Battlefield Friends - Outta My Choppi
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, Neebs here. You know what video never fails to crack me up? 'Outta My Choppi' from Battlefield Friends!
simon: Oh, come on Neebs, that video is a classic! I mean, who doesn't love watching you guys goof around in Battlefield?
neebs: Exactly! And the way we all yell 'Outta My Choppi' every time someone tries to steal the chopper is just hilarious. It never gets old!
appsro: I have to agree with you guys, that video is pure gold. Plus, it's always fun to see how ridiculous we can make things in the game. 'Outta My Choppi' is definitely a fan favorite for a reason!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest episode of Battlefield Friends yet? If not, you're in for a treat with Season 3, Episode 3 titled "Outta My Choppi." Trust me, it's a hilarious one that you won't want to miss.
In this episode, the gang is back with their usual antics and shenanigans in the world of Battlefield 3. From epic battles to funny moments, this episode has it all. The chemistry between the characters is on point as they navigate through the chaos of the game with their unique personalities shining through.
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming, you know that their content is always top-notch and this episode is no exception. The animation is fantastic, the voice acting is spot on, and the humor is just what you would expect from the Battlefield Friends series. It's a perfect blend of action, comedy, and all-around entertainment that will have you laughing out loud.
So, grab your snacks, get comfy, and hit play on this episode of Battlefield Friends. And don't forget to subscribe to the Neebs Gaming channel for more hilarious content. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Happy gaming, friends!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 1.86 | 3.06 |
[Applause] | 4.37 | 3.91 |
[Music] | 4.92 | 3.36 |
chopper | 8.96 | 3.28 |
let's go i'm ready hey buddy out the | 10.0 | 4.799 |
choppy let's go get out come on let's go | 12.24 | 5.039 |
ready | 14.799 | 4.161 |
hey what's wrong with you bro waiting on | 17.279 | 4.481 |
my buddy hey | 18.96 | 2.8 |
i'm ready come on | 22.16 | 3.279 |
you gonna shoot me in the face bruh what | 23.76 | 3.359 |
the [ __ ] this [ __ ] blueberry get | 25.439 | 3.84 |
him the [ __ ] out of our chopper keep | 27.119 | 3.441 |
telling them get out the chopping it's | 29.279 | 2.96 |
gonna be hard to kill people from here | 30.56 | 3.839 |
man let's get some altitude let's go get | 32.239 | 4.32 |
right height rob won't get out you make | 34.399 | 5.921 |
him get out you're the [ __ ] boss hey | 36.559 | 6.241 |
out the chopping i have to chop it i'll | 40.32 | 5.2 |
[ __ ] tell them | 42.8 | 2.72 |
what are you doing what am i doing what | 45.92 | 3.44 |
are you doing i'm chopper gunning no | 47.36 | 4.16 |
yeah look this guy obviously does not | 49.36 | 3.92 |
want to take off he wants his friend to | 51.52 | 3.84 |
get in no i think he's afk he's probably | 53.28 | 4.08 |
peeing or something no he's not he's but | 55.36 | 3.44 |
he's shooting next oh yeah this guy | 57.36 | 3.12 |
thinks i'm an enemy i don't know what | 58.8 | 5.759 |
his problem is get the [ __ ] out | 60.48 | 4.079 |
yeah hey noob i'd have read over me if i | 65.119 | 4.881 |
was a bad guy learn to play the game he | 67.439 | 3.68 |
obviously doesn't want you to be in | 70.0 | 2.32 |
there why don't you just get out and | 71.119 | 3.36 |
we'll go do something else no man i need | 72.32 | 4.24 |
it here no we're all sitting here in our | 74.479 | 4.241 |
base with our thumb and our [ __ ] | 76.56 | 4.0 |
we're not gonna accomplish anything i'm | 78.72 | 4.24 |
in a chopper your thumb is in your | 80.56 | 4.559 |
butthole my thumb is not let's let's | 82.96 | 4.96 |
just take a jeep or a tank or a chopper | 85.119 | 5.04 |
no these guys want that chopper okay so | 87.92 | 3.28 |
how long are we going to play this | 90.159 | 2.64 |
stupid game huh which one of you is | 91.2 | 3.36 |
going to get out first no this guy's | 92.799 | 3.441 |
going to go i'm his gunner we're going | 94.56 | 3.68 |
to do this no no one of you is going to | 96.24 | 4.879 |
have to get out why because | 98.24 | 4.559 |
so they can move along and we can move | 101.119 | 4.481 |
along let's not gridlock the process no | 102.799 | 4.721 |
that's discrimination how is that | 105.6 | 4.559 |
discrimination guys i'm here i'm sitting | 107.52 | 4.16 |
here i'm not moving | 110.159 | 3.521 |
i'm like rosa parks | 111.68 | 4.16 |
what on the road that bugs a battlefield | 113.68 | 3.92 |
you are not the rosa parks of | 115.84 | 4.959 |
battlefield brah what rock what you | 117.6 | 5.119 |
won't get out of the chopping i [ __ ] | 120.799 | 4.64 |
knew that [ __ ] look these guys work | 122.719 | 4.4 |
really well together okay just get out | 125.439 | 4.32 |
please oh are you serious yeah i'm | 127.119 | 3.681 |
serious | 129.759 | 3.441 |
hmm i don't know man just get out of the | 130.8 | 5.28 |
[ __ ] jump fine go get out of the | 133.2 | 6.64 |
chopper hey oh our dummy [ __ ] hey | 136.08 | 6.32 |
let's get this gun and going bro check | 139.84 | 8.2 |
your watch ready for what chop in time | 142.4 | 5.64 |
[Applause] | 154.75 | 5.889 |
[Music] | 157.56 | 3.079 |
you | 164.64 | 2.08 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I just watched the latest Battlefield Friends video from Neebs Gaming and it was hilarious! For those who don't know, Battlefield Friends is an animated web series that parodies the Battlefield video game series. This particular episode pokes fun at the attack helicopters in Battlefield 3.
The video opens with the character Noob flying a helicopter and struggling to control it. His friend Recon is yelling at him over the mic to stop crashing it. Noob insists he knows how to fly, but he keeps smashing the chopper into buildings and the ground. It's such an exaggerated but accurate depiction of how flying vehicles in Battlefield can be for new players. I was cracking up the whole time!
Then the scene shifts to Noob and Recon in a helicopter together, and Noob still can't stop crashing despite Recon's instructions. At one point he even ejects Recon out of the chopper unintentionally! The frustrated dialogue between them had me rolling. I don't want to spoil all the jokes, but the episode just gets funnier as it goes on.
Neebs Gaming always nails the comedy in their Battlefield Friends videos. Their understanding of the game and community allows them to poke fun at Battlefield's quirks in clever ways. And the voice acting and animation is top notch, bringing so much personality to each character. This is easily one of my favorite episodes so far.
Honestly, watching Neebs Gaming's cinematic content like this is the best way to experience Battlefield without playing it yourself. Their videos distill the essence of the multiplayer sandbox - the epic moments, silly antics, and culture around Battlefield - into short, entertaining episodes. It's like getting a "greatest hits" version of all the stories and humor that emerge organically from the game.
So if you're a Battlefield fan or just enjoy gaming comedy, do yourself a favor and check out Battlefield Friends and all of Neebs Gaming's content. They consistently deliver funny and high-quality videos that are a joy to watch. This latest episode is another prime example. I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish!