We Didn't Realize Until It Was Too Late... - 7 Days to Die Fallout
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: You know why this video is my favorite? Because who doesn't love the smell of old books mixed with imminent danger? It's like a library that doubles as a haunted house!
simon: Right? And who thought a bookstore could be sketchy? I mean, I was just trying to find a cookbook—next thing I know, I'm dodging zombies like I'm in a twisted version of 'Dancing with the Stars'!
neebs: Exactly! And that moment we realized we were outnumbered? Classic! Nothing says 'survival' like trying to read a map while being chased by brain-eaters. Talk about multitasking!
simon: Oh, please! I was trying to remember where I put my last snack! Priorities, right? Who needs books when you've got snacks and a horde of undead to distract you?
neebs: Hey, snacks are essential for survival! But I still think we could’ve set up a book club right there—'How to Survive the Apocalypse While Reading Poetry.' Sounds like a bestseller!
simon: If we survive long enough to write it! But let's be real, the only thing we’ll be reading is the ‘Game Over’ screen if we keep exploring sketchy bookstores. But hey, at least we looked good doing it!
Hey there, fellow Neebs fans! I’m super excited to chat about the latest video from our favorite crew. So, today in *7 Days*, we get to join Dora and Simon as they dive into the wild world of a sketchy bookstore. Seriously, who doesn’t love a good adventure in a mysterious place, right? I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans they get up to!
You know how these two are—they always find themselves in the most unexpected situations. I can just imagine the hilarious banter and the crazy stuff that’s bound to happen as they try to clear out this bookstore. Whether it’s dodging zombies or uncovering some bizarre secrets, I’m here for every second of the action!
And if you’re as obsessed with Neebs as I am, you definitely don’t want to miss out on their new Youtooz collectibles. Trust me, you’ll want to grab one before they’re all gone! Plus, if you’re looking for more Neebs goodness, make sure to check out their new channel, *Neebs Magic Dumpster*. It's a treasure trove of fun content that you won't want to miss!
Oh, and let’s not forget about the perks of being a part of this awesome community. If you haven't already, hit that subscribe button and consider supporting them on Patreon. It’s such a great way to help keep the content rolling while getting some sweet behind-the-scenes access. And hey, who doesn’t love some cool merch?
So, grab your favorite snack, kick back, and get ready to enjoy this latest adventure with Dora and Simon. I can’t wait to see how they tackle that bookstore chaos! Let’s keep those good vibes rolling and share the excitement with all our fellow Neebs fans!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Neebs Gaming's latest 7 Days to Die video is an absolute blast to watch. Following characters Dora and Simon as they clear out a sketchy bookstore, this episode is chock-full of hilarious banter, jump scares, and tense zombie combat.
Through masterful editing and cinematic camera angles, Neebs Gaming makes you feel like you're right there alongside Dora and Simon. The first-person perspective puts you directly into the action as the duo fends off waves of undead. Close-up shots amplify the horror as zombies lunge out of dark corners. Slow-motion effects highlight particularly epic takedowns.
While the gameplay itself is thrilling, the real magic comes from the improv chemistry between Dora and Simon. Their witty back-and-forth commentary lightens up the grim zombie survival atmosphere. You get invested in their personal journey as they alternate between bickering with each other and cooperating to stay alive.
Ultimately, Neebs Gaming's 7 Days to Die series captures the perfect balance of laughter, jump scares, and riveting action. It's the next best thing to playing the game yourself. Through sharp editing and storytelling, Neebs Gaming transforms 7 Days to Die into an engaging cinematic experience.
If you're looking for a YouTube channel that makes gameplay entertaining to watch even for non-gamers, Neebs Gaming can't be beat. Their cinematic style and quirky sense of humor turn games like 7 Days to Die into relaxed, enjoyable viewing. It's the perfect series to kick back and get lost in.

