WE TAMED A DOG - 7 Days to Die Fallout
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: You know, the real reason I love this video is that Appsro's search for a bellows is just as dramatic as a quest for the Holy Grail! I mean, who knew finding a bellows could be so intense?
simon: Right? It's like, 'Will Appsro find the bellows in time, or will he be doomed to a life of crafting disappointment?' I was on the edge of my seat, popcorn in hand!
appsro: Hey, don't forget the part where I tamed a dog! I mean, who wouldn't want to see me, a master of the bellows, also becoming a dog whisperer? That's like two epic quests in one video!
neebs: Exactly! It’s like 'We Tamed a Dog' meets 'Where in the World is Appsro's Bellows?' I feel like we should put that on a shirt—'Taming Dogs and Searching for Bellows!'
simon: I can see it now! And we could add a little dog on the shirt holding a bellows in its mouth. Perfect merch idea, right there!
appsro: Only if the dog looks as confused as I was during the entire search! I mean, how many times can one guy get sidetracked in a post-apocalyptic world?
Hey there, fellow Neebs fans! 🎉 Today’s episode of “7 Days” is a wild ride, and I can’t wait to dive into it with you! If you’re like me, you know that Appsro is always getting himself into some hilarious predicaments, and this episode is no exception.
So, what’s the big deal today? Well, it turns out that Appsro is on a desperate quest to find a bellows. Yes, you heard that right—a bellows! I mean, who knew that this seemingly simple item could lead to such chaos? Watching him navigate through the challenges of the game while searching for this elusive tool is just classic Appsro. The way he reacts to every little obstacle and mishap is absolutely priceless.
And if you’re enjoying the banter and the antics, make sure you’re subscribed to the channel! Trust me, you don’t want to miss any of the action. Plus, if you’re looking to support the crew, check out their Patreon. It’s a great way to get exclusive perks and feel even more connected to this awesome community.
Oh, and speaking of community, have you checked out their new channel, Neebs Magic Dumpster? It’s a fun spin-off that’s sure to bring even more laughs to your day! And if you’re in the mood for some cool merch, be sure to browse their shop. Who wouldn’t want to rep their favorite gaming crew?
Let’s not forget about the tech behind all the fun—Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs, and if you’re a gamer like me, you know how important it is to have reliable gear. Also, a shoutout to Nitrado for keeping those game servers running smoothly!
And hey, if you need a little pick-me-up while you’re binge-watching, check out Player One Coffee. Use code NEEBS10 for a sweet discount. Trust me, it’s the perfect fuel for those marathon gaming sessions!
So grab your snacks, settle in, and let’s enjoy the latest antics of Appsro as he searches for that bellows.

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, I just love watching the 7 Days to Die series on Neebs Gaming. The gameplay is always hilarious, with the guys getting themselves into the most ridiculous and dangerous situations. Like in this latest episode, Appsro is desperately searching for a bellows to make a forge, but the dude just can't catch a break.
The best part is the way Neebs and the crew roleplay and add their own storyline to the game. It makes it so much more immersive and entertaining than just straight gameplay commentary. They come up with these unique personalities for their characters, and you never know what crazy antics they'll get up to next. It's like watching an improvised survival comedy sketch show.
And the cinematic editing takes it to another level. The way they splice in close-ups and reaction shots makes you feel like you're right there surviving the zombie apocalypse with them. The editing crew does an amazing job piecing together all the footage into an episodic narrative. It's the next best thing to actually playing 7 Days yourself.
The Neebs crew just has awesome chemistry together. You can tell they're real life friends, which makes their banter and bickering even funnier. They play off each other so well. I'm always laughing out loud at their absurd conversations and battles with glitchy game physics.
So if you're looking for a wildly entertaining gaming channel that feels more like a TV show, Neebs Gaming is a must-watch. Their 7 Days to Die series is the perfect mix of survival gameplay, goofy improv comedy, and compelling storytelling. It's the most fun and unique way I've seen a game presented on YouTube. I really can't recommend Neebs highly enough!

