Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Have you checked out the latest episode of Conan Exiles Season 2 yet? If not, you're in for a treat! Episode 31 is filled with all the hilarious moments and unexpected twists that we've come to love from the Neebs Gaming crew.
In this episode, get ready to join the team on a wild journey through the world of Conan Exiles. From meteor showers to lightning observations, and even some mountaineering mishaps, there's never a dull moment with these guys. And of course, their signature improvised comedy is front and center as they tackle challenges like climbing steep mountains, hunting for star metal, and trying to stay warm with spicy foods.
But that's not all - this episode also brings some epic moments with their mounts, leading to some truly laugh-out-loud scenarios and a bit of digital horse drama. It's the perfect blend of humor, gaming tips, and camaraderie that makes every episode of Neebs Gaming a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike. So make sure to subscribe and leave your thoughts in the comments - we all love discussing their strategies, mishaps, and of course, the adorable yet imposing baby bear backpack adventure!
And hey, don't forget to check out all the awesome Neebs Gaming merch and support the team in all their endeavors. Whether it's their coffee, shirts, or even their Folding@Home team, there are plenty of ways to show your love for Neebs Gaming. So grab some snacks, settle in, and get ready for another epic adventure with the Neebs crew in Conan Exiles Season 2 - Episode 31!

Caption | Start | Duration |
oh | 3.12 | 4.08 |
lightning is that you surprised by that | 3.88 | 5.2 |
yeah I think it's funny cuz it's short | 7.2 | 3.96 |
it's like short lightning oh yeah I did | 9.08 | 4.12 |
see that lightning is a flash of light | 11.16 | 5.32 |
it's always short no no the length of it | 13.2 | 5.159 |
it doesn't you can come close to hitting | 16.48 | 4.32 |
the ground oh that's lazy lightning wait | 18.359 | 3.76 |
let me see another one it goes like | 20.8 | 3.639 |
halfway and it stops yeah where is it | 22.119 | 4.48 |
it's like short and fat I relate to this | 24.439 | 4.6 |
lightning mhm oh it's behind you nees | 26.599 | 3.84 |
you see it it short you know what no I | 29.039 | 3.24 |
didn't let's see one more time oh well | 30.439 | 3.761 |
here we go what they're coming what's | 32.279 | 3.761 |
coming oh yeah looking for oh my God is | 34.2 | 4.08 |
that the thing I gu that is it looks | 36.04 | 4.12 |
like a sad face from my angle poor | 38.28 | 4.32 |
little meteors mete there's so many of | 40.16 | 3.399 |
them I thought we were going to say like | 42.6 | 4.599 |
one holy crap stop a moat there they go | 43.559 | 7.801 |
boom wao wo hey now how do we find it | 47.199 | 5.921 |
wait one just hit like the top of this | 51.36 | 3.76 |
mountain in front of us it hit it yeah | 53.12 | 3.8 |
it made like a big dirt explosion all | 55.12 | 3.32 |
right can we climb that is that too | 56.92 | 3.439 |
steep only one way to find out I have to | 58.44 | 3.68 |
go around this Ridge y'all go that way | 60.359 | 3.811 |
I'll go around all | 62.12 | 13.84 |
[Music] | 64.17 | 14.589 |
right well would you look at that got | 75.96 | 5.72 |
separated from abso on our way back and | 78.759 | 5.441 |
and look at that that PO Isle it's quite | 81.68 | 4.36 |
big not going to do anything about it | 84.2 | 4.76 |
though but I've marked it on the map yes | 86.04 | 6.039 |
also everyone listening I'd like to show | 88.96 | 8.4 |
you something H oh yes that's right is | 92.079 | 9.441 |
it a power shot I believe it | 97.36 | 7.92 |
is I had my uh keyboard bound to | 101.52 | 6.199 |
different things for a long time but | 105.28 | 4.72 |
here I am so shut up no sense in leaving | 107.719 | 5.04 |
any more comments you can leave more uh | 110.0 | 4.2 |
more better comments about other ways | 112.759 | 3.601 |
I'm messing up all right I guess I'll go | 114.2 | 3.959 |
home and maybe we'll be back at this PL | 116.36 | 3.84 |
you know what on the way I'll I'll check | 118.159 | 5.161 |
out that little trailer or whatever | 120.2 | 5.36 |
maybe loot something from | 123.32 | 4.159 |
that yeah I don't think we're going to | 125.56 | 3.399 |
be able to make it up there not with | 127.479 | 2.92 |
that kind of attitude come on Simon you | 128.959 | 3.241 |
can do it all right I mean there's a way | 130.399 | 3.84 |
over here if you can't do it I think uh | 132.2 | 5.48 |
oh wait w be careful like that's going | 134.239 | 5.841 |
great de okay I saw a rock I don't know | 137.68 | 4.6 |
if this is one of them or not uh all | 140.08 | 3.799 |
right I'm going up but yeah now my | 142.28 | 2.76 |
stamina is not oh there's like a little | 143.879 | 3.201 |
ledge here maybe I can stand on it nope | 145.04 | 3.76 |