Caption | Start | Duration |
look what's here it's stupid knes look | 0.84 | 5.28 |
at this stupid face and these veggies | 4.0 | 6.96 |
and this paint the gun and a shovel I | 6.12 | 7.599 |
hate it me | 10.96 | 2.759 |
[Music] | 16.97 | 5.99 |
too oh God where's the ladder where's | 19.279 | 6.92 |
this ladder anybody home hey what's up | 22.96 | 6.079 |
there dog and a zombie I'm coming I'm | 26.199 | 4.801 |
coming I'm coming the back backyard in | 29.039 | 3.841 |
the back the back back the back oh there | 31.0 | 4.12 |
he is oh hey oh God and I missed pull | 32.88 | 4.92 |
back pull back yep there you | 35.12 | 8.64 |
go nice to the Cavalry oh no come on and | 37.8 | 7.919 |
there's a dog just outside the wall I'll | 43.76 | 3.68 |
go take care of the | 45.719 | 4.401 |
puppy he was right back up here what | 47.44 | 6.32 |
here I hear it where'd he go where you | 50.12 | 6.36 |
at PP oh he's running around this way | 53.76 | 5.52 |
all right hey Pop I'm going to try to | 56.48 | 5.32 |
use this knife on you see if it works | 59.28 | 4.2 |
are you down there no oh damn this knife | 61.8 | 3.12 |
is broken | 63.48 | 3.56 |
oh I guess you better smash him with | 64.92 | 4.92 |
your Hammer I'm going to oh [ __ ] I can't | 67.04 | 5.2 |
do anything oh I'm out of stamina oh I'm | 69.84 | 4.48 |
going to die oh it's okay wall I'm | 72.24 | 4.32 |
infected I don't I don't care Oh I got | 74.32 | 5.36 |
him oh no I wanted to die I saved you | 76.56 | 5.48 |
you son of a [ __ ] I'm infected you owe | 79.68 | 3.65 |
me | 82.04 | 5.41 |
[Laughter] | 83.33 | 4.12 |
all | 90.52 | 4.36 |
right oh look at all these books I need | 91.759 | 5.441 |
them if I can make a workbench we could | 94.88 | 3.76 |
get so much further ahead but I feel | 97.2 | 4.64 |
like I'm stuck oh that guy just | 98.64 | 6.759 |
appeared okay hey baby oh do I not have | 101.84 | 5.08 |
any arrows I don't have any arrows look | 105.399 | 3.601 |
at me an arless little | 106.92 | 4.159 |
[ __ ] oh I wonder if I can sneak up on | 109.0 | 3.32 |
him and hit him in the | 111.079 | 4.241 |
leg | 112.32 | 3.0 |
yep oh no I didn't sorry about the leg | 115.759 | 6.121 |
buddy oh wow he was feral he had crazy | 119.6 | 5.0 |
eyes and I love being able to search him | 121.88 | 5.559 |
okay oh I see another one all right | 124.6 | 5.32 |
sneak up on him and hit him in the head | 127.439 | 5.041 |
no don't get up you | 129.92 | 5.28 |
[ __ ] there you go all right okay come | 132.48 | 4.08 |
on Forge your head books that's what I | 135.2 | 5.08 |
need what is this what is this | 136.56 | 3.72 |
armor | 140.92 | 4.0 |
[ __ ] trying to do my [ __ ] trying to do | 142.519 | 4.0 |
my [ __ ] just ruining my life all right | 144.92 | 5.44 |
come on Forge ah head handy lad no all | 146.519 | 7.641 |
right here we go Forge ah head ah blade | 150.36 | 7.32 |
schematic come on Forge ahe medical J | 154.16 | 4.84 |
all right well we need to make medicine | 157.68 | 3.559 |
salvaging for fun why not all right come | 159.0 | 3.519 |
on for your | 161.239 | 3.441 |
head handgun | 162.519 | 4.8 |
magazine oh well hey I can make a better | 164.68 | 5.08 |
pipe revolver cool Heavy Armor training | 167.319 | 5.041 |
why not wiring no damn I just want to | 169.76 | 4.88 |
make a | 172.36 | 2.28 |
work [ __ ] | 174.8 | 4.0 |