Caption | Start | Duration |
I got this treasure map dris okay I like | 3.8 | 5.719 |
treasure maps it's uh some stranger his | 6.399 | 6.001 |
son Joey's been kidnapped by crazy Jake | 9.519 | 5.04 |
oh no in your hands is a map to one of | 12.4 | 4.6 |
my secret Supply uh I don't like that | 14.559 | 6.441 |
word Cas Cash Cash we we already have a | 17.0 | 6.279 |
spelling for cash it doesn't listen it's | 21.0 | 4.56 |
it's a different word that let's move on | 23.279 | 3.84 |
promise me if you find it you will help | 25.56 | 4.52 |
my son I'm counting on you Raphael he's | 27.119 | 4.441 |
not a stranger anymore we're friends | 30.08 | 3.76 |
okay I'm going to accept it yeah take | 31.56 | 4.44 |
take someone else's bike I got mine and | 33.84 | 3.8 |
we'll get there quicker abro you using | 36.0 | 2.52 |
your | 37.64 | 4.56 |
bike mean your bike it's a bike what | 38.52 | 6.039 |
could happen I don't know that's what | 42.2 | 4.96 |
worries me here I'll unlock it just for | 44.559 | 4.52 |
you please don't lose this hold on let | 47.16 | 3.52 |
me check it storage real quick yeah I | 49.079 | 3.64 |
got some stuff in here all right yeah | 50.68 | 4.8 |
take the bike don't you if you if you | 52.719 | 5.721 |
ooh ever since he got that helmet nabes | 55.48 | 5.039 |
ever since just this God comp | 58.44 | 4.52 |
you lose my bike it's over it's over for | 60.519 | 5.0 |
you it's for the kids man better be it's | 62.96 | 4.36 |
for Joey all right Simon you want to see | 65.519 | 4.081 |
something yeah come here check this out | 67.32 | 5.159 |
cleared out this room over here and I | 69.6 | 5.72 |
think we got one of these now oh it's a | 72.479 | 5.68 |
for it's a forge looking Forge yeah I'm | 75.32 | 6.4 |
going to start working on some all right | 78.159 | 5.361 |
yeah I need to make some forged iron I | 81.72 | 3.359 |
make a little bit more forged iron and | 83.52 | 3.639 |
we can make a workbench it's going to be | 85.079 | 5.201 |
a productive day today baby yes and I am | 87.159 | 5.041 |
going to do Trader misses because I just | 90.28 | 4.199 |
want to uh you know get stronger and | 92.2 | 3.32 |
better man you know what we need to hit | 94.479 | 3.0 |
the trader we need a Bellows I can't | 95.52 | 3.8 |
make the forge steel unless I have | 97.479 | 5.92 |
aellos so we need to buy aellos yes we | 99.32 | 5.799 |
need to see if there's aellos available | 103.399 | 3.911 |
for | 105.119 | 6.111 |
[Music] | 107.31 | 3.92 |
purchase I want this like a digging | 111.479 | 4.121 |
Mission yeah I think it's a treasure | 113.68 | 3.719 |
chest hey what's going on with the front | 115.6 | 3.479 |
of your bike here you got like a it's | 117.399 | 4.0 |
not mine yeah but there's like a | 119.079 | 5.96 |
floating bottle of water oh yeah I'm I | 121.399 | 6.121 |
was drinking earlier oh but you just all | 125.039 | 5.161 |
right never mind yeah oh boy that's a is | 127.52 | 5.2 |
that guy oh is he let's just go around | 130.2 | 4.92 |
him yeah we're going around is he can't | 132.72 | 4.799 |
tell he's angry yeah he's going out okay | 135.12 | 4.8 |
he's good | 137.519 | 2.401 |
[Music] | 140.59 | 4.05 |
dude there's no | 142.36 | 4.36 |
Escape oh we got | 144.64 | 5.76 |
a Kill made me hit my all right we got | 146.72 | 6.4 |
some meat tonight I hate it you're cute | 150.4 | 4.64 |
you're cute what the snake I just killed | 153.12 | 4.96 |
a snake not the snake but the coyote do | 155.04 | 5.4 |
you have any kind of uh what do you call | 158.08 | 4.0 |
them perks that make your digging go | 160.44 | 4.84 |
faster no I don't oh boy it's going to | 162.08 | 5.799 |
take forever God I hope this Joey kid's | 165.28 | 4.679 |
not a jerk Joey's probably a jerk cuz | 167.879 | 5.041 |
it's a kid right I just kind of default | 169.959 | 4.92 |
to that doesn't mean he is some some | 172.92 | 6.28 |
kids are good kids barely | 174.879 | 4.321 |
all right you I need a | 181.08 | 8.879 |
Bellows may I see your inventory please | 185.599 | 8.521 |
you have no Bellows you do not no okay | 189.959 | 6.681 |
