We're LOST in the NORTH Fighting ELK KINGS! - Conan Exiles
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey friends! So, I just watched the latest episode of Conan Exiles Season 2, and let me tell you, it was a wild ride! In this episode, the gang discovers new friends, new pets, and even explores some frozen lands. It was so exciting to see them diving into new adventures and uncovering all sorts of surprises along the way.
Now, I have to mention that this is actually take #2 of the episode. There was a little goof in the video that YouTube wasn't too happy about, but the team quickly fixed it up so that we could all enjoy the content without any issues. It just goes to show the dedication and hard work that goes into creating these videos for us fans to enjoy.
If you're not already following the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel, you're seriously missing out. The gang always brings a fun and entertaining twist to their gameplay, and I love how they interact with each other and the community. Plus, they always make sure to keep us updated on their latest projects and collaborations, like their Neebs Gaming Coffee and Xidax PCs partnerships. It's awesome to see them grow and expand their brand in such cool ways.
So, if you're looking for some laughs, exciting gameplay, and just an all-around good time, make sure to check out the latest episode of Conan Exiles Season 2. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button, join their Patreon, and follow them on all their social media channels to stay connected. Trust me, you won't regret it! Let's keep supporting this amazing team and their incredible content. #ConanExiles

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey Dora oh he's in the bathroom yeah | 1.62 | 8.599 |
hey Dora hey hey | 7.16 | 6.939 |
salmon hey hey fun for you boys what you | 10.219 | 5.741 |
got oh there you are okay y'all are | 14.099 | 4.44 |
gonna lose your Collective [ __ ] I doubt | 15.96 | 6.06 |
it and boom uh-huh he's a dancer okay oh | 18.539 | 7.021 |
oh okay too I'm a dancer yeah look at | 22.02 | 6.599 |
him but I like I like his moves right I | 25.56 | 4.62 |
mean you made me you never seen these | 28.619 | 4.14 |
moves I know but I like him doing it you | 30.18 | 4.02 |
know like he's the new kid on the Block | 32.759 | 3.721 |
like this is just this is Tick Tock | 34.2 | 3.6 |
Central here everybody's doing that one | 36.48 | 4.44 |
yeah but look at look at his abs look at | 37.8 | 5.16 |
look at oh it's not a competition all | 40.92 | 3.06 |
right App Store what's going on today | 42.96 | 3.119 |
what are you doing well I the dancer's | 43.98 | 3.599 |
great but the dancer's not what I really | 46.079 | 3.181 |
wanted I need a crafter I need a crafter | 47.579 | 3.241 |
for a crafting benches so we craft stuff | 49.26 | 3.66 |
faster uh-huh yeah so uh I want to go | 50.82 | 4.02 |
get a crafter and I think I I there's | 52.92 | 4.08 |
one in Sinner's Refuge so if you guys | 54.84 | 3.96 |
want to accompany me your queen Queen | 57.0 | 3.36 |
Bean you're not my queen and then we | 58.8 | 3.72 |
will go to sooner's Rampage and we will | 60.36 | 4.08 |
find a crafter well I just want to get a | 62.52 | 3.48 |
bunch of blood for my God have you guys | 64.44 | 3.719 |
considered like worshiping his half at | 66.0 | 4.619 |
all I haven't thought about Zach not yet | 68.159 | 3.96 |
I feel like Seth has really good | 70.619 | 3.18 |
platform and a lot of really good ideas | 72.119 | 5.161 |
I'm open to pretty much anything | 73.799 | 6.841 |
how's that on donations of of money does | 77.28 | 6.18 |
zath want me to give money or food | 80.64 | 5.04 |
absolutely just all the things okay so | 83.46 | 3.839 |
Zach's really into the tide well you | 85.68 | 3.66 |
know how Gods be well I mean not all | 87.299 | 4.621 |
gods be like that hey Dora yeah I don't | 89.34 | 4.74 |
think your hyena can swim yes it can oh | 91.92 | 4.559 |
no well it's fine your Hyena's gonna die | 94.08 | 4.14 |
because it's one hyena against two of | 96.479 | 3.541 |
these guys oh they're like a dime a | 98.22 | 4.8 |
dozen hymas that's my high Hound of hell | 100.02 | 5.16 |
this is your family right here come here | 103.02 | 4.139 |
I don't know why I had an attack she's | 105.18 | 3.2 |
really | 107.159 | 4.5 |