hey hey uh apparently in here there's | 181.84 | 5.16 |
radiated boxes and you shouldn't go in | 185.2 | 4.8 |
cuz it's radiated I'm going to take this | 187.0 | 6.72 |
rad Z 50% chance on ignoring radiation | 190.0 | 6.239 |
poisoning I'm going to be dying yeah | 193.72 | 4.68 |
before you die take those uh take those | 196.239 | 4.56 |
balls well that doesn't make sense well | 198.4 | 3.8 |
because I want you to have them and I'm | 200.799 | 2.36 |
clearing | 202.2 | 3.399 |
my well you can do that yeah okay bed | 203.159 | 3.921 |
roll and I'm actually putting down a | 205.599 | 4.56 |
chest I'll put down a bed roll as well | 207.08 | 4.719 |
all right so while you're out there I'll | 210.159 | 4.121 |
just sit out here yes and be your | 211.799 | 4.201 |
support yeah if you've got a long range | 214.28 | 4.319 |
weapon uh maybe you can I don't know I | 216.0 | 4.04 |
do not have a long range weapon it's | 218.599 | 3.801 |
like the one weapon I don't have okay | 220.04 | 4.119 |
anything that okay yep I wish I could | 222.4 | 4.08 |
help I know I wish you could too it's | 224.159 | 3.16 |
okay | 226.48 | 5.759 |
buddy you got this taking the red Z use | 227.319 | 8.721 |
yeah and making sure we're loaded on the | 232.239 | 6.0 |
shotty you know where it is in there | 236.04 | 4.479 |
nope okay | 238.239 | 5.121 |
oh good start with this oh God already | 240.519 | 5.481 |
you're getting hit yeah like with the | 243.36 | 5.239 |
the beds you're getting hit bad yeah we | 246.0 | 4.48 |
really want to break through | 248.599 | 4.92 |
these [ __ ] what's the matter I just want | 250.48 | 6.159 |
to break through can't really ah man | 253.519 | 5.56 |
that hits you hard the radiation I so | 256.639 | 4.881 |
far I've I've not got hit with any | 259.079 | 6.56 |
radiation and I'm right here okay yep | 261.52 | 6.52 |
it's just it's that that finicky [ __ ] oh | 265.639 | 5.241 |
my God okay this sucks sucks this really | 268.04 | 5.2 |
sucks and I got a freaking level one | 270.88 | 5.599 |
stone Hatchet to hey you want some | 273.24 | 5.56 |
boxes what you box why don't you box | 276.479 | 3.921 |
yourself somewhere huh oh there's a | 278.8 | 3.72 |
ladder right there I know but like we | 280.4 | 5.44 |
have to I know yeah if you know utilize | 282.52 | 5.16 |
it you got this you know what maybe I | 285.84 | 3.84 |
will because I heard there's one on oh | 287.68 | 3.64 |
I'm already getting hit oh yeah but | 289.68 | 5.4 |
how's your help oh God okay you fell y | 291.32 | 5.04 |
yeah but how was your help when you're | 295.08 | 3.36 |
getting hit I'm at 102 it goes back up | 296.36 | 4.399 |
real quick I just want to take | 298.44 | 4.039 |
help me with one of these I don't I | 300.759 | 3.72 |
don't think I can yes you can all right | 302.479 | 4.16 |
so I'm going to end up hitting you oh no | 304.479 | 4.481 |
nope | 306.639 | 2.321 |
nope all right we got some zombs coming | 310.84 | 4.6 |
I can see them you oh okay well then | 313.08 | 4.72 |
that's good then let them work yeah yeah | 315.44 | 4.879 |
yeah yeah yeah you got go and [ __ ] with | 317.8 | 5.36 |
this guys idiots oh yeah look at the | 320.319 | 5.561 |
look at the look at the tubo | 323.16 | 5.72 |
wow look at all them I hit I hit that | 325.88 | 5.439 |
zom right on that L that thunder clap | 328.88 | 3.92 |