so no Bellows means that I get to do a | 194.12 | 6.56 |
job do you have any jobs next next do | 196.64 | 6.92 |
you have any jobs what's going on do you | 200.68 | 5.76 |
have any do you have any special jobs oh | 203.56 | 5.8 |
I got to do the opening trade route okay | 206.44 | 4.439 |
I could do | 209.36 | 7.959 |
that I can do that hey what I hear a | 210.879 | 6.44 |
panting you're really loud what Happ I | 218.2 | 6.52 |
had to run okay all right um no Bellows | 221.08 | 5.4 |
no Bellows but I am going to buy some | 224.72 | 4.239 |
shorts some shorts don't waste our money | 226.48 | 4.28 |
if you what what if you get somewhere | 228.959 | 4.401 |
and the Bellows cost you know what you | 230.76 | 4.119 |
don't want to waste the money it's heat | 233.36 | 4.079 |
resist I need heat resist that's what | 234.879 | 4.44 |
you told me I'm trying to be better you | 237.439 | 4.36 |
got a D on I have a duster on but I | 239.319 | 4.041 |
it'll still make it better if I have | 241.799 | 3.52 |
shorts well where the hell are you I'm | 243.36 | 2.92 |
right behind you been right behind you | 245.319 | 2.0 |
the whole damn time I know this whole | 246.28 | 3.28 |
time I was doing this | 247.319 | 6.361 |
my there you are so um yeah listen it's | 249.56 | 6.239 |
my cash buddy I do what I want cash but | 253.68 | 3.44 |
man we're we're stuck until I get a | 255.799 | 3.601 |
Bellows uh don't worry I going to I'm | 257.12 | 4.0 |
going to go to the other trade guy and | 259.4 | 3.079 |
he's probably going to have it and then | 261.12 | 3.16 |
in the meantime I also want oh well I | 262.479 | 3.401 |
got and then I'm going to do a job and | 264.28 | 3.72 |
then I'll come back okay but yeah | 265.88 | 3.319 |
hopefully the other Trader has the | 268.0 | 2.68 |
Bellow if not I'm going to go see if I | 269.199 | 3.601 |
can wrench I can get Ford steel from | 270.68 | 4.079 |
like um vending machines and [ __ ] so I'm | 272.8 | 3.32 |
going to go go around and rench some | 274.759 | 3.761 |
vending machines I might be able to get | 276.12 | 4.48 |
the Ford steel but U it's a long shot do | 278.52 | 3.92 |
that listen you're going to do it I I | 280.6 | 3.48 |
believe in you and I'm just going to do | 282.44 | 4.08 |
what I do which is try to advance in a | 284.08 | 4.88 |
very selfish way okay you do that and | 286.52 | 5.92 |
I'll catch up with your data buddy all | 288.96 | 3.48 |
right uh nabes yeah giant scorpion don't | 294.36 | 6.0 |
need to quit digging no I got got I got | 297.919 | 5.761 |
you covered oh hey buddy got me covered | 300.36 | 5.0 |
yeah I got you covered I'll let you know | 303.68 | 3.04 |
if it gets closer bow and arrow you're | 305.36 | 2.76 |
going to protect me from a scorpion I'll | 306.72 | 3.6 |
let you know if it gets closer okay in | 308.12 | 3.44 |
that sense how are you even still | 310.32 | 4.84 |
walking dude I'm heat stroking down here | 311.56 | 6.24 |
are you yep out of stamina all right I | 315.16 | 5.879 |
lost visual okay I don't like | 317.8 | 6.16 |
that I'm going to try to gain | 321.039 | 5.681 |
visual I cannot dig more than a few | 323.96 | 5.12 |
seconds before I just only see where it | 326.72 | 5.0 |
is so it's like I want to help more | 329.08 | 5.559 |
where did this go where did it go oh boy | 331.72 | 5.52 |
take all day I just keep heat stroking | 334.639 | 4.12 |
that sucks you need to where this you | 337.24 | 3.239 |
need a poncho yeah why don't you dig and | 338.759 | 3.201 |
I go sit in the room for I cuz I don't | 340.479 | 4.241 |
know where it is the room or the Dig I | 341.96 | 5.32 |
don't know which way to dig dig down | 344.72 | 3.96 |
well not just keep going down you know | 347.28 | 4.199 |
how this okay okay look I'll I'll make a | 348.68 | 4.359 |
little thing you can't see the circle is | 351.479 | 4.481 |
that right right all right uh the yellow | 353.039 | 5.88 |
bike is one side uh-huh blue bike's the | 355.96 | 4.679 |
other | 358.919 | 4.28 |
okay um digging between the bikes I | 360.639 | 4.801 |
