 3.44 |
tumble roll is that just you or anybody | 441.4 | 3.0 |
can do that you got to be skilled you | 443.199 | 2.641 |
got to be really skilled to do really | 444.4 | 2.72 |
you you couldn't you probably couldn't | 445.84 | 2.72 |
teach somebody to do it well I'll try | 447.12 | 3.96 |
real quick so okay so you you run you | 448.56 | 5.759 |
jump and then you crouch really run jump | 451.08 | 4.959 |
Crouch I kid didn't do it put these | 454.319 | 3.241 |
weapons away run | 456.039 | 5.361 |
jump I jump and Crouch o did you do did | 457.56 | 5.8 |
it oh do it again Simon let me see run | 461.4 | 6.639 |
jump jum oh my there you | 463.36 | 7.72 |
go up here yeah | 468.039 | 5.44 |
sure that is pretty magical yeah I just | 471.08 | 4.0 |
learned it the other day myself you know | 473.479 | 3.641 |
it it feels really good it's oh wait how | 475.08 | 5.04 |
hot can we do this oh oh let's go higher | 477.12 | 5.0 |
you said oh yes right I see a place | 480.12 | 5.32 |
follow me a place with water no below it | 482.12 | 6.88 |
no we're going to roll into the | 485.44 | 3.56 |
ground oh kitty cat Bridge fight oh look | 489.68 | 5.84 |
at this wow they really like oh | 493.159 | 5.0 |
no kitty kitty kitty back Kitty back | 495.52 | 4.56 |
kitty kitty cat Bridge fight this is fun | 498.159 | 4.081 |
this like triple Doom if it had a | 500.08 | 4.079 |
panther that's the episode title kitty | 502.24 | 3.56 |
cat Bridge fight oh yeah that's | 504.159 | 3.88 |
thumbnail worthy you shoot come up here | 505.8 | 4.359 |
I'm going to do bad things to these | 508.039 | 5.48 |
people you were bad and a kitty got them | 510.159 | 4.961 |
all rushing in oh | 513.519 | 6.041 |
[ __ ] it's up to me huh I'll avenge my | 515.12 | 7.68 |
friend oh big girl wa well all right you | 519.56 | 5.16 |
got to swing on you too bad it wasn't | 522.8 | 4.56 |
enough oh you want to hit me boom boom | 524.72 | 5.4 |
are you dead Kitty you're about to be | 527.36 | 5.2 |
meow drink a little drink from my Dead | 530.12 | 5.88 |
Homie wait can I take this that is a | 532.56 | 6.92 |
nice kitty cat Idol woo what what is | 536.0 | 8.24 |
this what door d loot [ __ ] | 539.48 | 9.0 |
[Music] | 544.24 | 7.599 |
loot how are we going to get this home | 548.48 | 5.599 |
all right all right so I'm going to uh | 551.839 | 4.361 |
I'm going to jump and try to do the roll | 554.079 | 3.601 |
I was going to try to do the roll like | 556.2 | 3.199 |
right before the ground I would I would | 557.68 | 3.04 |
just do it like soon as you clear the | 559.399 | 3.201 |
rock I wouldn't do this at all all right | 560.72 | 3.2 |
I'm doing it you might be able to get | 562.6 | 3.12 |
like a couple flips out of or something | 563.92 | 3.28 |
which all right I'll try to do multiple | 565.72 | 2.96 |
ones I got to I got to bag down that | 567.2 | 2.639 |
array all right | 568.68 | 2.56 |
you're about to kill your friend do it | 569.839 | 3.201 |
do it do do it do it do it do | 571.24 | 4.159 |
it did he do it I don't think he did it | 573.04 | 4.12 |
all right who's next I mean you got to | 575.399 | 4.56 |
jump see you're the best at | 577.16 | 5.32 |
it yeah all | 579.959 | 6.761 |
right I didn't think that would work | 582.48 | 4.24 |
okay who's that I don't know I'm just | 587.48 | 4.2 |
hearing it I don't see them they're | 590.16 | 3.239 |
probably mad because I'm taking this but | 591.68 | 3.24 |
I don't care is that what's going on we | 593.399 | 3.88 |
just have to hear their | 594.92 | 5.44 |
their yeah the entire time yeah yeah I'm | 597.279 | 6.481 |
not giving this up well who would yeah | 600.36 | 6.0 |
amazing giant damn damn cat statue we | 603.76 | 4.319 |
got to carry that all the way back I | 606.36 | 4.039 |