was pretty cool great was great Simon | 331.319 | 3.561 |
this is cool yeah this just fine let's | 332.8 | 4.72 |
help him out a little | 334.88 | 2.64 |
bit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god oh | 338.56 | 6.8 |
[ __ ] hord Knight oh no we are not | 341.88 | 7.02 |
prepared this is going to | 345.36 | 5.24 |
[Music] | 348.9 | 4.18 |
suck what is going on are they they're | 350.6 | 4.76 |
dead it's that glitch oh okay got to | 353.08 | 4.92 |
love that glitch all right salmon I'm | 355.36 | 5.0 |
going in you got this buddy yeah I don't | 358.0 | 5.88 |
know where it is though okay this is | 360.36 | 6.48 |
awfully radiated Simon yeah going | 363.88 | 6.96 |
downstairs okay still radiated | 366.84 | 6.759 |
here I don't think I see | 370.84 | 6.6 |
it oh God samon coming out okay I'm | 373.599 | 6.081 |
going to die Simon from from radiation | 377.44 | 4.039 |
I'm going to die then get out I'm trying | 379.68 | 4.84 |
to get I I want to get out Oh's coming | 381.479 | 6.241 |
you go Jesus get out of my face come on | 384.52 | 6.32 |
you got this come on you okay | 387.72 | 6.4 |
oh oh | 390.84 | 3.28 |
no oh now I don't have any rad Z on me | 397.44 | 5.12 |
oh that's not good holy crap oh these | 400.44 | 5.159 |
they're breaking it down holy crap yeah | 402.56 | 4.639 |
oh they're getting crazy I should not | 405.599 | 3.44 |
stick around here I'm going to get on my | 407.199 | 6.4 |
bike yeah oh yeah that's not good oh God | 409.039 | 7.481 |
yeah oh God Is | 413.599 | 5.6 |
Right wa did he just kick me off my bike | 416.52 | 4.84 |
oh the you doing the spitter just blew | 419.199 | 4.68 |
up okay good yeah now you're on your | 421.36 | 3.88 |
bike you're good I'll see you back in a | 423.879 | 3.76 |
few you come you coming okay I'm just | 425.24 | 3.76 |
doing around the building all right go | 427.639 | 2.56 |
around the building I'm just chilling | 429.0 | 3.12 |
out right | 430.199 | 5.12 |
here who hit me oh [ __ ] they got me up | 432.12 | 7.479 |
my bike yep it happened and that's new | 435.319 | 6.961 |
isn't it it is new | 439.599 | 5.72 |
and come on this is rock and roll baby | 442.28 | 5.039 |
and you can't touch it you oh I need | 445.319 | 3.88 |
stamina yeah so you can probably touch | 447.319 | 4.56 |
it then oh no all right regular regular | 449.199 | 6.041 |
hit right on the head Sucka chewy Sucka | 451.879 | 6.0 |
chewy | 455.24 | 2.639 |
[Music] | 469.73 | 6.149 |
yep okay Simon I'm going to get my back | 472.72 | 4.919 |
I believe in you but I would not bet on | 475.879 | 4.521 |
you come on baby | 477.639 | 4.321 |
come on | 480.4 | 4.6 |
baby you got your [ __ ] | 481.96 | 6.76 |
oh I watched it happen I watched it | 485.0 | 5.199 |
happen and it was | 488.72 | 4.159 |
exciting son of a [ __ ] fat lady just | 490.199 | 6.361 |
ate your body I would not I mean I | 492.879 | 6.241 |
would but you | 496.56 | 7.8 |
know come on Dora you there yeah yeah | 499.12 | 9.12 |
yeah awesome we did nothing nothing but | 504.36 | 6.48 |
we survived and we learned burned and | 508.24 | 5.599 |
I'm going to kill this guy shut | 510.84 | 6.079 |
up oh did you hit me no maybe I don't | 513.839 | 5.08 |
know you did dude I don't know how to do | 516.919 | 4.881 |
this we can't do it we can't n no unless | 518.919 | 4.8 |
we know exactly where the things are and | 521.8 | 5.36 |
