"I'm Gonna Throw Up" DREADHALLS! (Frighty Night)
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another spooky episode of Frighty Night! Today's video is 'I'm Gonna Throw Up' in Dreadhalls. And boy, did we really get into the Halloween spirit with this one!
simon: Oh yeah, I remember that game! I was genuinely terrified, but hey, who knew it would make one of us actually sick? Classic!
appsro: Haha, yeah, I won't name any names, but someone definitely couldn't handle the dread in Dreadhalls. But hey, that's what makes it our favorite video, right?
neebs: Absolutely! And don't forget, if anyone mentions the Vive menu thingy in the comments, just reply with a 'boogidy boo!' Keep the Halloween vibes going all year round!
Hey guys, Happy Halloween! So, I just watched the latest video from Neebs Gaming and let me tell you, it was spooky! Three of them played this super creepy game called Dreadhalls and the atmosphere and sound design were on point. I mean, one of them even starts to feel sick from the intensity of the game.
But here's the best part - throughout the video, there's this little Vive menu thingy that keeps popping up on the screen. It's pretty funny and I love how they address it by saying if anyone calls them out on it, just reply with a "boogidy boo!" I couldn't stop laughing at that.
I've been a huge fan of Neebs Gaming for a while now and I just love how they interact with their audience. They're always asking for more subscribers and engagement, and it's just great to see how much they care about their fans. Plus, they're powered by Xidax PCs, so you know they're serious about their gaming.
Make sure to check out their Patreon and Twitch stream, they do some amazing stuff there. And don't forget to visit their website and spreadshirt shop for some cool merch. I can't wait to see what they come up with next, their content is always top-notch.
Overall, this video was a blast to watch. The gameplay was intense, the banter was hilarious, and the overall vibe was just perfect for Halloween. If you're a fan of spooky games and good laughs, definitely check out Neebs Gaming's Dreadhalls video. You won't be disappointed!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, I just watched the latest Neebs Gaming video where the guys play Dreadhalls in VR for Halloween. That was one spooky and hilarious video!
The atmosphere and sound design in Dreadhalls is top-notch - it really feels like you're walking through a creepy haunted mansion, with strange noises and jump scares around every corner. Neebs, Thick, and Appsro were screaming and freaking out the whole time, it was too funny. Appsro got so immersed he even started feeling sick from the motion. Poor guy!
But that's the magic of VR - it really pulls you into the game. The Neebs Gaming video is the next best thing to actually playing Dreadhalls yourself. Their cinematic style of capturing the gameplay and reactions makes you feel like you're right there with them.
These guys are masters at taking game footage and turning it into entertaining stories and experiences. If you can't play Dreadhalls, watching Neebs Gaming play it in VR is the absolute best way to vicariously enjoy the game. Their commentary and reactions make an already scary game 10x more intense and hilarious.
Neebs Gaming is the king of cinematic gaming content on YouTube. Whether it's VR horror games, Battlefield epicness, GTA goofiness, or indie adventures, their videos are like watching a funny gaming TV show. I'm always excited to see the next crazy adventure they'll take me on. If you're not already subscribed, do it now! You're missing out on the best gaming channel around.

Caption | Start | Duration |
I saw something move okay yeah yeah back | 0.0 | 25.89 |
it up back it up slowly oh okay oh yeah | 22.439 | 4.59 |
are you still coming huh | 25.89 | 3.539 |
you turn around oh hey cover this way | 27.029 | 6.231 |