don't know where that thing went dude | 363.199 | 4.641 |
okay that's good well yeah I guess so | 365.44 | 4.72 |
I'm going to go rest up dig between the | 367.84 | 4.72 |
bikes dig between the bikes what did you | 370.16 | 4.479 |
get a perk that made the circle bigger | 372.56 | 4.639 |
um I don't know what you're used to not | 374.639 | 4.84 |
this I'm from we big we we dig big | 377.199 | 5.601 |
circles this is a football field man oh | 379.479 | 6.801 |
God yeah it's back it's back what do you | 382.8 | 5.119 |
what's the plan let shoot it help me | 386.28 | 4.199 |
shoot it okay | 387.919 | 5.241 |
I don't okay let me get uh all right | 390.479 | 3.921 |
it's not going to help with your heat is | 393.16 | 4.0 |
it and now I barely can use some help | 394.4 | 6.72 |
I'm shooting are you yeah okay I don't | 397.16 | 5.84 |
want to use all my bullets on this guy | 401.12 | 3.519 |
no you don't get in the vehicle get in | 403.0 | 5.44 |
the vehicle the okay I'm running ouch | 404.639 | 6.161 |
okay I'm inside all right it's coming at | 408.44 | 4.599 |
me now oh yeah it's coming at me all | 410.8 | 4.839 |
right I'm going to come inside too good | 413.039 | 5.6 |
God 30 Health W okay he's not going to | 415.639 | 4.801 |
give up on us I don't think oh God he's | 418.639 | 5.521 |
like right here okay hey buddy can I do | 420.44 | 5.72 |
we can do this all day can | 424.16 | 5.039 |
we man I got poison B of | 426.16 | 5.96 |
Scorpion that's hilarious did we kill it | 429.199 | 7.44 |
yes you're welcome well I | 432.12 | 4.519 |
helped hey all right wrecked | 438.8 | 7.48 |
feeds I wonder if you have a | 442.8 | 7.44 |
Bellows the Bellows would be a tool yeah | 446.28 | 7.319 |
no guess what buddy I'm here to do some | 450.24 | 4.72 |
missions anyway because that's what I | 453.599 | 3.44 |
wanted to do anyway so I I'll check | 454.96 | 5.44 |
again after I get a job from you just | 457.039 | 6.371 |
get the [ __ ] out of | 460.4 | 6.0 |
[Music] | 463.41 | 5.43 |
here guess there's a chance this garage | 466.4 | 4.84 |
would have a Bellows but it'd be pretty | 468.84 | 4.639 |
damn small right it's untouched though | 471.24 | 4.48 |
so no one's been here anything in the | 473.479 | 5.641 |
car corn seeds who puts corn seeds in a | 475.72 | 4.319 |
freak | 479.12 | 3.72 |
car ooh water yeah we're going to need | 480.039 | 6.16 |
water all right I see the loot right up | 482.84 | 8.039 |
there oh oh yep okay come on now knock | 486.199 | 6.201 |
the damn arm off what you got anything | 490.879 | 3.961 |
good a Bellows no Bellows all right Mr | 492.4 | 4.079 |
mechanical | 494.84 | 4.12 |
worker quit being | 496.479 | 5.481 |
stupid | 498.96 | 5.359 |
okay yeah just going to be a Bellows up | 501.96 | 3.919 |
here I'm going to open this box and it | 504.319 | 5.84 |
be like b b working stiff tools | 505.879 | 5.681 |
oh come | 510.159 | 4.041 |
on nothing attacking this seems too easy | 511.56 | 5.52 |
I don't like it come on come on come on | 514.2 | 4.16 |
something good I need something good I | 517.08 | 3.72 |
need something good right now hey Forge | 518.36 | 4.559 |
steel is good another Forge head okay | 520.8 | 3.68 |
some good stuff but no Bellows and I | 522.919 | 2.6 |
guarantee there's not one in this | 524.48 | 2.42 |
utility | 525.519 | 3.361 |
[Music] | 526.9 | 5.499 |
cart I can get forged iron out | 528.88 | 6.44 |
of vending machines and gas stations but | 532.399 | 5.201 |
I've done them all around | 535.32 | 6.12 |
here this sucks | 537.6 | 3.84 |
what the hell do we have up here this is | 543.2 | 5.92 |
how the hell what are these [ __ ] I'm too | 546.0 | 4.839 |
close to them but I have to go close to | 549.12 | 3.959 |
them to look I don't want to get off my | 550.839 | 3.641 |
bike cuz I'm a | 553.079 | 3.76 |
[ __ ] damn | 554.48 | 4.76 |
it I don't like the fact that this place | 556.839 | 4.881 |
is in the middle of nowhere all right | 559.24 | 3.36 |
where are | 561.72 | 3.08 |
you you're over | 562.6 | 4.359 |
there very | 564.8 | 4.88 |