you know you could shoot them from | 523.719 | 3.441 |
outside ooh Simon yeah I'm going to try | 530.92 | 5.44 |
to look through the window but like nerd | 534.16 | 5.08 |
pole up oh yeah that's going to work | 536.36 | 6.64 |
yeah yeah nice all right here we go okay | 539.24 | 5.48 |
back up oh | 543.0 | 5.2 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] | 544.72 | 3.48 |
man oh God hold on I'm coming oh oh man | 550.16 | 5.88 |
I'm trying to build a ladder oh just | 554.36 | 3.52 |
please pick the ladder pick the ladder | 556.04 | 4.08 |
oh God nope nope no I'm shooting the bed | 557.88 | 5.56 |
oh God I'll build the ladder okay oh God | 560.12 | 6.32 |
all right come on over here oh this is | 563.44 | 5.0 |
good this is not good at all I think I | 566.44 | 3.56 |
can build it okay go yeah we need to | 568.44 | 2.92 |
build the ladder yeah of course to get | 570.0 | 3.079 |
on top of the building okay hold on | 571.36 | 4.599 |
build the ladder oh Jee this is going to | 573.079 | 7.561 |
work at all now zombies on you | 575.959 | 8.12 |
no ladder's | 580.64 | 3.439 |
built oh god oh boy I think it's night | 585.0 | 6.44 |
time dude oh is it yeah yeah we should | 587.72 | 6.92 |
probably not be here where did I park my | 591.44 | 5.8 |
bike okay yeah they're running Sam we | 594.64 | 4.92 |
got a boogies that's Boogie boobs this | 597.24 | 5.039 |
is tough yep all right I'm going this | 599.56 | 4.279 |
way which is probably the wrong way oh | 602.279 | 6.081 |
no spinner oh God the way no no don't | 603.839 | 7.12 |
don't my bike my bike is in there damn | 608.36 | 6.919 |
it damn it this is awful it's the worst | 610.959 | 7.481 |
oh but my bed's here my bed's here so | 615.279 | 5.961 |
damn you to hell I'll kill you I'm | 618.44 | 5.76 |
infected anyway this is horrible two | 621.24 | 8.08 |
birds two birds no | 624.2 | 5.12 |
oh | 629.48 | 4.08 |
no oh | 630.36 | 3.2 |
[ __ ] no quick quick quick | 633.839 | 6.601 |
quick | 637.44 | 3.0 |
[Applause] | 641.71 | 3.099 |
oh oh God Dees yeah you getting a ladder | 645.56 | 5.279 |
for uh the top of the base I just built | 648.639 | 5.801 |
one oh God did we like start halfway | 650.839 | 6.44 |
through the day um how was it this late | 654.44 | 5.399 |
already just normal time I think you're | 657.279 | 4.12 |
just used to crickets and other stuff oh | 659.839 | 3.641 |
my God noral time I got I got attacked | 661.399 | 5.281 |
by a zombie a minute ago it was morning | 663.48 | 5.12 |
do you have a ladder up top to the uh to | 666.68 | 3.56 |
the base it's in the back it's in the | 668.6 | 3.28 |
back wait yep right here okay yeah I was | 670.24 | 3.68 |
trying to build it yep just jump over | 671.88 | 4.12 |
there come on jeez okay at least we're | 673.92 | 5.56 |
up here we might be able to survive the | 676.0 | 3.48 |
night oh I didn't find some more Foria | 681.88 | 4.079 |
head books though oh good know what let | 684.2 | 4.56 |
me use this hey I can make a workbench | 685.959 | 5.56 |
oh yeah yeah beautiful so yeah well | 688.76 | 4.92 |
after the hord's done I didn't Light It | 691.519 | 6.481 |
crap okay fire in a hole let's just run | 693.68 | 6.0 |
around and conf yeah that's that's got | 698.0 | 3.16 |
that's got to be our strategy tonight we | 699.68 | 3.24 |