nope sure can't oh God all right I'm | 147.08 | 4.04 |
going to try to over here I found | 148.8 | 3.92 |
something that looks like a maybe it's | 151.12 | 3.88 |
one of them describe it with your eyes | 152.72 | 4.239 |
it's a rock and it has like a little | 155.0 | 4.04 |
blue dot on it I said describe it with | 156.959 | 3.681 |
your eyes you're using your mouth I | 159.04 | 3.04 |
don't know what you mean by that neither | 160.64 | 5.599 |
did I show me an example oh God you okay | 162.08 | 5.92 |
I'm pretty hurt I might try to go around | 166.239 | 3.64 |
how you doing all right oh no no no no | 168.0 | 4.36 |
don't sliding sliding Sim Sim s s s | 169.879 | 4.521 |
catch it catch you [ __ ] hi Simon I'll | 172.36 | 3.519 |
catch you I'll catch you okay you're | 174.4 | 3.199 |
alive let's go nee's way I'm going to | 175.879 | 4.801 |
try to chop do we have to explode this | 177.599 | 5.36 |
whack's not here wack is not here oh | 180.68 | 4.44 |
that's right I'm going to hold on for | 182.959 | 4.041 |
come here buddy back up this is pretty | 185.12 | 4.72 |
cool it's rainy and dark and lightning | 187.0 | 4.84 |
yeah and you would think very slippery | 189.84 | 4.44 |
we're discovering something from the sky | 191.84 | 4.16 |
so this you you're sure this is the way | 194.28 | 4.039 |
he went it makes sense I mean it looks | 196.0 | 3.519 |
much better than the way you wanted to | 198.319 | 2.361 |
go what's that on the hill do you see | 199.519 | 3.36 |
that up above to the left up above to | 200.68 | 4.4 |
the left there's like a little snow dog | 202.879 | 5.241 |
okay I've equipped what wack gave me the | 205.08 | 4.719 |
explosive arrows I'm going to give a | 208.12 | 3.479 |
give a shot you know yeah go for it here | 209.799 | 2.72 |
we | 211.599 | 5.241 |
go yep we got something folks a blue | 212.519 | 7.681 |
shiny ball wait Simon how's your health | 216.84 | 5.52 |
my health is good why oh I'm extremely | 220.2 | 4.2 |
cold and freezing to death eat the spicy | 222.36 | 4.2 |
food I didn't eat the spicy food oh damn | 224.4 | 3.96 |
oh what just fell something just fell oh | 226.56 | 4.28 |
my God what what was that oh it looks | 228.36 | 4.68 |
like some kind of ram the fire went out | 230.84 | 5.16 |
I'm approaching the ball hold up we | 233.04 | 5.479 |
might have something okay and Hey listen | 236.0 | 3.48 |
it's on the side of the mountain it's | 238.519 | 3.121 |
hard to even stay on it Anthony did are | 239.48 | 3.679 |
you sure he went this way cuz this | 241.64 | 3.12 |
doesn't look good I know he went | 243.159 | 3.121 |
somewhat in this direction where's your | 244.76 | 3.72 |
map we have map I know we have Maps but | 246.28 | 3.92 |
it's not going to tell me the path that | 248.48 | 3.28 |
you took Simon don't use the map there's | 250.2 | 3.48 |
no time follow me manag to get on the | 251.76 | 4.28 |
Rock here we go I'm going to try and | 253.68 | 6.119 |
chap chap oh we're doing it star medal | 256.04 | 6.12 |
that's what we're here for wo you got a | 259.799 | 4.201 |
bunch uh yeah still getting it I'm going | 262.16 | 3.92 |
to chop it all day nice I'm encumbered | 264.0 | 3.68 |
I'm going need some help yeah that's why | 266.08 | 4.2 |
we're coming all right so made it | 267.68 | 4.64 |
top there they are the little ice things | 270.28 | 3.28 |
okay I don't know how strong they are so | 272.32 | 4.12 |
careful okay all right I'm | 273.56 | 5.16 |
running okay they're not that bad I know | 276.44 | 5.28 |
that there's well here Anthony you see | 278.72 | 4.759 |
him on the map are we even in the right | 281.72 | 4.479 |
area cuz I'm just trying to oh damn what | 283.479 | 4.241 |
is that thing I don't know but Co is | 286.199 | 4.0 |
that thing it is cool nees there's a | 287.72 | 4.08 |
some kind of creature you know I'm | 290.199 | 4.521 |
incumbered so I can't do much yet just | 291.8 | 5.08 |
you why don't you like take the stuff | 294.72 | 3.72 |
out of your inventory so you're not | 296.88 | 3.599 |
encumbered it takes time you're yelling | 298.44 | 3.759 |
like it's urgent it's going to take me a | 300.479 | 3.0 |
minute okay all right well I mean you've | 302.199 | 3.56 |
been sitting around for a couple minutes | 303.479 | 4.601 |
no I've been chopping up star medal stab | 305.759 | 4.361 |
this thing I'm going to stab it freaky | 308.08 | 3.679 |
all I'm going to stab it too okay you | 310.12 | 2.919 |
get him oh wait I don't want to kill you | 311.759 | 2.921 |
though go go for it you got it all right | 313.039 | 3.681 |
oh yeah oh yeah come on baby not too bad | 314.68 | 3.959 |
he's not you taste of that you don't | 316.72 | 3.759 |
even know what's going on I'm I'm inside | 318.639 | 4.241 |
you right now pal whoa wait what I am | 320.479 | 5.0 |
I'm inside his uh cavity and he's not | 322.88 | 3.84 |