you're coming this way oh you see me oh | 29.429 | 3.831 |
[Laughter] | 33.65 | 4.42 |
boy | 36.77 | 3.91 |
this game's great | 38.07 | 7.7 |
[Music] | 40.68 | 5.09 |
[Music] | 53.66 | 8.02 |
consonant warning this game is intense | 57.02 | 6.67 |
[ __ ] experience featuring scenes of | 61.68 | 4.26 |
disturbing nature player discretion is | 63.69 | 3.6 |
advised okay I'm out | 65.94 | 7.02 |
and lights interact Oh God so many | 67.29 | 11.94 |
buttons I got this [ __ ] Oh nobody told | 72.96 | 7.71 |
me it'd be dark Oh | 79.23 | 3.33 |
a bottle of oil you can use it a few | 80.67 | 4.08 |
your yeah flip right trigger to collect | 82.56 | 4.23 |
place the bottle inside your lantern | 84.75 | 3.75 |
then release the trigger oh god with the | 86.79 | 3.87 |
bottle go right trigger to collect it | 88.5 | 7.619 |
it's mine we have light alright it's a | 90.66 | 9.03 |
scroll ah gave me that drive Mickey | 96.119 | 5.641 |
Mouse gloves on I can't wait for you not | 99.69 | 4.38 |
anymore not here there's an exit the | 101.76 | 4.65 |
stone face told me I'll be there I'll | 104.07 | 4.17 |
wait for you there follow my trail find | 106.41 | 4.02 |
the eyes find the exit who the who are | 108.24 | 5.879 |
you who what if I like it here I go to | 110.43 | 5.79 |
sleep I'm done with you | 114.119 | 10.621 |
I could have sleep take a little nap | 116.22 | 19.26 |
down here but not I'd be nice oh boy | 124.74 | 22.079 |
alright got my lamp up what's this is | 135.48 | 15.12 |
that money sweet cold you know is use | 146.819 | 6.061 |
brute force but these luck cakes I got | 150.6 | 5.12 |
some black cakes gold randomly generated | 152.88 | 4.11 |
maps | 155.72 | 8.34 |
it says he'll have a good time they say | 156.99 | 7.07 |
hey [ __ ] playing this inter alia | 164.33 | 10.5 |
says house this smells like booze and | 170.87 | 11.12 |
shame and I could sprint oh hello | 174.83 | 7.16 |
let's get a little low in it okay this | 185.18 | 14.97 |
is really what oh [ __ ] that's cool this | 190.67 | 10.53 |
open okay | 200.15 | 7.76 |
hey oh yeah of course what okay really | 201.2 | 6.71 |
BAM | 209.41 | 3.79 |
how do I run back cannot walk backwards | 210.68 | 5.58 |
oh oh yeah I got something to say I got | 213.2 | 8.37 |
a later what's that that fuel if you | 216.26 | 9.33 |
oh he's gonna leave oh it's the monster | 221.57 | 6.57 |
from lost yeah bye | 225.59 | 4.11 |
she might have been masturbating you | 228.14 | 3.21 |
know I did not mean interrupt - ma'am | 229.7 | 3.81 |
I'd like a Home Depot bucket right next | 231.35 | 8.97 |
to me sucking throw-up oh look at this | 233.51 | 8.12 |
room | 240.32 | 4.82 |
as is nice I get it | 241.63 | 6.87 |
creepy all these fine wares what a fancy | 245.14 | 7.29 |
little Dan some words over here looks | 248.5 | 12.38 |
like looks like a receptacle rift | 252.43 | 11.55 |
receptacle receptacle receptacle Jesus | 260.88 | 5.17 |
Christ what's wrong with me buddy in the | 263.98 | 9.48 |
whale hello Amy you know what I don't | 266.05 | 10.19 |
care I don't care what's in there oh | 273.46 | 7.37 |
hello this is drawing me in | 276.24 | 10.35 |
don't you [ __ ] with me already dizzy | 280.83 | 5.76 |
alright alright you have five old coins | 286.8 | 4.78 |
do you wish to pay the price pay two | 289.84 | 19.23 |
coins yes sure Wow goes up in there all | 291.58 | 19.8 |
right the only way I see to go is the | 309.07 | 8.51 |
way Oh spooky [ __ ] went okay [ __ ] | 311.38 | 9.39 |
[ __ ] mind working for it | 317.58 | 7.58 |
is that me give me that I'll tangled up | 320.77 | 9.76 |
here give me that | 325.16 | 8.49 |
it's my money now what that looks like | 330.53 | 8.52 |
Pocky okay | 333.65 | 8.61 |
Oh another receptacle Travis I'm gonna | 339.05 | 5.04 |
need you to like give me like squirts of | 342.26 | 3.36 |
water do you like with the football | 344.09 | 6.96 |
bottle you know that okay oh god is that | 345.62 | 5.94 |
an eyeball | 351.05 | 3.63 |
it's an eyeball in it Oh eyeball that's | 351.56 | 16.74 |