are nowhere near prepared for this just | 701.16 | 3.4 |
run around and they're off there | 702.92 | 3.89 |
somewhere else yep good luck to those | 704.56 | 5.32 |
[Music] | 706.81 | 3.07 |
guys oh my God Simon what it's a hord | 713.12 | 6.839 |
night oh no it's a hord kn oh okay come | 717.0 | 5.88 |
come to me what the okay come to me okay | 719.959 | 5.0 |
you're kind of far yeah I know come to | 722.88 | 6.8 |
me I'm coming Simon fine good for night | 724.959 | 9.241 |
it's like every night he Dam you | 729.68 | 4.52 |
jack uh it's 2340 all right let me just | 736.8 | 4.8 |
try to get a little bit of fire going | 740.079 | 4.161 |
yeah do it yeah I think we burnt | 741.6 | 4.239 |
everything down there that's uh you know | 744.24 | 3.92 |
made of wood right I started to | 745.839 | 5.881 |
reinforce but I didn't have time um it's | 748.16 | 5.359 |
just particle board at this point so | 751.72 | 4.119 |
yeah got it so yeah hopefully this will | 753.519 | 3.921 |
hold together like you said if we run | 755.839 | 5.921 |
around I think we can last the | 757.44 | 4.32 |
night yeah you don't even have time to | 764.839 | 3.521 |
get a good shot they're just sprinting | 766.8 | 3.32 |
down there yeah we got to get used to | 768.36 | 3.52 |
looking at the time though uh I mean we | 770.12 | 3.88 |
have a hord look it's supposed to be | 771.88 | 4.399 |
what's the percentage I don't know we've | 774.0 | 4.0 |
had it's what day 11 we've had this is | 776.279 | 4.481 |
our third hord it's it's like 90% chance | 778.0 | 4.32 |
is going to be a hoore that's that's the | 780.76 | 3.28 |
percentage Jack says it's lower than | 782.32 | 4.199 |
that but I don't believe it he's insane | 784.04 | 4.56 |
and I didn't know he was a liar until | 786.519 | 5.0 |
today okay got more ball tops uh yep | 788.6 | 4.64 |
let's do it how many of those you got uh | 791.519 | 4.0 |
seven more oh sweet okay I'm going to | 793.24 | 6.52 |
light it and TOS it nice all right keep | 795.519 | 7.921 |
running keep running hey we're over here | 799.76 | 5.519 |
now we're over here no no no no we're | 803.44 | 3.8 |
over here now we're over here don't | 805.279 | 4.081 |
listen to him we're over here oh how we | 807.24 | 4.68 |
get over | 809.36 | 2.56 |
here Simon there's no zombies I know I | 816.48 | 5.24 |
like it I mean I love it should we just | 819.44 | 4.36 |
go up here and I'll make some spikes or | 821.72 | 4.44 |
something in case they do come yeah we | 823.8 | 3.56 |
don't need to go home there might be | 826.16 | 2.28 |
zombies there I don't know how this is | 827.36 | 2.919 |
working no you're right I mean that's | 828.44 | 5.399 |
fine especially hold on oh hold on that | 830.279 | 5.521 |
might have been just a prop zombie oh | 833.839 | 4.401 |
there's a birdie bird oh god oh doggy | 835.8 | 4.41 |
puppy | 838.24 | 5.049 |
[Music] | 840.21 | 3.079 |
ha yeah this is ours that's right we | 843.68 | 6.079 |
claim this shitty overhang Bridge it's | 846.88 | 5.639 |
horrible yes might be our uh tomb but we | 849.759 | 5.08 |
know how this works yep oh hey Z Z's | 852.519 | 5.12 |
coming from the rear oh God okay so we | 854.839 | 4.641 |
got to close this off that wouldn't be a | 857.639 | 2.64 |
bad | 859.48 | 5.52 |
idea more okay this is both sides oh God | 860.279 | 6.721 |