okay that's I'm sorry about that yeah | 108.38 | 5.919 |
all right please next time be careful I | 111.659 | 6.901 |
don't want to just kill off ah man we | 114.299 | 6.0 |
were so close what a bad start to the | 118.56 | 3.9 |
day not really | 120.299 | 3.421 |
it's nice when you're not attached to | 122.46 | 3.67 |
things it is | 123.72 | 16.419 |
[Music] | 126.13 | 14.009 |
all right we made the climb yeah looks | 141.3 | 5.64 |
like more K it's getting deep oh yep | 144.599 | 3.481 |
there goes the torch I love these | 146.94 | 3.18 |
torches don't really go out you know I | 148.08 | 3.78 |
mean a real torch wouldn't go out if you | 150.12 | 3.119 |
let it dry long enough you'd have to | 151.86 | 3.0 |
re-light it though these just come back | 153.239 | 3.36 |
on but luckily there's one right on the | 154.86 | 3.599 |
wall we could relate it there okay still | 156.599 | 3.601 |
things get wet there's nothing over that | 158.459 | 4.021 |
way right uh that's the way we go yeah | 160.2 | 4.319 |
yep just cool looking wait can we go | 162.48 | 3.72 |
underwater check it out I'll look up | 164.519 | 4.261 |
here okay I look under oh boy I see like | 166.2 | 6.2 |
a skeleton monkey wolf | 168.78 | 3.62 |
well you told me to die yep okay how | 176.4 | 4.86 |
strong is this thing okay how's it gonna | 179.34 | 4.74 |
action oh that really hurt me even with | 181.26 | 5.04 |
my shield up okay it seems kind of tough | 184.08 | 4.64 |
all right | 186.3 | 2.42 |
he's hold on oh boy ah I could use some | 190.14 | 5.099 |
help I think okay I'm coming ouch okay | 192.84 | 4.8 |
oh my God that's I guess I wasn't | 195.239 | 3.72 |
listening to your description that's | 197.64 | 3.12 |
horrifying yeah you should listen to my | 198.959 | 3.121 |
descriptions all right let me heal up | 200.76 | 3.68 |
you fight that thing for a second okay | 202.08 | 6.36 |
come here boy yeah it just bones it just | 204.44 | 5.4 |
bones okay | 208.44 | 3.92 |
that's actually really strong bones okay | 209.84 | 6.28 |
come here sucker follow me oh God okay | 212.36 | 5.379 |
now you're really low neebs yep all | 216.12 | 3.119 |
right switching out | 217.739 | 4.201 |
you know I wasn't fighting anything or | 219.239 | 4.321 |
dying when I was like under the water | 221.94 | 2.82 |
yeah well you do you want to go back on | 223.56 | 3.3 |
the water you want to do this | 224.76 | 6.6 |
we jump in the water let's do it okay | 226.86 | 6.72 |
in the water it's bones it can't swim it | 231.36 | 4.5 |
has no fats gotcha makes sense we're | 233.58 | 4.079 |
airing it we'll regroup we'll fight this | 235.86 | 3.54 |
in a minute yeah | 237.659 | 3.481 |
underwater looks neat it's a really deep | 239.4 | 4.1 |
hole | 241.14 | 2.36 |
all right boys we're looking for a very | 243.54 | 4.8 |
particular type of bad guy so we need to | 246.18 | 3.72 |
make sure we don't kill that particular | 248.34 | 4.02 |
type of bad guy exactly he's gonna he's | 249.9 | 3.96 |
gonna have uh something over his head | 252.36 | 3.299 |
that says crafter all right and he's | 253.86 | 3.3 |
probably not going to be shooting a bow | 255.659 | 3.061 |
yeah that's probably yeah that's | 257.16 | 3.66 |
probably a good assessment all right | 258.72 | 4.02 |
there's guys over there there's archers | 260.82 | 3.659 |
right should we good go ahead and take | 262.74 | 3.239 |
those out yeah they're already coming in | 264.479 | 2.94 |
all right what is this [ __ ] what are | 265.979 | 5.061 |
you Fighters oh wow she's a uh | 267.419 | 3.621 |
just took down both archers up top it's | 273.66 | 4.74 |
pretty nuts nice getting strong oh this | 275.88 | 4.319 |
lady's almost dead nice job Simon yeah | 278.4 | 4.2 |
yeah yeah all right let me get the blood | 280.199 | 4.621 |
let's see look at these guys oh | 282.6 | 3.72 |
blacksmith we could actually use a | 284.82 | 4.02 |
blacksmith fighter door kill this girl | 286.32 | 4.92 |
all right Simon yeah come back to us yep | 288.84 | 4.02 |
uh do you want me to get the guy or no | 291.24 | 3.38 |
hold on I want to see what this guy | 292.86 | 3.96 |
actually these two let's knock these two | 294.62 | 4.0 |
out knock them out okay hold on I need | 296.82 | 3.36 |
to heal up guess what while he's doing | 298.62 | 4.34 |
that so sorry | 300.18 | 2.78 |
one pull back all right oh see this this | 305.88 | 5.58 |
