Far Cry 5 | The SUPERCUT
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, Neebs here! I just gotta say, that Far Cry 5 SUPERCUT video is hands down my favorite. Doraleous really kicked some cult leader butt in that playthrough!
simon: Oh, come on Neebs, you know my favorite part was when Appsro kept running into trees and getting lost in the game. Classic Appsro move right there!
appsro: Hey, I resemble that remark, Simon! But seriously, that SUPERCUT video was epic. Doraleous really showed John Seed who's boss in the end. Can't wait for Far Cry 6!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest full playthrough of FarCry 5 featuring the epic showdown between Doraleous and the infamous cult leader John Seed? If not, you're in for a treat!
The dynamic duo takes on the challenge of facing off against the tyrannical John Seed in this action-packed adventure. With their signature humor and quick wit, Doraleous and the gang navigate through the treacherous world of Far Cry 5 to take down the cult leader and restore peace to Hope County.
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming, you won't want to miss out on this exciting playthrough. From intense battles to hilarious moments, this video has it all. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the epic journey as Doraleous and the crew face off against John Seed and his followers.
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Thanks for tuning in and watching Far Cry 5 with us. We'll see you in Far Cry 6 for more thrilling adventures and epic battles. Stay tuned for more exciting content from Neebs Gaming!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.75 | 5.54 |
okay | 6.56 | 3.2 |
all right you ready | 7.68 | 2.879 |
yeah | 9.76 | 2.48 |
let's get in the vehicle we're gonna | 10.559 | 3.361 |
start heading toward uh | 12.24 | 5.84 |
my first objective okay okay all right | 13.92 | 6.96 |
okay i just need to get shots of uh | 18.08 | 4.32 |
i just for the documentary i just need | 20.88 | 2.559 |
to get the baby yeah just act like i'm | 22.4 | 2.48 |
not here just get in the car okay like | 23.439 | 4.0 |
and then drive away | 24.88 | 6.36 |
yep there you go | 27.439 | 3.801 |
beautiful | 32.559 | 2.481 |
and drive away | 33.68 | 3.12 |
i just need the shot you're not good | 35.04 | 3.519 |
it's a you'll stop then i'll get in with | 36.8 | 3.759 |
you it's a documentary like i said first | 38.559 | 4.281 |
i've never done this | 40.559 | 5.441 |
up hold on i'm a little nervous | 42.84 | 4.84 |
yeah this [ __ ] me up just act like | 46.0 | 3.36 |
i'm not even here that's easier said | 47.68 | 4.32 |
than done it'll look fine when i cut it | 49.36 | 4.32 |
and then how far do i go just out of the | 52.0 | 3.28 |
shot please | 53.68 | 4.64 |
no keep going | 55.28 | 4.24 |
keep going | 58.32 | 2.96 |
well that's not gonna work just go just | 59.52 | 3.359 |
keep driving | 61.28 | 5.32 |
okay that's a good | 62.879 | 3.721 |
[Music] | 68.8 | 14.48 |
i've never been part of a documentary | 81.2 | 3.84 |
before but uh you just do what you | 83.28 | 3.36 |
normally do i'm just here to observe | 85.04 | 2.64 |
well it's going to be a little bit more | 86.64 | 3.2 |
complicated because i've got someone to | 87.68 | 2.799 |
be | 89.84 | 3.04 |
like i'm accountable for you kind of | 90.479 | 3.921 |
it's going to be dangerous that's why | 92.88 | 3.12 |
i'm here i'm a war journalist but are | 94.4 | 3.12 |
you going to help i used to work on cops | 96.0 | 3.28 |
no i don't help you worked on cops i | 97.52 | 4.16 |
observe oh wow i still watch cops i did | 99.28 | 5.199 |
a few episodes when did you become a | 101.68 | 5.759 |
sheriff deputy well i'm the rook so i've | 104.479 | 4.801 |
been there a little bit less than a year | 107.439 | 4.241 |
okay i i moved here from minnesota i | 109.28 | 4.08 |
just wanted to be in the open country | 111.68 | 2.88 |
it's just | 113.36 | 2.88 |
you gotta admit that so we're going over | 114.56 | 3.12 |
the bridge and once we're on the other | 116.24 | 2.96 |
side of this river | 117.68 | 3.2 |
we're in john's region | 119.2 | 4.08 |
and it's game on we we might go by foot | 120.88 | 4.879 |
here shortly because up look at this | 123.28 | 4.0 |
i'm gonna hit it okay | 125.759 | 4.72 |
i'm ramming it oh boy this is a okay | 127.28 | 4.08 |
whoa | 130.479 | 2.001 |
sometimes you just gotta make your own | 131.36 | 2.48 |
way you know what i mean we're getting | 132.48 | 3.6 |
right into it yeah it's the only way to | 133.84 | 6.36 |
maneuver around here to be honest | 136.08 | 4.12 |
[Music] | 140.9 | 3.31 |
okay | 144.4 | 3.04 |
so we're just over the hill from | 146.16 | 3.12 |
railway's pumpkin patch | 147.44 | 4.72 |
where apparently boomer this prized dog | 149.28 | 6.56 |
is being held hostage for some reason | 152.16 | 6.0 |
but i'd really like boomer by my side so | 155.84 | 4.0 |
uh it's got a turkey over there that is | 158.16 | 4.64 |
a turkey you like turkey that is dry you | 159.84 | 5.28 |
get sleepy when you eat it not really | 162.8 | 5.28 |
turkey's really easy to get dry isn't it | 165.12 | 4.8 |
things might get hairy now you have a | 168.08 | 4.0 |
weapon in case no i'm just here to film | 169.92 | 3.2 |
uh | 172.08 | 2.64 |
do you have a weapon in case i mean | 173.12 | 3.68 |
worst case scenario so yes the answer | 174.72 | 3.68 |
would be yes yeah all right but i'm not | 176.8 | 2.719 |
gonna use it | 178.4 | 2.64 |
okay so | 179.519 | 3.761 |
all i know is that there's gonna be bad | 181.04 | 3.6 |
guys here | 183.28 | 3.039 |
and um | 184.64 | 2.879 |
and boomer | 186.319 | 3.2 |
is there a place i should get to uh to | 187.519 | 3.201 |
watch this go i don't know how this | 189.519 | 3.44 |
works i don't i don't know how shooting | 190.72 | 4.32 |
a documentary works you know oh oh | 192.959 | 5.2 |
there's a mountain lion right there | 195.04 | 4.96 |
see that | 198.159 | 5.44 |
hunting you hunting you i believe | 200.0 | 3.599 |
oh the turkey oh god really | 208.4 | 4.199 |
okay | 217.2 | 3.599 |
really you get it | 219.04 | 3.68 |
now this maybe | 220.799 | 3.52 |
yeah i think i got it are you [ __ ] | 222.72 | 4.599 |
kidding | 224.319 | 3.0 |
not working so far | 230.56 | 4.56 |
what's supposed to happen i just thought | 233.36 | 5.599 |
it would blow up what's it full of | 235.12 | 3.839 |
okay now i'm down to a bat see | 243.28 | 4.159 |
wait you don't have a gun | 245.84 | 3.84 |
i'm out of ammo i got a gun it's just no | 247.439 | 4.481 |
ammo you're gonna go in with no gun i'm | 249.68 | 5.8 |
going in with a bat | 251.92 | 3.56 |
[Music] | 257.35 | 4.97 |
uh deputy | 260.72 | 3.28 |
doraleous come in | 262.32 | 3.52 |
i'm right here always was all right this | 264.0 | 3.759 |
is neebs i'm on top of the water tower | 265.84 | 4.4 |
oh you made it oh there's a guy | 267.759 | 4.16 |
watch | 270.24 | 3.04 |
yeah i see him | 271.919 | 3.121 |
wish i had a gun you know i have a gun | 273.28 | 3.84 |
but i wish i had ammo | 275.04 | 4.159 |
it's a suicide mission you know do you | 277.12 | 3.44 |
think you should come back at another | 279.199 | 4.241 |
time or no now's the time really | 280.56 | 4.72 |
this guy looks busy | 283.44 | 3.52 |
they're not the most competent bunch you | 285.28 | 2.72 |
know | 286.96 | 2.08 |
all right | 288.0 | 3.919 |
let's keep it down | 289.04 | 2.879 |
look at this | 293.759 | 3.921 |
i take this guy out yep yep that's | 295.04 | 5.36 |
that's how that went down | 297.68 | 4.32 |
yeah all right that was good | 300.4 | 3.76 |
my [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] | 302.0 | 4.56 |
all right neebs yeah i could really use | 304.16 | 4.24 |
some help right now i'm just here to | 306.56 | 4.0 |
observe okay but the documentary's over | 308.4 | 4.0 |
if you don't help me right now okay | 310.56 | 3.12 |
there's a lot of bad guys out there | 312.4 | 3.28 |
though so right can you just get up and | 313.68 | 3.92 |
fight them i'm clinging to life and i | 315.68 | 3.68 |
just need to get help are you serious | 317.6 | 4.08 |
okay i think i have a gun here somewhere | 319.36 | 3.279 |
oh you | 321.68 | 3.6 |
you | 322.639 | 2.641 |
okay i just shot a i shot a barrel yeah | 325.44 | 5.599 |
standby i'm on my way good god | 328.32 | 5.439 |
okay i didn't know you had that ammo | 331.039 | 5.841 |
oh yeah well it's my ammo yeah but you | 333.759 | 4.081 |
said you weren't gonna use it you're | 336.88 | 2.8 |
just getting this in case i get attacked | 337.84 | 4.4 |
but i went in with a bat okay i'm back | 339.68 | 3.84 |
yeah but i | 342.24 | 3.84 |
might need | 343.52 | 2.56 |
standby i'm coming really i'm standing | 346.32 | 3.36 |
by | 348.16 | 4.08 |
oh boy there's a lot of fire yeah and | 349.68 | 5.6 |
it's gonna reach me okay oh jeez can i | 352.24 | 4.079 |
run through this | 355.28 | 4.96 |
oh boy okay how do i do this please | 356.319 | 4.88 |
oh | 360.24 | 3.36 |
good fire can you just | 361.199 | 4.0 |
you okay yeah | 363.6 | 3.76 |
thank you really badly burned i i'm very | 365.199 | 2.881 |
bad | 367.36 | 3.36 |
my arm's on fire okay go get a good shot | 368.08 | 5.6 |
i'm gonna go take care of this | 370.72 | 6.64 |
okay all right i got you i got you | 373.68 | 3.68 |
okay oh boy | 379.28 | 3.68 |
oh i just kicked you i think | 380.72 | 3.919 |
ah you're a hero | 382.96 | 2.88 |
that's gonna be that's gonna be the | 384.639 | 2.961 |
documentary here all right okay i could | 385.84 | 3.52 |
use some help | 387.6 | 3.92 |
sorry okay as soon as this now it's your | 389.36 | 3.279 |
turn | 391.52 | 5.44 |
i just i felt in danger will you work | 392.639 | 8.0 |
all right i'm getting shot at so | 396.96 | 3.679 |
oh boy | 401.36 | 3.44 |
okay to rallies no | 402.56 | 4.32 |
well i'm fine for a minute but oh you're | 404.8 | 3.92 |
down again yeah i'm not supposed to | 406.88 | 4.4 |
shoot a documentary if you keep falling | 408.72 | 4.96 |
down like this listen | 411.28 | 3.44 |
i | 413.68 | 2.56 |
i didn't plan on going in with it hey | 414.72 | 4.24 |
okay listen this time take cover oh all | 416.24 | 4.959 |
right i'm out | 418.96 | 4.639 |
you okay i got bees | 421.199 | 5.041 |
it's bees | 423.599 | 2.641 |
there we got it wait i didn't even get | 431.84 | 3.199 |
the shot you know | 433.28 | 3.359 |
sometimes you just gotta take it as it | 435.039 | 3.201 |
comes | 436.639 | 3.12 |
okay it wasn't the smoothest first | 438.24 | 4.079 |
operation by any means but uh | 439.759 | 4.241 |
yeah i really wish you'd give me more | 442.319 | 2.641 |
ammo | 444.0 | 3.28 |
i had a bat going in you know well | 444.96 | 3.76 |
you're a deputy sheriff i thought you | 447.28 | 3.359 |
would know to get your own i saved you | 448.72 | 3.45 |
from a turkey | 450.639 | 3.201 |
[Music] | 452.17 | 4.309 |
boomer's a good boy who's a good boy | 453.84 | 5.12 |
um the answer is boomer's a good boy | 456.479 | 5.041 |
who's abuja boomer look at us | 458.96 | 5.44 |
look at this dog yeah he likes giving | 461.52 | 4.399 |
them licks is this the first time you've | 464.4 | 3.6 |
met this dog this dog's pretty famous in | 465.919 | 4.56 |
these parts to be honest yeah so we've | 468.0 | 5.039 |
got a dog companion um i think it's | 470.479 | 4.321 |
probably time to start i actually have | 473.039 | 3.44 |
one thing i want to a score i want to | 474.8 | 6.399 |
settle first with who follow me | 476.479 | 4.72 |
hell | 484.72 | 3.919 |
what's up with my arm | 485.68 | 2.959 |
that should do | 489.28 | 4.4 |
it whoa | 490.84 | 3.96 |
that | 493.68 | 2.959 |
is what i was going for | 494.8 | 3.839 |
so that's going to send a signal well | 496.639 | 3.201 |
they're going to see that that silo's | 498.639 | 2.721 |
gone it's going to piss them off it's | 499.84 | 3.68 |
it's psychological warfare if you ask me | 501.36 | 5.04 |
right okay i've marked a spot on the map | 503.52 | 5.519 |
and it could be an outpost and um we | 506.4 | 4.799 |
just got to slowly chisel away at this | 509.039 | 5.791 |
cult i'm following you yeah keep up | 511.199 | 12.45 |
[Music] | 514.83 | 8.819 |
see those white trucks | 524.8 | 2.96 |
over on the highway oh is this a point | 526.32 | 3.28 |
of interest you've got my camera not | 527.76 | 4.079 |
necessarily i'm just saying all right | 529.6 | 4.32 |
rolling those white trucks are uh could | 531.839 | 4.401 |
you just take it from the top again | 533.92 | 3.68 |
i just i just now started rolling the | 536.24 | 2.96 |
trucks are gone | 537.6 | 3.359 |
they're gone | 539.2 | 4.0 |
okay well uh just give me a heads up | 540.959 | 3.121 |
next time | 543.2 | 2.639 |
i did all right well that's a cut all | 544.08 | 2.96 |
right | 545.839 | 9.231 |
[Music] | 547.04 | 8.03 |
yeah where are you | 556.88 | 3.8 |
uh neebs come in go ahead deputy dorales | 562.48 | 4.4 |
this doesn't seem like they're holding | 565.44 | 3.04 |
an outpost of any sort seems like a | 566.88 | 3.76 |
hostage situation oh yeah i see them now | 568.48 | 2.88 |
there's | 570.64 | 2.639 |
a lot of two hostages and one seems to | 571.36 | 3.36 |
be a person of interest | 573.279 | 3.521 |
my sd card's starting to get full so if | 574.72 | 4.4 |
you could just uh should i that's kind | 576.8 | 3.92 |
of your problem do you have time to | 579.12 | 3.04 |
change cards real quick it seems like | 580.72 | 3.119 |
that'd be something you'd be prepared | 582.16 | 3.76 |
for well i'm ready i just should i keep | 583.839 | 3.44 |
rolling or change sd cards do you | 585.92 | 4.32 |
understand like how serious this is yeah | 587.279 | 4.961 |
these are other lives at stake including | 590.24 | 4.32 |
our own so change are you are you gonna | 592.24 | 4.08 |
attack in the next two minutes | 594.56 | 3.12 |
change your [ __ ] card all right | 596.32 | 4.48 |
change your card copy that | 597.68 | 5.92 |
okay here we go i've got about an hour's | 600.8 | 4.64 |
worth of footage right now so okay that | 603.6 | 3.76 |
should be fine | 605.44 | 4.48 |
three hostages you see three hostages | 607.36 | 5.68 |
yes i see three hostages and four | 609.92 | 4.159 |
peggies | 613.04 | 4.16 |
okay uh well i have a pretty good shot | 614.079 | 7.281 |
so uh doraleous whenever you're ready | 617.2 | 6.24 |
okay i got a plan | 621.36 | 3.36 |
you ready for this | 623.44 | 4.079 |
i think so | 624.72 | 2.799 |
oh there he goes | 629.68 | 3.48 |
oh they're shooting his dog | 633.6 | 5.44 |