guess so but you put on I'm not going to | 608.079 | 4.361 |
do that all right look at this thing wow | 610.399 | 3.321 |
be careful we don't need to fight that | 612.44 | 2.36 |
guy if you don't want to why are we | 613.72 | 2.52 |
going to get his attention what are you | 614.8 | 2.68 |
doing hey I just killed everybody on | 616.24 | 2.68 |
board if you want to come mess with me | 617.48 | 4.44 |
you can but I'm taking your [ __ ] statue | 618.92 | 4.72 |
true I may have died about six times in | 621.92 | 3.8 |
the meantime but I'm still pretty tough | 623.64 | 3.72 |
did someone just shoot something at me | 625.72 | 4.119 |
probably oh yeah | 627.36 | 4.039 |
I got him I got him I got him I got it's | 629.839 | 4.24 |
m all right leave him alone he's got a | 631.399 | 5.321 |
big golden [ __ ] cat and who doesn't | 634.079 | 4.88 |
want that hey get him get him there you | 636.72 | 4.08 |
go there you go what your buddy got in | 638.959 | 4.32 |
him oh that's a jewel man this has been | 640.8 | 4.92 |
one of the best Adventures we got Jewels | 643.279 | 4.041 |
I don't hate it I'm just so ready to go | 645.72 | 3.679 |
back no I get it we got to get back to | 647.32 | 4.199 |
the horses yeah there's no way I can get | 649.399 | 3.801 |
this thing on a horse I'm guessing yeah | 651.519 | 3.081 |
we're going to find out it's going to be | 653.2 | 3.84 |
a long walk and I guess I'll take your | 654.6 | 4.16 |
horse I don't know man no I can have the | 657.04 | 3.599 |
horse follow me yeah it's true you do | 658.76 | 3.92 |
that but you know what these um those | 660.639 | 3.76 |
people might be spawning because they're | 662.68 | 3.32 |
like trying to come after their Kitty oh | 664.399 | 3.601 |
son of a [ __ ] so the entire way back we | 666.0 | 4.68 |
might have to like son of a [ __ ] come | 668.0 | 4.92 |
on D we got this is it worth it though | 670.68 | 4.76 |
it's just stuff it's just stuff you're | 672.92 | 4.84 |
an evil [ __ ] no look at it it's a | 675.44 | 4.32 |
golden [ __ ] I'm not leaving a golden | 677.76 | 4.68 |
[ __ ] okay you make a point off my | 679.76 | 4.519 |
golden [ __ ] now we'll take that [ __ ] | 682.44 | 5.12 |
home all right I'm ready you ready uh | 684.279 | 7.56 |
ready you ready suon yeah I'm ready | 687.56 | 4.279 |
ready jeez that looked amazing that was | 695.68 | 6.399 |
that was a freaking neck breaker yeah I | 699.399 | 4.921 |
knew that it needed to be done yep too | 702.079 | 3.801 |
bad I couldn't do it you didn't push the | 704.32 | 3.959 |
button did you I did I hit C and I tried | 705.88 | 5.0 |
to run I don't know C that's what it is | 708.279 | 4.201 |
right did that look awesome you looked | 710.88 | 2.88 |
great that looked pretty great all right | 712.48 | 2.72 |
sweet I'm curious to see what happens if | 713.76 | 3.4 |
you like un push the button and push it | 715.2 | 3.8 |
again will it like do flips or something | 717.16 | 3.6 |
something go ahead ite you better go up | 719.0 | 3.56 |
there and then try it out yeah go you | 720.76 | 3.44 |
try it all right my | 722.56 | 4.76 |
turn oh we got a we got a challenger oh | 724.2 | 5.759 |
oh no oh I'm holding the torch holding | 727.32 | 5.72 |
the torch okay you're the oh yeah no | 729.959 | 6.68 |
okay oh no no no no not today maybe | 733.04 | 6.44 |
maybe today oh wow this this one's tough | 736.639 | 5.88 |
oh God I'm back up oh god oh yeah oh | 739.48 | 6.56 |
get oh God I can't see D are you alive | 742.519 | 4.76 |
oh fighting in the dark fighting in the | 746.04 | 2.479 |
dark that ain't good going to start | 747.279 | 3.401 |
swinging I'm going to start oh I'm dead | 748.519 | 5.44 |
take a drink no oh God o I'm oh I can't | 750.68 | 5.719 |
see I can't see can't see okay I can't | 753.959 | 4.56 |