girl's a blacksmith we could use a | 310.02 | 4.32 |
blacksmith use everything really I don't | 311.46 | 4.98 |
think I grabbed the club I got a club | 314.34 | 3.84 |
don't worry all right good black Smith's | 316.44 | 3.18 |
knocked out how's the other one oh | 318.18 | 2.7 |
you're gonna okay I don't I'm not gonna | 319.62 | 3.419 |
take their blood then yes don't take | 320.88 | 3.72 |
their blood can't help it I just want it | 323.039 | 3.681 |
all | 324.6 | 2.12 |
same strategy or what well we're | 326.759 | 3.66 |
together so it's gonna be a different | 328.86 | 3.899 |
strategy maybe things like swiping at me | 330.419 | 4.441 |
and I'm blocking you're stabbing in the | 332.759 | 4.741 |
butt uh yeah we'll just try to bum rush | 334.86 | 5.48 |
him basically yeah | 337.5 | 2.84 |
you're welcome for introducing you to | 341.66 | 3.819 |
that song Oh what I'm stabbing in the | 343.86 | 3.119 |
butt boogie in the butt it's a classic | 345.479 | 4.201 |
Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy okay I can't | 346.979 | 4.081 |
we need to give her here we can both be | 349.68 | 2.76 |
on him all right we're gonna spread | 351.06 | 2.579 |
boogie in the bud for the rest of the | 352.44 | 3.0 |
world yeah because honestly I was a | 353.639 | 3.361 |
little happier before I knew it existed | 355.44 | 3.0 |
you just stay there blocking and fight | 357.0 | 3.419 |
okay he's on me now you stabbing the | 358.44 | 4.319 |
butt stabbing him in the butt put a | 360.419 | 4.861 |
little B in your butt put a man in your | 362.759 | 5.521 |
butt put a little can in your butt all | 365.28 | 4.5 |
right I'm stabbing I feel like that song | 368.28 | 3.18 |
would honestly get canceled today I | 369.78 | 3.84 |
don't think so I mean the whole subtext | 371.46 | 4.079 |
is I don't want anything in my butt | 373.62 | 4.919 |
that's weird we beat him sword in your | 375.539 | 4.201 |
butt | 378.539 | 3.481 |
the power of friendship Anthony can | 379.74 | 4.56 |
never be defeated it's right in your | 382.02 | 4.38 |
butt see what else is up here what else | 384.3 | 3.78 |
is up here in your butt all right this | 386.4 | 4.139 |
looks cool this is like a hmm I like | 388.08 | 4.8 |
this torch placement Oh I thought this | 390.539 | 3.541 |
was going to be a doorway or something | 392.88 | 3.36 |
surely this is something right it just | 394.08 | 4.44 |
looks like a wall travel to the | 396.24 | 6.06 |
highlands X to interact X | 398.52 | 6.0 |
I think we do it yeah it's your accent | 402.3 | 4.739 |
oh God oh God e for me we could have we | 404.52 | 3.54 |
could have discussed like it's a | 407.039 | 3.901 |
countdown or something | 408.06 | 5.0 |
okay okay | 410.94 | 5.759 |
so I guess that's is this like a | 413.06 | 6.28 |
Teleport oh what is the highlands um | 416.699 | 4.981 |
wait let's look at the map okay oh wow | 419.34 | 4.56 |
that's a big jump where are we we're | 421.68 | 5.579 |
below the big Magnum Mountain a volcano | 423.9 | 6.06 |
I guess you'd call that oh good God snow | 427.259 | 4.921 |
I mean I'll say I'm gonna go home today | 429.96 | 5.34 |
home is further each day jeez all right | 432.18 | 5.16 |
I guess we just press forward we can go | 435.3 | 5.64 |
back yeah let's press forward okay | 437.34 | 5.759 |
she does it good she pushes that stick | 440.94 | 3.9 |
real well yeah | 443.099 | 3.121 |
yeah she hasn't let | 444.84 | 3.18 |
it let it started no I think she's gonna | 446.22 | 3.78 |
work out just fine and hey this is | 448.02 | 3.36 |
exactly what I needed I got a crafter | 450.0 | 4.08 |
now oh good very good so as soon as | 451.38 | 5.46 |
she's done I am going to assign her to | 454.08 | 4.86 |
the uh to the blacksmith bench oh good | 456.84 | 4.139 |
yeah all right how do you feel about | 458.94 | 4.319 |
that deer well I wouldn't exactly I'm | 460.979 | 4.5 |
asking her son avoid calling her dear | 463.259 | 6.301 |
well I'm just being sexist uh where is | 465.479 | 7.381 |
HR like who would she report to oh no we | 469.56 | 5.88 |
don't have that here come on I mean | 472.86 | 4.32 |
there should be you don't want to be | 475.44 | 3.12 |
calling this one sweetie and | 477.18 | 3.859 |
complimenting her side boobs | 478.56 | 4.859 |
I'm HR you're going to start the HR | 481.039 | 3.341 |
department around here if you're going | 483.419 | 2.701 |