oh doraleous took down one of them | 635.68 | 3.36 |
i think we're all clear | 639.839 | 3.881 |
good to go neebs | 647.44 | 3.68 |
i know how to get back at the cult | 648.959 | 4.081 |
but if we're gonna do it right | 651.12 | 4.64 |
we need the death wish | 653.04 | 4.88 |
that's my truck | 655.76 | 3.44 |
problem is | 657.92 | 3.039 |
it's sitting in a garage that's been | 659.2 | 3.759 |
overrun by those [ __ ] | 660.959 | 4.88 |
you head over to us auto and get it | 662.959 | 5.041 |
i'll make sure the folks here are safe | 665.839 | 4.321 |
thank you sir i'm glad you're okay oh | 668.0 | 5.12 |
hey neebs this was merle briggs uh | 670.16 | 4.799 |
he just told me to grab his truck the | 673.12 | 3.92 |
death wish which seems like it would be | 674.959 | 4.241 |
a great asset for us so we have to go | 677.04 | 6.919 |
somewhere else now yeah us auto | 679.2 | 4.759 |
[Music] | 686.85 | 11.31 |
okay i've just found a pretty good spot | 698.32 | 5.12 |
up here on the hill behind a tree uh | 700.8 | 4.8 |
neeps doraleous come in | 703.44 | 4.16 |
this is doraleous i | 705.6 | 3.919 |
have a pretty good location i can see | 707.6 | 4.799 |
most of the camp um | 709.519 | 5.041 |
and i'm rolling | 712.399 | 4.321 |
copy that | 714.56 | 3.68 |
i'm still uh | 716.72 | 4.16 |
assessing the situation right now | 718.24 | 5.36 |
this is our first bigger outpost and | 720.88 | 4.399 |
they just get worse and worse one of the | 723.6 | 3.52 |
first things i'm going to want to do is | 725.279 | 4.8 |
take out the alarms seems to be at least | 727.12 | 5.76 |
two of them as far as i can tell | 730.079 | 4.401 |
take up the alarms they can't call and | 732.88 | 2.639 |
help | 734.48 | 3.12 |
up sniper on the roof | 735.519 | 3.841 |
i don't have anything with the silencer | 737.6 | 3.6 |
do i have a | 739.36 | 5.44 |
bow and arrow i doubt it son of a [ __ ] | 741.2 | 5.759 |
as soon as this sniper turns around and | 744.8 | 3.36 |
this | 746.959 | 3.841 |
female peggy turns around i'm gonna take | 748.16 | 3.76 |
a different position and go in from | 750.8 | 3.44 |
there sniper turned around female turned | 751.92 | 3.52 |
around | 754.24 | 4.599 |
moving in | 755.44 | 3.399 |
i want to get that sniper out of the way | 759.68 | 3.52 |
first | 761.2 | 3.199 |
i'm not sure where you are but you're | 763.2 | 3.68 |
probably going to see me hop up on uh | 764.399 | 4.081 |
i just lost you behind the building | 766.88 | 3.6 |
right yeah i'm going to | 768.48 | 4.799 |
come up on the building here shortly | 770.48 | 4.56 |
you see that sniper | 773.279 | 4.081 |
on the building yeah i do yeah you could | 775.04 | 4.32 |
help me out right now and tell me when | 777.36 | 4.4 |
he's not facing me | 779.36 | 4.08 |
and we're starting to | 781.76 | 3.6 |
kind of get into a gray area i think why | 783.44 | 4.24 |
is that not influencing the situation | 785.36 | 4.159 |
i'm just here to observe really you are | 787.68 | 4.399 |
observing and you're helping the law | 789.519 | 3.601 |
well he's | 792.079 | 2.88 |
he's walking back towards the roof right | 793.12 | 3.839 |
now but is he facing me | 794.959 | 3.44 |
assuming you're on the other side i'm on | 796.959 | 3.521 |
the back side yeah then he's facing you | 798.399 | 4.641 |
okay tell me when he turns around | 800.48 | 4.64 |
okay but let's no he's running toward | 803.04 | 3.76 |
he's walking toward me yeah i think i | 805.12 | 3.279 |
hear him coming closer yeah he's walking | 806.8 | 4.4 |
to the the peak of the roof okay | 808.399 | 4.161 |
he's almost at the very peak i would | 811.2 | 3.6 |
like to know when he turns around okay | 812.56 | 4.0 |
the second he turns around | 814.8 | 4.96 |
well he's facing the alarm right now | 816.56 | 6.16 |
kind of looking towards the mountains | 819.76 | 6.16 |
just looking kind of past the alarm | 822.72 | 6.2 |
oh | 825.92 | 3.0 |
oh jeez did he fall off the roof he did | 829.36 | 4.479 |
[ __ ] that's not good oh there's this | 831.519 | 3.841 |
lady she's alarmed | 833.839 | 3.841 |
oh i guess you see her okay doraleous | 835.36 | 4.0 |
just took a lady out | 837.68 | 3.599 |
this isn't good this isn't good | 839.36 | 3.36 |
doraleous everyone knows you're there i | 841.279 | 3.761 |
think i am aware of that the alarms are | 842.72 | 3.76 |
red | 845.04 | 3.919 |
oh wow | 846.48 | 2.479 |
dallas if you could uh come out in the | 853.279 | 5.201 |
open so i can get shots | 855.04 | 3.44 |
was that him there he goes | 862.48 | 4.96 |
drawlers come back oh yeah there you go | 865.44 | 3.68 |
you can fight out there it'd be great | 867.44 | 4.399 |
[ __ ] | 869.12 | 2.719 |
alice is uh in a gunfight right now with | 872.48 | 3.12 |
some people in the warehouse there's | 874.079 | 4.32 |
more coming and uh looks like boomers | 875.6 | 5.12 |
injured | 878.399 | 2.321 |
you see any more neeps | 880.8 | 3.839 |
oh yeah actually there's a guy out front | 882.639 | 3.841 |
he's in the front yard he looks heavily | 884.639 | 3.921 |
armored though can you spot him for me i | 886.48 | 3.84 |
mean we're really pushing it now | 888.56 | 2.639 |
drowning | 890.32 | 3.44 |
i'm just here to get footage | 891.199 | 4.561 |
he's in the front yard what is the front | 893.76 | 4.72 |
yard oh wait now he's moving oh he's by | 895.76 | 4.24 |
the the trucks | 898.48 | 3.919 |
i see him | 900.0 | 2.399 |
whoa | 903.68 | 3.68 |
he did it | 905.839 | 3.36 |
thanks for all the help | 907.36 | 3.36 |
let's get this vehicle and get the [ __ ] | 909.199 | 3.901 |
out of here | 910.72 | 13.549 |
[Music] | 913.1 | 11.169 |
roof seems clear doesn't it | 924.32 | 5.28 |
yeah i'm gonna get on that roof okay i | 927.04 | 3.68 |
don't know if you know but i found a | 929.6 | 2.96 |
sniper rifle back there | 930.72 | 5.44 |
so we got uh dralius liberated us auto | 932.56 | 5.199 |
and the | 936.16 | 2.4 |
uh | 937.759 | 2.481 |
the death wish was not there so | 938.56 | 3.6 |
doraleous drove me to | 940.24 | 4.159 |
uh gas station and we think that's the | 942.16 | 3.359 |
death wish | 944.399 | 3.44 |
over there and it's being gassed up by | 945.519 | 4.0 |
armed cult members | 947.839 | 3.68 |
at the moment | 949.519 | 3.281 |
and boomers | 951.519 | 2.961 |
patched him up it's just resting a | 952.8 | 2.959 |
little while but uh | 954.48 | 2.64 |
doraleous is making his way onto the | 955.759 | 4.08 |
roof right now | 957.12 | 4.48 |
and it looks like gas prices are | 959.839 | 3.36 |
surprisingly good | 961.6 | 5.239 |
considering the circumstances | 963.199 | 3.64 |
are you kidding me are you kidding | 968.8 | 3.76 |
wow they just drove off oh and the | 974.079 | 4.161 |
soldiers are coming out | 976.16 | 6.08 |
and they're coming up on the roof now | 978.24 | 5.12 |
alice is getting ready to get attacked | 982.24 | 3.039 |
from his back and he doesn't even know | 983.36 | 3.36 |
[ __ ] | 985.279 | 3.041 |
oh he's running oh he's getting that fan | 986.72 | 3.359 |
get in the van get in the van | 988.32 | 3.84 |
hold on okay rolling | 990.079 | 3.76 |
guys what happened | 992.16 | 5.679 |
took it away they took it away | 993.839 | 4.0 |
they're still in the area keep your eyes | 999.279 | 4.48 |
open | 1001.519 | 2.24 |
you're gonna get us killed | 1003.839 | 4.481 |
where is it | 1006.399 | 4.24 |
oh [ __ ] which way to go | 1008.32 | 4.16 |
oh which way to go are you asking me | 1010.639 | 3.921 |
yeah did you see it no i just i was | 1012.48 | 3.44 |
looking through the viewfinder i think | 1014.56 | 3.76 |
it went this way though | 1015.92 | 4.0 |
is that the no | 1018.32 | 3.759 |
damn it i think i went the wrong way | 1019.92 | 3.12 |
damn it | 1022.079 | 3.041 |
is upset because we wanted to steal the | 1023.04 | 4.48 |
truck we're totally on their radar big | 1025.12 | 5.12 |
time i gotta lose them son of a [ __ ] | 1027.52 | 5.039 |
son of a [ __ ] | 1030.24 | 3.76 |
good i wish you could help me a little | 1032.559 | 3.76 |
bit you're gonna hang around be nice if | 1034.0 | 3.439 |
you could help because you are a | 1036.319 | 2.88 |
liability | 1037.439 | 3.841 |
are you upset right now a little bit | 1039.199 | 3.36 |
[ __ ] | 1041.28 | 3.519 |
[ __ ] out of the way sir | 1042.559 | 4.64 |
at me or just no i can't situation with | 1044.799 | 5.921 |
the tractor doing sorry | 1047.199 | 5.681 |
so just the situation the situation's | 1050.72 | 4.56 |
got me a little uh a little pissy but | 1052.88 | 4.32 |
we're good | 1055.28 | 5.519 |
yeah we're fine we'll we'll make it | 1057.2 | 5.2 |
[ __ ] | 1060.799 | 3.921 |
geez was that was that a where's what | 1062.4 | 3.279 |
did you mean to hit that we're gonna | 1064.72 | 2.88 |
have to commandeer another vehicle get | 1065.679 | 3.12 |
out of the van | 1067.6 | 4.56 |
get out of the van okay | 1068.799 | 3.361 |
i've been driving for a while i've been | 1077.2 | 4.16 |
shot at many times by cult members you'd | 1078.72 | 4.959 |
be shot at less if you shot back have | 1081.36 | 4.559 |
you ever seen a situation where people | 1083.679 | 3.841 |
do ride alongside cops and they should | 1085.919 | 3.361 |
no no no but the thing is you put | 1087.52 | 3.84 |
yourself in this situation this is hang | 1089.28 | 3.6 |
on neebs | 1091.36 | 3.6 |
i think i have an idea where this son of | 1092.88 | 4.64 |
a [ __ ] is | 1094.96 | 2.56 |
there it is | 1097.84 | 3.04 |
oh wow | 1098.88 | 3.2 |
we're getting this damn thing i don't | 1100.88 | 3.039 |
give a [ __ ] | 1102.08 | 4.4 |
all right we've just found oh geez | 1103.919 | 4.64 |
we just found the death wish | 1106.48 | 4.96 |
uh we're in pursuit | 1108.559 | 2.881 |
over | 1114.32 | 3.359 |
whoa | 1115.44 | 3.76 |
i think that was just a cult van that | 1117.679 | 4.841 |
passed us | 1119.2 | 3.32 |
[ __ ] | 1123.52 | 3.68 |
loves to run into anything solid well | 1125.12 | 4.32 |
it's hard to focus like it'd be nice to | 1127.2 | 6.44 |
any bit of help any bit | 1129.44 | 4.2 |
oh [ __ ] | 1139.039 | 4.161 |
let me just kill the civilian | 1140.88 | 3.919 |
oh yeah | 1143.2 | 3.28 |
that car just held a chance that's our | 1144.799 | 3.521 |
chance | 1146.48 | 5.36 |
get out of the car | 1148.32 | 3.52 |
you sir get out of the car | 1152.96 | 3.36 |
you want to get the death wish neebs we | 1158.559 | 4.281 |
can get establishing shots later okay oh | 1160.08 | 5.12 |
sorry you can jump on the gun why don't | 1162.84 | 5.079 |
you jump on the gun | 1165.2 | 2.719 |
well actually like this there's yeah | 1168.08 | 3.839 |
like that well i'll tell you what | 1170.0 | 3.12 |
you're gonna have to jump on the gun | 1171.919 | 2.561 |
eventually | 1173.12 | 3.439 |
sorry it's just how it is there's | 1174.48 | 5.6 |
another tree i was looking at you | 1176.559 | 3.521 |
you really do you hit everything though | 1180.48 | 3.68 |
i mean i realized | 1182.72 | 4.4 |
that there was danger well just then | 1184.16 | 4.16 |
uh | 1187.12 | 2.08 |
yeah | 1188.32 | 2.96 |
okay all right hang on i feel like we'd | 1189.2 | 6.479 |
be in less danger if you drove better | 1191.28 | 5.36 |
uh | 1195.679 | 3.441 |
hang on | 1196.64 | 2.48 |
oh wow look at that | 1202.159 | 3.681 |
let's take a look at this baby | 1204.32 | 4.16 |
[Music] | 1205.84 | 4.56 |
i mean that's a cheesy paint job not | 1208.48 | 3.04 |
gonna lie | 1210.4 | 2.8 |
i like the colors though we got a little | 1211.52 | 3.36 |
purple a little bit of green how you | 1213.2 | 4.64 |
feeling right now i feel better | 1214.88 | 5.52 |
that took a little bit of work | 1217.84 | 4.88 |
more than it should have | 1220.4 | 4.65 |
but i mean come on look what we got | 1222.72 | 7.439 |
[Music] | 1225.05 | 8.749 |
i think this is going to help | 1230.159 | 3.64 |
so | 1239.6 | 3.0 |
neebs | 1249.039 | 2.721 |
yes sir you should really consider | 1250.0 | 3.6 |
jumping on that gun | 1251.76 | 3.76 |
well it's uh it's hard for me to get | 1253.6 | 4.0 |
shots when i'm on a gun plus i don't | 1255.52 | 3.519 |
know if i'm legally allowed to shoot | 1257.6 | 3.12 |
people no but i think anything goes out | 1259.039 | 3.841 |
here but you're a deputy i know and i'm | 1260.72 | 3.76 |
giving you permission to use the gun | 1262.88 | 3.039 |
uh-huh | 1264.48 | 3.92 |
can you swear me in on video so i have | 1265.919 | 3.441 |
proof | 1268.4 | 4.48 |
yeah yeah okay yeah of course um | 1269.36 | 6.0 |
i neebs i neebs accept the | 1272.88 | 5.52 |
responsibility as a deputy temporarily | 1275.36 | 5.28 |
up until the point of which we have | 1278.4 | 5.92 |
regained this county expected expect | 1280.64 | 6.68 |
accepted | 1284.32 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1289.84 | 7.56 |
so | 1294.4 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1300.65 | 3.129 |
so tell me more about falls in it's a | 1311.6 | 3.52 |
town it's just a little town and the uh | 1313.2 | 4.64 |
eden's gate uh cult has it under their | 1315.12 | 4.24 |
control right now like everything else | 1317.84 | 3.12 |
right here right | 1319.36 | 4.4 |
except for the pumpkin patch and earl's | 1320.96 | 5.599 |
automotive right thanks to you right and | 1323.76 | 4.96 |
you see that up there uh-huh that's | 1326.559 | 4.161 |
false ending yeah it's called all right | 1328.72 | 3.12 |
we're gonna go in a little bit more | 1330.72 | 2.8 |
stealthy i don't want to use the vehicle | 1331.84 | 2.8 |
there i'd like to be a little bit more | 1333.52 | 2.48 |
stealthy | 1334.64 | 3.2 |
remember that you remember um when i was | 1336.0 | 4.48 |
up on top of the uh us auto remember | 1337.84 | 5.68 |
that yeah and you kind of told me where | 1340.48 | 5.04 |
the bad guys saw some enemies yeah that | 1343.52 | 4.8 |
helped a lot you did a good thing for | 1345.52 | 5.68 |
uh america well this documentary isn't | 1348.32 | 4.56 |
about me it's about you it's it's a | 1351.2 | 5.36 |
bigger it's bigger than me follow me | 1352.88 | 7.03 |
[Music] | 1356.56 | 3.35 |
so we are currently on top of the hope's | 1360.0 | 4.96 |
end water tower it's it's falls end oh | 1361.919 | 5.201 |
falls in it's hope county oh hope county | 1364.96 | 5.12 |
got you right water tower doraleous is | 1367.12 | 5.919 |
got a the high ground looking down on i | 1370.08 | 5.28 |
believe cult members there's a hostage | 1373.039 | 4.321 |
being held in front of the spread eagle | 1375.36 | 3.84 |
okay here's what we're doing neebs i | 1377.36 | 4.16 |