either by the way | 756.399 | 5.601 |
drink Dodge oh God this is frightening | 758.519 | 5.12 |
oh wait my weapons aren't even out | 762.0 | 5.079 |
looking for my I know okay dead body | 763.639 | 5.241 |
coming to my dead body I'm coming I got | 767.079 | 4.241 |
to get this cat just stop is it I'm | 768.88 | 4.639 |
taking it home with me I know you are | 771.32 | 3.639 |
sorry everybody I know this is hard to | 773.519 | 3.361 |
watch you can't see a thing I'm coming | 774.959 | 2.88 |
with the | 776.88 | 6.519 |
torch oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I got your [ __ ] | 777.839 | 8.24 |
oh good all right light me up you you | 783.399 | 9.081 |
should oh that's you no no | 786.079 | 6.401 |
no y'all ready he you look like Batman | 794.68 | 5.839 |
pull the light out huh now you look less | 798.639 | 3.841 |
like Batman yeah I know it's late but | 800.519 | 3.641 |
look there's three torches try to land | 802.48 | 3.32 |
in the middle of those okay so I'm going | 804.16 | 3.76 |
to do the Sprint and the flippy jump I'm | 805.8 | 4.159 |
going try to do like multiple pushes | 807.92 | 4.96 |
jumps right yeah here he goes oh boy | 809.959 | 3.921 |
Simon there's no way this is going to | 812.88 | 3.12 |
work pushing it pushing it pushing it | 813.88 | 5.48 |
push it guess what he did exactly what I | 816.0 | 6.56 |
did oh yeah I and I think that and he'll | 819.36 | 6.159 |
say that he did the buttons and so did I | 822.56 | 4.48 |
yeah no I didn't think you would succeed | 825.519 | 5.081 |
or him it | 827.04 | 6.96 |
okay abs are you okay uh y yeah they hit | 830.6 | 5.0 |
me I was trying to get in close but then | 834.0 | 3.16 |
I got foiled by a monkey did you get | 835.6 | 3.479 |
your St oh that monkey just fell and his | 837.16 | 4.16 |
dad uh no I'm trying to get my stuff I | 839.079 | 4.44 |
can get my stuff it's on but you can't | 841.32 | 3.8 |
say no to what I just said because what | 843.519 | 3.68 |
I said still true the m just fell and | 845.12 | 4.12 |
died all right oh no no no no oh I'm in | 847.199 | 4.361 |
a spot I'm in a spot I'm in a spot okay | 849.24 | 4.0 |
I oh I'm stuck in all right I got my | 851.56 | 3.399 |
stuff back I'm falling back for a minute | 853.24 | 4.039 |
just to heal up good call and then I | 854.959 | 5.12 |
should carry the [ __ ] and you cover me | 857.279 | 4.721 |
once you're all good oh yeah that sounds | 860.079 | 3.281 |
like a better idea yeah you're a better | 862.0 | 4.68 |
fighter you a better S ooh this is Sweet | 863.36 | 7.719 |
Sweet Revenge come here you itty | 866.68 | 8.24 |
it you what ity it what is that he's an | 871.079 | 8.0 |
idiot oh ity it yeah yeah you want to go | 874.92 | 6.76 |
ow out come on come | 879.079 | 5.2 |
on they just keep spawning yeah I'm | 881.68 | 4.92 |
going to wait for you oh God are you at | 884.279 | 4.321 |
the base of the Hill oh yeah where you | 886.6 | 4.56 |
at where you at I'm up by the [ __ ] okay | 888.6 | 4.72 |
I am now by the [ __ ] oh I saw these | 891.16 | 4.679 |
other oh look at you all right and these | 893.32 | 4.079 |
guys are coming at me I don't have my | 895.839 | 3.721 |
stuff oh y this ain't good man yeah I'm | 897.399 | 3.961 |
trying to keep them off I know I should | 899.56 | 2.76 |
have get | 901.36 | 3.76 |
myu let me get a little heal there which | 902.32 | 4.24 |
one which one's mine they're on your | 905.12 | 3.48 |
door I know I get I'll be back for you | 906.56 | 3.719 |
[ __ ] down all right don't want to hit | 908.6 | 3.96 |
you I think it's this guy all right get | 910.279 | 4.48 |
your stuff and let's grab the [ __ ] yeah | 912.56 | 3.079 |
take | 914.759 | 3.44 |
allo all right all right ain't messing | 915.639 | 4.801 |