we got all the Z I'm running back to the | 865.0 | 4.8 |
bike s oh God back to the bike I'm going | 867.0 | 7.399 |
to the bike wow get out of here okay oh | 869.8 | 6.719 |
get off the bike get off the bike no get | 874.399 | 3.761 |
off my bik they're off of me they're on | 876.519 | 4.68 |
me they're on me and I picked up my damn | 878.16 | 6.039 |
bed roll son of a bitched son of a [ __ ] | 881.199 | 5.2 |
oh you're on your bike aren't you yeah | 884.199 | 3.08 |
you | 886.399 | 3.081 |
[ __ ] hey I'll catch you to uh | 887.279 | 6.641 |
somewhere yep you will oh no oh no what | 889.48 | 7.84 |
are the odds what are the odds come on | 893.92 | 6.039 |
let's get away let's get away away today | 897.32 | 6.6 |
yay all right I'll I'll see you on the | 899.959 | 6.68 |
map we got to stay on the Move stay on | 903.92 | 6.599 |
the move oh I just ran over a | 906.639 | 3.88 |
chicken AB sure I'm going try something | 913.0 | 5.24 |
all right what you got if I were to | 915.56 | 4.719 |
destroy this wood and this drops down | 918.24 | 3.36 |
does it create something that burns | 920.279 | 4.161 |
below oh like a like a pile yeah like | 921.6 | 6.08 |
now if I do a molto will it burn that uh | 924.44 | 5.24 |
yeah give it a shot try out okay I'm | 927.68 | 3.56 |
going light it I mean I like what you're | 929.68 | 3.079 |
thinking but I don't know if a moltov | 931.24 | 4.36 |
will burn like a rubble okay it is wood | 932.759 | 5.88 |
Rubble here we go let's try it oh it | 935.6 | 4.52 |
just made it | 938.639 | 3.481 |
bounce ah that would have been awesome | 940.12 | 4.44 |
if that have worked I mean hey I like | 942.12 | 5.92 |
your uh you know I like your science | 944.56 | 3.48 |
though oh come on birds come on man I'm | 949.72 | 5.599 |
almost dead hey get on the bike get out | 952.959 | 5.56 |
of here get out of here come on man I | 955.319 | 5.601 |
got | 958.519 | 2.401 |
come on just get on the bike go go go go | 964.68 | 5.399 |
all right you oh damn it oh no [ __ ] | 967.16 | 5.64 |
bird get away from me you son of a [ __ ] | 970.079 | 4.88 |
get | 972.8 | 2.159 |
away it's 148 do these hordes end sooner | 978.04 | 8.039 |
uh I don't think so get me wrong though | 983.279 | 4.441 |
maybe still four I mean they're they're | 986.079 | 4.76 |
like every other day let's see uh I'm | 987.72 | 5.72 |
try out my laser gun I found a alien | 990.839 | 5.44 |
laser gun by the way what oh yeah what | 993.44 | 4.8 |
are you trying it on zombies what do you | 996.279 | 3.04 |
think I'm trying it on I thought I | 998.24 | 3.44 |
didn't you shooting me you shoot me | 999.319 | 5.08 |
sometimes o it does a good D wish I had | 1001.68 | 5.82 |
oh wow it actually shocks them yeah | 1004.399 | 6.171 |
[Music] | 1007.5 | 3.07 |
yeah oh boy oh I'm out of | 1012.36 | 6.64 |
that [ __ ] | 1016.12 | 5.0 |
well stopping was a big | 1019.0 | 5.24 |
mistake stopping was a big | 1021.12 | 5.24 |
mistake oh | 1024.24 | 4.76 |
Jesus trolly | 1026.36 | 7.12 |
god what the was | 1029.0 | 6.52 |
that | 1033.48 | 6.16 |
[ __ ] uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh oh God only | 1035.52 | 8.439 |
only eight birds thank God Jesus what is | 1039.64 | 8.13 |
going on get on the bike | 1043.959 | 7.001 |
[Music] | 1047.77 | 3.19 |
okay bike okay back up why don't you | 1053.2 | 5.12 |