don't have a silencer on this weapon yet | 1379.2 | 4.479 |
but right down here there's a bus and | 1381.52 | 3.519 |
there's a guy it's kind of on the | 1383.679 | 2.88 |
outskirts of town we're gonna work our | 1385.039 | 3.601 |
way in from that point i'm going to take | 1386.559 | 3.6 |
him out so we're going to come in from | 1388.64 | 3.2 |
behind that bus gotcha i'm going to stay | 1390.159 | 3.841 |
here for the shots so okay you got it | 1391.84 | 6.24 |
switching the radio switching radio | 1394.0 | 4.08 |
come on deputy | 1400.32 | 2.64 |
no these they're all dead these guys are | 1413.36 | 4.64 |
it does not smell good here | 1415.28 | 5.2 |
okay is that guy gonna see me | 1418.0 | 4.24 |
see if i can get him | 1420.48 | 5.28 |
oh man you broke his neck right | 1422.24 | 5.2 |
i hate to say it's somewhat satisfying | 1425.76 | 3.279 |
when it happens you see the other guy | 1427.44 | 3.119 |
he's in front of the church yeah i'm | 1429.039 | 3.76 |
gonna come in and break his neck | 1430.559 | 3.761 |
and we're gonna save the pastor i've | 1432.799 | 4.321 |
heard he's a good man | 1434.32 | 2.8 |
so doraleous has just saved someone only | 1441.76 | 4.399 |
running he's running in the church with | 1444.48 | 4.96 |
a gun yeah this pastor's been like | 1446.159 | 5.201 |
i don't know he's he's not on their side | 1449.44 | 4.8 |
we'll put it that way which is obvious | 1451.36 | 4.799 |
since he was held hostage | 1454.24 | 2.96 |
okay | 1456.159 | 3.52 |
i'm uh thinking the sniper next neebs | 1457.2 | 4.24 |
you know there's two there's two roof | 1459.679 | 2.88 |
guys right | 1461.44 | 2.96 |
oh are you helping yeah i see the other | 1462.559 | 2.801 |
one | 1464.4 | 3.759 |
okay as long as nothing crosses the road | 1465.36 | 5.199 |
so far so good | 1468.159 | 4.321 |
is that other sniper facing me across | 1470.559 | 2.801 |
the way | 1472.48 | 2.24 |
he looks like he's working on his gun | 1473.36 | 3.12 |
but he is kind of facing you yeah let me | 1474.72 | 4.72 |
know if that one turns around and um | 1476.48 | 8.12 |
if the one that i'm bi oh behind you | 1479.44 | 5.16 |
they're going to try to oh boy | 1499.2 | 5.599 |
be careful man | 1502.08 | 2.719 |
if your eyes open up their knees they | 1506.559 | 3.441 |
can come after you yes sir there's the | 1507.919 | 3.681 |
air support | 1510.0 | 2.84 |
is this roof | 1511.6 | 5.92 |
clear uh roof is clear yeah | 1512.84 | 8.0 |
is that a gun | 1517.52 | 3.32 |
[Music] | 1531.57 | 3.23 |
keep an eye on me | 1536.24 | 4.24 |
any other baddies coming | 1537.919 | 6.401 |
i believe the plane is going down | 1540.48 | 3.84 |
what is that happening | 1544.96 | 4.24 |
oh the preacher's in on this awesome | 1546.88 | 5.88 |
let's fire an rpg | 1549.2 | 3.56 |
all right let me rescue this person keep | 1556.48 | 3.12 |
an eye on me | 1558.24 | 2.799 |
we got it | 1559.6 | 4.0 |
liberated we got it deputy doraleous | 1561.039 | 3.921 |
well done | 1563.6 | 3.439 |
got spotted but you know there's a lot | 1564.96 | 3.44 |
of guys out there | 1567.039 | 4.341 |
let's go talk to the creature | 1568.4 | 7.999 |
[Music] | 1571.38 | 5.019 |
[Music] | 1579.58 | 6.25 |
[Music] | 1602.2 | 6.299 |
all right we're here | 1618.32 | 5.479 |
stay behind me and don't get killed | 1619.6 | 4.199 |
[Music] | 1624.82 | 5.58 |
oh [ __ ] pastor jerome is down | 1627.2 | 5.28 |
i got you pastor oh one second i just | 1630.4 | 3.519 |
need to reload first | 1632.48 | 2.799 |
there you go | 1633.919 | 2.721 |
sorry we're late | 1635.279 | 5.52 |
never you okay yep just setting up | 1636.64 | 4.159 |
[Music] | 1646.78 | 4.1 |
i'm right in front of this like little | 1649.36 | 3.919 |
compound are you down where are you | 1650.88 | 4.159 |
getting shots further back the road oh | 1653.279 | 2.561 |
okay | 1655.039 | 2.321 |
well i'm okay right now | 1655.84 | 3.52 |
i'm gonna go up on top of this uh this | 1657.36 | 2.96 |
building | 1659.36 | 3.679 |
all right all right | 1660.32 | 2.719 |
all right | 1665.36 | 4.0 |
i'll see you yeah | 1667.12 | 4.08 |
all right sorry oh he just tried to | 1669.36 | 6.0 |
revive his friend and i ain't having it | 1671.2 | 4.16 |
stay the [ __ ] down who else we got down | 1676.48 | 4.24 |
here oh you're yeah hey don't pay | 1678.72 | 3.28 |
attention to me just | 1680.72 | 4.6 |
do your thing | 1682.0 | 3.32 |
[Music] | 1689.06 | 3.1 |
hey doraleous they have reinforcements | 1698.48 | 3.28 |
moving in | 1700.32 | 4.079 |
okay okay oh crap pastor jerome just | 1701.76 | 5.2 |
went down can you get to him no it looks | 1704.399 | 4.321 |
like there's three gunmen they got them | 1706.96 | 4.56 |
all pinned down okay stay down i'll be | 1708.72 | 5.6 |
there in just a minute | 1711.52 | 2.8 |
rallies yeah i'm okay right now i'm okay | 1719.84 | 3.36 |
i'm gonna need you shortly though i know | 1721.76 | 2.72 |
that | 1723.2 | 2.4 |
whoops | 1724.48 | 2.88 |
[ __ ] i didn't mean it | 1725.6 | 4.72 |
oh what happened | 1727.36 | 2.96 |
i threw a | 1730.399 | 3.52 |
piece of dynamite down by accident | 1731.84 | 4.16 |
dynamite | 1733.919 | 4.401 |
yeah it came out of my pocket oh that's | 1736.0 | 3.919 |
you yeah don't shoot the camera guys | 1738.32 | 3.359 |
okay | 1739.919 | 3.841 |
are we moving you look really hurt i | 1741.679 | 3.441 |
think we're moving let's just see what | 1743.76 | 3.44 |
the pastor has to say cult's moving the | 1745.12 | 4.0 |
rest of the prisoners up the road they | 1747.2 | 4.479 |
got merle too time's wasting grab what | 1749.12 | 5.12 |
you can and go save them damn it i'll | 1751.679 | 4.24 |
call in some of our people we're going | 1754.24 | 3.039 |
to need them if we're going to pull this | 1755.919 | 3.921 |
off yeah sounds good pastor we've got | 1757.279 | 6.921 |
other people to save up the road | 1759.84 | 4.36 |
i see one prisoner ahead | 1767.12 | 4.48 |
seems too easy though | 1769.279 | 4.4 |
two prisoners | 1771.6 | 4.959 |
all right we got one | 1773.679 | 2.88 |
going for number two | 1777.44 | 4.959 |
moving in further | 1779.6 | 2.799 |
oh you hear that | 1783.52 | 3.6 |
neebs yeah you hear that uh i saw like | 1784.96 | 4.0 |
an explosion or something you might want | 1787.12 | 3.439 |
to put your camera away soon that | 1788.96 | 2.8 |
sounded like a mortar | 1790.559 | 2.48 |
[Music] | 1791.76 | 3.6 |
oh yeah that's definitely mortar we're | 1793.039 | 3.76 |
trying to cross the bridge we're gonna | 1795.36 | 3.439 |
cross the bridge together okay it's | 1796.799 | 3.6 |
gonna be a run there's some fire maybe | 1798.799 | 4.48 |
we'll let that die down | 1800.399 | 2.88 |
after the next one we're running for it | 1807.44 | 4.56 |
okay up here we go careful step back a | 1809.679 | 5.12 |
little bit yep | 1812.0 | 2.799 |
was that not the next one yeah but i | 1816.24 | 3.039 |
just wanted to make sure we're on the | 1818.32 | 2.52 |
same page right | 1819.279 | 4.241 |
okay this is gonna get hairy | 1820.84 | 4.04 |
all right | 1823.52 | 3.039 |
you ready yeah you're gonna want your | 1824.88 | 3.84 |
gun out because okay i'll put the camera | 1826.559 | 3.84 |
down soon as you say run put the camera | 1828.72 | 4.079 |
down maybe now okay and | 1830.399 | 4.081 |
cutting | 1832.799 | 4.081 |
let's go | 1834.48 | 2.4 |
[Music] | 1841.12 | 3.08 |
were you not running yes i was running | 1846.799 | 6.721 |
oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hang on hang on | 1850.0 | 5.76 |
oh boy | 1853.52 | 3.44 |
hold on | 1855.76 | 3.36 |
hold on | 1856.96 | 4.079 |
[ __ ] | 1859.12 | 2.38 |
[ __ ] | 1861.039 | 2.161 |
[Music] | 1861.5 | 2.82 |
hang in there hang in there hang in | 1863.2 | 4.319 |
there oh man no i got you okay i got you | 1864.32 | 5.28 |
oh oh okay come on come on run run run | 1867.519 | 3.681 |
run run i was running run run run was | 1869.6 | 3.76 |
running run now okay | 1871.2 | 3.52 |
nope on fire | 1873.36 | 3.26 |
okay | 1874.72 | 4.319 |
[Music] | 1876.62 | 4.419 |
oh [ __ ] okay to the bridge to the bridge | 1879.039 | 3.281 |
right here okay | 1881.039 | 3.201 |
straight across | 1882.32 | 4.16 |
right behind you okay | 1884.24 | 5.439 |
it's a cool bridge | 1886.48 | 3.199 |
oh boy okay oh people see us i know | 1889.919 | 5.201 |
all right i'm the deputy right get ready | 1896.08 | 3.36 |
to shoot i don't get in trouble nope you | 1898.0 | 4.159 |
don't get in trouble | 1899.44 | 2.719 |
oh [ __ ] | 1902.48 | 3.6 |
okay here's the man that's down i got | 1903.6 | 3.919 |
him | 1906.08 | 3.36 |
that's merle what's up merle | 1907.519 | 4.721 |
all right right behind us | 1909.44 | 2.8 |
go ahead and get him deputy | 1914.399 | 3.12 |
[Music] | 1917.91 | 3.089 |
good job good job | 1924.88 | 4.88 |
i'm hurt though okay | 1926.559 | 3.201 |
not much longer i think hey make it to | 1930.88 | 3.6 |
the helicopter the helicopter | 1932.96 | 2.88 |
it's coming in it's coming in it's going | 1934.48 | 2.64 |
to land somewhere we got to make it to | 1935.84 | 3.04 |
it okay stay alive until then you're | 1937.12 | 3.439 |
doing great deputy who's flying the | 1938.88 | 3.76 |
helicopter i don't know i think the | 1940.559 | 3.84 |
pastor's got this all worked out it's a | 1942.64 | 4.0 |
friendly though yeah friendly | 1944.399 | 4.16 |
for once | 1946.64 | 4.399 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] careful you're being shot | 1948.559 | 4.881 |
at deputy i know i felt the bullet all | 1951.039 | 4.561 |
right | 1953.44 | 2.16 |
all right get in the chopper get the | 1955.679 | 2.961 |
chopper chopper's here get to the truck | 1956.88 | 2.96 |
up there | 1958.64 | 3.44 |
just clear the shot get it okay you're | 1959.84 | 5.28 |
coming right now | 1962.08 | 3.04 |
nice work | 1967.279 | 4.4 |
oh my god great work great work on your | 1968.88 | 5.039 |
part listen i'm sorry i i was not very | 1971.679 | 4.321 |
good on the mortar no you did fine i | 1973.919 | 3.201 |
think you | 1976.0 | 3.12 |
hey it all worked out | 1977.12 | 3.679 |
now the falls in resistance can help us | 1979.12 | 6.12 |
bring down john seed and eden's gate | 1980.799 | 4.441 |
you need to check it out now | 1991.679 | 4.0 |
what you got doraleous | 1993.84 | 3.52 |
right here in this | 1995.679 | 3.281 |
shed | 1997.36 | 3.28 |
it's a prepper stash like a doomsday | 1998.96 | 4.719 |
prepper ah someone is uh preparing for | 2000.64 | 4.8 |
for probably what's what's already | 2003.679 | 3.041 |
happening right and they might not even | 2005.44 | 3.359 |
be alive anymore but there's goodies in | 2006.72 | 4.64 |
these and it's usually kind of a puzzle | 2008.799 | 4.641 |
uh some sorts they they try to make it | 2011.36 | 4.48 |
tricky for you to to get it but um in | 2013.44 | 3.68 |
this one it says | 2015.84 | 2.64 |
even if you do get it you'll never get | 2017.12 | 3.439 |
back out again so so you're gonna try to | 2018.48 | 3.919 |
get in there and get some some supplies | 2020.559 | 3.921 |
or weapons or try to use | 2022.399 | 5.28 |
my wits i suppose okay um | 2024.48 | 5.52 |
so obviously it's locked key required | 2027.679 | 4.641 |
there might be a key inside or i'm gonna | 2030.0 | 4.559 |
check this shed back here okay | 2032.32 | 3.76 |
and then make my way into the house | 2034.559 | 2.641 |
gotcha | 2036.08 | 2.319 |
what do you think's in there that's | 2037.2 | 3.199 |
that's would be important probably more | 2038.399 | 3.52 |
ammo and stuff that you find everywhere | 2040.399 | 2.721 |
else right | 2041.919 | 3.36 |
uh but i can't be certain | 2043.12 | 2.91 |
hmm | 2045.279 | 3.281 |
[Music] | 2046.03 | 3.649 |
like are you looking are you just | 2048.56 | 2.64 |
getting shots i just don't really yeah i | 2049.679 | 3.2 |
was i was just getting shots but i don't | 2051.2 | 4.0 |
really understand this oh i found a key | 2052.879 | 3.841 |
oh you did yeah i don't know if it's the | 2055.2 | 4.24 |
right key but i got a key okay oh he | 2056.72 | 4.32 |
found it all right i'm back at that here | 2059.44 | 4.479 |
yeah let's see if it works oh yeah | 2061.04 | 4.96 |
we're in oh yeah where was the key it | 2063.919 | 4.24 |
was just on the table so they didn't | 2066.0 | 3.76 |
they didn't really do it that wasn't | 2068.159 | 3.601 |
hard yeah but it's about the getting out | 2069.76 | 4.639 |
i'm worried about okay you coming down | 2071.76 | 4.56 |
well i'm now that you say you're worried | 2074.399 | 2.96 |
about getting out you know what maybe | 2076.32 | 2.559 |
you should stay up there okay we got a | 2077.359 | 2.72 |
bunch of | 2078.879 | 3.601 |
like bottled uh what are they jarred | 2080.079 | 4.881 |
jarred goods yard yeah a bunch of jarred | 2082.48 | 4.399 |
goods and fruits uh my grandmothers do | 2084.96 | 4.159 |
that yeah this is your grandma's place | 2086.879 | 5.04 |
tomatoes green beans some canned goods | 2089.119 | 4.401 |
yeah these look like pickled whatever | 2091.919 | 3.041 |
she'd make pickled eggs too they were | 2093.52 | 3.52 |
really good yeah people pickle anything | 2094.96 | 4.24 |
yeah | 2097.04 | 2.16 |
i guess i need power to open this door | 2099.76 | 5.44 |
it says uh power required i'm gonna i'm | 2102.48 | 5.2 |
gonna make my way further in okay and | 2105.2 | 4.32 |
see what's going on | 2107.68 | 3.6 |
this is a lot bigger than you'd expect | 2109.52 | 3.599 |
there's a full-on bunker down there | 2111.28 | 3.76 |
multiple rooms we got a little wow a | 2113.119 | 4.72 |
little okay | 2115.04 | 4.0 |
um | 2117.839 | 4.24 |
got some liquor | 2119.04 | 3.039 |
uh i hear something up there yeah i hear | 2122.48 | 5.04 |
a helicopter you should probably crouch | 2124.88 | 5.44 |
okay stay out of sight oh i think i | 2127.52 | 5.36 |
found power | 2130.32 | 2.56 |
we got power oh yeah oh [ __ ] what was | 2133.92 | 6.08 |
that oh fire i i just got shot with fire | 2136.48 | 5.84 |
in the face | 2140.0 | 4.88 |
it's a fire there's enemies coming oh | 2142.32 | 4.0 |
[ __ ] oh boy | 2144.88 | 5.36 |
um take cover or come down oh wait oh | 2146.32 | 5.84 |
boy they're up here can i shut this door | 2150.24 | 4.24 |
yeah shut the door | 2152.16 | 4.4 |
i've shut the door all right i've got | 2154.48 | 4.879 |
fire to deal with i don't okay | 2156.56 | 5.68 |
oh my what the [ __ ] this place is [ __ ] | 2159.359 | 4.401 |
what's going on down there i think | 2162.24 | 3.359 |
you're safer up there it's like little | 2163.76 | 4.24 |