to be that guy well that's fine nobody | 484.38 | 3.84 |
talk about her very nice side boob | 486.12 | 3.299 |
action oh we're gonna go there guess | 488.22 | 4.02 |
what I'm in charge of the HOA okay so | 489.419 | 6.381 |
what's well your shit's too tall | 492.24 | 3.56 |
what yeah no as someone who lives in the | 496.46 | 6.7 |
neighborhood I agree okay there's no HOA | 500.34 | 5.28 |
I didn't sign up for this one there's no | 503.16 | 4.439 |
damage our department either Bubba all | 505.62 | 3.9 |
right sorry side boob you're gonna have | 507.599 | 3.8 |
to deal with it wow | 509.52 | 5.28 |
yeah good luck cute butt it's my side | 511.399 | 7.301 |
boom foreign | 514.8 | 3.9 |
it's very cold here you've noticed it's | 519.62 | 6.219 |
cold huh oh God there's snow very cold | 522.659 | 5.101 |
We're not gonna be able to survive this | 525.839 | 4.68 |
it's cool to see okay I didn't know the | 527.76 | 5.4 |
world expanded this much really yeah not | 530.519 | 4.021 |
really I mean I've only ever seen the | 533.16 | 3.119 |
beaches and a little bit of grass let's | 534.54 | 3.66 |
look let's run down just for a minute I | 536.279 | 3.12 |
assume we're gonna start freezing here | 538.2 | 3.12 |
in a second keep the torch out it's not | 539.399 | 4.261 |
keeping me warm uh very cold still but | 541.32 | 4.26 |
the Health's not going down no it's not | 543.66 | 3.42 |
doing anything like what would be the | 545.58 | 4.08 |
next level extremely I mean cold Next | 547.08 | 4.199 |
Level would be your health going down I | 549.66 | 3.9 |
see a castle in the distance oh yeah I | 551.279 | 3.781 |
kind of want to go to it and explore it | 553.56 | 4.32 |
well let's gather some wood because yes | 555.06 | 4.56 |
we still have to build fires or shelter | 557.88 | 3.18 |
or something let's build a little place | 559.62 | 4.14 |
to keep warm when we need to okay | 561.06 | 4.26 |
uh let's don't forget how to get out of | 563.76 | 3.48 |
here right the Pat the only path we | 565.32 | 3.12 |
should leave little signs or something | 567.24 | 3.3 |
yeah go up the only path and hit hit the | 568.44 | 4.56 |
button you hit X I hit e okay what was | 570.54 | 5.76 |
that is that deer deer we can hunt we | 573.0 | 5.279 |
could just live out here we'll build a | 576.3 | 4.5 |
log cabin yeah I hate the weather just | 578.279 | 3.901 |
so you know you don't think snow is | 580.8 | 4.08 |
pretty nope in pictures not when I'm in | 582.18 | 4.38 |
it so you agree it's pretty though yeah | 584.88 | 3.6 |
but not when a minute okay we're not | 586.56 | 3.12 |
really in it right now all right we're | 588.48 | 2.88 |
not losing Health at the moment okay | 589.68 | 5.099 |
let's push forward build home wait neebs | 591.36 | 6.12 |
yeah there's a giant lake Lake Lakeside | 594.779 | 5.221 |
Cabin okay all right we'll build | 597.48 | 4.5 |
something even though I'm in it he's not | 600.0 | 3.1 |
really in it | 601.98 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 603.1 | 4.28 |
I said horsefield salmon it's feeling | 605.22 | 5.82 |
better I do uh I I do like it it is | 607.38 | 5.94 |
quite Majestic and running on the beach | 611.04 | 4.739 |
is always nice yeah feels good yeah it | 613.32 | 4.44 |
does it's so much a better way to travel | 615.779 | 4.441 |
in it yeah I mean much prefer this than | 617.76 | 5.04 |
running exactly but uh we still need a | 620.22 | 4.2 |
few more because I don't think Dora has | 622.8 | 3.12 |
a horse I don't think Anthony has a | 624.42 | 3.539 |
horse okay oh you know what this is the | 625.92 | 3.72 |
first time I'm swimming with them oh | 627.959 | 3.781 |
yeah yeah okay | 629.64 | 4.8 |
good that's not bad is it I was I used | 631.74 | 4.38 |
to do a lot of horseback riding when I | 634.44 | 4.019 |
was a kid and I went for I really paid | 636.12 | 4.62 |
attention to the color if it was like | 638.459 | 4.141 |
white with like you know like black | 640.74 | 3.779 |
smudges on and stuff I would think that | 642.6 | 3.299 |
that would be an ugly horse I didn't | 644.519 | 3.301 |
want to ride an ugly horse oh really so | 645.899 | 3.901 |
you were very discriminatory towards | 647.82 | 4.019 |
your horses very discriminatory I was | 649.8 | 4.32 |
very into the brown horses maybe with | 651.839 | 3.841 |
some white like you you got a pretty | 654.12 | 4.14 |
horse there oh yeah it was awesome but | 655.68 | 4.98 |