around that's a nice Jewel all right get | 918.199 | 4.64 |
the puss let me take it there yeah all | 920.44 | 4.8 |
right yeah oh yeah you lead the way I'm | 922.839 | 4.321 |
following you uh-oh you can't hit space | 925.24 | 3.8 |
bar I'll tell you that much woo we got a | 927.16 | 3.679 |
big old Adventure ahead of | 929.04 | 5.919 |
us this going to make my back go | 930.839 | 4.12 |
out oh | 936.44 | 4.68 |
no that one work he didn't flip or | 938.839 | 3.8 |
anything just just kind of just went | 941.12 | 2.639 |
right in the ground I don't think this | 942.639 | 3.161 |
is ever going to work okay well what you | 943.759 | 4.241 |
got nothing I'm just having fun throwing | 945.8 | 3.64 |
my bodyy off | 948.0 | 3.48 |
this There He | 949.44 | 5.759 |
Go yeah okay be cool if you could do | 951.48 | 6.359 |
flips huh yeah I still believe it could | 955.199 | 5.161 |
happen yeah yeah well you can go again I | 957.839 | 4.601 |
think you should all right last one all | 960.36 | 4.0 |
right is there not enough | 962.44 | 5.04 |
garage ABS where the hell are we oh man | 964.36 | 5.32 |
we're on a beach we got a ways to go I | 967.48 | 3.68 |
got to take your word for it all I see | 969.68 | 5.279 |
is is this this golden thing just your | 971.16 | 5.599 |
reflection in the prettiness that is | 974.959 | 3.601 |
yeah there it's a not a good reflection | 976.759 | 4.241 |
it's kind of like uh we got a I do see | 978.56 | 4.079 |
that bird and the thing off to the right | 981.0 | 4.04 |
I can see things up to the right yeah | 982.639 | 3.68 |
like a bird and a lizard are fighting | 985.04 | 3.68 |
each other yeah as they do and then the | 986.319 | 4.241 |
same thing isn't that crazy yeah man you | 988.72 | 2.84 |
know what I just thought of we're going | 990.56 | 3.199 |
to have to cross water yeah I know how | 991.56 | 3.719 |
how's that going to go down I don't know | 993.759 | 2.88 |
let's see is this shallow enough yeah | 995.279 | 3.081 |
hey you can walk right across this this | 996.639 | 2.88 |
part but we're going to eventually have | 998.36 | 2.839 |
to deal with some some water water well | 999.519 | 4.481 |
tell you what we got our camp over here | 1001.199 | 3.841 |
uh why don't we go over here and then | 1004.0 | 2.68 |
we'll do a little water test am I all | 1005.04 | 4.68 |
clear behind me uh let's see yeah just | 1006.68 | 4.76 |
your horse following you okay great pick | 1009.72 | 3.96 |
up the pace would you I cannot oh hey | 1011.44 | 5.44 |
lizard oh he spits you spitting my damn | 1013.68 | 5.44 |
horse he might not have spit I wouldn't | 1016.88 | 3.72 |
know the difference right now yeah tell | 1019.12 | 2.92 |
you what why don't you walk it uh yeah | 1020.6 | 3.039 |
Walk It Out There see if uh see what | 1022.04 | 4.039 |
happens in the water really yeah let's | 1023.639 | 4.601 |
uh we need to know aren't we okay you | 1026.079 | 5.0 |
you'd hope I just oh okay just drop it | 1028.24 | 4.559 |
right there yeah so you have to build a | 1031.079 | 3.801 |
bridge I'm guessing oh yeah we're we're | 1032.799 | 3.12 |
going to have to build some sort of | 1034.88 | 3.48 |
structure see let's see I hope I can get | 1035.919 | 4.76 |
it out of here what the okay good at | 1038.36 | 4.0 |
least take it back to the shore fair | 1040.679 | 3.88 |
enough okay here I'll give it back to | 1042.36 | 4.12 |
you all right there we go yep get the | 1044.559 | 3.921 |
cream pie get up all right there yeah | 1046.48 | 3.64 |
let's come up here uh rest for a second | 1048.48 | 3.72 |
and I'll uh I'll try to plot our course | 1050.12 | 3.28 |
figure out where the best place is to | 1052.2 | 5.12 |
build a bridge all right I'm trusting in | 1053.4 | 6.6 |
you Anthony you ready I guess why are we | 1057.32 | 4.08 |