traps everywhere well they're traps yeah | 2165.599 | 3.841 |
there's traps | 2168.0 | 2.839 |
i didn't uh | 2169.44 | 5.28 |
oh that's no good um | 2170.839 | 5.321 |
okay i can do this | 2174.72 | 4.16 |
i can do this | 2176.16 | 2.72 |
okay we're good we're good | 2184.88 | 4.479 |
uh i'm going in the door that i | 2186.88 | 4.32 |
okay okay okay | 2189.359 | 5.281 |
sprinklers are on i think i'm okay | 2191.2 | 3.44 |
oh yeah | 2195.359 | 3.361 |
all right i think the uh oh no they're | 2196.88 | 3.199 |
still out there yeah i'm sure they are i | 2198.72 | 2.96 |
don't know why they'd leave we'll take | 2200.079 | 2.961 |
care of them i'll be there shortly i'm | 2201.68 | 2.88 |
just getting the loot | 2203.04 | 5.12 |
oh my oh man we're banking | 2204.56 | 5.6 |
yeah we're gonna buy some good stuff | 2208.16 | 4.08 |
there's a bunch of weapons and and | 2210.16 | 5.679 |
remote explosives money | 2212.24 | 5.92 |
guns ammo you know | 2215.839 | 4.321 |
got some magazines | 2218.16 | 4.32 |
okay i think i got it all | 2220.16 | 3.919 |
i'm coming up | 2222.48 | 3.599 |
all right hey keep it keep it down i | 2224.079 | 3.76 |
know i know they were just outside of | 2226.079 | 2.721 |
the door | 2227.839 | 3.28 |
i think i hear one where are you are you | 2228.8 | 3.76 |
inside okay yeah | 2231.119 | 3.601 |
boomers out there too they | 2232.56 | 3.279 |
good thing about boomer they're just | 2234.72 | 2.879 |
like oh it's just a dog it's a dog it's | 2235.839 | 3.361 |
not a it's not a deputy dog that's not | 2237.599 | 4.161 |
like a deputy's partner dog so are you | 2239.2 | 3.84 |
uh | 2241.76 | 2.56 |
what's the plan | 2243.04 | 2.799 |
um | 2244.32 | 3.44 |
how many guys do you think there's two | 2245.839 | 4.24 |
okay one's obviously we're outside the | 2247.76 | 5.92 |
door i think i can get him | 2250.079 | 4.801 |
oh there's one | 2253.68 | 4.32 |
oh snap | 2254.88 | 3.12 |
nice doraleous thank you that was like | 2259.44 | 4.8 |
straight out of a western movie | 2262.0 | 5.2 |
or pow yeah bang clear one shot for | 2264.24 | 5.44 |
y'all could find this place | 2267.2 | 12.229 |
[Music] | 2269.68 | 9.749 |
[Applause] | 2285.47 | 6.05 |
look at that noobs what do you think man | 2288.8 | 4.72 |
i think the where are you oh hey i think | 2291.52 | 3.599 |
the people are really starting to rally | 2293.52 | 3.599 |
around this movement yeah they took out | 2295.119 | 4.0 |
half that ass how come they didn't take | 2297.119 | 3.361 |
it all out they get caught yeah they | 2299.119 | 3.041 |
probably got killed that's a good sign | 2300.48 | 3.52 |
though i think you're starting to uh | 2302.16 | 4.16 |
inspire the resistance yeah so where'd | 2304.0 | 3.92 |
you get the plane i think someone just | 2306.32 | 3.6 |
left it there okay we're gonna go help | 2307.92 | 4.08 |
out a guy by the name of nick ry he's | 2309.92 | 4.8 |
got a plane we have a plane i know he | 2312.0 | 4.32 |
could help us from the air while we're | 2314.72 | 3.2 |
doing stuff on the ground so we're off | 2316.32 | 4.64 |
the nick rise just try but rise rise is | 2317.92 | 5.52 |
uh possessive nick rya's place oh that's | 2320.96 | 6.68 |
what i mean no you're right you're right | 2323.44 | 4.2 |
[Music] | 2330.67 | 14.079 |
so deputy where did you learn to fly | 2348.8 | 3.92 |
plane i actually learned here i was | 2350.48 | 4.48 |
starting to get my my license but i | 2352.72 | 4.32 |
didn't finish is it hard i mean just | 2354.96 | 4.159 |
like anything you learn okay pull back | 2357.04 | 6.079 |
you go up push forward you go down | 2359.119 | 4.0 |
is this a safe place | 2365.359 | 3.751 |
probably not | 2366.96 | 4.08 |
[Music] | 2369.11 | 3.53 |
are we getting out here yeah let's get | 2371.04 | 3.08 |
out here okay | 2372.64 | 4.479 |
[Music] | 2374.12 | 4.44 |
if i know the cult they've taken my | 2377.119 | 3.361 |
plane to john seeds ring did you tell | 2378.56 | 3.36 |
him he could have our plane i don't know | 2380.48 | 3.44 |
how to say it any different he probably | 2381.92 | 3.679 |
saw us land in that plane hey leave that | 2383.92 | 3.199 |
one as a loner and we'll bring his back | 2385.599 | 3.52 |
yeah i kind of think we should take it | 2387.119 | 4.081 |
by foot take it by foot yeah kind of | 2389.119 | 4.0 |
want to see if there's a jet ski around | 2391.2 | 3.2 |
but i thought you were saying foot | 2393.119 | 3.761 |
because it was | 2394.4 | 2.48 |
jet skis are loud you ever heard of jet | 2397.2 | 3.36 |
ski yeah they're a little bit well they | 2398.56 | 3.12 |
don't have three | 2400.56 | 2.559 |
we'll slow i | 2401.68 | 3.12 |
i know what they sound like we'll slow | 2403.119 | 3.921 |
down toward the end | 2404.8 | 4.88 |
i know yeah nick don't worry we're gonna | 2407.04 | 3.71 |
get your plane back | 2409.68 | 10.08 |
[Music] | 2410.75 | 11.01 |
see that alarm up there | 2419.76 | 4.64 |
yeah i'm gonna take that out for sure | 2421.76 | 4.72 |
do you have a silencer no i'm gonna have | 2424.4 | 4.32 |
to go to it | 2426.48 | 4.24 |
what are you doing names huh what are | 2428.72 | 3.04 |
you doing | 2430.72 | 2.72 |
getting shots of the uh you went in | 2431.76 | 3.28 |
further than i did well it's a better | 2433.44 | 3.28 |
shot over here i | 2435.04 | 3.6 |
no come on you stay back you do not go | 2436.72 | 3.599 |
in further i mean aggressive i'm in the | 2438.64 | 4.16 |
weeds i know where you are i can see you | 2440.319 | 4.561 |
but now i can see you stay there all | 2442.8 | 3.519 |
right | 2444.88 | 3.92 |
oh [ __ ] there's a guy right there | 2446.319 | 4.481 |
oh yeah i see him awfully close to that | 2448.8 | 3.76 |
alarm i just want to take that alarm out | 2450.8 | 3.68 |
then we'll deal with him you still hear | 2452.56 | 4.64 |
me yeah okay i'll take this out right | 2454.48 | 5.68 |
now it takes a little while to cover me | 2457.2 | 5.2 |
well at least tell me | 2460.16 | 4.159 |
looks like you're clear how'd you get it | 2462.4 | 3.919 |
the alarm's disabled yeah beautiful okay | 2464.319 | 4.321 |
hey get off the damn rock i'm sorry you | 2466.319 | 3.52 |
were hiding | 2468.64 | 3.2 |
and then you weren't hiding oh okay | 2469.839 | 5.09 |
[Music] | 2471.84 | 3.089 |
what are you what are you doing i'm | 2476.88 | 4.0 |
getting | 2478.64 | 2.24 |
oh use our grapples yeah awesome i'll | 2484.0 | 4.64 |
tell you if it's safe | 2486.88 | 5.23 |
get up here safe yeah | 2488.64 | 5.679 |
[Music] | 2492.11 | 4.85 |
man look at this this is why i do this | 2494.319 | 5.201 |
don't go over the crest | 2496.96 | 3.92 |
what's over there | 2499.52 | 4.0 |
bad guys oh boy got down here | 2500.88 | 4.08 |
maybe i can | 2503.52 | 3.2 |
let's keep it quiet | 2504.96 | 4.0 |
okay | 2506.72 | 5.28 |
there he is oh yeah | 2508.96 | 3.04 |
oh man | 2513.44 | 4.8 |
did you get him i did | 2514.8 | 3.44 |
oh yeah are you getting ready to to fire | 2521.2 | 4.72 |
i am getting ready to fire you know what | 2524.24 | 3.44 |
i'm going to take out first what's that | 2525.92 | 4.399 |
the other alarm | 2527.68 | 2.639 |
oh they're alarmed | 2531.04 | 3.039 |
[Music] | 2532.45 | 4.51 |
i'm going in the building | 2534.079 | 2.881 |
oh [ __ ] really | 2542.48 | 4.43 |
possibly | 2544.56 | 5.48 |
[Music] | 2546.91 | 3.13 |
[Applause] | 2552.37 | 3.119 |
i can't see | 2555.52 | 4.0 |
oh see you guys shooting at you yeah you | 2557.359 | 3.841 |
see that | 2559.52 | 3.319 |
oh i just saw you you went in the | 2561.2 | 3.52 |
building i'm out | 2562.839 | 4.041 |
oh there you are perfect great stuff | 2564.72 | 5.04 |
yeah stay out in the open | 2566.88 | 2.88 |
oh boy | 2571.76 | 3.52 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] | 2572.96 | 3.6 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] | 2575.28 | 3.6 |
you safe uh yeah there's a guy on the | 2576.56 | 4.24 |
roof with me he doesn't see me keep | 2578.88 | 3.6 |
yourself safe he's with you yeah he | 2580.8 | 3.279 |
doesn't see me | 2582.48 | 5.92 |
oh no he jumped he's good i'm safe | 2584.079 | 4.321 |
i know i know but i can and that's kind | 2591.04 | 3.36 |
of important like i feel like if you | 2592.88 | 2.8 |
were out here we could get some really | 2594.4 | 3.76 |
good stuff i know i know | 2595.68 | 4.24 |
it sounds like you know though | 2598.16 | 4.08 |
you just stay inside the house | 2599.92 | 4.56 |
there's a lot going on in here | 2602.24 | 4.22 |
take it i'm coming outside | 2604.48 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 2606.46 | 4.1 |
you didn't i didn't i didn't get any fun | 2608.48 | 4.0 |
i'm i'm on my way out you've liberated | 2610.56 | 3.519 |
the place and it's over they all came to | 2612.48 | 4.639 |
me of course that's why you go outside | 2614.079 | 5.28 |
i can get footage i got one spot i guess | 2617.119 | 4.161 |
i'm following the wrong hero in this | 2619.359 | 4.161 |
story i just liberated the [ __ ] i bet | 2621.28 | 3.52 |
pastor jerome would have done the whole | 2623.52 | 2.48 |
thing outside hey why don't you go | 2624.8 | 3.12 |
follow pastor jerome maybe i will yeah | 2626.0 | 5.319 |
maybe you should | 2627.92 | 3.399 |
i want to get out of the way neeb | 2642.319 | 3.201 |
what's that get out of the way just | 2644.079 | 3.201 |
drive by me get out of the way just oh | 2645.52 | 6.0 |
that was close get in the plane yes sir | 2647.28 | 4.24 |
back to the skies | 2652.96 | 5.119 |
nick is gonna freak out | 2654.88 | 5.199 |
breaking into john's range of all places | 2658.079 | 5.04 |
and making it out one | 2660.079 | 3.04 |
that's all they do around here show up | 2668.0 | 3.68 |
at your door like they did to me that | 2669.92 | 4.32 |
dick on the radio yeah you know i should | 2671.68 | 3.679 |
have figured everything would be all | 2674.24 | 2.96 |
right he sure talks a lot a single one | 2675.359 | 3.841 |
of us rise down i don't know what we | 2677.2 | 3.919 |
would have done if we lost that plane it | 2679.2 | 3.68 |
takes a certain kind of man to defend | 2681.119 | 3.921 |
his hoe but we're not replying yeah just | 2682.88 | 4.32 |
keeps going yeah i don't know if you got | 2685.04 | 3.76 |
any little monsters of your own but i'm | 2687.2 | 3.84 |
telling | 2688.8 | 2.24 |
i haven't hit the button for him to hear | 2692.64 | 4.4 |
us not once yeah for all he knew we came | 2694.16 | 5.679 |
to hear him right right | 2697.04 | 4.319 |
you said hey you should click on the | 2699.839 | 3.441 |
radio right now this that'd be funny if | 2701.359 | 3.76 |
you just clicked on and be like hey uh | 2703.28 | 4.24 |
what's his name again nick yeah like hey | 2705.119 | 4.641 |
we just got on were you saying something | 2707.52 | 4.96 |
yeah are you there | 2709.76 | 2.72 |
hey nick we just realized that you might | 2716.0 | 4.24 |
have been trying to talk to us though we | 2718.319 | 3.921 |
did not hear you what uh you mind | 2720.24 | 6.16 |
repeating all that real quick goddamn | 2722.24 | 4.16 |
wait is that our plane | 2728.4 | 4.81 |
did you break our red plane | 2730.079 | 4.641 |
[Music] | 2733.21 | 3.909 |
oh my god look at her son of a [ __ ] you | 2734.72 | 3.14 |
did it | 2737.119 | 2.641 |
[Music] | 2737.86 | 4.219 |
what | 2739.76 | 2.319 |
take cover knees i'm going in okay | 2745.44 | 3.84 |
i'm out and outside the house | 2755.599 | 4.641 |
get in the house hold on there's a guy | 2758.48 | 3.119 |
out here | 2760.24 | 2.56 |
he sees me | 2761.599 | 2.72 |
you see him | 2762.8 | 2.559 |
come on | 2764.319 | 2.881 |
i think he got him get in the house okay | 2765.359 | 4.161 |
coming oh oh there's a truck | 2767.2 | 6.44 |
where where where he's in the driveway | 2769.52 | 4.12 |
oh boy | 2774.16 | 4.08 |
you okay i'm trying to get in the house | 2776.56 | 3.36 |
oh here's a window can't get in the | 2778.24 | 5.04 |
window oh boy | 2779.92 | 3.36 |
good i'm into the house they're charging | 2784.319 | 4.481 |
in | 2786.64 | 2.16 |
oh yeah they're out there yeah | 2793.2 | 5.0 |
be careful | 2795.04 | 3.16 |
what did you throw out there | 2803.119 | 4.0 |
was that flames that was that was a | 2805.2 | 5.48 |
molotov i think | 2807.119 | 3.561 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] heads up heads up what what | 2816.56 | 5.519 |
what's that you throw that in there nope | 2820.16 | 4.8 |
that's a propeller | 2822.079 | 2.881 |
we gotta go ready to move uh yeah let's | 2825.599 | 5.041 |
move out okay get out this window | 2827.68 | 4.639 |
come on up how did you get the window | 2830.64 | 2.8 |
sweetie | 2832.319 | 3.921 |
really yes okay come on come on come on | 2833.44 | 4.72 |
right behind you okay let's go up top | 2836.24 | 6.52 |
yes sir right behind you okay | 2838.16 | 4.6 |
okay | 2848.4 | 3.36 |
oh boy | 2849.2 | 2.56 |
are you still top yeah | 2852.72 | 3.76 |
oh they're coming in | 2854.4 | 4.24 |
i had to get a sniper | 2856.48 | 5.92 |
go oh [ __ ] you're there yeah | 2858.64 | 3.76 |
get him yes | 2863.119 | 4.801 |
oh boy i'm hurting | 2865.44 | 6.84 |
keep yourself safe for a minute okay | 2867.92 | 4.36 |
so | 2879.68 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 2895.75 | 2.89 |
see that guy right | 2897.2 | 2.96 |
oh | 2898.64 | 4.67 |
[Music] | 2900.16 | 3.15 |
couple over here | 2911.599 | 6.301 |
[Music] | 2914.83 | 3.07 |
keep yourself safe | 2919.92 | 2.72 |
i'm kind of moving around doing a little | 2921.359 | 3.521 |
juke oh they got like a truck with a 60 | 2922.64 | 5.64 |
mil in the back | 2924.88 | 3.4 |
good shot doraleous thank you where's | 2929.92 | 3.919 |
that oh yeah i see | 2931.68 | 5.04 |
okay this guy's trying to be sneaky | 2933.839 | 4.641 |
he wasn't | 2936.72 | 4.0 |
all | 2938.48 | 2.24 |
i'm right down hey maybe you can help us | 2941.599 | 4.72 |
with the luggage | 2944.16 | 4.399 |
to me about luggage that's a neebs yeah | 2946.319 | 4.24 |
man got nick's plane right now we're | 2948.559 | 4.401 |
going to make our way to sunrise farm | 2950.559 | 4.8 |
sunrise farm yep the cult's got that | 2952.96 | 4.399 |
we're gonna liberate it let's do it you | 2955.359 | 4.0 |
like driving quads | 2957.359 | 3.921 |
hang on | 2959.359 | 4.651 |
come on | 2961.28 | 13.839 |
[Music] | 2964.01 | 11.109 |
oh yeah | 2975.68 | 2.56 |
[Music] | 2978.88 | 5.479 |
oh [ __ ] | 2980.88 | 3.479 |
there's a silo now you hate silos i | 2996.24 | 4.8 |
don't like them | 2998.48 | 2.56 |
yep i thought i'd break through that | 3002.0 | 3.68 |