uh you know if that one I don't know if | 658.26 | 4.259 |
it had more white and it was a little | 660.66 | 5.28 |
bit dirtier looking I'd be like no way | 662.519 | 6.541 |
just saying I realize you | 665.94 | 5.399 |
I know very big snob all right here's | 669.06 | 4.019 |
our little Outpost here so I don't know | 671.339 | 3.541 |
if you recognize this island | 673.079 | 2.341 |
um | 674.88 | 3.6 |
no this was our first island way back in | 675.42 | 5.34 |
the day way way back in the day oh yeah | 678.48 | 3.96 |
no I would never first Conan series but | 680.76 | 3.06 |
yeah the horses are right over here so | 682.44 | 5.04 |
there yeah come on you horse racist oh | 683.82 | 6.199 |
it was awesome | 687.48 | 2.539 |
babes I like this roof design yeah I | 690.48 | 4.74 |
think you're gonna I got an idea I think | 693.12 | 3.719 |
you're gonna love it what's what tell it | 695.22 | 3.239 |
to me what is it I'll just show you I | 696.839 | 3.12 |
like to show people things okay show me | 698.459 | 3.421 |
well it's gonna take time to build oh so | 699.959 | 4.081 |
this is like talk about it later Anthony | 701.88 | 3.78 |
yeah you were I mean you said you want | 704.04 | 4.32 |
to go hunting I do okay made a bow my | 705.66 | 4.919 |
first bow you're wow yours is a fancy | 708.36 | 4.02 |
bow have you I don't have a bow we've | 710.579 | 3.181 |
been here for like two weeks I'm the | 712.38 | 3.06 |
katana guy I hit things with a katana | 713.76 | 3.78 |
okay did you want to hunt that Big Moose | 715.44 | 4.56 |
oh I didn't even see a moose I seen deer | 717.54 | 4.14 |
elk I don't think that's a moose well | 720.0 | 2.64 |
there's deer right here why don't we | 721.68 | 2.219 |
start with the little baby ones let's | 722.64 | 3.66 |
Crouch down yeah let's like sniff the | 723.899 | 4.141 |
ground and look for | 726.3 | 3.599 |
tracks well they're right in front of us | 728.04 | 3.84 |
I know but I just want the whole | 729.899 | 3.481 |
experience why don't we pick one and see | 731.88 | 3.06 |
if we can get them in one shot all right | 733.38 | 4.38 |
left of the three uh left of the three | 734.94 | 5.339 |
you got it let me aim oh God I'm already | 737.76 | 5.94 |
shooting okay ready three no why does it | 740.279 | 5.401 |
keep yep when I aim down side it just | 743.7 | 3.72 |
shoots for some reason I'm even | 745.68 | 2.88 |
downsides and I'm not shooting you | 747.42 | 3.359 |
that's that's weird now it's working | 748.56 | 4.32 |
okay good all I did is hold this and | 750.779 | 4.081 |
then uh shot him all right well luckily | 752.88 | 3.78 |
the other two deer have started to see | 754.86 | 3.78 |
now it's a Chase come on now we gotta go | 756.66 | 4.679 |
get closer okay well I'm I'm just gonna | 758.64 | 4.68 |
go harvest the one we got okay but we | 761.339 | 3.901 |
gotta do the cool take it down shot | 763.32 | 4.079 |
gotcha you do that and I'll Harvest this | 765.24 | 5.039 |
one okay that the whole point was to do | 767.399 | 6.0 |
it together all right well bam yep | 770.279 | 5.221 |
you're right those are both one one shot | 773.399 | 4.021 |
kills it was ruined I'm gonna get this | 775.5 | 3.12 |
one while it's moving it'll be epic | 777.42 | 3.539 |
ready uh yeah I'm studying its pattern | 778.62 | 5.0 |
it's stuck okay if it goes right back to | 780.959 | 5.06 |
oh that was so close | 783.62 | 4.42 |
now like we have what we need to survive | 786.019 | 5.701 |
five right but this is now a game | 788.04 | 7.02 |
all right fine you live today but your | 791.72 | 5.88 |
brother's not so lucky | 795.06 | 4.74 |
shouldn't be even when you hunt you | 797.6 | 3.88 |
should be thankful but we're murdering | 799.8 | 4.38 |
things yeah but it's like thank you you | 801.48 | 4.44 |
gave your life for mine moose you're | 804.18 | 4.08 |
next and I'll only use a small part of | 805.92 | 5.88 |
you it should never end with the muhaha | 808.26 | 5.759 |
I'll only use your Hooves and the rest | 811.8 | 5.3 |
will go to waste | 814.019 | 3.081 |
oh oh Zaff I apparently worship you that | 817.38 | 9.24 |
you're pretty Neato I said listen I've | 822.899 | 6.421 |
been thinking in no disrespect zath | 826.62 | 5.459 |
um a rebranding of sorts because I | 829.32 | 4.74 |
respect the spiders and stuff but | 832.079 | 3.481 |
they're creepy | 834.06 | 5.519 |