mine human I find the eyes oh all right | 354.68 | 16.77 |
so I got an eye let's take it to the | 368.3 | 14.91 |
receptacle I'm so sick yeah this is all | 371.45 | 18.32 |
right mm-hmm | 383.21 | 6.56 |
[ __ ] you but what get the AI from your | 389.97 | 6.22 |
inventory place it here easy | 394.57 | 4.68 |
um eyeball it's a really cool image come | 396.19 | 5.06 |
on hand there you are | 399.25 | 4.7 |
that looks like it would look good there | 401.25 | 11.59 |
that looked good there yes yes Oh follow | 403.95 | 12.16 |
this thing magical wispy light going | 412.84 | 6.95 |
down hallways what is this | 416.11 | 6.18 |
Disney movie you know the one breeze | 419.79 | 4.06 |
happened to clean up all the [ __ ] and | 422.29 | 2.19 |
he's a wizard | 423.85 | 3.0 |
the Mickey Mouse all right I see what I | 424.48 | 4.56 |
got to do I got to fill out all of these | 426.85 | 8.79 |
receptacles or on this we're loading | 429.04 | 9.24 |
wait what game over | 435.64 | 6.03 |
I won that's there must be another I | 438.28 | 5.13 |
further inside who cares why am i | 441.67 | 4.05 |
collecting eyes there must be another I | 443.41 | 8.55 |
further inside mix of course look at | 445.72 | 10.16 |
thick's playing World War 3 spooky | 451.96 | 9.36 |
spooky here yeah oh god I thought that | 455.88 | 9.06 |
was a hand on the wall it's my hand I | 461.32 | 7.05 |
knew that guy damn Tommy he was an | 464.94 | 8.2 |
[ __ ] I'm glad he's dead of course of | 468.37 | 7.2 |
course oh wow you got your dick chopped | 473.14 | 9.54 |
off yes I'm trying to make it through | 475.57 | 9.149 |
this | 482.68 | 6.169 |
I found thing insanely queasy | 484.719 | 11.19 |
it's my box hello hello oh yeah hey okay | 488.849 | 9.99 |
hey hey get it like go away | 495.909 | 14.46 |
lantern are you melting okay | 498.839 | 16.24 |
oh [ __ ] you alright alright you cheeky | 510.369 | 21.301 |
little [ __ ] I wish had an answer okay | 515.079 | 19.971 |
Oh lockpick | 531.67 | 3.38 |
what the [ __ ] is that come on okay yeah | 538.54 | 19.51 |
yeah okay don't look at her oh I gotta | 544.01 | 21.14 |
use the light because light ok statue | 558.05 | 7.1 |
somebody watch Doctor Who like if I look | 570.19 | 4.27 |
away and they look back oh yeah you're a | 572.66 | 3.18 |
Doctor Who monster jesus tapdancing | 574.46 | 4.23 |
christ jesus tapdancing crisis at Doctor | 575.84 | 10.23 |
Who Munster there's a as a dark thing | 578.69 | 11.88 |
there okay it's really really hot I'll | 586.07 | 22.56 |
go back [ __ ] it [ __ ] no no no no how do | 590.57 | 20.31 |
I run I'm freaking out I forgot | 608.63 | 3.95 |
everything | 610.88 | 5.25 |
nope I mmm was the doctor who monster oh | 612.58 | 7.63 |
this okay yeah you [ __ ] you you little | 616.13 | 7.67 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] there bug is a scroll | 620.21 | 10.23 |
mmm that was good that was good very | 623.8 | 10.21 |
effective yeah what I'm confident in my | 630.44 | 7.73 |
pace I'm gonna take a smoky break | 634.01 | 4.16 |
Shh Anthony CSN is now playing World War | 640.1 | 10.53 |
3 spooky where where why what what what | 644.029 | 8.941 |
what what what what all right all right | 650.63 | 3.569 |
all right but I don't know why I don't | 652.97 | 3.479 |
know why it's music as it just cranked | 654.199 | 5.25 |
up for whatever God reason ok I'm going | 656.449 | 8.07 |
this way okay yeah yeah yeah something | 659.449 | 6.991 |
chasing me I'm not looking away from you | 664.519 | 8.041 |
[ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] you oh yeah | 666.44 | 22.37 |
perfect you okay oh god am I here again | 672.56 | 20.519 |
no after all that which means is the map | 688.81 | 5.86 |
different now Oh yep starts all over | 693.079 | 2.75 |
again | 694.67 | 6.18 |
thank [ __ ] oh my god just it's turned | 695.829 | 11.26 |
into pub G I need a scope for my [ __ ] my | 700.85 | 10.14 |