sure it's just a steel pipe you want to | 3003.599 | 4.24 |
take out that silo it feels good oh yeah | 3005.68 | 5.36 |
there's a whole caravan of enemies over | 3007.839 | 4.48 |
they not steal the there | 3011.04 | 3.519 |
okay | 3012.319 | 2.24 |
taking time huh | 3022.96 | 4.96 |
all right you got the camera yeah | 3025.44 | 5.28 |
so this is a remote explosive okay so i | 3027.92 | 4.32 |
just place it at the bottom yeah you | 3030.72 | 3.359 |
should want to paint this imagine you | 3032.24 | 3.68 |
paint that no we'll put up another silo | 3034.079 | 4.161 |
that's american flag blow up the silo | 3035.92 | 3.36 |
okay | 3038.24 | 2.96 |
running you ready yeah let me get a good | 3039.28 | 3.76 |
shot here goes | 3041.2 | 4.48 |
okay ready | 3043.04 | 2.64 |
yeah let's go i blew that up i know | 3047.599 | 4.461 |
let's go okay | 3049.2 | 8.639 |
[Music] | 3052.06 | 8.42 |
okay here we are keep it down keep it | 3057.839 | 5.121 |
down yes sir definitely on the radar now | 3060.48 | 4.639 |
gotcha but how fun was that that was | 3062.96 | 5.44 |
great all right i see a guy up on a rv | 3065.119 | 4.161 |
okay | 3068.4 | 2.4 |
i see an alarm | 3069.28 | 4.64 |
see two alarms another guy nick said he | 3070.8 | 4.96 |
was gonna help you how do you call nick | 3073.92 | 3.36 |
i'll give him a call | 3075.76 | 5.44 |
nick i need you bud sunrise farm | 3077.28 | 5.92 |
come in doraleous | 3081.2 | 4.56 |
found a pretty good spot to get some | 3083.2 | 4.08 |
shots | 3085.76 | 3.28 |
um where are you | 3087.28 | 5.52 |
i see you okay you do yeah | 3089.04 | 5.03 |
yeah is someone is there | 3092.8 | 2.4 |
[Music] | 3094.07 | 3.69 |
there's a man burning | 3095.2 | 4.96 |
a campfire wait is that a bot there's a | 3097.76 | 4.88 |
body on there come on | 3100.16 | 4.64 |
what's wrong with these people it's done | 3102.64 | 5.04 |
too like it's burnt they're twisted | 3104.8 | 5.84 |
yeah they've got some issues | 3107.68 | 4.399 |
all right he's coming | 3110.64 | 3.919 |
well i'll see him | 3112.079 | 4.081 |
it's awesome | 3114.559 | 3.121 |
what's he doing though i don't know he | 3116.16 | 4.159 |
just flew by | 3117.68 | 2.639 |
oh | 3122.72 | 3.0 |
oh gotcha | 3136.079 | 3.24 |
i see you doraleous | 3147.52 | 3.2 |
stay on this side if you can what side | 3148.96 | 3.92 |
what | 3150.72 | 2.16 |
yeah there you are i'll see you now stay | 3159.839 | 3.601 |
on this side don't get shot | 3161.68 | 5.56 |
yeah i'm here up here | 3163.44 | 3.8 |
i'm behind you | 3169.52 | 4.16 |
i'm behind you right now turn around | 3170.72 | 5.119 |
see me yeah i see you if you could just | 3173.68 | 3.52 |
fight the bad guys here so i can get | 3175.839 | 4.081 |
footage okay | 3177.2 | 2.72 |
[Music] | 3180.01 | 3.229 |
thank you thank you | 3187.92 | 3.6 |
nice | 3189.52 | 6.319 |
good job good job thanks nick | 3191.52 | 4.319 |
[Music] | 3196.6 | 4.019 |
thank you neebs | 3203.2 | 6.48 |
you know what this town needs balls | 3205.92 | 6.399 |
falls in's annual testicle festival is a | 3209.68 | 5.52 |
decades-old tradition the testy festy is | 3212.319 | 4.721 |
one of the few times the community comes | 3215.2 | 4.159 |
together for what makes him happiest | 3217.04 | 5.12 |
scarf and down cowboy caviar the problem | 3219.359 | 5.121 |
is the festival's been postponed because | 3222.16 | 4.32 |
of the goddamn cult | 3224.48 | 3.2 |
now | 3226.48 | 3.68 |
i am not going down as the cook who | 3227.68 | 4.56 |
failed to serve up huevos with a side of | 3230.16 | 5.36 |
happiness we're gonna do this but first | 3232.24 | 4.72 |
we need to get the testy festive | 3235.52 | 3.599 |
supplies out of storage a young fella | 3236.96 | 3.76 |
named kenny's got them all locked up for | 3239.119 | 3.281 |
me at the old barn | 3240.72 | 3.839 |
i'll start getting set up you head over | 3242.4 | 4.51 |
and get those supplies | 3244.559 | 30.161 |
[Music] | 3246.91 | 29.889 |
so it's another day in hope county where | 3274.72 | 3.28 |
we headed i guess we're getting | 3276.799 | 3.28 |
testicles testicles | 3278.0 | 4.0 |
the the chef the thing is i wouldn't | 3280.079 | 3.121 |
normally go out of my way for this | 3282.0 | 3.92 |
because there's so much to do but uh in | 3283.2 | 4.48 |
this case i just feel like we got to | 3285.92 | 3.76 |
raise morale and if this is such a big | 3287.68 | 4.48 |
deal for these people this festival yeah | 3289.68 | 4.0 |
why not help out a little bit and just | 3292.16 | 4.08 |
keep the people positive right agreed | 3293.68 | 4.0 |
yeah you know what i'm gonna cut through | 3296.24 | 2.48 |
here | 3297.68 | 3.679 |
oh never mind | 3298.72 | 2.639 |
let's get out | 3302.64 | 3.479 |
sorry about that | 3306.72 | 2.639 |
you okay seriously you okay yeah | 3309.599 | 5.361 |
just come over here okay i think my | 3313.04 | 4.0 |
camera's waterproof yeah it is a good | 3314.96 | 3.839 |
thing that was my bad so how did this | 3317.04 | 3.6 |
happen which part | 3318.799 | 2.881 |
i'm just trying to figure out how this | 3320.64 | 3.04 |
happened which part you're driving into | 3321.68 | 3.36 |
the water what do you mean which part i | 3323.68 | 3.2 |
drop into water that's how it happened | 3325.04 | 4.24 |
does that does that happen a lot | 3326.88 | 4.56 |
i don't try to make it happen a lot it | 3329.28 | 6.079 |
was a mistake so you were on this road | 3331.44 | 6.56 |
and you thought uh turn right here let | 3335.359 | 4.801 |
me tell you something neebs yeah i don't | 3338.0 | 3.68 |
normally get interviewed while i'm doing | 3340.16 | 3.52 |
my job also what's the documentary's | 3341.68 | 3.36 |
fault i'm just saying i'm a bit | 3343.68 | 3.2 |
distracted with the camera in my face | 3345.04 | 4.079 |
and i'm i'm not thinking normally so are | 3346.88 | 4.32 |
we going in without a vehicle yeah we're | 3349.119 | 3.68 |
here | 3351.2 | 3.84 |
okay i'll be right there all right thank | 3352.799 | 4.401 |
you | 3355.04 | 2.16 |
i'm not sure what to expect so | 3357.28 | 4.799 |
someone's shooting at something | 3359.68 | 4.0 |
hmm | 3362.079 | 4.24 |
says his private property no trespassing | 3363.68 | 4.56 |
oh he is he getting shot at | 3366.319 | 4.881 |
dude i don't know if that's oh [ __ ] hey | 3368.24 | 4.4 |
i gotta save him i gotta save him what | 3371.2 | 3.2 |
wait for me no he's down | 3372.64 | 3.919 |
not waiting for you to save a life | 3374.4 | 6.159 |
i can't go out like this got you | 3376.559 | 6.481 |
who shot him i don't know | 3380.559 | 5.04 |
all right thanks | 3383.04 | 3.92 |
wait what | 3385.599 | 3.2 |
who's he | 3386.96 | 3.76 |
someone's up in the hills i gotta let me | 3388.799 | 5.201 |
look into this okay okay | 3390.72 | 3.28 |
who's he wow he's shooting all over the | 3394.24 | 4.48 |
place he's shooting in the trees | 3395.68 | 4.399 |
this guy's shooting in the | 3398.72 | 2.96 |
oh he's shooting birds | 3400.079 | 3.04 |
he's shooting at birds ballets he's | 3401.68 | 3.679 |
shooting birds i think so well maybe i | 3403.119 | 3.371 |
could help him out a little bit and | 3405.359 | 4.301 |
[Music] | 3406.49 | 3.17 |
i feel like this is going to be uh the | 3409.76 | 3.599 |
pumpkin patch all over again which part | 3411.599 | 3.601 |
of it you're going to spend all your | 3413.359 | 3.281 |
ammo shooting it | 3415.2 | 2.879 |
birds and then yeah it kind of feels | 3416.64 | 3.12 |
that way i shouldn't do that especially | 3418.079 | 4.401 |
when all i want to do really is uh is | 3419.76 | 5.039 |
you know | 3422.48 | 2.319 |
what | 3425.04 | 3.519 |
i think the fire would set up you think | 3427.119 | 3.921 |
the fire would set it off | 3428.559 | 4.161 |
oh you're trying to blow that up okay | 3431.04 | 3.2 |
the fire didn't do it | 3432.72 | 3.359 |
you really struggle with those | 3434.24 | 4.319 |
no i'm okay | 3436.079 | 3.441 |
no i | 3438.559 | 2.401 |
i wasn't asking i was saying you | 3439.52 | 4.0 |
struggle with those uh-huh | 3440.96 | 4.56 |
it was an observation | 3443.52 | 5.599 |
i'm good do you try dynamite | 3445.52 | 3.599 |
you're going to bat it | 3449.92 | 2.72 |
you're going to get closer if you're | 3453.52 | 2.799 |
gonna do that with a bat it's way over | 3454.799 | 2.881 |
there | 3456.319 | 3.121 |
you try dynamite there we go that's what | 3457.68 | 4.08 |
i wanted all right you did it now back | 3459.44 | 5.6 |
to the bird thing i suppose | 3461.76 | 3.28 |
[ __ ] there they're not easy to shoot | 3467.2 | 7.59 |
[Music] | 3471.7 | 3.09 |
oh [ __ ] you got one did you miss that | 3475.44 | 5.6 |
i saw it fall yeah | 3478.96 | 4.56 |
i hit it with a [ __ ] arrow in the sky | 3481.04 | 5.2 |
mid-flight man yeah did you get your | 3483.52 | 4.799 |
arrow back i don't think i don't know | 3486.24 | 4.8 |
ready for another | 3488.319 | 2.721 |
it's not easy | 3491.119 | 4.72 |
oh | 3493.599 | 2.24 |
oh i saw that one ninja yeah oh wow yeah | 3496.559 | 6.161 |
did you get your arrow back uh-uh you | 3500.24 | 4.319 |
should get your arrow back hey boomer | 3502.72 | 4.079 |
wow what did boomer do jumping over the | 3504.559 | 4.551 |
fence yeah active little boy | 3506.799 | 5.28 |
[Music] | 3509.11 | 4.249 |
i saw you hit him | 3512.079 | 4.641 |
did i yeah he's still flying though yep | 3513.359 | 7.151 |
oh you got him good god yep | 3516.72 | 5.44 |
[Music] | 3520.51 | 4.69 |
oh this this bird had keys keys yeah to | 3522.16 | 6.959 |
what i don't know let's go see | 3525.2 | 3.919 |
oh look at this | 3529.599 | 4.401 |
testicle festival that tells me we're in | 3532.4 | 4.64 |
the right place so we need this truck | 3534.0 | 5.839 |
yeah i guess so | 3537.04 | 2.799 |
and i gotta just shoot this lock | 3539.92 | 5.199 |
so i got to bring this truck back to um | 3542.88 | 6.919 |
casey the uh the chef okay | 3545.119 | 4.68 |
[Music] | 3550.31 | 8.86 |
so | 3561.599 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 3567.87 | 9.249 |
all right deputy we serve our montana | 3574.88 | 4.959 |
tender groins a lot of ways baked fried | 3577.119 | 5.041 |
boiled steamed hell we even got a | 3579.839 | 3.681 |
signature dessert | 3582.16 | 3.679 |
nuts cream but that ain't gonna cut it | 3583.52 | 4.64 |
this year we need something new we're | 3585.839 | 3.841 |
gonna put together a spread that would | 3588.16 | 4.08 |
make a tv chef's [ __ ] pucker | 3589.68 | 4.48 |
three new ways to enjoy that swinging | 3592.24 | 2.8 |
beef | 3594.16 | 4.0 |
shredded roasted and blue | 3595.04 | 4.72 |
first tour symbol | 3598.16 | 3.6 |
tractor mulcher and some fire should do | 3599.76 | 2.96 |
the trick | 3601.76 | 3.12 |
the third one well let's just say | 3602.72 | 3.92 |
interrupting a bull when he's playing | 3604.88 | 3.439 |
hide the salami is one of the most | 3606.64 | 3.52 |
dangerous things you can do | 3608.319 | 2.961 |
when you're done | 3610.16 | 2.639 |
bring the goods back to me and we'll | 3611.28 | 4.01 |
kick the festival off with a bang | 3612.799 | 5.04 |
[Music] | 3615.29 | 4.309 |
so they were able to pull the death wish | 3617.839 | 3.76 |
out of the water yeah when my buddy over | 3619.599 | 3.76 |
at the falls in garage there he toted | 3621.599 | 6.361 |
out yeah it's good to have friends | 3623.359 | 4.601 |
what's this what's what | 3629.599 | 3.441 |
we're passing it we're on a mission | 3631.839 | 3.121 |
we're getting testicles are we being | 3633.04 | 4.24 |
hunted | 3634.96 | 2.32 |
hunted | 3637.52 | 2.96 |
can you get on the radio | 3638.88 | 4.08 |
well yeah we've been they don't want us | 3640.48 | 5.28 |
alive we've known that for a while okay | 3642.96 | 4.639 |
yeah i guess they've been trying to kill | 3645.76 | 4.0 |
us | 3647.599 | 2.161 |
now they're saying on the radio they | 3652.079 | 3.441 |
want us alive | 3653.44 | 4.24 |
doubt it i hear that on the radio why i | 3655.52 | 3.839 |
didn't hear it i was paying attention | 3657.68 | 3.439 |
look there's a bull right there yeah you | 3659.359 | 2.72 |
should probably shouldn't drive through | 3661.119 | 3.44 |
their fence | 3662.079 | 2.48 |
okay yeah whatever let's get to the park | 3665.2 | 4.32 |
let's get the balls and get out of here | 3667.68 | 3.36 |
okay | 3669.52 | 3.839 |
um you're not worried about them there | 3671.04 | 4.0 |
it is knock them out it just said knock | 3673.359 | 4.24 |
them out knock what who you where'd you | 3675.04 | 5.12 |
hear that on the radio oh god i think | 3677.599 | 5.52 |
they got us thanks oh [ __ ] okay okay all | 3680.16 | 5.52 |
right we got some peggies | 3683.119 | 3.521 |
okay | 3685.68 | 1.76 |
do they | 3686.64 | 3.04 |
they have a surrounded no that i doubt | 3687.44 | 4.56 |
it they're just down here it looks like | 3689.68 | 3.52 |
we got them | 3692.0 | 2.72 |
and we'll get the balls | 3693.2 | 3.84 |
oh yeah okay | 3694.72 | 6.8 |
okay i feel funny i feel funny a bit | 3697.04 | 5.92 |
you okay | 3701.52 | 4.88 |
yeah yeah we run i'm fine | 3702.96 | 7.08 |
you don't look fine | 3706.4 | 3.64 |
[Music] | 3710.38 | 7.96 |
that is not the will of the father | 3722.799 | 5.52 |
take them to john who's ready to hear | 3726.24 | 4.799 |
their confession | 3728.319 | 2.72 |
this is lesson number one | 3732.319 | 6.72 |
[Music] | 3737.03 | 5.45 |
yes yes | 3739.039 | 3.441 |
you're not gonna regret this | 3744.319 | 3.201 |
i promise | 3747.599 | 2.641 |
now before we begin | 3750.88 | 4.719 |
i think it's only proper that deputy | 3753.039 | 6.0 |
hudson goes back to her room | 3755.599 | 4.881 |
confessions | 3759.039 | 6.04 |
are meant to be private after all | 3760.48 | 4.599 |
i am not | 3768.24 | 2.48 |
here | 3769.599 | 3.681 |
to take your life i'm here to give it to | 3770.72 | 3.67 |
you | 3773.28 | 3.36 |
[Music] | 3774.39 | 4.969 |
i'm going to open you | 3776.64 | 6.24 |
and pour your worst fears | 3779.359 | 3.521 |
[Music] | 3783.04 | 3.039 |
yes | 3792.88 | 3.0 |
yeah | 3806.16 | 1.919 |
where are you at | 3806.96 | 2.32 |
right behind you | 3808.079 | 4.24 |
oh are you tied up yeah tap to a chair | 3809.28 | 3.92 |
okay | 3812.319 | 2.881 |
maybe we can get out of here | 3813.2 | 3.28 |
somehow | 3815.2 | 2.24 |
yeah | 3816.48 | 3.44 |
oh maybe down these steps | 3817.44 | 4.159 |
just fall down the steps what are the | 3819.92 | 3.84 |
steps yeah my hands are tied up yeah but | 3821.599 | 4.401 |
maybe the chair will break or something | 3823.76 | 3.76 |