really putting up a fight I think he | 325.479 | 5.121 |
might have liked it oh god oh yeah man | 326.72 | 6.08 |
that was fun did we get something cool | 330.6 | 4.28 |
we got a a dead Ram Simon where's the | 332.8 | 3.6 |
rock I don't know I don't even know | 334.88 | 4.12 |
where neebs | 336.4 | 2.6 |
is | 341.68 | 3.0 |
Boom | 345.4 | 4.88 |
woo man this water's cold 10 out of 10 | 346.919 | 5.961 |
though see now now this Castle's nice | 350.28 | 5.0 |
you go byy it used to be a dump but then | 352.88 | 3.879 |
I came in here and I'm like you know | 355.28 | 4.0 |
what it needs it needs something on the | 356.759 | 3.88 |
side of it it looks like it's made out | 359.28 | 3.359 |
of a bunch of crap I found on a beach | 360.639 | 3.201 |
and I'm going put it up there and I'm | 362.639 | 2.481 |
going to make it nice I'm put a diving | 363.84 | 2.919 |
board got a diving board oh I should | 365.12 | 3.44 |
probably make a way in on this side yeah | 366.759 | 3.361 |
you know what I should be build some | 368.56 | 3.52 |
stairs why did I even get distracted by | 370.12 | 3.88 |
this I was waiting for wack to come back | 372.08 | 4.04 |
he's not here his horse is over there | 374.0 | 4.56 |
looking all ghosty and dumb all right I | 376.12 | 4.88 |
should make a move then Bean I'm sorry I | 378.56 | 4.12 |
got way too distracted but oh you know | 381.0 | 3.919 |
what I did see something over here oh | 382.68 | 4.12 |
yeah you see that over there Bean that's | 384.919 | 4.241 |
a little bear that's a little baby bear | 386.8 | 4.119 |
and I see Mama over there so there's | 389.16 | 3.439 |
mama and a few Cubs oh that one's | 390.919 | 3.84 |
isolated right hold on put my warrior | 392.599 | 4.04 |
gear back on real fast and if I'm going | 394.759 | 4.081 |
to be carrying a baby bear I think I'm | 396.639 | 5.161 |
going to need a baby bear backpack all | 398.84 | 5.24 |
right grab the Bear get on bean and then | 401.8 | 4.399 |
get out of here got more sorcery stuff | 404.08 | 4.44 |
to do | 406.199 | 2.321 |
anyway come here wi the [ __ ] gotcha oh | 409.88 | 5.039 |
yes and I'm not heavy this was a great | 413.479 | 3.241 |
idea all right I'll come back and make | 414.919 | 3.041 |
some stairs I'm going to make this place | 416.72 | 2.479 |
nice God I kind of want to build a | 417.96 | 3.4 |
castle on top of this Castle how cool | 419.199 | 3.72 |
would that be being Castle on top of | 421.36 | 3.239 |
Castle although I guarantee they've done | 422.919 | 2.84 |
that before you know they've been | 424.599 | 3.121 |
they've wrecked a castle like where | 425.759 | 3.961 |
should we put the New Castle and some | 427.72 | 5.199 |
[ __ ] said oh no we put it on top of | 429.72 | 7.12 |
the old one love right right Roy oh why | 432.919 | 6.521 |
they're English cotney those people | 436.84 | 4.799 |
never had any | 439.44 | 5.08 |
money okay so I've been accused of being | 441.639 | 5.24 |
a loot Goblin and it's true I am I see | 444.52 | 4.72 |
that chest there it's a very busy place | 446.879 | 4.201 |
when get attacked I might die they seem | 449.24 | 3.56 |
to be in cahoots with rock monsters and | 451.08 | 4.6 |
snakes that's unfortunate but if I just | 452.8 | 5.44 |
get in and out grab it and go just grab | 455.68 | 5.4 |
it and go take all okay okay get out of | 458.24 | 4.92 |
here oh right the button that's the | 461.08 | 4.6 |
right button yeah yeah now I'll go home | 463.16 | 5.08 |
I've accomplished something also didn't | 465.68 | 6.479 |
I have a horse where's my horse [ __ ] can | 468.24 | 7.48 |
you call a horse I don't remember but uh | 472.159 | 6.16 |
mission accomplished I'd say time to run | 475.72 | 5.72 |
home like a [ __ ] | 478.319 | 3.121 |
no get away get away get come on now oh | 483.56 | 8.479 |
no no no no oh what really Simon uh the | 486.919 | 9.0 |
horse is dead and I I don't know why | 492.039 | 6.16 |
this little thing right here this little | 495.919 | 4.321 |
fall right here would kill it was the | 498.199 | 4.12 |
fall the horse not the not the glowing | 500.24 | 4.6 |
demon no cuz the help from the horse was | 502.319 | 5.32 |
not low it was down a little bit but | 504.84 | 5.56 |
like down 10% [ __ ] hor man I think | 507.639 | 4.28 |
the falls in this game are ridiculous | 510.4 | 4.84 |
it's [ __ ] it really is and and I | 511.919 | 5.081 |
don't even want to ride a horse anymore | 515.24 | 3.96 |
told the horse was probably going to die | 517.0 | 4.32 |
yeah it did what was your horse's name I | 519.2 | 4.04 |
don't know was it splooge you didn't | 521.32 | 3.28 |
even care enough to name the horse I | 523.24 | 3.12 |
think he was SP it wasn't my horse | 524.6 | 4.04 |
wasn't your horse no it was Dora's I | 526.36 | 5.479 |
just said Dora's horse yeah Dora what's | 528.64 | 4.84 |
Dora riding I don't know I think he's | 531.839 | 3.44 |