still doing this synchronized | 1060.0 | 3.0 |
synchronized all right that's worth it | 1061.4 | 3.96 |
all right one more ready we go yep and | 1063.0 | 4.52 |
one are we going to do go one two three | 1065.36 | 8.679 |
go yep one two three go go | 1067.52 | 6.519 |
oh oh oh wow there's so many bodies the | 1076.52 | 4.84 |
the grass doesn't even know what to do | 1079.88 | 3.32 |
anymore all right timeon pick up your | 1081.36 | 4.559 |
stuff we're done okay nebes I'm | 1083.2 | 5.64 |
coming let's see all right clear all | 1085.919 | 5.481 |
right your horse seems very needy it was | 1088.84 | 4.12 |
it was right on your up your butt the | 1091.4 | 4.48 |
whole time yeah is I is that a follow | 1092.96 | 4.76 |
some sort of I think there's options | 1095.88 | 4.76 |
Behavior follow distance can it be like | 1097.72 | 4.839 |
less anxiety right I'm going to put it | 1100.64 | 3.919 |
on a higher follow distance oh that that | 1102.559 | 4.801 |
makes sense hey those attacking groups | 1104.559 | 4.36 |
just they keep coming | 1107.36 | 3.04 |
yeah you know what I noticed they come | 1108.919 | 3.561 |
they they came when the uh when you put | 1110.4 | 3.96 |
the cat down I think as long as you're | 1112.48 | 4.439 |
holding the cat oh we might be okay | 1114.36 | 3.92 |
that's a theory I feel like they came | 1116.919 | 3.041 |
when we were also holding the cat at one | 1118.28 | 4.32 |
point you may be right yeah I I am right | 1119.96 | 4.4 |
I know I feel like once you put that | 1122.6 | 3.72 |
down didn't they come I don't know if | 1124.36 | 3.6 |
you're I don't know about that I mean we | 1126.32 | 3.12 |
could test the theory right now well I'm | 1127.96 | 2.959 |
just saying we already tested it they | 1129.44 | 4.0 |
came before we put it down at one point | 1130.919 | 3.76 |
yeah I think they were just there when | 1133.44 | 4.04 |
we ah they might have just been there | 1134.679 | 5.201 |
yeah that's my work in theory right now | 1137.48 | 4.199 |
the only time I've seen them show up | 1139.88 | 4.0 |
when when we dro the cat yeah no I don't | 1141.679 | 4.161 |
want to put it down uh let's see let me | 1143.88 | 3.72 |
look at the map what is the best now you | 1145.84 | 4.12 |
can follow him closer follow him closer | 1147.6 | 4.48 |
now yeah there's just so much damn water | 1149.96 | 4.0 |
around here there sure is hold on let me | 1152.08 | 3.839 |
see if this is shallow enough and is it | 1153.96 | 3.76 |
just about bringing it back to our place | 1155.919 | 4.681 |
oh hell yeah but but that's where we get | 1157.72 | 5.16 |
that's surely not how it works what a | 1160.6 | 4.92 |
reward or something oh no it's just a | 1162.88 | 4.4 |
it's just cool to have how did you guys | 1165.52 | 4.2 |
get that cat ah we raided a pirate ship | 1167.28 | 4.56 |
we stole it who's going to ask us | 1169.72 | 3.88 |
there's there's just a few of us I don't | 1171.84 | 4.0 |
know man Village People all | 1173.6 | 3.88 |
Schwarzenegger might show up they just | 1175.84 | 4.079 |
want to fight like these people look it | 1177.48 | 3.8 |
I didn't put the cat down we're getting | 1179.919 | 5.0 |
attacked oh okay I got her yeah oh now | 1181.28 | 5.96 |
I'm punching fist cups what all right | 1184.919 | 3.721 |
you getting out of there well I had to I | 1187.24 | 2.799 |
want to oh yeah look she's trying to | 1188.64 | 3.84 |
steal the cat I don't think so okay let | 1190.039 | 4.721 |
me oh don't kill | 1192.48 | 4.559 |
me he's going to Jump Right In aren't | 1194.76 | 3.96 |
you he's going to jump right R in what | 1197.039 | 5.161 |
are you doing you going to | 1198.72 | 3.48 |
die okay all right need who's number one | 1206.4 | 5.56 |
and number two on your list uh any kind | 1209.4 | 6.08 |