interesting do I start this this wasn't | 566.959 | 4.601 |
a good day to wear shorts I will tell | 569.68 | 5.92 |
you that ABS sure was right all right | 571.56 | 7.279 |
buddy here let me let me just Sledge you | 575.6 | 7.32 |
in the face if you don't mind | 578.839 | 6.801 |
yep all right I don't think this is a | 582.92 | 5.359 |
smart idea but | 585.64 | 6.12 |
listen I don't do smart things often | 588.279 | 4.881 |
I'll get a book in the car if there's a | 591.76 | 4.92 |
book in here it's good luck bad | 593.16 | 3.52 |
luck all right clear zombies | 596.72 | 4.4 |
we're | 600.24 | 3.36 |
starting all right what do we got you | 601.12 | 5.52 |
should be all | 603.6 | 6.359 |
hello hello | 606.64 | 3.319 |
everyone man I'm letting myself get hit | 613.079 | 5.281 |
very easily right now not good let's do | 616.04 | 4.52 |
this | 618.36 | 2.2 |
already all right you're all out here | 622.16 | 4.96 |
aren't | 625.48 | 5.16 |
you or you're right oh oh radiation | 627.12 | 5.279 |
radiation's not | 630.64 | 5.6 |
good oh boy wait why am I being rad I | 632.399 | 4.801 |
was here | 636.24 | 6.92 |
before [ __ ] oh no no where's my bike get | 637.2 | 9.68 |
on my bike get to get out down you're J | 643.16 | 6.679 |
don't knock me off my bike | 646.88 | 7.44 |
Jesus oh yeah that's right there were a | 649.839 | 6.401 |
whole bunch of threats that I completely | 654.32 | 3.0 |
forgot | 656.24 | 5.0 |
about son of a [ __ ] | 657.32 | 3.92 |
bastard I can't kill this guy right can | 661.839 | 7.68 |
I kill him can I do this somehow cuz I | 665.24 | 5.76 |
feel like my weapon should be good | 669.519 | 6.0 |
enough to do it yeah come on Boom nope | 671.0 | 9.56 |
nope hey nope no no no no no no not good | 675.519 | 7.44 |
no get away that was just dumb to try | 680.56 | 6.8 |
wasn't it or was it maybe it wasn't [ __ ] | 682.959 | 7.081 |
all right just leave this is not good | 687.36 | 5.4 |
sorry sir I'm | 690.04 | 2.72 |
leaving you think Raphael is like gone | 697.839 | 5.601 |
or I don't know this I don't know the | 700.8 | 6.52 |
story oh there oh oh god oh W whoa whoa | 703.44 | 6.12 |
okay there it is you found it that's why | 707.32 | 3.519 |
you dig the top I don't think you need | 709.56 | 4.399 |
to dig that up okay okay and then oh | 710.839 | 5.041 |
yeah lock it do I chop it or do you lock | 713.959 | 6.281 |
pick it is it locked uh yeah [ __ ] oh no | 715.88 | 7.16 |
what I've got three lock picks try it if | 720.24 | 6.52 |
not we chop it right oh God I hate this | 723.04 | 6.68 |
game I hate it I hate it okay well you | 726.76 | 5.72 |
better get good at it cuz you have a | 729.72 | 6.6 |
problem are you doing it yeah you got to | 732.48 | 5.2 |
move it till it wiggles out here I've | 736.32 | 4.16 |
never done it are you on your third lock | 737.68 | 6.32 |
pick already no no | 740.48 | 5.96 |
sh | 744.0 | 5.6 |
oh ha you get it yeah I don't I don't | 746.44 | 6.28 |
know how you go ahead names beautiful | 749.6 | 5.0 |
okay let's see here it's the dumbest | 752.72 | 5.799 |
[ __ ] woo my goodness some bullets oo do | 754.6 | 5.56 |
you use any of this uh let me see I | 758.519 | 2.641 |
can't see you want to come out real | 760.16 | 3.119 |
quick I'll just grab can't see yeah um I | 761.16 | 3.72 |
don't think I have a gun for any of this | 763.279 | 3.12 |
so uh all right I | 764.88 | 6.68 |
have there you go um ooh no I don't oh | 766.399 | 6.56 |
except for those micr Fusion cells I | 771.56 | 3.36 |
left the laser gun back there though but | 772.959 | 3.24 |
um why don't you take the rest of that | 774.92 | 4.76 |
stuff okay we'll do hey bullets for guns | 776.199 | 7.281 |
we don't have awesome right so now what | 779.68 | 6.32 |
I don't know how does this save the kid | 783.48 | 4.159 |
it I don't know do we bring it back | 786.0 | 3.48 |
anywhere no it's not saying return | 787.639 | 4.0 |
anywhere yeah that makes zero sense we | 789.48 | 5.12 |
just I don't know Raphael's treasure map | 791.639 | 5.401 |
it says completed | 794.6 | 4.599 |
great how does that do anything for this | 797.04 | 5.08 |