cream pie yeah that wouldn't be Dora's | 533.48 | 3.32 |
Horse no he had another one called | 535.279 | 3.161 |
spooge and then he gave it to | 536.8 | 4.56 |
Simon yeah I said don't kill it I said | 538.44 | 4.839 |
well it might die and then that was it | 541.36 | 4.719 |
yeah you warned him so I did um and now | 543.279 | 5.24 |
I'm overweight with a saddle yeah so | 546.079 | 3.721 |
nebs what do you think about Simon's | 548.519 | 3.601 |
ability to take care of a horse uh not | 549.8 | 4.4 |
impressed dropping the saddle I'm not | 552.12 | 3.76 |
good at taking care of saddles either | 554.2 | 3.48 |
that's sitting right there and while | 555.88 | 3.04 |
we're critiquing I don't love your | 557.68 | 4.96 |
clothes either that's fine | 558.92 | 8.599 |
wow back home alone nobody's here can't | 562.64 | 7.56 |
get cream pie out of my head man ah | 567.519 | 5.681 |
where's where' I leave cream pie damn it | 570.2 | 5.079 |
I guess on the on the bright side | 573.2 | 5.48 |
Simon's got spooch so I'll get spooge | 575.279 | 6.161 |
when Simon's back let's see all right | 578.68 | 5.719 |
turn around this was nothing and no what | 581.44 | 4.88 |
oh no no | 584.399 | 3.68 |
no | 586.32 | 3.72 |
no | 588.079 | 4.921 |
what that's not even that | 590.04 | 5.72 |
high it's not even that | 593.0 | 7.04 |
high what how what oh | 595.76 | 6.4 |
oh my God like I'm genuinely upset I | 600.04 | 7.359 |
like being a lot son of a [ __ ] oh God | 602.16 | 8.44 |
damn it need a drink oh what have you | 607.399 | 6.88 |
got on you oh let's see oh wolfhead I'm | 610.6 | 5.56 |
taking that saddle God if you never | 614.279 | 3.721 |
leave a saddle those things are [ __ ] | 616.16 | 3.119 |
annoying to | 618.0 | 3.32 |
make | 619.279 | 4.361 |
Simon neebs I'm getting tired of this | 621.32 | 4.519 |
got what all right Dora can't even find | 623.64 | 5.4 |
cream pie abso just jumped Bean off of a | 625.839 | 5.24 |
cliff Simon just killed his horse yeah | 629.04 | 4.6 |
and and Dora knows Dora knows that we're | 631.079 | 4.041 |
breaking the wall here yeah I get it | 633.64 | 2.52 |
we're breaking the fourth wall we're | 635.12 | 2.8 |
talking to the developers of con in here | 636.16 | 4.64 |
the horse thing is [ __ ] it is okay | 637.92 | 4.32 |
have you ever ridden a horse in your | 640.8 | 4.64 |
life no you can't go down steep stuff | 642.24 | 5.44 |
you know that this isn't real life I | 645.44 | 4.199 |
have a star metal sword from the gods it | 647.68 | 3.68 |
is dangerous to take a horse down a | 649.639 | 3.361 |
super steep incline it's not a super | 651.36 | 3.96 |
steep incline look at this this is where | 653.0 | 3.839 |
it died right here ready you would take | 655.32 | 3.079 |
a real horse on these rocks right here | 656.839 | 3.481 |
no my my horse would have died in real | 658.399 | 3.841 |
life but this is a game and in a real | 660.32 | 3.48 |
life the horse would go hell no I ain't | 662.24 | 3.96 |
jumping down that right so really this | 663.8 | 4.839 |
is all Conan's a eyes fa and I and I | 666.2 | 4.0 |
actually I mean no matter what broken | 668.639 | 3.361 |
legs yes wouldn't have killed the dead | 670.2 | 4.28 |
like that and it was from here it landed | 672.0 | 4.8 |
here and then kind of slid down here I | 674.48 | 4.08 |
didn't realize what Rodeo Cowboys you | 676.8 | 4.2 |
guys were look mhm the fact that you | 678.56 | 4.76 |
think I'm a bad father comes down to the | 681.0 | 4.2 |
horse physics in this game and I don't | 683.32 | 3.36 |
think that's fair of you taking a baby | 685.2 | 2.92 |
horse putting in a bag and leaving it in | 686.68 | 3.24 |
the middle of nowhere for it's a digital | 688.12 | 3.64 |
horse it doesn't matter okay that's | 689.92 | 3.159 |
where we draw the line when something | 691.76 | 3.36 |
digital I but that horse was doing great | 693.079 | 4.32 |
great it was thriving Baghdad was was | 695.12 | 4.2 |
living life going places and then it | 697.399 | 4.24 |
fell off a tiny Cliff okay Bean one of | 699.32 | 5.56 |
our favorite characters dead gotcha what | 701.639 | 5.161 |
a great Point Conan needs to change | 704.88 | 4.079 |
something yeah and they won't and that's | 706.8 | 4.2 |
fine the horse is being stronger I'd be | 708.959 | 3.721 |
for it I'm going to protest horses how | 711.0 | 3.68 |
about that go for it I'm protesting | 712.68 | 4.2 |
horses until Conan fixes horses you | 714.68 | 4.36 |
don't e no more hunger strike Simon me | 716.88 | 3.56 |
and you we're walking I'm going to kill | 719.04 | 4.32 |
your horse don't do that come we can do | 720.44 | 5.8 |
that that's a real protest protest the | 723.36 | 4.599 |
horse kill it all right do it Simon kill | 726.24 | 3.52 |
the [ __ ] horse all right stab the | 727.959 | 3.081 |
horse it's just digital you're right | 729.76 | 3.079 |