of work person any work any work person | 1211.96 | 5.0 |
yeah okay this is where we're getting | 1215.48 | 3.8 |
people yeah thought you knew that I mean | 1216.96 | 4.959 |
I don't think of quality workmanship in | 1219.28 | 4.639 |
a cave this is where people hide out all | 1221.919 | 3.321 |
the trades people they come in here and | 1223.919 | 3.24 |
they hide out because they're so skilled | 1225.24 | 4.0 |
they need to hide well probably cuz they | 1227.159 | 3.961 |
have I don't know they oh okay this is a | 1229.24 | 3.16 |
better I thought it was just a | 1231.12 | 3.24 |
disgusting cave yep here we go this is a | 1232.4 | 3.44 |
little better what we got here uh I | 1234.36 | 3.16 |
don't know but do we can we not beat | 1235.84 | 3.44 |
them to death or no she's probably an | 1237.52 | 4.0 |
Archer what is she Archer yep we don't | 1239.28 | 4.56 |
want her then n we killer though what we | 1241.52 | 4.519 |
got here we got a dancer oh a dancer | 1243.84 | 4.719 |
could be nice take a dancer oh oh oh all | 1246.039 | 4.76 |
right is that the dancer was smacking me | 1248.559 | 3.6 |
we now if we're just killing people we | 1250.799 | 3.161 |
can't tame them right but we don't need | 1252.159 | 3.081 |
the guys who that's a fighter we don't | 1253.96 | 2.719 |
want that yeah see I'm only killing the | 1255.24 | 2.88 |
ones we don't want okay but someone just | 1256.679 | 2.681 |
just killed a dancer oh that was the | 1258.12 | 4.0 |
dancer yep that was Simon I didn't kill | 1259.36 | 5.12 |
anybody that's probably Simon um so all | 1262.12 | 4.52 |
right we got an Archer up here okay dead | 1264.48 | 4.679 |
Archer up there there we go I got the | 1266.64 | 3.96 |
other one those are dead oh that's a | 1269.159 | 4.441 |
Simon okay yeah you can tame that one | 1270.6 | 5.8 |
all right oh hello everyone they're mad | 1273.6 | 4.8 |
I'm hitting you okay all right what is | 1276.4 | 5.399 |
he and til this is a fighter and a | 1278.4 | 6.48 |
armorer his armorer could be good okay | 1281.799 | 4.601 |
what about with the big sword smelter | 1284.88 | 4.2 |
big sword smelter uh might be good huh | 1286.4 | 4.48 |
all right so don't kill big sword yep | 1289.08 | 3.719 |
got it little sword Dead all right what | 1290.88 | 4.039 |
about this one here dead there you go | 1292.799 | 3.801 |
you're dead just keep big sword alive oh | 1294.919 | 3.321 |
that got stabbed me what about the other | 1296.6 | 3.36 |
friend of big sword the guy doing flips | 1298.24 | 4.12 |
knock him out I mean kill him oh okay | 1299.96 | 5.88 |
glad you o smelters down okay did would | 1302.36 | 5.4 |
you have wanted an armorer uh armor | 1305.84 | 4.16 |
would be cool smelter is cool I killed | 1307.76 | 4.039 |
one all right we got this smelter let's | 1310.0 | 4.08 |
hope keep killing all the good guys yeah | 1311.799 | 4.281 |
or or I just killed the one all right I | 1314.08 | 3.24 |
see a couple people up here there's a | 1316.08 | 2.959 |
guy sitting right here here oh I hear | 1317.32 | 3.88 |
noises for some reason I can't see what | 1319.039 | 4.361 |
they are we got to cook where where | 1321.2 | 4.32 |
right here by the steps where I'm at oh | 1323.4 | 4.639 |
oh oh oh how do I know what this guy is | 1325.52 | 4.96 |
it's your cook okay uh which one the one | 1328.039 | 4.52 |
in the hood big sword oh this guy's got | 1330.48 | 3.96 |
a yellow bar around him is that the cook | 1332.559 | 3.761 |
no it's the girl with the okay right | 1334.44 | 3.4 |
here come here right in front of me come | 1336.32 | 3.16 |
here girl Simon don't attack the girl | 1337.84 | 3.64 |
all right can I kill the big sword uh | 1339.48 | 4.24 |
big sword who's big sword who's I don't | 1341.48 | 4.92 |