kid it does nothing | 799.199 | 2.921 |
nebs finding Pummel Pete level three AO | 803.6 | 5.56 |
well there's more Pummel Pete level four | 806.72 | 3.88 |
it's time to go clubbing with your | 809.16 | 3.4 |
favorite clubber bat and smash those | 810.6 | 3.479 |
zombies right in the kisser but don't | 812.56 | 4.56 |
forget kids watch that stamina order | 814.079 | 5.2 |
today and get a free Pummel Pete level | 817.12 | 4.44 |
four t-shirt I know what you're thinking | 819.279 | 5.481 |
that can't be real it's very very real | 821.56 | 4.76 |
just follow that link below and get your | 824.76 | 4.68 |
Pummel Peete level four t-shirt | 826.32 | 6.199 |
today oh vending machines yes please | 829.44 | 6.24 |
don't be broken yes okay I think I can | 832.519 | 6.56 |
get forged iron out of you that's not | 835.68 | 6.399 |
forged iron oh this there it is yeah | 839.079 | 5.12 |
forged iron and forg steel that's great | 842.079 | 4.281 |
all right so I'm getting a little bit I | 844.199 | 3.241 |
don't know if I'm going to get enough | 846.36 | 3.64 |
though that' be great if I could get | 847.44 | 4.839 |
enough oh I had a stamina do I have any | 850.0 | 5.72 |
coffee to drink uh God I'm a actually o | 852.279 | 5.281 |
yeah 15% stamina region I'm going to | 855.72 | 4.4 |
drink this you can juice see a zombie | 857.56 | 5.68 |
out there leave me alone all right come | 860.12 | 5.959 |
on baby just give me that sweet sweet | 863.24 | 7.719 |
forged come on baby oh give it to me | 866.079 | 9.601 |
baby o baby baby baby baby yeah okay oh | 870.959 | 7.24 |
more for how much Forge D in my rocket | 875.68 | 4.24 |
right now God I only got three ended up | 878.199 | 3.401 |
getting more Forge steel oh that one's | 879.92 | 3.88 |
on that one's on that was on [ __ ] [ __ ] | 881.6 | 3.96 |
okay all right all right that vending | 883.8 | 5.73 |
machine that one works idiot [ __ ] | 885.56 | 6.719 |
[Music] | 889.53 | 5.91 |
idiot uhhuh all these boxes like this | 892.279 | 4.041 |
one's | 895.44 | 3.079 |
untouched that just had some all these | 896.32 | 3.319 |
boxes on the the outskirts of the | 898.519 | 2.68 |
Traders so you can break into I I just | 899.639 | 3.241 |
broke into a bunch out back are you | 901.199 | 4.44 |
getting good stuff I mean I got some um | 902.88 | 4.759 |
like this is uh two Forge a head books | 905.639 | 6.88 |
I've got four more already and 385 wood | 907.639 | 6.681 |
oh that mean the books are good huh yeah | 912.519 | 3.401 |
no I I think I got them all back there | 914.32 | 4.079 |
but I've got six forg of head books to | 915.92 | 4.76 |
give appsro oh that's great and I might | 918.399 | 4.601 |
have messed up I sold that one weapon I | 920.68 | 6.2 |
I loved and got this do you wait do you | 923.0 | 5.759 |
love that one I don't love it it's it's | 926.88 | 4.56 |
super super slow but it's like got great | 928.759 | 5.361 |
damage okay so it's like a sledgehammer | 931.44 | 4.959 |
we should go get into a fight see how it | 934.12 | 4.48 |
does let's go back home first Let me | 936.399 | 4.081 |
Give the apps for these books before I I | 938.6 | 4.0 |
die and um and then I'm going to go do a | 940.48 | 4.12 |
job just cuz to switch it up man I I | 942.6 | 4.4 |
can't after that dig Mission I'm just | 944.6 | 4.239 |
got a bad taste in my mouth maybe it's | 947.0 | 5.44 |
sand I didn't enjoy it either no not fun | 948.839 | 5.081 |
got a new shovel in one of those boxes | 952.44 | 7.24 |
though Silver Lining yeah | 953.92 | 5.76 |
why am I getting radiated right now why | 960.399 | 6.36 |
am I getting radiated again Simon hello | 963.04 | 6.44 |
hi you okay no I'm not okay you don't | 966.759 | 5.121 |
know how many bandages I've been wasting | 969.48 | 3.96 |
because every once in a while I just get | 971.88 | 3.6 |
radiated and I have a feeling that has | 973.44 | 4.839 |
something to do with somebody that is | 975.48 | 5.96 |
here to be filming us either that or you | 978.279 | 5.281 |
have radiation sickness oh I do oh | 981.44 | 5.6 |