it's a digital horse I don't care kill | 731.04 | 3.4 |
the horse it's not real killing the | 732.839 | 3.481 |
horse it's not | 734.44 | 4.72 |
real actually I'm not I'm not going to | 736.32 | 5.56 |
kill the horse Justice yeah it's digital | 739.16 | 5.479 |
I'm not really dead oh [ __ ] [ __ ] horses | 741.88 | 5.8 |
where's his bed remove it remove his | 744.639 | 5.401 |
bed look at me | 747.68 | 5.719 |
Queen reduced to a lowly peasant walking | 750.04 | 5.2 |
barefoot down a river with a damn bag on | 753.399 | 4.0 |
her back manam I was living the good | 755.24 | 4.159 |
life and then I had to follow this whack | 757.399 | 4.161 |
character up and to get crazy blood what | 759.399 | 4.201 |
did I get black Blood Demon blood I got | 761.56 | 3.24 |
the demon blood I think it's the black | 763.6 | 3.479 |
blood anyway it's ridiculous but now I'm | 764.8 | 5.0 |
heavy I got a bear in my bag I got a | 767.079 | 4.801 |
saddle in my bag and I got a walk home | 769.8 | 4.039 |
it's insane I'm a queen I'm a queen I | 771.88 | 3.8 |
have a castle maybe not a full Castle | 773.839 | 2.961 |
but it's a pretty awesome looking thing | 775.68 | 3.0 |
it's a cathedral I have a cathedral I'm | 776.8 | 4.479 |
like a queen Queen priest priest Queen | 778.68 | 4.88 |
is that a priestess is that the proper | 781.279 | 4.081 |
vernacular | 783.56 | 4.839 |
Priestess wonder if they did | 785.36 | 6.479 |
kids no this is my conviction this is it | 788.399 | 6.0 |
if you don't stand for nothing you are | 791.839 | 5.12 |
you even alive you're not even alive | 794.399 | 4.601 |
grab my things I don't see the horse | 796.959 | 5.081 |
though did Simon kill it all right Simon | 799.0 | 5.199 |
you on me yep yep yep how you like that | 802.04 | 4.44 |
new horse it's nice what's it what's his | 804.199 | 5.841 |
name I think I would name it Sophie are | 806.48 | 5.479 |
you going to rename Anthony's horse | 810.04 | 3.479 |
maybe I don't know it's probably not | 811.959 | 3.281 |
going to make it home alive well here's | 813.519 | 3.721 |
what you do now look I I want to go this | 815.24 | 4.52 |
way I think because I think uh we want | 817.24 | 4.68 |
to go to the right want to go I think we | 819.76 | 4.079 |
have to get over these mountains uh yeah | 821.92 | 3.159 |
what makes you think that there's a | 823.839 | 3.081 |
clear way well here's what you do when | 825.079 | 4.481 |
you go over uh hard terrain you want to | 826.92 | 5.52 |
climb it not ride your horse yeah no I I | 829.56 | 4.6 |
understand the horse will follow yeah | 832.44 | 3.36 |
see but are we going to be able to make | 834.16 | 3.96 |
it up I mean h this looks pretty good I | 835.8 | 4.719 |
don't know cu I don't see anything that | 838.12 | 4.519 |
looks like we can climb it that looks | 840.519 | 4.12 |
too tall all right well let's just keep | 842.639 | 4.2 |
trying but this is the way you do it | 844.639 | 5.64 |
with the horse on foot okay it makes | 846.839 | 6.68 |
sense they follow yeah I like horses | 850.279 | 6.761 |
this might get too steep yeah but maybe | 853.519 | 6.12 |
not we'll keep trying okay well looks | 857.04 | 4.799 |
like uh maybe to the left over there | 859.639 | 5.041 |
that's where you're going mhm oh no | 861.839 | 4.521 |
here's the tricky part this is a long | 864.68 | 4.76 |
bit here please don't fall this should | 866.36 | 4.719 |
be I should be able to stand right here | 869.44 | 4.24 |
stamina out yes I'm going to try to get | 871.079 | 4.88 |
in this little crook over here yeah did | 873.68 | 4.92 |
I use that right yeah it's a crck crook | 875.959 | 5.601 |
there's also a nanny right it's a what | 878.6 | 5.32 |
Crook and Nanny never heard that CR am I | 881.56 | 3.88 |
saying it wrong I don't know crooked | 883.92 | 5.12 |
neet no nooks and crannies oh nooks and | 885.44 | 4.92 |
crannies is that what you're talking | 889.04 | 2.88 |
about that's what I was trying to say | 890.36 | 3.479 |
listen nooks and crannies are what | 891.92 | 4.88 |
Thomas's English muffins have okay nooks | 893.839 | 5.36 |
and crannies butter them up baby so not | 896.8 | 4.959 |
nannies I don't think so what' I say | 899.199 | 4.961 |
Nook and Nanny I'm not sure what you | 901.759 | 5.241 |
said but it was close enough for me to | 904.16 | 4.479 |
understand you were trying to say nooks | 907.0 | 3.56 |
and crannies look people don't say that | 908.639 | 3.801 |
much no they don't I haven't I haven't | 910.56 | 4.959 |
heard that since a a commercial in 1986 | 912.44 | 5.16 |
all right let's bring it back let's uh | 915.519 | 4.161 |
you know what I I got an infection in my | 917.6 | 4.44 |
nooks and crannies that sounds pretty | 919.68 | 5.36 |
gross from sex stuff that was | 922.04 | 5.359 |
unnecessary people knew what we were | 925.04 | 4.279 |
talking about I'm trying to make it up | 927.399 | 3.481 |