what's your hand here we go let's give | 3826.0 | 4.72 |
it a shot what else we got | 3827.52 | 3.2 |
okay here we go that worked it worked | 3833.839 | 4.801 |
all right | 3836.96 | 4.56 |
it wasn't so bad | 3838.64 | 2.88 |
okay | 3841.92 | 3.13 |
there | 3843.359 | 3.041 |
[Music] | 3845.05 | 2.63 |
all right | 3846.4 | 3.6 |
let's keep it down hey what still got my | 3847.68 | 4.24 |
camera good good for you i thought they | 3850.0 | 3.44 |
were taking my camera they took my | 3851.92 | 3.84 |
weapons oh really yeah | 3853.44 | 3.679 |
huh | 3855.76 | 3.839 |
it's weird why would i take my camera | 3857.119 | 4.561 |
because it's not dangerous i guess but | 3859.599 | 3.561 |
uh let's get out of here | 3861.68 | 4.08 |
[Music] | 3863.16 | 4.199 |
over here | 3865.76 | 4.24 |
um no over here | 3867.359 | 5.44 |
duck under that uh-huh it's | 3870.0 | 5.359 |
uh i guess is the only way | 3872.799 | 4.24 |
through that pipe yeah | 3875.359 | 3.841 |
is that a pipe yeah it's a it's a pipe | 3877.039 | 4.08 |
what else would it be | 3879.2 | 3.44 |
let's go down here okay i thought they | 3881.119 | 2.48 |
were called something else if they're | 3882.64 | 3.439 |
not they look safe enough | 3883.599 | 4.321 |
okay come down | 3886.079 | 4.161 |
all right and let's go through this pipe | 3887.92 | 5.72 |
as they say | 3890.24 | 3.4 |
[Music] | 3896.23 | 6.489 |
stay out of sight i see him | 3903.28 | 4.44 |
oh | 3908.559 | 6.161 |
nice yeah it's fun throwing them | 3910.24 | 4.48 |
there's a knife over here there's a guy | 3914.799 | 5.361 |
[Music] | 3917.21 | 6.629 |
oh i got a gun | 3920.16 | 3.679 |
what are you doing with that what time | 3924.4 | 2.8 |
what are you doing with our body just in | 3925.839 | 2.72 |
case someone else i was just gonna hide | 3927.2 | 4.96 |
it around the corner a little bit okay | 3928.559 | 3.601 |
so we've come to a large door door b it | 3933.839 | 7.681 |
looks like yeah this is door b going in | 3937.28 | 5.759 |
do you see anybody through there i | 3941.52 | 4.079 |
didn't you did it i didn't but i can | 3943.039 | 6.28 |
only assume there is | 3945.599 | 3.72 |
i'm gonna go slowly through this forgive | 3961.68 | 4.6 |
us | 3963.28 | 3.0 |
i wonder what they're talking about | 3969.359 | 3.881 |
[Music] | 3983.22 | 3.16 |
okay i'm going to | 3990.48 | 4.319 |
check out this uh | 3993.2 | 4.0 |
okay i'll clear over here | 3994.799 | 4.0 |
looking right | 3997.2 | 4.159 |
just a guy sitting at a desk | 3998.799 | 4.161 |
there might be more oh yeah you're | 4001.359 | 3.281 |
supposed to take your shoes off there's | 4002.96 | 2.879 |
more what do you mean you're supposed to | 4004.64 | 3.04 |
take your shoes off before you choose | 4005.839 | 3.52 |
why what are you doing right there they | 4007.68 | 4.24 |
obviously have a shoe place where right | 4009.359 | 4.561 |
there | 4011.92 | 4.32 |
oh god what is that i don't know is that | 4013.92 | 3.6 |
your friend | 4016.24 | 3.76 |
what brand you're my friend your deputy | 4017.52 | 4.4 |
friend you're my deputy friend no i'm | 4020.0 | 3.92 |
your deputy deputy friend you're the | 4021.92 | 4.32 |
girl we just saw like two minutes ago oh | 4023.92 | 4.399 |
deputy hudson yeah | 4026.24 | 5.839 |
you better get in there hold on | 4028.319 | 7.081 |
behind us | 4032.079 | 3.321 |
got you i got you i could use a hand i | 4047.039 | 4.0 |
got you just | 4049.28 | 3.279 |
all right okay okay we're fine we're | 4051.039 | 3.201 |
fine awesome yeah they snuck up on me i | 4052.559 | 3.76 |
was trying to oh i know i'm gay i know i | 4054.24 | 3.76 |
didn't want to get seen but i was really | 4056.319 | 3.04 |
curious about what you're talking about | 4058.0 | 3.52 |
all right rolling okay | 4059.359 | 4.401 |
at this [ __ ] | 4061.52 | 4.559 |
oh careful oh you got a gun | 4063.76 | 6.559 |
whoa wow that person was [ __ ] up | 4066.079 | 4.24 |
you hear that screaming yeah how can you | 4070.48 | 4.079 |
how couldn't i okay but you were like | 4073.039 | 3.04 |
come on all right just want to make sure | 4074.559 | 4.961 |
that forward is is clear | 4076.079 | 3.441 |
there we go oh there we go i saw the | 4081.599 | 3.601 |
door shut here it is | 4083.68 | 4.399 |
this way this way | 4085.2 | 2.879 |
oh boy | 4089.359 | 2.48 |
[Music] | 4093.39 | 3.05 |
there she is there's your friend you're | 4096.64 | 3.199 |
right it is | 4098.159 | 3.68 |
oh wait does he see us | 4099.839 | 3.601 |
i think he sees us | 4101.839 | 3.681 |
i know your sin yeah he sees us he's | 4103.44 | 4.96 |
looking right at us it drives your | 4105.52 | 6.319 |
every thought every action | 4108.4 | 3.439 |
your sin | 4113.279 | 4.92 |
is | 4115.199 | 3.0 |
so | 4119.759 | 2.241 |
i'll | 4120.719 | 3.12 |
indulge you | 4122.0 | 3.92 |
become wrath | 4123.839 | 4.32 |
let it fill your body and consume your | 4125.92 | 4.48 |
soul because in the end | 4128.159 | 4.881 |
you'll still be empty | 4130.4 | 6.72 |
and i'll be waiting right here | 4133.04 | 4.08 |
we both will | 4137.679 | 2.721 |
no he okay he definitely saw us | 4141.6 | 6.0 |
of course he did he's talking oh [ __ ] | 4144.0 | 6.239 |
come in come on come on yep yep yep yep | 4147.6 | 4.0 |
no time for shots | 4150.239 | 3.92 |
right behind you | 4151.6 | 2.559 |
oh crap come on | 4154.96 | 3.6 |
come on i'm behind you | 4156.799 | 4.161 |
you hurt | 4158.56 | 2.4 |
see that [ __ ] in the air that's the | 4172.4 | 3.919 |
drugs man | 4174.56 | 3.04 |
oh boy | 4176.319 | 3.681 |
you got him | 4177.6 | 2.4 |
good job thank you | 4184.56 | 5.199 |
49 seconds | 4186.48 | 4.799 |
oh there's people out there people out | 4189.759 | 2.801 |
there | 4191.279 | 4.801 |
you okay yep yep you healed up uh yeah | 4192.56 | 5.28 |
we're going out we're staying in | 4196.08 | 5.24 |
oh [ __ ] | 4197.84 | 3.48 |
oh | 4203.28 | 3.52 |
explosives | 4204.159 | 2.641 |
what do you say it's closing | 4207.199 | 4.241 |
we have to run out yeah come on now | 4208.96 | 3.759 |
oh boy | 4211.44 | 4.84 |
oh yep | 4212.719 | 3.561 |
oh [ __ ] | 4227.12 | 3.28 |
i came out of [ __ ] nowhere | 4228.4 | 3.68 |
you good yeah | 4230.4 | 3.92 |
hey come on come on up here up here get | 4232.08 | 4.24 |
up here drive this round | 4234.32 | 3.76 |
okay where'd you run oh you're still in | 4236.32 | 4.0 |
there yeah i just ran out where'd you | 4238.08 | 3.96 |
run i'm just outside there's a | 4240.32 | 4.08 |
helicopter see it you see a helicopter | 4242.04 | 4.04 |
[ __ ] i do yeah yeah yeah follow me | 4244.4 | 4.56 |
follow me all right | 4246.08 | 2.88 |
okay | 4249.84 | 2.319 |
follow me um | 4252.88 | 3.04 |
where are you | 4254.48 | 3.36 |
heading toward the bridge okay towards | 4255.92 | 5.04 |
the bridge i'll see you | 4257.84 | 6.48 |
and go ahead and serpentine okay okay | 4260.96 | 5.52 |
maybe hide the trees well yeah try to | 4264.32 | 3.76 |
keep yourself covered but | 4266.48 | 3.759 |
back and forth | 4268.08 | 3.36 |
okay | 4270.239 | 5.121 |
it's gonna be some chopper yeah it is | 4271.44 | 6.64 |
oh [ __ ] | 4275.36 | 2.72 |
on the radio | 4279.199 | 2.561 |
keep going | 4283.04 | 4.32 |
slide down the suit | 4284.56 | 2.8 |
all right helicopters down | 4292.159 | 5.201 |
you still tripping balls like me yeah | 4294.48 | 5.12 |
hold on what camera | 4297.36 | 3.44 |
rolling | 4299.6 | 2.88 |
oh man i hope the body camera was | 4300.8 | 2.8 |
working | 4302.48 | 3.199 |
was your body cam on yeah | 4303.6 | 4.72 |
okay oh god we gotta get out of here we | 4305.679 | 5.881 |
gotta go | 4308.32 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 4312.27 | 3.949 |
all right ladies | 4319.679 | 6.161 |
i have to kill a ball that's mating now | 4322.08 | 3.76 |
oh wait this one oh okay this one likes | 4326.719 | 5.841 |
that one yeah drew does up he's yep he's | 4329.36 | 4.48 |
engaging | 4332.56 | 3.44 |
yep oh wow | 4333.84 | 4.0 |
wait you should let him finish first | 4336.0 | 3.76 |
okay oh [ __ ] no | 4337.84 | 3.12 |
i might have missed i might have missed | 4339.76 | 2.56 |
my opportunity that way there'll be a | 4340.96 | 2.66 |
baby | 4342.32 | 3.28 |
[Music] | 4343.62 | 3.82 |
he's after you yeah i know you better | 4345.6 | 4.96 |
run holy [ __ ] whoa well it's yeah you're | 4347.44 | 4.96 |
quick can you get on top of those hay | 4350.56 | 3.52 |
bales | 4352.4 | 2.44 |
i think | 4354.08 | 3.2 |
it'll travis being chased by bulls he's | 4354.84 | 3.72 |
trying to get their testicles for the | 4357.28 | 2.56 |
festival | 4358.56 | 2.72 |
and uh | 4359.84 | 4.319 |
topping the tractor | 4361.28 | 2.879 |
whoa did i get them | 4364.239 | 2.801 |
ground them up | 4365.84 | 2.399 |
i got them | 4367.04 | 3.76 |
yeah they're done man okay i got one of | 4368.239 | 4.48 |
the whole testicles i still need to kill | 4370.8 | 2.72 |
one | 4372.719 | 2.641 |
while mating what difference does it | 4373.52 | 5.199 |
make that's what we want while mating oh | 4375.36 | 5.19 |
wait i gotta kill this one | 4378.719 | 4.721 |
[Music] | 4380.55 | 5.129 |
heads up | 4383.44 | 4.08 |
all right pull down | 4385.679 | 4.0 |
all right guys just killed a bull | 4387.52 | 4.8 |
with a tractor and then a gun how many | 4389.679 | 4.161 |
testicles you got i've got two i need | 4392.32 | 2.96 |
one more and i need to kill this last | 4393.84 | 4.08 |
one with fire get three testicles makes | 4395.28 | 4.16 |
a festival | 4397.92 | 3.52 |
all right you ready yeah man | 4399.44 | 4.16 |
i don't i hate this i don't feel good | 4401.44 | 4.08 |
about it yeah you're not going to heaven | 4403.6 | 4.4 |
oh boy | 4405.52 | 2.48 |
oh heads up he's on fire heads up oh he | 4408.08 | 5.2 |
ran into the fire perfect | 4411.12 | 3.68 |
got him all right we gotta get out of | 4413.28 | 4.52 |
here | 4414.8 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 4418.84 | 7.529 |
we got everything we're going back to | 4427.92 | 2.64 |
falls in | 4429.36 | 3.2 |
yes we are the plane is uh | 4430.56 | 3.599 |
i think the plane is having a hard time | 4432.56 | 3.36 |
keeping up with us yeah i think we shook | 4434.159 | 4.481 |
him off a little bit back there okay oh | 4435.92 | 4.56 |
wait why don't you go to the restaurant | 4438.64 | 3.84 |
uh i'm no i think i'm taking it to where | 4440.48 | 4.4 |
the festival actually is all right | 4442.48 | 3.199 |
so | 4444.88 | 2.72 |
um maybe we get to take part in the | 4445.679 | 3.281 |
festival a little bit | 4447.6 | 4.559 |
here we are huh yeah | 4448.96 | 3.199 |
oh look at this we got balloons and | 4452.8 | 5.359 |
everything oh yeah this is looking nice | 4454.64 | 3.519 |
not the best show | 4458.56 | 2.8 |
well that's your buddy | 4460.08 | 3.119 |
not the best turnout but no it's there's | 4461.36 | 4.24 |
no one here oh i got a band there's a | 4463.199 | 3.761 |
band oh no it's just a guy with a | 4465.6 | 4.16 |
clipboard i'll be a dj | 4466.96 | 4.719 |
hey all right let's say uh let's see | 4469.76 | 3.76 |
what's up with casey deputy | 4471.679 | 4.641 |
do you have what i asked for yeah thanks | 4473.52 | 4.32 |
now listen | 4476.32 | 2.32 |
yeah | 4477.84 | 2.24 |
you're gonna stick around and gorge on | 4478.64 | 3.76 |
these cattle cutlets right come on go | 4480.08 | 4.88 |
grab a drink and we'll chow down | 4482.4 | 3.92 |
he was excited huh | 4484.96 | 5.64 |
yeah time to get festive | 4486.32 | 4.28 |
[Music] | 4493.36 | 18.78 |
whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that your | 4512.159 | 6.08 |
car just took off and hit boomer | 4515.92 | 4.72 |
you gotta back back the car up | 4518.239 | 3.92 |
i feel like it's gonna make it worse i | 4520.64 | 3.36 |
think just back it up and then uh help | 4522.159 | 4.0 |
him | 4524.0 | 2.159 |
oh geez oh i thought he's stuck | 4526.64 | 5.84 |
i'm not even doing this oh what's going | 4530.32 | 4.56 |
on okay i'm not doing it all right hop | 4532.48 | 3.6 |
out | 4534.88 | 3.6 |
get the boomer the [ __ ] happened is he | 4536.08 | 3.76 |
okay he's over there to your left to | 4538.48 | 3.199 |
your left you don't know who your dog is | 4539.84 | 3.92 |
i can't see him don't you have like a | 4541.679 | 3.921 |
you don't see him | 4543.76 | 2.64 |
oh | 4545.6 | 3.76 |
oh boomers boomer's dead right now | 4546.4 | 4.88 |
yeah | 4549.36 | 4.1 |
getting the death wish get on the gun | 4551.28 | 15.199 |
[Music] | 4553.46 | 13.019 |
[Music] | 4568.74 | 3.26 |
you're supposed to get on the gun uh | 4570.32 | 3.2 |
when there's enemies all right there's | 4572.0 | 3.12 |
enemies i'll switch to body cam and i'll | 4573.52 | 3.6 |
shoot okay you're just going to be quick | 4575.12 | 4.64 |
let's hit it we're going after a convoy | 4577.12 | 4.4 |
after a convoy yeah we're gonna take | 4579.76 | 3.919 |
them off the road oh really yeah uh | 4581.52 | 4.56 |
john's john seeds convoy oh yeah you | 4583.679 | 4.081 |
ready for this yeah this ought to be | 4586.08 | 3.28 |
exciting you know what we're doing today | 4587.76 | 3.2 |
uh we're going after a convoy yeah but | 4589.36 | 3.04 |
you know what i'm calling it something | 4590.96 | 3.84 |
with a pun no you've heard shock and awe | 4592.4 | 5.04 |
uh-huh my campaign's more based on | 4594.8 | 5.2 |
perturb and disturb the turbine disturb | 4597.44 | 4.16 |
per turbine disturb that's what you want | 4600.0 | 3.52 |
to be known as hey there's that gas | 4601.6 | 3.84 |
station that uh yeah that's when you | 4603.52 | 4.24 |
tried to get this right great | 4605.44 | 4.48 |
so where are we going right here run off | 4607.76 | 4.64 |
road just here for a second hold on | 4609.92 | 4.799 |
ready | 4612.4 | 2.319 |
okay oh boy ballots we're surrounded i | 4616.32 | 3.6 |
know get in the vehicle | 4618.32 | 3.68 |
why would you get out out you didn't | 4619.92 | 3.2 |
tell me what was going on you have to | 4622.0 | 2.4 |
communicate | 4623.12 | 3.92 |
i figured you'd know what was going on | 4624.4 | 5.44 |
through a camera i know you have a clear | 4627.04 | 4.72 |
view of the world listen i'm trying to | 4629.84 | 3.44 |
share your story with people be | 4631.76 | 4.16 |
adaptable look we can't keep in mind i'm | 4633.28 | 3.919 |
looking through a camera and i don't | 4635.92 | 3.2 |
know what you're doing i didn't tell you | 4637.199 | 3.601 |
to get out of the vehicle this is what | 4639.12 | 3.119 |
you're doing this is your favorite thing | 4640.8 | 3.04 |
to do isn't it | 4642.239 | 3.681 |