that's it that's it it's probably that | 983.56 | 5.079 |
does that there's some radby gone in the | 987.04 | 4.039 |
medic box up here take one of those oh | 988.639 | 4.801 |
good okay good I I knew I was sick but I | 991.079 | 4.32 |
didn't know the reaction that's | 993.44 | 5.199 |
interesting it just gives you like that | 995.399 | 4.481 |
yeah every now and then you'll just get | 998.639 | 3.241 |
this little like I'm Radia all right you | 999.88 | 4.04 |
said medical yeah the metal box yeah | 1001.88 | 3.36 |
there's a little thing in there it's | 1003.92 | 3.56 |
called rad begone rad now and is it too | 1005.24 | 4.48 |
late with the percentage I don't know | 1007.48 | 3.479 |
what's your radiation percentage right | 1009.72 | 4.559 |
now it's bad it's uh 20 no no I'm sorry | 1010.959 | 6.161 |
12.7 about as bad as that outfit yeah | 1014.279 | 4.92 |
this outfit's hot you love it it's | 1017.12 | 4.24 |
something okay but those ra rabig gon | 1019.199 | 5.041 |
should reduce your radiation by 25% oh | 1021.36 | 5.24 |
perfect thank you very much yeah you're | 1024.24 | 6.12 |
welcome and uh I learn because the books | 1026.6 | 5.68 |
that Dora brought me I am I learned how | 1030.36 | 3.719 |
to make an anvil so I'm making that | 1032.28 | 4.08 |
right now right and no Bellows I told | 1034.079 | 4.281 |
you that probably right or maybe not but | 1036.36 | 3.839 |
when I look at forged iron here's the | 1038.36 | 4.959 |
good news it only says Anvil required so | 1040.199 | 4.521 |
give me a few minutes and we'll have us | 1043.319 | 4.36 |
a workbench baby oh so no Bellows needed | 1044.72 | 4.68 |
no we we need a Bellow for the Ford | 1047.679 | 3.521 |
steel so we got to get the fire hotter | 1049.4 | 4.08 |
we | 1051.2 | 2.28 |
good all right let's see we seem to have | 1055.2 | 7.32 |
horde nights like every night | 1058.88 | 6.159 |
so I think we clear this out we make | 1062.52 | 5.64 |
this hole bigger up there so we can | 1065.039 | 6.841 |
throw more Molotov down and maybe just | 1068.16 | 6.0 |
make the whole floor wood so the whole | 1071.88 | 4.0 |
place is just on fire inside there's | 1074.16 | 4.68 |
nowhere to hide okay we'll be ready | 1075.88 | 3.96 |
ready for the next | 1078.84 | 4.52 |
[Music] | 1079.84 | 8.36 |
one uh abro so I've got uh 11 of these | 1083.36 | 6.799 |
Sunset SAS Barillas I'm thirsty and | 1088.2 | 3.479 |
there's a one in4 chance that we'll get | 1090.159 | 3.88 |
the cap that we need when I drink so | 1091.679 | 4.561 |
wish me luck really just one in four God | 1094.039 | 5.361 |
that sucks I know it does all right boom | 1096.24 | 4.88 |
all right check in the inventory or | 1099.4 | 3.96 |
shouldn't it show up I mean it usually | 1101.12 | 4.88 |
does yeah nothing you want to drink you | 1103.36 | 4.559 |
want to try I mean I can drink yeah go | 1106.0 | 4.6 |
for it uh there there's one for you o | 1107.919 | 4.88 |
thank you all right come | 1110.6 | 5.88 |
on shake it shake it yeah anything | 1112.799 | 5.561 |
nothing are you giving out drinks yeah | 1116.48 | 3.36 |
Sunset SI pearls we're looking for the | 1118.36 | 4.439 |
Caps I'm crazy thirsty oh then there we | 1119.84 | 5.76 |
go your lucky day buddy it's really dumb | 1122.799 | 3.961 |
that you don't get caps when there's | 1125.6 | 3.52 |
clearly a bottle cap on that you you | 1126.76 | 5.159 |
what here's two and now if we don't get | 1129.12 | 5.0 |
one cap out of this this is four total | 1131.919 | 3.841 |
and the one out of four thing is not | 1134.12 | 5.0 |
working in our favor today no any caps h | 1135.76 | 5.2 |
I don't think drink B doing the other | 1139.12 | 3.2 |
one come on but I'm like my half my | 1140.96 | 4.92 |
drink's halfway up now yeah um caps cap | 1142.32 | 6.76 |
it no c a cop I don't see one cap good | 1145.88 | 6.2 |
morning and not one cap nope not they | 1149.08 | 4.2 |
said what | 1152.08 | 4.28 |
25% 25% chance getting a damn cap maybe | 1153.28 | 5.399 |
was 20% maybe he was 20% God it's even | 1156.36 | 4.799 |