oh no I'm not going to be able to make | 929.319 | 4.281 |
it I'm going to fall and probably really | 930.88 | 4.36 |
hurt myself yeah you shouldn't climb | 933.6 | 2.76 |
something unless you're sure the | 935.24 | 3.0 |
stamina's going to hold up well well I | 936.36 | 4.12 |
mean sometimes you just got to go for it | 938.24 | 6.2 |
okay and uh this is me going for it and | 940.48 | 7.68 |
step it okay ooh quite hurt quite you | 944.44 | 6.12 |
did not die huh nope no I didn't you | 948.16 | 5.28 |
look hurt well it's cuz I am all right | 950.56 | 5.48 |
heal up let's figure this out | 953.44 | 6.199 |
yep man I'm too slow there's no way I | 956.04 | 6.359 |
can take all these guys on oh wait I | 959.639 | 6.721 |
have an an idea okay I'm heavy but I | 962.399 | 7.24 |
wonder if the bat can haul my fat ass | 966.36 | 8.399 |
let's see and that one and then this one | 969.639 | 9.241 |
the come on please work come | 974.759 | 6.471 |
on | 978.88 | 3.6 |
[Music] | 981.23 | 4.529 |
yes see now this is the way to go home I | 982.48 | 5.799 |
could just do this go over all the enemy | 985.759 | 4.52 |
encampments all right just need to get | 988.279 | 3.961 |
down to the river and I got to hit the | 990.279 | 4.12 |
river and then take a right all right | 992.24 | 3.8 |
not too not too high I don't know how | 994.399 | 3.12 |
long you last I wish there was a meter | 996.04 | 2.799 |
or something telling me how long you | 997.519 | 3.721 |
last cuz I know you got kind of a kind | 998.839 | 5.24 |
of a short lifespan please don't drop me | 1001.24 | 5.44 |
I am not in good help all right here we | 1004.079 | 5.56 |
go easy down on the beach you know what | 1006.68 | 4.36 |
yeah oh yeah there you go all right that | 1009.639 | 3.64 |
was | 1011.04 | 2.239 |
perfect okay why have I got my fist up I | 1013.6 | 5.799 |
don't know why but it looks awesome look | 1017.12 | 4.24 |
at this barefoot walking on a beach with | 1019.399 | 4.841 |
a bag like a hobo what is this down here | 1021.36 | 5.12 |
someone someone trying to catch fish oh | 1024.24 | 4.52 |
okay yeah that's that crazy lady's place | 1026.48 | 4.4 |
got it okay not too far from home now | 1028.76 | 5.039 |
I'm in safer safer areas just no turtles | 1030.88 | 5.079 |
bring these out just in case [ __ ] | 1033.799 | 3.481 |
fish | 1035.959 | 4.08 |
bag creen | 1037.28 | 7.159 |
pie creen pie come on I love my cream | 1040.039 | 10.361 |
pie I miss my cream pie cream pie | 1044.439 | 7.841 |
this place is the dumbest structure I've | 1050.4 | 4.6 |
ever seen it's just simply the dumbest | 1052.28 | 5.88 |
thing in the world well | 1055.0 | 5.16 |
creep all right I know the guys ran | 1058.16 | 3.759 |
ahead I saw them on the map they're | 1060.16 | 4.84 |
climbing mountains I | 1061.919 | 5.401 |
think I know they ran ahead but this is | 1065.0 | 4.24 |
going to be fun when they get to the top | 1067.32 | 3.8 |
of the mountain I'll just be there maybe | 1069.24 | 3.2 |
I'll do like an emote where I'm leaning | 1071.12 | 3.64 |
against the wall it'll be funny I'll be | 1072.44 | 6.64 |
like hello hello there can like Obi-Wan | 1074.76 | 6.039 |
hang on how do I I'll do like the lean | 1079.08 | 4.479 |
on the wall like hey about time you guys | 1080.799 | 6.481 |
made it up here yeah sorry Simon I know | 1083.559 | 4.801 |
we had to go all the way back around | 1087.28 | 2.92 |
that mountain it's just too steep yeah | 1088.36 | 4.76 |
no I I don't | 1090.2 | 2.92 |
mind God damn it we got horses so it's | 1094.039 | 6.64 |
quick to get around yep so what just | 1097.919 | 5.0 |
down here I got to be careful yeah just | 1100.679 | 4.401 |
keep heading south back to back to home | 1102.919 | 3.841 |
all right get rid of all this uh star | 1105.08 | 4.52 |
metal stuff I'm going to need some a | 1106.76 | 5.44 |
when uh so if you see some yep I'll keep | 1109.6 | 5.199 |
an ey for a lake or a stream I don't | 1112.2 | 4.2 |
know if I've seen many streams in here | 1114.799 | 3.481 |
and I've been paying attention to them | 1116.4 | 4.399 |
all right we'll find you one oh water | 1118.28 | 6.56 |
there you go right up here perfect maybe | 1120.799 | 6.561 |
there'll be something cool down here too | 1124.84 | 6.56 |
huh yeah good job good job guys oh don't | 1127.36 | 7.4 |
worry it's not a hobo it's just me hey | 1131.4 | 5.279 |
what's up not much what are you what's | 1134.76 | 4.24 |
what's happening with you oh man I i l | 1136.679 | 3.961 |
bean I had to I got a bear in my | 1139.0 | 4.12 |
backpack I left cream pie out there oh | 1140.64 | 5.039 |
my God way out there yeah what are you | 1143.12 | 3.32 |
going to do you just going to leave her | 1145.679 | 2.841 |
to starve well I got spooge in the | 1146.44 | 4.88 |
meantime Simon took spooge okay so you | 1148.52 | 4.88 |