what if like a like a moth or a Katie | 835.56 | 7.68 |
did or maybe a an aphid God but hey you | 839.579 | 6.121 |
we don't have beef | 843.24 | 3.96 |
um just throwing out some stuff because | 845.7 | 5.16 |
I worship you so hard and I think you're | 847.2 | 6.96 |
all knowing and god-like anyway think | 850.86 | 4.979 |
about it put in your back pocket think | 854.16 | 3.119 |
about it we don't need to be a big | 855.839 | 4.141 |
creepy spider all the time but uh you | 857.279 | 6.62 |
just think about that you're the best at | 859.98 | 3.919 |
there it is what a beautiful Majestic | 866.04 | 5.16 |
you're gonna scare the Majestic creature | 873.3 | 4.86 |
okay you're gonna do the arrow you wanna | 875.519 | 5.101 |
hit him at the same time no I'm building | 878.16 | 4.14 |
how's the place look from there from | 880.62 | 3.779 |
there it looks like a mess it almost | 882.3 | 4.38 |
looks like Simon's place no no it | 884.399 | 4.021 |
doesn't a little bit this is gonna be my | 886.68 | 3.42 |
place and whatever there's gonna be your | 888.42 | 3.12 |
Tower right but right now things are | 890.1 | 2.52 |
just jutting out all over the place | 891.54 | 2.64 |
they're not finished you see his | 892.62 | 3.3 |
potential they're right wait it you're | 894.18 | 3.3 |
gonna build it that way so the room is | 895.92 | 3.06 |
like a big L | 897.48 | 4.74 |
an L yeah I mean an upside down L but | 898.98 | 6.24 |
yes this one's mine yeah that one's | 902.22 | 4.919 |
yours is gonna match it and it'll be an | 905.22 | 3.78 |
L what are you made of now | 907.139 | 3.901 |
there's a letter preferably the Capital | 909.0 | 5.519 |
One but you maybe with a line down and | 911.04 | 5.4 |
then a line to the right yeah but I'm | 914.519 | 3.961 |
separating it between the two of us okay | 916.44 | 3.839 |
I don't know what you're talking about | 918.48 | 3.299 |
I'm gonna look to my right that moose | 920.279 | 3.06 |
better still be there I see it right | 921.779 | 3.06 |
here all right good I'm gonna hit this | 923.339 | 3.3 |
moose | 924.839 | 4.161 |
a capital l | 926.639 | 5.7 |
upside down one think Tetris what that's | 929.0 | 4.959 |
that's a perfect description of what I | 932.339 | 4.921 |
mean maybe an upside down m shut up all | 933.959 | 7.44 |
right are you shooting at me nope ah | 937.26 | 7.639 |
I missed the moose moose don't care | 941.399 | 3.5 |
I missed the Moose again moose don't | 945.06 | 3.66 |
care memes I'm getting closer yeah I | 946.44 | 3.54 |
would suggest that because you don't | 948.72 | 3.9 |
shoot good there he is and why are we | 949.98 | 4.5 |
doing upside down letters you're the one | 952.62 | 3.839 |
building it oh God it's a boss it has a | 954.48 | 3.599 |
skull on it yeah he's coming in quick | 956.459 | 3.981 |
okay | 958.079 | 2.361 |
all right I'm gonna start hunting loose | 967.76 | 3.699 |
with a katana just like the Japanese did | 969.72 | 4.919 |
back in the day all right I'm helping | 971.459 | 6.421 |
okay oh God it's strong boom dangerous | 974.639 | 5.7 |
strong we got him almost halfway oh my | 977.88 | 4.74 |
Katana broke oh yeah perfect timing | 980.339 | 5.761 |
Anthony okay wait I'm gonna climb the L2 | 982.62 | 5.7 |
no it's not a nail don't if you think | 986.1 | 3.299 |
it's nail you don't get up here right | 988.32 | 4.56 |
now mine's a lowercase L all right moose | 989.399 | 5.521 |
nope you can walk out there and fight | 992.88 | 4.319 |
like a man Anthony running yeah look at | 994.92 | 4.2 |
him you gotta pursue you can't wound an | 997.199 | 3.06 |
animal and then let it run off in the | 999.12 | 2.82 |
woods and die that's hunt rules I'll | 1000.259 | 3.5 |
kill you | 1001.94 | 4.62 |
oh he healed moose healed all right | 1003.759 | 4.481 |
bring him back let's do this magical | 1006.56 | 3.719 |
healing moves all right I'm getting hit | 1008.24 | 4.62 |
okay oh he's coming to me nope I'm back | 1010.279 | 5.461 |
up sword backup sword yep oh yeah this | 1012.86 | 4.68 |
bow is doing good damage good you're | 1015.74 | 4.26 |
both cool yeah I didn't make that trashy | 1017.54 | 4.68 |
one I built mine in the woods yeah but | 1020.0 | 3.48 |
we used to live in a home you could have | 1022.22 | 3.0 |
prepared right but I didn't now I'm | 1023.48 | 3.359 |
beating a moose to death with stone that | 1025.22 | 3.8 |