worse we drank four not one cap how many | 1158.679 | 5.24 |
more you got Simon um I'm doing this one | 1161.159 | 4.801 |
boom even though I don't really need it | 1163.919 | 4.041 |
I just wasted that one no cap I'm pretty | 1165.96 | 6.76 |
sure man I hate this yeah [ __ ] well | 1167.96 | 7.079 |
I do appreciate the the quench yeah | 1172.72 | 3.76 |
should be 100% look at this thing are | 1175.039 | 5.321 |
you still thirsty me yeah um slightly | 1176.48 | 7.12 |
like maybe 20% left yep come on now oh | 1180.36 | 5.12 |
we're still doing it one one more one | 1183.6 | 3.36 |
more come on this is going to be the one | 1185.48 | 2.36 |
this is going to be the one it's going | 1186.96 | 3.959 |
to have the Caps come on it we go give | 1187.84 | 5.64 |
us | 1190.919 | 6.64 |
roll um I don't think so son of a [ __ ] | 1193.48 | 6.24 |
really one and four that's [ __ ] wow | 1197.559 | 3.721 |
maybe it's one and five but that was six | 1199.72 | 3.36 |
right it's probably a hord night math | 1201.28 | 3.44 |
yeah The House Always | 1203.08 | 3.98 |
Wins I hate | 1204.72 | 7.28 |
[Music] | 1207.06 | 4.94 |
math oh oh it's the hey oh hey I got | 1217.76 | 8.48 |
meat I got meat this | 1224.24 | 5.36 |
time wait can you that Budd | 1226.24 | 4.64 |
hey | 1229.6 | 3.6 |
fluffy you look lost want to come with | 1230.88 | 4.36 |
me I have | 1233.2 | 4.52 |
snacks only for 20 I had | 1235.24 | 6.48 |
31 fluffy okay fluffy you have a dog now | 1237.72 | 6.64 |
you have a dog fluffy we have a dog we | 1241.72 | 4.959 |
have a dog fluffy I'm not taking care of | 1244.36 | 4.16 |
that damn thing I'm what you what I'm | 1246.679 | 4.441 |
not taking care I don't like dogs why | 1248.52 | 5.88 |
cuz they [ __ ] they pee they whine you do | 1251.12 | 7.559 |
too yeah but I can control it can you | 1254.4 | 8.519 |
probably not fluffy don't listen to that | 1258.679 | 7.24 |
[ __ ] fluffies are good good good pups no | 1262.919 | 4.721 |
I know plenty of whoo fluffy disappeared | 1265.919 | 3.88 |
when you got on the bike where's Fluffy | 1267.64 | 4.32 |
when I'm on a bike fluffy on bik fluffy | 1269.799 | 3.561 |
just pops outside of your [ __ ] when | 1271.96 | 4.16 |
you hop off a bike oh you good fluffy | 1273.36 | 4.48 |
pick me up what's in your pack stay | 1276.12 | 3.159 |
right there stay over there go play | 1277.84 | 4.16 |
around here loot around here and abandon | 1279.279 | 4.041 |
did you say could | 1282.0 | 5.12 |
loot loot around here go looting fluffy | 1283.32 | 7.4 |
looting around here okay like that | 1287.12 | 6.439 |
dog your boy the trash wow it's just | 1290.72 | 5.16 |
like poppy who's your good | 1293.559 | 5.641 |
boy and US yes and us too yeah I'm not | 1295.88 | 6.24 |
I'm not opposed to | 1299.2 | 2.92 |
that oh man here comes the heat stroke | 1302.6 | 6.92 |
again okay what if I build like a little | 1306.12 | 6.28 |
uh I guess a little covered area | 1309.52 | 6.519 |
something like this will this work I see | 1312.4 | 5.159 |
people do this working all the time they | 1316.039 | 3.561 |
got like a little tent they work under | 1317.559 | 3.841 |
working on the telephone lines or | 1319.6 | 5.64 |
something here we go boop boop come on | 1321.4 | 5.72 |
baby be | 1325.24 | 4.0 |
shelter all right you think the shade | 1327.12 | 2.96 |
would | 1329.24 | 3.4 |
help if anybody wants to help me chop | 1330.08 | 6.24 |
this roof for what for the horse B so we | 1332.64 | 5.84 |
can shoot down at the zombies in a | 1336.32 | 4.04 |
bigger hole oh go you I'm working on | 1338.48 | 6.079 |
something actually oh yeah it is done | 1340.36 | 9.319 |
y'all we got us a Workman | 1344.559 | 8.201 |
and a dog in the house oh what I love | 1349.679 | 5.48 |
both those things I like one of them | 1352.76 | 4.6 |
yeah let's see oh my goodness what is | 1355.159 | 3.801 |
all this stuff all right we're in | 1357.36 | 4.76 |
workbench land baby now we make progress | 1358.96 | 5.18 |
sweet hell yeah | 1362.12 | 24.21 |
[Music] | 1364.14 | 22.19 |
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