can to leave cre pie to starve | 1151.32 | 5.08 |
potentially but if we'll see we'll see | 1153.4 | 4.24 |
you have a bear in that bag huh you | 1156.4 | 3.08 |
wouldn't know it yeah you wouldn't know | 1157.64 | 3.36 |
it's tiny bear okay all right I'm going | 1159.48 | 3.16 |
to go ahead and put this I'm going to | 1161.0 | 3.28 |
tame a bear I think that'd be kind of | 1162.64 | 2.919 |
cool yeah I didn't think you were going | 1164.28 | 3.6 |
to do anything else with it no all right | 1165.559 | 4.681 |
let's see right do open the animal pin | 1167.88 | 4.24 |
put the little baby in the berer and | 1170.24 | 3.799 |
then baby probably won't meat I need to | 1172.12 | 3.799 |
go out and get some meat oh I'm light | 1174.039 | 3.88 |
again thank God there you go okay I'm | 1175.919 | 3.481 |
going to go out get meat get this baby | 1177.919 | 3.401 |
bear rocking what else was I doing oh | 1179.4 | 5.399 |
yeah sorcery oh yeah evil things yes yes | 1181.32 | 5.16 |
yes yes yes cool yeah I'm going to do | 1184.799 | 4.441 |
something soon I promise all right yeah | 1186.48 | 4.679 |
yeah I'm sure you will hell of a day | 1189.24 | 4.08 |
yeah yeah you you're working hard yeah | 1191.159 | 6.321 |
you don't know I do you don't I do you | 1193.32 | 9.0 |
you don't I do do you do | 1197.48 | 4.84 |
not summon yeah come by the ledge no | 1205.08 | 5.56 |
thank you why I've already killed a | 1208.32 | 4.56 |
horse in these parts Oh I thought you | 1210.64 | 3.72 |
were on team let's kill all the horses a | 1212.88 | 3.44 |
minute ago I well I was just saying that | 1214.36 | 4.199 |
I switched teams but I I would rather | 1216.32 | 4.839 |
not kill this one you know I don't want | 1218.559 | 4.401 |
to kill this one on purpose oh jeez yeah | 1221.159 | 3.921 |
it's steep yeah but here's the thing I | 1222.96 | 4.48 |
think with this game the horses follow | 1225.08 | 4.52 |
you like it's it's kind of ridiculous | 1227.44 | 4.28 |
you know well I mean yeah but the thing | 1229.6 | 4.36 |
is it could I could very easily just | 1231.72 | 4.28 |
shift by accident and then all of a | 1233.96 | 4.04 |
sudden the horse is falling okay oh like | 1236.0 | 3.559 |
right now okay but it doesn't matter I'm | 1238.0 | 3.08 |
going to try to climb down and see what | 1239.559 | 3.321 |
the horse does well I think I should I | 1241.08 | 3.599 |
kind of want to jump down I like jumping | 1242.88 | 3.72 |
and trying to catch on to the yeah go | 1244.679 | 4.441 |
for it I'm going this way all right I'm | 1246.6 | 7.4 |
going to jump okay and Booyah o did you | 1249.12 | 7.28 |
do it yes I did all right I'm probably | 1254.0 | 3.799 |
being a little more safe than you are | 1256.4 | 3.32 |
all right I'm jump on there oh yeah | 1257.799 | 4.801 |
slide another slide oh yeah wait who's | 1259.72 | 5.92 |
that's my horse he's already here yeah | 1262.6 | 6.6 |
okay and there we go H that is crazy and | 1265.64 | 6.279 |
there's my guy hello all right doesn't | 1269.2 | 4.92 |
make any sense but I'll take it why not | 1271.919 | 4.36 |
shall we yeah we shall where you think | 1274.12 | 3.84 |
Anthony is I don't | 1276.279 | 5.52 |
know what is this what is this place | 1277.96 | 6.599 |
circular rocks epic castles and they | 1281.799 | 4.641 |
want to go back to the starting desert I | 1284.559 | 3.161 |
get it there's a bunch of benches there | 1286.44 | 2.88 |
it'll be hard to move but this place is | 1287.72 | 5.4 |
infinitely cooler I get it ice snow but | 1289.32 | 6.08 |
seriously I want to explore this part of | 1293.12 | 6.36 |
the map I'm going in oh blue Bridge | 1295.4 | 7.48 |
across this bridge stands Zula it was | 1299.48 | 5.4 |
originally an outpost built by your | 1302.88 | 4.919 |
people cross this bridge stand | 1304.88 | 5.64 |
zul oh and I'm dying of | 1307.799 | 5.0 |
cold whack thank you thank you for the | 1310.52 | 4.08 |
spicy foods oh God I ate the spicy foods | 1312.799 | 3.081 |
it's not working it's not working it's | 1314.6 | 2.6 |
very cold here it's too cold it's | 1315.88 | 5.08 |
absurdly cold oh God God run run run run | 1317.2 | 5.64 |
run of the cold die out the cold Jesus | 1320.96 | 4.24 |
Christ why is it so [ __ ] cold | 1322.84 | 4.64 |
here come on eat the food eat the meat | 1325.2 | 3.68 |
eat the meat eat I'm eating every steak | 1327.48 | 7.439 |
I have volcano why volano | 1328.88 | 6.039 |
why | 1335.44 | 5.04 |
oh well I got really dramatic there at | 1338.32 | 5.12 |
the end but uh I made | 1340.48 | 2.96 |
it hey buddy I've just has got a bad | 1345.48 | 5.799 |
feeling you know you ever get a bad | 1349.159 | 4.601 |
feeling you ever feel anything just | 1351.279 | 6.121 |
saying got a bad feeling yeah but should | 1353.76 | 5.76 |
I need you should you need us that's | 1357.4 | 4.48 |
from Labyrinth it's a great movie all | 1359.52 | 6.24 |