question uh can I use your bathroom to | 707.089 | 12.0 |
throw up my mouth is so dry some | 710.99 | 17.219 |
Gatorade I just Gatorade it's grape yeah | 719.089 | 15.861 |
look at who look at who look at who | 728.209 | 8.811 |
[Music] | 734.95 | 4.41 |
I didn't see anyone which makes it even | 737.02 | 4.34 |
creepier I'm going this way | 739.36 | 8.789 |
nope I'm coming in I don't give a [ __ ] | 741.36 | 11.3 |
oh yeah | 748.149 | 11.321 |
nope nope all right I'm the chosen one | 752.66 | 11.25 |
I think [ __ ] I saw the eyes yep yep yep | 759.47 | 4.86 |
yep yep | 763.91 | 9.14 |
I looked at you can I pick your nose oh | 764.33 | 16.32 |
[ __ ] why did cancer alleys wanted me to | 773.05 | 9.43 |
come over to his place kind of want to | 780.65 | 14.45 |
just play his drums and go see a piece | 782.48 | 31.85 |
you go sheep little ass are you done | 795.1 | 22.95 |
we're done with this here's something | 814.33 | 7.39 |
nope nope nope nope nope is it chasing | 818.05 | 7.24 |
me any clue with oil is any bit of it | 821.72 | 17.72 |
eyeballs a me alone cuz I don't really | 825.29 | 18.05 |
trying to get balls that's all a ball | 839.44 | 6.16 |
electric thing I don't get is just open | 843.34 | 4.98 |
the door fire huh | 845.6 | 2.72 |
stand right here I don't care hey don't | 849.17 | 18.82 |
try anything | 866.939 | 10.71 |
sir I am Oh God | 867.99 | 20.159 |
sip kiss my ass dude is that a Banksy it | 877.649 | 11.88 |
took today | 888.149 | 5.461 |
look at the floor oh yeah okay yep I see | 889.529 | 5.43 |
yeah I'm looking at the floor okay I'm | 893.61 | 1.74 |
cool | 894.959 | 2.791 |
can I stand of your dress what you got | 895.35 | 5.58 |
under here okay okay sorry sorry for | 897.75 | 8.55 |
being a creeper I'm really trying try it | 900.93 | 10.159 |
so hard this this is the eyeball door | 906.3 | 4.789 |
daddy after looking at the floor own | 915.8 | 9.509 |
heaven eyeball number two | 920.899 | 4.41 |
[Music] | 933.79 | 3.07 |
and I have made a sacrifice to the gods | 947.59 | 13.41 |
share me the way spirit you owed there | 953.65 | 7.35 |
[Music] | 978.42 | 4.599 |
what why what what sorry oh boy | 987.499 | 15.76 |
the [ __ ] are you dude dude dude didn't | 995.339 | 10.531 |
mean to mess with you I hear the music | 1003.259 | 5.69 |
getting intense | 1005.87 | 3.079 |
this might not be better I honestly | 1009.97 | 9.25 |
don't care what it says I'm so sick | 1015.98 | 3.719 |
right now | 1019.22 | 4.369 |
look at that lighting that's cool man | 1019.699 | 7.441 |
you people watching at home just | 1023.589 | 5.021 |
watching it on the screen doesn't do it | 1027.14 | 5.279 |
justice Oh God | 1028.61 | 15.87 |
what the [ __ ] were you tell you what I'm | 1032.419 | 15.23 |
a damn man Oh | 1044.48 | 3.169 |
the [ __ ] was that hello yeah I get it | 1048.07 | 33.16 |
I don't want me here either okay back it | 1055.789 | 29.041 |
up back it up slowly oh okay oh yeah you | 1081.23 | 5.66 |
still coming huh gonna turn around over | 1084.83 | 4.53 |
this way you're coming this way oh you | 1086.89 | 11.409 |
see me oh boy this game's great | 1089.36 | 19.199 |
I got a start here can I have this oh I | 1098.299 | 12.36 |
can only light it I can't take it I | 1108.559 | 3.6 |
can't use it as a weapon | 1110.659 | 9.171 |
oh God oh [ __ ] okay | 1112.159 | 10.201 |
sprinting with sprinting could be great | 1119.83 | 10.54 |
oh [ __ ] you man you kidding me that's | 1122.36 | 9.66 |
[ __ ] gross look at this | 1130.37 | 5.309 |
hmm arts and crafts room it's looking | 1132.02 | 6.659 |
good kids looking real good | 1135.679 | 9.841 |
oh you don't you look at me yeah and the | 1138.679 | 15.541 |
lucky winner is no one oh come on that | 1145.52 | 16.56 |
door just closed behind me oh I wasn't | 1154.22 | 10.199 |
looking at you just to be clear what's | 1162.08 | 4.28 |
going on with your hand | 1164.419 | 4.581 |
what's going on with your hand I'm not | 1166.36 | 3.18 |
looking | 1169.0 | 3.12 |