I tied to some sticks | 1026.839 | 5.1 |
okay yeah I missed that shot | 1029.02 | 5.319 |
how our grandfathers did it neebs I know | 1031.939 | 5.52 |
and go out and fight Moses that's going | 1034.339 | 4.561 |
to break into their homes we've all got | 1037.459 | 3.0 |
them they own them do you think we'll | 1038.9 | 3.899 |
get what do they call the points the | 1040.459 | 5.181 |
ears the antlers the antlers | 1042.799 | 5.941 |
that one oh he's he's about done you got | 1045.64 | 7.24 |
him yeah yeah yes we're eating good | 1048.74 | 5.819 |
tonight neebs that's right and we're | 1052.88 | 2.94 |
living in a building that looks nothing | 1054.559 | 3.601 |
like an owl we eat our feast in our L | 1055.82 | 4.7 |
tonight | 1058.16 | 2.36 |
all right sexy boys I've never done this | 1061.78 | 5.08 |
before but let's see if it works so I | 1064.52 | 4.8 |
think I just take the thrall | 1066.86 | 5.28 |
oh yes oh | 1069.32 | 6.78 |
all right that side boob oh yeah side | 1072.14 | 6.24 |
boob is helping us do blacksmithy stuff | 1076.1 | 4.26 |
now she looks happy now happier than | 1078.38 | 4.26 |
pushing the thing oh yeah of course yeah | 1080.36 | 3.78 |
look at that she's she's in her element | 1082.64 | 4.26 |
you work for us now miss boob Miss boob | 1084.14 | 5.22 |
yeah her name's side boob yeah yeah but | 1086.9 | 4.62 |
miss boob is the is a nice professional | 1089.36 | 4.38 |
way to refer to her and Dora if you'll | 1091.52 | 4.38 |
come with me I've got something for you | 1093.74 | 5.78 |
I think you're gonna like really yeah | 1095.9 | 6.54 |
have you guys considered uh taking the | 1099.52 | 6.34 |
path of zath um I have it oh that made | 1102.44 | 6.0 |
see that makes it sound snazzy yeah it | 1105.86 | 4.319 |
does I like it did you come up with that | 1108.44 | 4.979 |
I did and I I ruled out take a bath with | 1110.179 | 5.761 |
Seth yeah I don't want that it's that | 1113.419 | 4.741 |
snow on marketing though yeah I mean I'm | 1115.94 | 3.66 |
sure that's how you get abstract but | 1118.16 | 3.74 |
it's also a damn spider no one wants | 1119.6 | 5.4 |
to take a bath all right I'm working on | 1121.9 | 5.139 |
that's gross all right door yeah you're | 1125.0 | 6.059 |
gonna love this oh | 1127.039 | 4.02 |
uh-huh she is a beaut | 1132.08 | 5.52 |
yeah usually I don't like the white ones | 1134.86 | 4.96 |
yeah we established that earlier yeah | 1137.6 | 4.62 |
really yeah he's a voice racist I'm very | 1139.82 | 4.979 |
much into the to the dark ones all right | 1142.22 | 5.699 |
well let's see gotta have a saddle yeah | 1144.799 | 4.62 |
no I'll get you a set I'll actually I'm | 1147.919 | 3.721 |
working on it right now okay well I'm | 1149.419 | 3.661 |
just thinking of a name but you know it | 1151.64 | 3.419 |
might take some time let's see yeah but | 1153.08 | 4.26 |
saddle is done I'm grabbing it I'll slap | 1155.059 | 4.141 |
it on the horse slap it and then we got | 1157.34 | 3.9 |
one more cooking for Anthony and I think | 1159.2 | 6.24 |
uh yeah we all have horses yeah and Bam | 1161.24 | 5.52 |
hey thank you so much yeah you're | 1165.44 | 2.88 |
welcome maybe consider joining My | 1166.76 | 4.68 |
Religion the religion of Queen Bean yeah | 1168.32 | 5.82 |
you look good on her or him not sure | 1171.44 | 5.64 |
yeah we don't know I saw no penis I | 1174.14 | 5.399 |
looked I believe you | 1177.08 | 5.04 |
we think hello neighbor pretty great huh | 1179.539 | 4.741 |
it feels a little claustrophobic okay | 1182.12 | 4.5 |
like I can't jump can't get out of here | 1184.28 | 5.04 |
I don't know oh hey look I can hang yeah | 1186.62 | 4.08 |
that's pretty cool that's pretty fun | 1189.32 | 2.88 |
actually all right I'm warming up to it | 1190.7 | 3.24 |
this is fun I heard the modem we're like | 1192.2 | 4.14 |
hey what's up do some Pull-Ups | 1193.94 | 3.54 |
yeah I don't know if there's room for a | 1196.34 | 4.32 |
pull-up no Jungle Gym monkey bars but I | 1197.48 | 4.62 |
like it I have my own space you have | 1200.66 | 3.72 |
yours yep and we can just hang out right | 1202.1 | 3.9 |
next to each other yeah we can go oh | 1204.38 | 3.06 |
look what's over there there's a deer | 1206.0 | 3.6 |
yeah and you'd be like hey Anthony come | 1207.44 | 3.84 |
hang out right but we're already hanging | 1209.6 | 3.12 |
out right but like what if I wanted to | 1211.28 | 2.58 |