running at trees this is your fault so | 4643.84 | 4.16 |
this is where we are now yesterday we | 4645.92 | 4.96 |
drove the thing into a lake and now look | 4648.0 | 5.52 |
at it it's stuck in the trees | 4650.88 | 4.56 |
hold on stay right there oh man are we | 4653.52 | 4.0 |
gonna roll down this hill am i in danger | 4655.44 | 4.799 |
right now no | 4657.52 | 5.28 |
i feel like i'm in danger | 4660.239 | 5.281 |
so what's the plan | 4662.8 | 5.12 |
you're going to punch the car | 4665.52 | 5.28 |
that's how that's your plan | 4667.92 | 4.08 |
hmm | 4670.8 | 3.76 |
so dallas just drove this car into a | 4672.0 | 5.04 |
bunch of trees now he's | 4674.56 | 4.4 |
punching it and then hitting it with his | 4677.04 | 4.639 |
bow and arrow | 4678.96 | 4.64 |
we were supposed to be chasing a convoy | 4681.679 | 3.681 |
yeah i think they're getting away | 4683.6 | 3.84 |
knees follow me hopping out i don't know | 4685.36 | 3.52 |
why this doesn't have enough traction to | 4687.44 | 3.12 |
get out like just back up a little bit | 4688.88 | 3.52 |
it's not bad well someone drove it on a | 4690.56 | 3.76 |
very steep hill into some trees oh who'd | 4692.4 | 3.52 |
do that | 4694.32 | 4.48 |
if we both punch it | 4695.92 | 2.88 |
is there no other vehicles up there you | 4700.719 | 3.52 |
can maybe use to push this out let's see | 4701.92 | 3.6 |
okay | 4704.239 | 3.841 |
i'll wait here | 4705.52 | 6.88 |
all right i guess i'll just uh i'll cut | 4708.08 | 4.32 |
i'm rolling and i hear | 4716.32 | 3.919 |
a vehicle coming | 4718.0 | 4.44 |
up | 4720.239 | 4.96 |
[Music] | 4722.44 | 5.32 |
oh that's you okay oh you found a colt | 4725.199 | 5.04 |
truck yeah um | 4727.76 | 4.72 |
wait should i hit this | 4730.239 | 4.721 |
hold on should we just take that truck | 4732.48 | 4.4 |
we could but we have a death wish but | 4734.96 | 3.44 |
it's got a gun on the back i know well | 4736.88 | 3.839 |
what do you think we should do deputy | 4738.4 | 4.16 |
i'd have to maybe clip it like right | 4740.719 | 2.721 |
here | 4742.56 | 3.28 |
i guess i tell you what if that fails | 4743.44 | 5.44 |
yeah then we just take this truck oh boy | 4745.84 | 4.08 |
oh crap | 4748.88 | 2.64 |
oh [ __ ] oh you should jump on that gun | 4749.92 | 4.4 |
check out that plane okay that trucks | 4751.52 | 5.6 |
done oh crap | 4754.32 | 4.0 |
mother | 4757.12 | 2.4 |
[ __ ] | 4758.32 | 3.2 |
we're never gonna get out of here | 4759.52 | 4.88 |
dude up fire yep fire spreading yep | 4761.52 | 4.88 |
that's never good oh | 4764.4 | 3.759 |
it's going to reach the death wish | 4766.4 | 4.16 |
coming back yeah that's what they do | 4768.159 | 4.401 |
this is today huh oh there's an enemy | 4770.56 | 2.88 |
truck | 4772.56 | 2.88 |
yeah yeah that's the truck i was talking | 4773.44 | 4.4 |
whoa whoa how long do you think okay | 4775.44 | 4.88 |
okay here we go with that thing back up | 4777.84 | 4.879 |
um yeah watch out now okay oh oh yeah | 4780.32 | 3.76 |
remember okay you're gonna shut up | 4782.719 | 3.52 |
there's it all right get in | 4784.08 | 7.0 |
get in yeah hold on | 4786.239 | 4.841 |
can i get him | 4802.48 | 3.21 |
oh boy they're we're surrounded | 4803.6 | 4.8 |
[Music] | 4805.69 | 5.029 |
up there | 4808.4 | 2.319 |
oh [ __ ] there goes the death wish | 4812.719 | 4.281 |
[Applause] | 4817.07 | 6.77 |
i just keep going | 4821.04 | 4.8 |
okay i got you that was [ __ ] crazy | 4823.84 | 3.359 |
that was crazy | 4825.84 | 4.24 |
oh wow hey thanks yeah no you're welcome | 4827.199 | 6.321 |
okay right yeah okay so we need a truck | 4830.08 | 5.04 |
yeah slid all the way down that hill | 4833.52 | 3.92 |
yeah we lost everything else um | 4835.12 | 4.0 |
there's a road there's a truck here but | 4837.44 | 2.88 |
i really wanted a gun in the back | 4839.12 | 3.2 |
because of the convoy | 4840.32 | 5.879 |
just let's hop in this one | 4842.32 | 3.879 |
[Music] | 4850.63 | 3.59 |
okay convoy huh yeah we're gonna we're | 4856.239 | 5.201 |
gonna take out a convoy | 4858.8 | 4.16 |
you want to drive this one into some | 4861.44 | 3.92 |
trees | 4862.96 | 2.4 |
so you do want to drive this in a tree | 4866.639 | 5.361 |
no i wanted to kill that fine gentle sir | 4868.08 | 7.04 |
so do you know where this convoy is | 4872.0 | 5.04 |
um not right now i want to get a uh | 4875.12 | 5.92 |
right what's that like a skunk | 4877.04 | 4.0 |
what do you take from motion sickness | 4881.199 | 3.921 |
dramamine dramamine yeah i'm bad with | 4882.96 | 5.12 |
drug names | 4885.12 | 6.079 |
what does zoloft do | 4888.08 | 3.119 |
what is what why | 4891.52 | 4.88 |
why because bad guys oh we want this oh | 4893.679 | 5.841 |
that's oh crap | 4896.4 | 3.12 |
come on get on the gun on the gun come | 4900.0 | 5.12 |
coming i'm on | 4902.719 | 4.801 |
oh [ __ ] all right see the plane i'm | 4905.12 | 4.16 |
shooting yeah | 4907.52 | 3.52 |
that's what i'm talking about all the | 4909.28 | 4.24 |
fuel behind us okay we'll get them | 4911.04 | 5.28 |
okay | 4913.52 | 4.88 |
stop them up planes here | 4916.32 | 4.0 |
you get them | 4918.4 | 3.279 |
is it going down | 4920.32 | 3.12 |
you ready for this i'd really love to | 4921.679 | 3.281 |
like get off on the side of the road and | 4923.44 | 3.36 |
set up my camera and watch you do the | 4924.96 | 4.719 |
convoy how about this deal ready yep as | 4926.8 | 4.8 |
soon as we're done with this convoy | 4929.679 | 4.56 |
back to you getting pretty shots | 4931.6 | 6.079 |
all right deal deal okay after that i | 4934.239 | 6.801 |
want to break out the good camera | 4937.679 | 3.361 |
all right so i am currently on the back | 4941.12 | 4.48 |
of a truck being driven around by deputy | 4943.52 | 5.04 |
doraleous body cam's on we're hunting | 4945.6 | 6.4 |
down the all right | 4948.56 | 3.44 |
all right you got this okay okay | 4953.76 | 4.959 |
spin out the herd we got we got one yep | 4956.239 | 4.241 |
second guy | 4958.719 | 5.041 |
i can even help a little bit i get him | 4960.48 | 5.759 |
third guy | 4963.76 | 2.479 |
oh boy down here comes another truck | 4967.6 | 4.47 |
it's a big one | 4969.52 | 5.58 |
[Music] | 4972.07 | 3.03 |
ah is your body cam on where are you yes | 4980.239 | 6.561 |
yes oh boy okay um | 4982.88 | 5.92 |
you're fine you're fine | 4986.8 | 6.16 |
we did it man nice we did it you are | 4988.8 | 6.8 |
hold on rolling good camera okay um you | 4992.96 | 3.84 |
want the fire behind me that'd be a good | 4995.6 | 3.599 |
shot huh uh yeah actually you got a good | 4996.8 | 5.04 |
eye for this don't you | 4999.199 | 2.641 |
okay rolling | 5001.92 | 3.759 |
yeah did we do it | 5004.0 | 4.56 |
yeah we yeah look at this | 5005.679 | 3.681 |
yep | 5008.56 | 3.2 |
you're awful at this no i'm not | 5009.36 | 5.359 |
just one little thing and then uh | 5011.76 | 5.2 |
disturb and perturb oh we didn't disturb | 5014.719 | 3.92 |
or perturb yet yeah we we've started | 5016.96 | 4.64 |
that campaign okay so we're heading to | 5018.639 | 5.441 |
uh oh one of these | 5021.6 | 4.96 |
oh wait there's enemies here oh there's | 5024.08 | 4.079 |
like wait careful there's a flamethrower | 5026.56 | 2.96 |
guy yeah it'd be great if you were on | 5028.159 | 4.881 |
the turret hold on let me get out here | 5029.52 | 5.92 |
all right rolling | 5033.04 | 6.72 |
careful that guy's got fired rallies | 5035.44 | 4.32 |
blew up yeah | 5043.52 | 3.84 |
is that all of them yeah i think so | 5045.199 | 4.881 |
all right you just threw what was that | 5047.36 | 4.799 |
grenade yeah | 5050.08 | 4.079 |
how fun is that what's next on your | 5052.159 | 3.761 |
agenda today there's an outpost right | 5054.159 | 4.401 |
here behind us | 5055.92 | 5.279 |
are you serious yeah i mean i just i | 5058.56 | 3.52 |
just | 5061.199 | 3.841 |
now got comfortable | 5062.08 | 2.96 |
[Music] | 5065.98 | 4.179 |
okay i'm gonna take the zipline over all | 5068.48 | 3.36 |
right so what is this place called uh | 5070.159 | 3.761 |
the kettle uh | 5071.84 | 4.16 |
cattle company i believe cattle company | 5073.92 | 4.48 |
this is an outpost there's two alarms | 5076.0 | 4.32 |
yeah two alarms that's the truck we were | 5078.4 | 4.16 |
in over there yeah and you're gonna try | 5080.32 | 3.76 |
to liberate this yeah i'm going to wait | 5082.56 | 3.2 |
until the heavyweight lady she's a | 5084.08 | 4.0 |
hostage yeah i see that | 5085.76 | 3.52 |
i'm going to wait till this heavy goes | 5088.08 | 2.4 |
back around that other corner and i'm | 5089.28 | 3.359 |
going to take the zipline across okay | 5090.48 | 3.92 |
and go in from there i need that heavy | 5092.639 | 4.56 |
out first man gotcha okay | 5094.4 | 4.88 |
you see that guy on top of the rv or the | 5097.199 | 4.561 |
trailer yeah here i go oh he's a cowboy | 5099.28 | 3.919 |
there he goes | 5101.76 | 3.52 |
braless just went in on ziploc they | 5103.199 | 3.601 |
didn't even see him | 5105.28 | 3.28 |
and he's sneaky | 5106.8 | 3.04 |
i think that's the heavy he was talking | 5108.56 | 3.52 |
about you hear me names yeah i hear you | 5109.84 | 3.2 |
man | 5112.08 | 4.8 |
you okay yeah i feel okay um | 5113.04 | 3.84 |
careful yeah i'm okay | 5118.4 | 3.52 |
heavy's coming closer to you yeah | 5122.32 | 5.89 |
[Music] | 5124.78 | 3.43 |
oh | 5128.4 | 2.96 |
that's a nice one thank you | 5129.28 | 4.8 |
man good job thank you | 5131.36 | 5.72 |
okay | 5134.08 | 3.0 |
there's a bowl and a pen over there | 5141.679 | 4.161 |
you know what | 5144.88 | 4.08 |
just to be safe i'm gonna | 5145.84 | 5.68 |
first get in oh you took that guy out | 5148.96 | 3.679 |
oh and | 5151.52 | 4.119 |
man | 5152.639 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 5159.39 | 3.97 |
they might have called in some i know i | 5161.36 | 3.359 |
just turned red | 5163.36 | 4.72 |
alarm's red | 5164.719 | 5.281 |
just freed that lady | 5168.08 | 3.76 |
oh boy | 5170.0 | 2.96 |
maybe | 5171.84 | 2.96 |
the enforcement's on the way | 5172.96 | 4.8 |
guys your arrow is flaming | 5174.8 | 5.04 |
the roof above you | 5177.76 | 4.959 |
roof above your alleys oh he jumped down | 5179.84 | 6.319 |
oh that boy's on fire | 5182.719 | 3.44 |
with that yeah there's two of them | 5188.4 | 4.48 |
oh here comes the truck brothers | 5190.88 | 3.04 |
careful | 5192.88 | 5.04 |
oh this looks bad it's gonna be fine | 5193.92 | 6.16 |
i want to let this guy there we go | 5197.92 | 5.01 |
yeah bring it to the root ball's coming | 5200.08 | 5.989 |
[Music] | 5202.93 | 3.139 |
nope | 5206.32 | 2.8 |
yeah | 5208.0 | 4.159 |
you got enemies below you | 5209.12 | 3.039 |
oh careful | 5213.28 | 2.72 |
oh explosions what was that grenade | 5216.32 | 3.76 |
careful doraleous | 5221.52 | 3.4 |
down here to your right | 5232.639 | 3.56 |
oh yeah oh wow what was that i don't | 5238.0 | 3.199 |
know | 5239.52 | 3.84 |
um one more guy over here i think he | 5241.199 | 5.361 |
always thinks there's one more guy | 5243.36 | 3.2 |
you got him yeah | 5248.719 | 3.721 |
that's probably the best outpost you've | 5256.159 | 4.841 |
done yet huh it wasn't too bad ah we | 5257.6 | 6.88 |
lost alive | 5261.0 | 4.92 |
happy endings | 5264.48 | 15.769 |
[Music] | 5265.92 | 14.329 |
so | 5283.679 | 2.671 |
[Applause] | 5285.93 | 10.789 |
[Music] | 5286.35 | 13.01 |
how you feeling feel better now | 5296.719 | 4.081 |
i feel like you made some good progress | 5299.36 | 4.16 |
today i think we both did didn't we yeah | 5300.8 | 4.879 |
i got some good shots you uh | 5303.52 | 4.719 |
took out some stuff right right are we | 5305.679 | 4.721 |
uh are we getting out | 5308.239 | 3.761 |
oh wait hold on | 5310.4 | 3.759 |
oh you're doing a thing okay | 5312.0 | 3.92 |
rolling i'm sure this gets boring but it | 5314.159 | 4.641 |
doesn't to me no it's part of uh | 5315.92 | 4.239 |
oh that was a | 5318.8 | 3.839 |
bad it happens a lot you gotta grant it | 5320.159 | 4.321 |
again | 5322.639 | 3.52 |
yeah let's go there you go i feel like | 5324.48 | 3.6 |
the dynamite works better don't you well | 5326.159 | 3.281 |
if i throw the grenade right it's just | 5328.08 | 2.8 |
fine just doesn't bounce as much you | 5329.44 | 3.52 |
want to get in yep hold on okay | 5330.88 | 3.92 |
so there's one more convoy to take down | 5332.96 | 3.759 |
i thought i was supposed to get three i | 5334.8 | 3.2 |
thought it was two i thought it was like | 5336.719 | 3.601 |
east and west i thought it was three but | 5338.0 | 4.0 |
you know what whatever we took out the | 5340.32 | 3.839 |
other convoy we got one left right you | 5342.0 | 3.6 |
liberated the cattle | 5344.159 | 3.681 |
the cattle corn yeah cattle ranch yeah | 5345.6 | 4.0 |
the cattle corn that's what's it called | 5347.84 | 4.08 |
which the cattle kellen cattle | 5349.6 | 4.079 |
pump have you ever eaten you know cattle | 5351.92 | 4.239 |
corn is a thing kettle corn cattle no | 5353.679 | 4.401 |
cattle corn is not a thing cattle corn | 5356.159 | 3.601 |
is not kettle corn i feel like i heard | 5358.08 | 4.24 |
the word cattle corn no because my uncle | 5359.76 | 4.879 |
used to say he would eat cattle corn | 5362.32 | 3.28 |
yeah but i've been around you for a | 5364.639 | 2.481 |
little while and you guys say things | 5365.6 | 3.599 |
weird okay well what's kettle corn | 5367.12 | 4.16 |
kettle corn's just uh i think corn made | 5369.199 | 3.761 |
in a kettle and it's like sweetened with | 5371.28 | 3.6 |
sugar people eat that yeah of course | 5372.96 | 3.52 |
people like that see what my uncle ate | 5374.88 | 3.68 |
was not for people it's for cows oh | 5376.48 | 3.52 |
that's a whole different thing yeah | 5378.56 | 2.639 |
cause he would say hey you're not | 5380.0 | 2.56 |
supposed to eat this but if you boil it | 5381.199 | 3.921 |
long enough you can eat it oh sure what | 5382.56 | 4.0 |
was that | 5385.12 | 3.119 |
how did this happen i don't know that's | 5386.56 | 3.119 |
probably one of those things that was | 5388.239 | 2.881 |
recalled a little late with that one | 5389.679 | 3.361 |
though i'm gonna park this right here | 5391.12 | 4.4 |
okay okay gotcha if this convoy takes a | 5393.04 | 4.48 |
left then we're the element of surprise | 5395.52 | 3.92 |
and i'm gonna put down like some c4 in | 5397.52 | 3.76 |
the middle of the road ah took a right | 5399.44 | 3.92 |
turn so we're in the wrong place son of | 5401.28 | 5.16 |
a [ __ ] | 5403.36 | 3.08 |
oh hey is that the convoy that's the | 5410.4 | 3.759 |