back up back up come on back up I'm | 1055.08 | 5.32 |
stuck on what am I stuck on I get back | 1058.32 | 7.479 |
up back up back no no no no | 1060.4 | 5.399 |
no okay B get my stuff oh come on oh | 1071.52 | 8.36 |
come on come on really | 1076.52 | 5.039 |
H don't hit the | 1079.88 | 5.96 |
cactus mhm great good for | 1081.559 | 4.281 |
you 243 right uh the day flew by | 1090.919 | 6.481 |
unreasonably fast uh no it was just it | 1095.4 | 4.24 |
was normal daytime normal time you just | 1097.4 | 4.56 |
didn't check the watch there's no way I | 1099.64 | 4.56 |
had okay I'm not going to get into it | 1101.96 | 5.68 |
but all right yeah 248 we're fine y this | 1104.2 | 5.44 |
place is holding up pretty well yeah I | 1107.64 | 3.88 |
say that now but I mean they're chewing | 1109.64 | 4.399 |
the [ __ ] out of it right yep going to | 1111.52 | 4.639 |
the mtop yep over here just waiting for | 1114.039 | 4.401 |
the zombies | 1116.159 | 5.281 |
and there we go here we go now maybe | 1118.44 | 4.96 |
I'll fire a shot and maybe they'll come | 1121.44 | 4.32 |
right to it come on down to barbecue | 1123.4 | 5.48 |
town oh man now I want some barbecue I | 1125.76 | 4.36 |
love barbecue I'm going to get some | 1128.88 | 3.64 |
barbecue | 1130.12 | 2.4 |
tonight are you hitting my bike you're | 1136.28 | 6.68 |
hitting my bike dude what are you doing | 1139.32 | 6.479 |
beating up on a | 1142.96 | 2.839 |
bike | 1145.88 | 3.0 |
idiot oh boy you're very | 1148.96 | 5.199 |
big very big boy and of course it's | 1151.64 | 5.72 |
still hord night so perfect perfect this | 1154.159 | 7.321 |
is great all right there we go great | 1157.36 | 7.679 |
probably still stuck here | 1161.48 | 3.559 |
go oh good morning | 1165.84 | 6.4 |
I'm bleeding I'm | 1168.96 | 3.28 |
bleeding Jee what a what a | 1172.36 | 5.12 |
KN you still uh still got any mtops I | 1180.28 | 5.08 |
got three more oh perfect yeah burn them | 1183.28 | 5.08 |
all up and uh yep it would be nice to | 1185.36 | 4.48 |
get a few down before we go down there | 1188.36 | 3.48 |
oh of course we can do it they've slowed | 1189.84 | 4.48 |
down now | 1191.84 | 5.8 |
K I'm impressed with this little base | 1194.32 | 6.88 |
yeah I mean I had like 2 minutes to try | 1197.64 | 6.2 |
to reinforce it oh yeah no I died to try | 1201.2 | 4.56 |
to put up a ladder | 1203.84 | 5.199 |
yep what a day huh H crazy day I feel | 1205.76 | 4.48 |
like we need to just have someone | 1209.039 | 3.161 |
working on a hord base constantly just | 1210.24 | 4.48 |
assume every night's to yes cuz based | 1212.2 | 6.839 |
all the numbers it it is yeah all right | 1214.72 | 7.52 |
well done yeah you | 1219.039 | 3.201 |
too yeah there's my buddy there's my | 1224.24 | 4.2 |
buddy helping out I'll help you out too | 1226.919 | 2.88 |
we got got this | 1228.44 | 5.359 |
together we got this together yeah all | 1229.799 | 4.841 |
right | 1233.799 | 5.36 |
cool who did you just try to shoot at me | 1234.64 | 7.519 |
I thought we were we were team | 1239.159 | 5.841 |
dude whoa whoa whoa no no no no no I'm | 1242.159 | 5.081 |
going back here thanks for the help you | 1245.0 | 3.24 |
piece of | 1247.24 | 5.0 |
[ __ ] later | 1248.24 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 1260.71 | 6.52 |
[Music] | 1276.65 | 7.55 |
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