hang out at your place you have me over | 1212.72 | 3.06 |
as a guest um I guess we go downstairs | 1213.86 | 3.96 |
in the common area like this is oh so | 1215.78 | 3.24 |
I'm not allowed in I guess there are | 1217.82 | 2.82 |
private spaces this is like a hotel | 1219.02 | 3.48 |
where they're join rooms but not really | 1220.64 | 3.659 |
because you really well at a hotel you | 1222.5 | 3.12 |
have balconies right next to each other | 1224.299 | 3.24 |
and it gets awkward does it I mean it | 1225.62 | 3.72 |
depends what are you doing in there at | 1227.539 | 3.0 |
the same time as the people right next | 1229.34 | 2.64 |
to you and what are you doing in there | 1230.539 | 3.361 |
and where why aren't you on your balcony | 1231.98 | 3.36 |
because you said come down to the common | 1233.9 | 3.54 |
area and hang out I said if I didn't | 1235.34 | 3.24 |
know we were doing it now I just said | 1237.44 | 3.0 |
that was hypothetical are we going down | 1238.58 | 4.56 |
there I'm there right now okay so if you | 1240.44 | 4.92 |
want to hang out you know you can say no | 1243.14 | 5.46 |
you can cancel I there we are hey how | 1245.36 | 4.8 |
did that door open I'll meet you in the | 1248.6 | 3.0 |
what do you mean why did this door open | 1250.16 | 3.54 |
the door I was standing here and I | 1251.6 | 3.72 |
expected you to walk out through this | 1253.7 | 4.02 |
door because it opened on its own | 1255.32 | 4.32 |
and then there you are no man this place | 1257.72 | 3.42 |
is already haunted we've had it for one | 1259.64 | 2.88 |
day all right look I don't have my | 1261.14 | 3.96 |
Katana anymore and I feel real weak so I | 1262.52 | 4.32 |
need metal okay let's just go down the | 1265.1 | 3.24 |
beach and see if there's something just | 1266.84 | 4.14 |
a little bit all right let's get metal | 1268.34 | 5.76 |
ah gentlemen ma'am hey what you got | 1270.98 | 5.64 |
there my horse yeah and a perfect name | 1274.1 | 5.04 |
perfect name all right I want she was | 1276.62 | 4.08 |
like her head was like through my wall | 1279.14 | 2.94 |
and it looked like it was a mounted head | 1280.7 | 2.7 |
on the inside and I looked up I was like | 1282.08 | 2.52 |
you little silly goose I'm gonna name | 1283.4 | 3.86 |
you cream pie | 1284.6 | 2.66 |
okay okay how does cream pie come from | 1287.78 | 5.3 |
yeah | 1290.9 | 2.18 |
what how do you not understand that uh | 1293.5 | 5.08 |
the the White Horse no I get cream pie | 1296.36 | 4.319 |
okay but I don't see how the name came | 1298.58 | 4.26 |
to you when I have no idea it was just | 1300.679 | 4.321 |
silly she's a silly goose oh silly goose | 1302.84 | 4.699 |
silly goose | 1305.0 | 4.559 |
and I thought that maybe the head | 1307.539 | 4.181 |
through the wall was resembling some | 1309.559 | 4.261 |
sort of cream pie that really just just | 1311.72 | 4.68 |
was the timing of it all right I don't | 1313.82 | 4.38 |
mind it hey Simon yeah I know you | 1316.4 | 4.38 |
already got a horse but I think you're | 1318.2 | 5.479 |
really gonna like this one uh | 1320.78 | 6.66 |
oh I do you say you like the black horse | 1323.679 | 5.261 |
well this is the black or you want to | 1327.44 | 3.3 |
ditch no name and get this one well I | 1328.94 | 3.84 |
mean yeah I'll take that one and I like | 1330.74 | 4.38 |
I like a black horse or brown but yes | 1332.78 | 4.92 |
Majestic all right there we go and Dora | 1335.12 | 4.74 |
yeah oh if I got something for you you | 1337.7 | 5.58 |
ready oh a new he out from hell oh this | 1339.86 | 5.52 |
is the he out from hell | 1343.28 | 5.1 |
yeah | 1345.38 | 3.0 |
oh boy what are you doing down there I | 1360.039 | 6.041 |
am looking closely yeah that's yeah yeah | 1362.72 | 5.339 |
yeah yeah I'm gonna call you cotton | 1366.08 | 4.92 |
candy oh that's a good name cotton candy | 1368.059 | 6.421 |
yeah candy cream pie welcome to the team | 1371.0 | 7.02 |
cotton candy and cream pie we got us a | 1374.48 | 6.38 |
family going here boys | 1378.02 | 2.84 |
there you go see cotton candy | 1383.799 | 5.441 |
although yeah they're gonna have fun | 1387.38 | 3.72 |
together yeah I'm gonna see cotton candy | 1389.24 | 4.5 |
in my nightmares | 1391.1 | 4.64 |
this is awful | 1393.74 | 3.85 |
love it | 1395.74 | 23.529 |
[Music] | 1397.59 | 21.679 |
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