know uh fighter yeah the guy right here | 1343.72 | 5.52 |
oh jeez cook girl's chasing can't get | 1346.4 | 5.44 |
there we go all right dead bad big sword | 1349.24 | 4.12 |
Cook's knocked out kill the rest for all | 1351.84 | 3.52 |
I care this guy's got a yellow bar you | 1353.36 | 3.799 |
want me to knock him out right here the | 1355.36 | 3.48 |
guy I'm fighting all right good I will | 1357.159 | 4.64 |
try to help you get the torch yeah oh I | 1358.84 | 6.199 |
stabbed the cook no I tried to put the | 1361.799 | 4.961 |
Rope on the cook and I stabbed her in | 1365.039 | 4.841 |
half you big dummy God damn it get him | 1366.76 | 5.96 |
Simon whacking whacka do right here | 1369.88 | 5.08 |
we're trying to tame this guy I know I'm | 1372.72 | 4.64 |
hitting him right he's ignoring me which | 1374.96 | 5.959 |
is nice making good progress okay few | 1377.36 | 4.64 |
more | 1380.919 | 4.201 |
hits keep it coming come | 1382.0 | 6.76 |
on oh yeah there we go did it now neebs | 1385.12 | 5.32 |
hit the button that puts the rope and | 1388.76 | 4.399 |
not the stab yep get the Rope got the | 1390.44 | 5.479 |
thing there it is sorry about your cook | 1393.159 | 4.321 |
it's all right that was all my fault | 1395.919 | 3.601 |
thanks for finding them there'll be more | 1397.48 | 4.88 |
there better be plenty of cooks in the | 1399.52 | 7.36 |
see uh-oh this bridge doesn't go I know | 1402.36 | 7.199 |
[ __ ] oh and okay did you put the thing | 1406.88 | 4.399 |
down cuz a bunch of them just spawned in | 1409.559 | 7.0 |
no I mean I I had to oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh | 1411.279 | 5.28 |
[ __ ] yep get out of there I am oh and I | 1417.44 | 5.52 |
went into a worse place man you know | 1421.12 | 4.0 |
what I'm kind of thinking at this point | 1422.96 | 3.8 |
we gift this damn kitty cat to these | 1425.12 | 4.0 |
mankeys really we're so close to home we | 1426.76 | 5.399 |
are not oh we're not we are not I'm | 1429.12 | 4.919 |
hoping on green pie then [ __ ] that kiddy | 1432.159 | 3.681 |
cat we can come back with the whole team | 1434.039 | 4.201 |
oh God I want that cat I want you just | 1435.84 | 4.16 |
said you didn't want to get I know I I | 1438.24 | 3.6 |
keep saying I wanted it look this brid | 1440.0 | 3.799 |
is a bad idea come up here and grab it | 1441.84 | 3.439 |
what come up here and grab it are you | 1443.799 | 3.721 |
[ __ ] by come grab it come grab the | 1445.279 | 5.0 |
cat I'm going to we can't I need to heal | 1447.52 | 5.639 |
cat can't it I need to heal that cat My | 1450.279 | 4.64 |
worry is it's going to despawn here no | 1453.159 | 4.241 |
don't let me die here what is going on | 1454.919 | 6.36 |
why am I stuck R damn it | 1457.4 | 7.36 |
oh oh my God this is insane leave cream | 1461.279 | 4.801 |
pie | 1464.76 | 4.0 |
alone got some real is sh | 1466.08 | 5.76 |
ABS great build the bridge look look | 1468.76 | 6.24 |
look look woo let's fight let's [ __ ] | 1471.84 | 5.439 |
let's | 1475.0 | 5.799 |
go oh God man they just keep coming | 1477.279 | 5.64 |
where' my body go I don't know where's | 1480.799 | 4.6 |
your horse I feel like we got getting | 1482.919 | 5.201 |
shot oh God yeah this is insane they | 1485.399 | 5.64 |
just keep coming oh now the mankeys yeah | 1488.12 | 6.24 |
no yeah we got a bail dude but I got I | 1491.039 | 5.201 |
need my stuff okay find your stuff I'll | 1494.36 | 4.439 |
hold them off get on creeper cream pot | 1496.24 | 4.72 |
oh my God what are you doing cream pot | 1498.799 | 4.0 |
that's a dead bird I don't know where it | 1500.96 | 4.24 |
is is oh is that I'm going to lead these | 1502.799 | 5.281 |
guys away maybe here we go take all get | 1505.2 | 4.64 |
out of there I'm out a drink oh I got | 1508.08 | 4.199 |