right let's see what's this hey Rhino | 1361.88 | 6.08 |
hey yeah I've had rhinos for a long time | 1365.76 | 4.44 |
you guys never V hey Simon hey I got a | 1367.96 | 3.959 |
question for you is what horse is that | 1370.2 | 3.44 |
Simon what's Anthony's names where's the | 1371.919 | 3.521 |
name if you look at its inventory or | 1373.64 | 3.919 |
information you'll find out but hold on | 1375.44 | 4.119 |
hold on don't | 1377.559 | 3.921 |
jump me off a cliff is no no everybody | 1379.559 | 4.681 |
hold on yeah where's spoe at son who SPO | 1381.48 | 6.64 |
yeah SPO that was the name spooge son of | 1384.24 | 7.559 |
a [ __ ] I knew it you knew what but it's | 1388.12 | 5.88 |
that spooge would die I I left cream pie | 1391.799 | 4.321 |
out there all alone too oh well that's | 1394.0 | 3.88 |
that's bad I did warn you though and I | 1396.12 | 3.439 |
didn't do it on purpose and it was | 1397.88 | 4.08 |
ridiculous how it how she died okay it's | 1399.559 | 5.081 |
fine it's fine it's fine whatever I'm I | 1401.96 | 5.079 |
do this hey on the bright side who's | 1404.64 | 7.0 |
Brown named after and is level 20 you no | 1407.039 | 7.041 |
banana nope oh wait wait what's a legum | 1411.64 | 5.039 |
again it's a in a bean I think so don't | 1414.08 | 4.52 |
bring up bean I miss beans what happened | 1416.679 | 5.24 |
to Bean Bean's dead ah she dropped three | 1418.6 | 5.92 |
foot off of a cliff but hey I got I do | 1421.919 | 3.841 |
have something cool you guys stay there | 1424.52 | 2.92 |
I'm coming no one knows the answer to my | 1425.76 | 6.68 |
question huh uh um your horse uh | 1427.44 | 9.0 |
fre level 20 Level 20 wow does that does | 1432.44 | 6.08 |
that mean it can it can handle a 6ot | 1436.44 | 4.92 |
drop probably maybe seven wow I | 1438.52 | 4.8 |
challenged that how do you put a damn | 1441.36 | 4.72 |
how do you put a damn saddle on oh there | 1443.32 | 4.56 |
is no saddle for the Rhino like when you | 1446.08 | 3.599 |
tame the Rhino you got to mix it with | 1447.88 | 4.32 |
the uh the soup son of [ __ ] you know it | 1449.679 | 4.521 |
makes perfect sense so I can't ride this | 1452.2 | 5.079 |
one no [ __ ] I don't think so I could be | 1454.2 | 4.32 |
wrong but I thought you had to make the | 1457.279 | 3.481 |
saddle with the soup a soup saddle | 1458.52 | 3.88 |
something I could be wrong on that you | 1460.76 | 3.0 |
might actually have to make a saddle | 1462.4 | 3.8 |
somewhere I didn't know you can ride I | 1463.76 | 3.84 |
thought you had a rhino and got it | 1466.2 | 2.959 |
killed riding it didn't you no I didn't | 1467.6 | 3.319 |
get killed riding it I couldn't ride it | 1469.159 | 3.201 |
oh you couldn't ride it yeah because I | 1470.919 | 2.801 |
made it with soup so maybe you don't | 1472.36 | 2.88 |
need to make the soup they make it | 1473.72 | 3.839 |
really unclear but hey check this guy | 1475.24 | 6.64 |
out boom this is gnarly ooh oh that | 1477.559 | 6.961 |
Badger that name is fitting it's a bear | 1481.88 | 4.96 |
oh you are a gnarly little bear garly | 1484.52 | 4.2 |
little bear you look very unhealthy does | 1486.84 | 4.559 |
it look like a bear it's a bear we saw | 1488.72 | 4.52 |
like the baby bears earlier it looked | 1491.399 | 3.16 |
more like a bear when it was a baby | 1493.24 | 3.0 |
didn't it it looks like it's wrapped in | 1494.559 | 4.761 |
Bear hide no I got it w change that's | 1496.24 | 4.96 |
not a bear that's a posum nope that's a | 1499.32 | 3.8 |
bear you riding AUM this is gnarly | 1501.2 | 3.52 |
didn't it look like a bear the baby | 1503.12 | 4.32 |
needes earlier saw bear this that bear | 1504.72 | 4.959 |
was cute this thing looks like a ugly | 1507.44 | 4.119 |
POS don't you say that about gnarly | 1509.679 | 4.36 |
that's a bear okay this is gnarly and he | 1511.559 | 5.801 |
adorable aren't you gnarly aren you I'm | 1514.039 | 5.841 |
going to feed you all kinds of people | 1517.36 | 3.96 |
gnarly a good gnarly and you're going to | 1519.88 | 2.6 |
play dead at night and then you're going | 1521.32 | 3.56 |
to walk real slow across the street by | 1522.48 | 4.52 |
your tail it's already dead names oh | 1524.88 | 4.24 |
sorry for your lost abro thank you you | 1527.0 | 4.279 |
look good Simon hey you thank you very | 1529.12 | 3.64 |
much all right gnarly come on let's get | 1531.279 | 3.201 |
to it we got killing to do all right | 1532.76 | 5.399 |
guys uh meat facial facial and cream pie | 1534.48 | 4.48 |
very | 1538.159 | 5.12 |
nice facial wow facial is not moving oh | 1538.96 | 7.319 |
we're we're a little stuck | 1543.279 | 5.28 |
yeah | 1546.279 | 5.76 |
[ __ ] good ride | 1548.559 | 3.48 |
[Music] | 1552.1 | 8.14 |
facial | 1557.24 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1574.09 | 3.09 |
he | 1578.24 | 3.0 |
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