I just want to see what you're you got a | 1169.54 | 3.78 |
fucked-up hand lady | 1172.12 | 6.8 |
it's a weird ask feet I knew that guy oh | 1173.32 | 5.6 |
yes eyeball number three is mine in the | 1181.26 | 9.72 |
store had better opening path okay | 1187.57 | 7.38 |
eyes over here good damn it | 1190.98 | 10.6 |
nope I'm busy getting out of here oh yes | 1194.95 | 9.74 |
I can't do this anymore | 1201.58 | 3.11 |
[ __ ] you beautiful beautiful | 1206.37 | 6.78 |
I love what you've done with the place | 1213.58 | 7.159 |
the eyeballs on the pillars perfect | 1215.71 | 5.029 |
apasa game I got a run for it or I get | 1222.299 | 6.33 |
in this hallway can't follow me in here | 1224.619 | 4.01 |
[Laughter] | 1231.0 | 4.12 |
JIT Hey all right | 1239.639 | 12.49 |
it's a hell of a HOH a big big rock | 1248.259 | 4.201 |
there | 1252.129 | 7.851 |
I can't may the dread hall gods guide me | 1252.46 | 10.829 |
directly to this fourth eyeball all | 1259.98 | 4.899 |
right so I know which direction not to | 1263.289 | 4.74 |
go 10-minute warning God you scared me - | 1264.879 | 9.11 |
Elias screaming at me | 1268.029 | 5.96 |
you guys should write fortune cookies | 1279.929 | 5.041 |
are about as effective | 1282.22 | 2.75 |
nope | 1289.179 | 2.6 |
let's say the pleasant music seriously | 1293.74 | 7.52 |
man I can't throw up | 1299.029 | 7.321 |
[Music] | 1301.26 | 7.86 |
one little eyeball it's not even a big | 1306.35 | 11.98 |
deal no one's gonna miss it birdboy bad | 1309.12 | 9.93 |
time | 1318.33 | 5.43 |
wait I could like these things I just | 1319.05 | 6.45 |
learn that look at this you know like | 1323.76 | 9.0 |
these candles I get this Oh God another | 1325.5 | 21.24 |
bang what what oh god oh my god oh god | 1332.76 | 16.52 |
oh my god alright | 1346.74 | 6.84 |
mmm mmm just here I'm just right here | 1349.28 | 7.26 |
right here | 1353.58 | 2.96 |
[ __ ] you I'm a man wow that is actually | 1358.73 | 13.66 |
really cool how much time do I have left | 1369.33 | 4.92 |
I'll go check that right quick I want to | 1372.39 | 6.33 |
sip a beer and then time cuz I'm good | 1374.25 | 6.42 |
are you [ __ ] kidding me thirty | 1378.72 | 2.64 |
minutes left | 1380.67 | 8.49 |
oh my god I can do this I am so I have | 1381.36 | 12.33 |
to go back up and to the right and then | 1389.16 | 6.39 |
take another right that's where the | 1393.69 | 4.79 |
eyeballs get a peek | 1395.55 | 2.93 |
all right I bet I'm gonna get the most | 1405.21 | 6.539 |
eyeballs out of all of us | 1408.369 | 3.38 |
yes ma'am heaven | 1419.91 | 7.72 |
Oh God what the [ __ ] are you | 1423.13 | 10.22 |
I can't huh okay okay | 1427.63 | 12.84 |
uh-huh I know I know tell me about it | 1433.35 | 10.36 |
all right a week too I'm not looking | 1440.47 | 6.11 |
back I'm not looking back | 1443.71 | 7.86 |
uh-huh oh I wish I was quicker I wish I | 1446.58 | 11.28 |
was quicker than this oh my [ __ ] god | 1451.57 | 6.29 |
hey how about number one I bomb number | 1458.19 | 9.76 |
two eyeball number three all under an | 1463.24 | 5.37 |
hour | 1467.95 | 7.95 |
beat that okay okay we're cool | 1468.61 | 9.99 |
we're cool this game is awesome yeah | 1475.9 | 4.2 |
it's really good | 1478.6 | 13.98 |
eight out of ten whoa whoa oh boy this | 1480.1 | 16.8 |
is gonna oh boy okay okay okay we're | 1492.58 | 10.05 |
cool everybody everybody's cool I took a | 1496.9 | 10.11 |
little bit of this there you are there | 1502.63 | 9.82 |
you are yeah | 1507.01 | 14.4 |
yep listen yeah | 1512.45 | 8.96 |
forth eyeball whoo I got the fourth | 1522.86 | 8.43 |
eyeball where's the camera oh you're | 1527.84 | 3.87 |
there | 1531.29 | 2.67 |
oh my god this is gonna look great in | 1531.71 | 6.63 |
there right there that's where you go | 1533.96 | 8.04 |
for eyeballs [ __ ] for eyeballs oh my | 1538.34 | 5.87 |
god | 1542.0 | 2.21 |
[Music] | 1544.79 | 3.1 |
[Music] | 1553.78 | 11.589 |
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