the good stuff here okay cream pie creen | 1509.84 | 4.8 |
pie this is like Never Ending Story | 1512.279 | 6.681 |
creen pie except if it were gross well | 1514.64 | 6.279 |
subjective is that wolf was freaky in | 1518.96 | 4.52 |
that movie it was it was effective all | 1520.919 | 4.161 |
right follow me cre pie this horse is | 1523.48 | 3.319 |
getting attacked too yeah follow me cre | 1525.08 | 3.88 |
pie see I'm I'm getting on this horse | 1526.799 | 4.321 |
and we're getting out of here go turn | 1528.96 | 8.28 |
turn turn turn go jump jump you do it J | 1531.12 | 8.36 |
God damn it don't let a depression get | 1537.24 | 5.24 |
you cream pie come on come on horse okay | 1539.48 | 4.72 |
you got cream pie get out of here I got | 1542.48 | 4.16 |
to see if I can rescue this other horse | 1544.2 | 5.4 |
God I've got a baby spider to take care | 1546.64 | 6.48 |
of I'm a parent now hor no this horse is | 1549.6 | 5.319 |
getting killed by pirat I'll see you in | 1553.12 | 6.72 |
all man TR oh God damn it oh I'm sorry | 1554.919 | 9.161 |
horse I tried I really did oh my God the | 1559.84 | 6.76 |
horse is | 1564.08 | 5.479 |
down I got a drink oh I don't have time | 1566.6 | 5.439 |
they keep coming one last itch effort | 1569.559 | 6.521 |
one last itch effort leave them alone no | 1572.039 | 5.0 |
no | 1576.08 | 6.479 |
Horse no damn it oh that cat is cursed | 1577.039 | 8.0 |
did the horse die yeah horse did son of | 1582.559 | 5.561 |
a bit F mes you got to do it that now | 1585.039 | 6.401 |
that's your problem stupid cat look at | 1588.12 | 5.12 |
this cool piece of treasure oh it just | 1591.44 | 3.32 |
spawns a thousand enemies that never | 1593.24 | 4.48 |
leave you alone I swear to God only | 1594.76 | 5.159 |
Conan can figure out how to figure take | 1597.72 | 4.559 |
a mechanic and make it not | 1599.919 | 7.921 |
fun God damn it hey Abra hey that crazy | 1602.279 | 8.0 |
crazy | 1607.84 | 2.439 |
[Music] | 1614.92 | 4.68 |
day | 1616.6 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming's playthrough of Conan Exiles is an absolute delight. Their cinematic approach makes you feel like you're right there with the gang, experiencing all the hilarious hijinks and adventures first-hand. The world of Conan Exiles truly comes alive through their commentary and reactions.
One thing that really stands out is how invested you become in the personalities of each character. Simon is the cautious voice of reason holding the group together. Thick's aggressive bravado always gets him into trouble. Dora lightens the mood with her innocence and whimsy. And Anthony...well Anthony keeps things interesting with his trademark clumsiness and poor judgement. Their dynamic as a group is comedy gold.
The gameplay itself is fantastic. Conan Exiles offers an incredible sense of freedom and exploration in a brutal primal landscape. Gathering resources and crafting items to survive against the elements really makes you feel like you're on an epic quest for survival. Neebs Gaming showcases all of the great gameplay available while injecting their own brand of humor.
Some highlights include the thrilling coaster ride in the beginning, Dora's dangerous cliff diving antics, their hilarious first attempts at sailing, and the catastrophic mission to steal eggs from the monstrous cook. Neebs Gaming's reactions during these crazy moments will having you laughing out loud.
Overall, watching Neebs Gaming experience Conan Exiles is the perfect way to get a feel for everything this incredible survival game has to offer. Their cinematic approach makes you feel part of the adventure. If you're looking for an entertaining and outrageously fun time, this playthrough is a must-watch!