convoy we just passed the convoy we're | 5412.08 | 6.639 |
good um oh boy okay all right easy | 5414.159 | 6.881 |
you better | 5418.719 | 2.321 |
you want me to drive into a tree oh | 5424.719 | 3.44 |
please don't drop into a tree right now | 5426.32 | 3.359 |
oh crap | 5428.159 | 3.841 |
keep driving i am i am i almost died | 5429.679 | 4.321 |
right there oh really hurting they're | 5432.0 | 3.28 |
running they're really hurting this is | 5434.0 | 3.76 |
bad really hurting we're stopping | 5435.28 | 5.2 |
well we're getting out of | 5437.76 | 4.08 |
all right get out of the vehicle get out | 5440.48 | 3.44 |
get up yes sir yeah | 5441.84 | 3.92 |
okay all right | 5443.92 | 4.719 |
so i think they know we're coming | 5445.76 | 4.64 |
all right get up in the tree line going | 5448.639 | 4.241 |
up the tree line so we just uh get up in | 5450.4 | 5.12 |
the tree line i'm out i'm up i'm rolling | 5452.88 | 4.4 |
where are you uh going up in the tree | 5455.52 | 3.84 |
line all right we have abandoned the | 5457.28 | 4.32 |
truck doraleous is set up here are we | 5459.36 | 3.76 |
ahead of the convoy | 5461.6 | 4.16 |
yes we're ahead of them yes | 5463.12 | 4.0 |
so they should be coming down this road | 5465.76 | 3.439 |
any moment you you don't need a boat for | 5467.12 | 2.9 |
this are you no | 5469.199 | 5.63 |
[Music] | 5470.02 | 4.809 |
are you in a good spot uh | 5475.36 | 4.56 |
yeah i think so okay | 5477.84 | 4.24 |
now we uh | 5479.92 | 4.0 |
just be patient wow we got we got ahead | 5482.08 | 3.28 |
of them in good ways did they stop i | 5483.92 | 2.96 |
don't know did they stop i feel like | 5485.36 | 2.64 |
they stopped but they're gonna have to | 5486.88 | 3.04 |
pick back up again right okay well it | 5488.0 | 4.08 |
gives us time to calm our nerves | 5489.92 | 3.52 |
now i'm getting more nervous because why | 5492.08 | 2.8 |
aren't they here yet did they sense | 5493.44 | 3.759 |
something was fishy can you get a look | 5494.88 | 5.759 |
yes yeah yeah you got the camera | 5497.199 | 8.0 |
oh wait what is that them did they stop | 5500.639 | 6.481 |
they're just sitting there | 5505.199 | 4.321 |
i think why would they sit there i don't | 5507.12 | 4.48 |
know maybe i can oh wait travis they | 5509.52 | 3.92 |
coming yeah they're coming okay they're | 5511.6 | 3.599 |
coming okay | 5513.44 | 3.92 |
oh [ __ ] | 5515.199 | 4.721 |
all right okay okay stay down make sure | 5517.36 | 4.64 |
you're crouched okay oh wait oh crap i | 5519.92 | 4.0 |
can't see anything | 5522.0 | 4.8 |
careful careful | 5523.92 | 2.88 |
yeah they sure as [ __ ] are coming | 5526.88 | 4.48 |
all right | 5529.36 | 3.12 |
[Music] | 5531.36 | 2.4 |
so we | 5532.48 | 2.64 |
abandoned the truck yeah make sure | 5533.76 | 3.919 |
you're out of sight okay yeah crouch | 5535.12 | 4.559 |
standing because i'm too low yeah but if | 5537.679 | 3.681 |
they see you it [ __ ] everything listen | 5539.679 | 3.681 |
okay i can see him i can see him | 5541.36 | 3.48 |
we've been in the truck | 5543.36 | 3.68 |
drilling got us ahead of them we're | 5544.84 | 3.48 |
ahead of them right now that's part of | 5547.04 | 3.92 |
the convoy [ __ ] ready for this yeah all | 5548.32 | 2.91 |
right | 5550.96 | 2.8 |
[Music] | 5551.23 | 4.69 |
oh he said a trap | 5553.76 | 4.72 |
iceberg pistol you're going in with a | 5555.92 | 4.4 |
pistol yeah the only other thing i had | 5558.48 | 4.8 |
was the [ __ ] uh bow and arrow man | 5560.32 | 4.8 |
okay | 5563.28 | 3.52 |
hold on hold on | 5565.12 | 4.96 |
they don't know where you are no | 5566.8 | 4.879 |
get in there doraleous | 5570.08 | 5.0 |
you're getting away | 5571.679 | 3.401 |
you're getting away doraleous | 5575.36 | 5.04 |
that didn't work | 5577.84 | 2.56 |
you're getting a weight rally they're | 5582.88 | 2.56 |
not they're not they're not seems like | 5584.08 | 2.88 |
they are no they're not | 5585.44 | 4.4 |
let's check this out | 5586.96 | 2.88 |
all right | 5595.52 | 6.28 |
and with a little bonus helicopter too | 5597.28 | 4.52 |
beautiful and a rescued civilian thank | 5602.48 | 5.12 |
you very much okay | 5604.56 | 5.52 |
wow that might have been a good guy | 5607.6 | 4.24 |
sorry whoa what was that | 5610.08 | 4.0 |
geez | 5611.84 | 2.24 |
wow | 5615.36 | 4.319 |
you okay so he's fun | 5616.56 | 3.119 |
beautiful that was something else | 5619.92 | 4.08 |
well done doraleous thank you it all | 5622.159 | 3.681 |
worked out well didn't it it did i mean | 5624.0 | 6.36 |
it was sloppy but it worked out | 5625.84 | 4.52 |
[Music] | 5630.54 | 4.179 |
you're a hero | 5632.08 | 4.639 |
i'm not a hero i'm just doing my job now | 5634.719 | 4.641 |
listen you're a hero i'm documenting it | 5636.719 | 4.241 |
and i think i'll sell more documentaries | 5639.36 | 2.799 |
if you're a hero | 5640.96 | 3.44 |
it's bigger than that though you're | 5642.159 | 3.471 |
thinking about sales | 5644.4 | 2.64 |
[Music] | 5645.63 | 3.17 |
sir | 5647.04 | 3.76 |
i guess that's yours now | 5648.8 | 4.56 |
you earned it | 5650.8 | 2.56 |
drives like me | 5653.6 | 3.48 |
[Music] | 5657.14 | 16.14 |
how you doing neebs pretty good sir how | 5671.44 | 4.88 |
are you today pretty good oh [ __ ] what | 5673.28 | 6.0 |
look to your left maybe i left your left | 5676.32 | 5.76 |
right up there up on the hill yeah | 5679.28 | 4.0 |
yeah what is it | 5682.08 | 4.48 |
oh i'm talking the silo all right let's | 5683.28 | 4.879 |
just go ahead and get this out of the | 5686.56 | 3.2 |
way | 5688.159 | 4.0 |
now in the past you've really done oh | 5689.76 | 4.8 |
you got that this time | 5692.159 | 4.56 |
i should do it there we go | 5694.56 | 3.28 |
yeah you're getting the hang of this | 5696.719 | 2.48 |
yeah well i mean that's the best i've | 5697.84 | 2.799 |
ever seen you do with a silo we've | 5699.199 | 2.881 |
learned a lot together there might be | 5700.639 | 3.6 |
hope for this county yet exactly get it | 5702.08 | 6.41 |
it's hope county yeah yeah | 5704.239 | 11.241 |
[Music] | 5708.49 | 7.8 |
[Applause] | 5715.48 | 9.53 |
[Music] | 5716.29 | 8.72 |
all right so doraleous has told me to | 5726.56 | 3.76 |
get up here on this billboard | 5728.0 | 4.239 |
so up here i can see | 5730.32 | 3.839 |
all of the train yard | 5732.239 | 3.521 |
and drowly said he was going to come in | 5734.159 | 4.401 |
from the far end i'm right here | 5735.76 | 3.68 |
yeah | 5738.56 | 4.0 |
so um all stealth all still yeah you're | 5739.44 | 4.48 |
not going to see a little bit in the | 5742.56 | 3.44 |
beginning but uh be patient okay well | 5743.92 | 3.36 |
you know do everything on this side of | 5746.0 | 3.28 |
the building well no i eventually will | 5747.28 | 2.959 |
that's where i'm going to end up all | 5749.28 | 2.0 |
right just remember i'm making a | 5750.239 | 2.48 |
documentary and just remember i just | 5751.28 | 2.64 |
want to be stealthy | 5752.719 | 2.881 |
i'm going to give this a go okay here we | 5753.92 | 3.92 |
go | 5755.6 | 2.24 |
i already can't see | 5758.719 | 3.641 |
[Music] | 5763.5 | 7.039 |
oh there's two guys there | 5771.84 | 3.839 |
there's another guy right right beside | 5774.32 | 3.68 |
him i just did you see it though | 5775.679 | 4.641 |
so do you see the guy here | 5778.0 | 3.84 |
oh yeah | 5780.32 | 5.52 |
his body i'm gonna hide this body okay | 5781.84 | 4.0 |
sneaky mix sneaker pants they call me | 5786.48 | 5.28 |
you ever hear them call me that i've | 5790.56 | 2.559 |
never heard one person call you that | 5791.76 | 3.84 |
nobody has | 5793.119 | 5.761 |
who calls you that i just | 5795.6 | 3.28 |
today being playful you know | 5799.36 | 4.0 |
okay you see that guy that's uh pretty | 5801.28 | 5.28 |
close to me right now oh yeah i see him | 5803.36 | 6.2 |
okay | 5806.56 | 3.0 |
did he see me i don't think he saw me he | 5823.679 | 3.841 |
was expecting his buddy to be there | 5825.679 | 3.361 |
where's my buddy well maybe he went to | 5827.52 | 3.84 |
take a leak yeah that's true i'm gonna | 5829.04 | 5.04 |
get him right here | 5831.36 | 2.72 |
missed it it's okay it's okay | 5834.719 | 3.601 |
you see where i'm at though right yeah i | 5836.639 | 3.761 |
do so now is when you're gonna see me | 5838.32 | 3.76 |
the rest of the time okay okay it's kind | 5840.4 | 3.44 |
of like mirrors like if you can't see me | 5842.08 | 4.0 |
i can't see you | 5843.84 | 4.399 |
okay i'm going back around i'm going on | 5846.08 | 4.159 |
top of the building names okay i'm gonna | 5848.239 | 3.92 |
take that guy out up there great i can | 5850.239 | 3.201 |
see all the top of the building that's | 5852.159 | 3.201 |
what i'm saying now there's a gap there | 5853.44 | 5.84 |
your patience uh has paid off | 5855.36 | 3.92 |
i've got to be super careful here | 5861.199 | 4.321 |
oh there you are hey | 5863.76 | 5.2 |
you kicking i didn't mean to | 5865.52 | 3.44 |
there do you see me do that no i can't | 5870.159 | 4.721 |
see you at all right right i gotta be | 5872.8 | 3.919 |
careful here and i don't wanna i'm not | 5874.88 | 3.2 |
gonna knock him off the building again | 5876.719 | 2.881 |
i'll tell you that much like i did that | 5878.08 | 3.52 |
one time remember that yeah back at the | 5879.6 | 4.48 |
u.s auto that was a big mistake right | 5881.6 | 3.44 |
there | 5884.08 | 3.2 |
it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine | 5885.04 | 4.8 |
here we go | 5887.28 | 2.56 |
kept them on the roof | 5890.96 | 2.8 |
you're getting good at this doraleous | 5892.48 | 3.44 |
thank you i know you should take these | 5893.76 | 5.04 |
alarms out huh no no i'm so confident i | 5895.92 | 4.319 |
don't need to not even mess with them | 5898.8 | 2.48 |
i'm not gonna mess with them no one's | 5900.239 | 3.201 |
gonna know to push it ah all right i'm | 5901.28 | 3.839 |
gonna drop back down come back around | 5903.44 | 3.52 |
that back side you'll see me shortly | 5905.119 | 3.52 |
there's a guy with a big cross down | 5906.96 | 4.08 |
there you see him yep yeah that's | 5908.639 | 5.04 |
interesting oh there's another guy too | 5911.04 | 4.159 |
you see him | 5913.679 | 4.801 |
he's near a cage okay | 5915.199 | 5.44 |
be careful there's some kind of stinky | 5918.48 | 3.84 |
animal on that page yeah i'm not gonna | 5920.639 | 5.201 |
even let it go i'm messing with it | 5922.32 | 3.52 |
[Music] | 5925.94 | 11.12 |
kicked him in the face | 5938.08 | 4.159 |
damn right | 5939.679 | 2.56 |
okay | 5943.6 | 2.16 |
oh whoa | 5946.239 | 2.801 |
that's what's up neebs yeah i was | 5950.159 | 5.441 |
i feel like that wasn't even a whole | 5953.84 | 3.52 |
scene in this documentary it was so bad | 5955.6 | 4.4 |
fully stealthy yeah fully stealthy | 5957.36 | 5.82 |
alarm's still intact yup everyone | 5960.0 | 6.4 |
[Music] | 5963.18 | 4.9 |
so you know we got a couple hours of | 5966.4 | 3.12 |
sleep and i was thinking when i was | 5968.08 | 2.639 |
laying there | 5969.52 | 3.04 |
it's like | 5970.719 | 3.361 |
lighting is horrible is it okay it's | 5972.56 | 3.04 |
just horrible can we just move somewhere | 5974.08 | 3.92 |
how about here how about here | 5975.6 | 4.32 |
here i mean so take it from like what i | 5978.0 | 3.44 |
was saying not very flattering for you | 5979.92 | 3.52 |
but it's better yeah who cares who cares | 5981.44 | 4.56 |
for it action all right um | 5983.44 | 3.759 |
so when we | 5986.0 | 2.639 |
could you keep it down | 5987.199 | 3.52 |
we're rolling over here guys just | 5988.639 | 3.681 |
rolling | 5990.719 | 2.4 |
uh | 5992.32 | 4.879 |
okay action ins all right um here yep | 5993.119 | 5.6 |
so you know we got a couple hours of | 5997.199 | 3.52 |
sleep finally just a couple um and i was | 5998.719 | 3.601 |
laying there i was like i'm gonna make | 6000.719 | 2.801 |
this good | 6002.32 | 2.799 |
for you i'm gonna make this a good | 6003.52 | 3.679 |
documentary for you yeah and try to keep | 6005.119 | 5.361 |
the the energy up okay um | 6007.199 | 4.801 |
and and that's that's the way i'm gonna | 6010.48 | 2.639 |
go about you're getting the bug aren't | 6012.0 | 3.28 |
you yeah you want to be an actor now no | 6013.119 | 4.401 |
no this isn't an acting thing i mean | 6015.28 | 4.48 |
this no seems like it no but i mean did | 6017.52 | 4.159 |
you follow me because i'm an actor | 6019.76 | 3.04 |
no i don't know it came to be a | 6021.679 | 3.04 |
documentary but this happens to a lot of | 6022.8 | 4.0 |
people you get on camera we're rolling | 6024.719 | 3.761 |
over here guys | 6026.8 | 3.68 |
please people get on camera and then all | 6028.48 | 4.239 |
of a sudden they become divas and i can | 6030.48 | 5.6 |
where did i become a diva just now wow | 6032.719 | 4.721 |
you just it just switches on then | 6036.08 | 2.96 |
there's a threshold no i was trying to | 6037.44 | 3.279 |
make this entertainment i was trying to | 6039.04 | 3.679 |
make it entertaining all right for you | 6040.719 | 3.281 |
and i didn't want to bring it down with | 6042.719 | 3.841 |
negativity would we want a trailer next | 6044.0 | 5.83 |
what all right that's a cut i don't | 6046.56 | 27.52 |
[Music] | 6049.83 | 25.849 |
very wild | 6074.08 | 3.76 |
you don't see any | 6075.679 | 3.04 |
this is | 6077.84 | 2.879 |
see i feel like we're being set up | 6078.719 | 3.281 |
it's too easy right like there's an | 6080.719 | 2.461 |
explosive or something | 6082.0 | 3.36 |
[Music] | 6083.18 | 4.74 |
you don't see anybody in there | 6085.36 | 5.12 |
it's empty it's all clear this is the | 6087.92 | 4.64 |
one let's take this let's take it all | 6090.48 | 4.21 |
right beautiful okay | 6092.56 | 13.25 |
[Music] | 6094.69 | 11.12 |
[Applause] | 6105.89 | 3.099 |
so | 6111.52 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 6119.44 | 19.6 |
you're gonna keep your same name what do | 6137.119 | 4.161 |
you mean you get to hollywood | 6139.04 | 3.679 |
yeah why wouldn't i a lot of people | 6141.28 | 2.959 |
don't they uh | 6142.719 | 4.241 |
look at hollywood and like oh right yeah | 6144.239 | 4.241 |
they have a screen name you know i'm not | 6146.96 | 3.52 |
trying to look ahead that far | 6148.48 | 4.08 |
um | 6150.48 | 3.12 |
should i | 6152.56 | 3.52 |
i mean doraleous is not very catchy at | 6153.6 | 3.28 |
all | 6156.08 | 2.159 |
it's hard to say you can't even say it | 6156.88 | 3.92 |
right well what's | 6158.239 | 2.561 |
i don't catchy d-lo uh maybe i should | 6161.119 | 4.481 |
get a manager first or an agent do they | 6163.679 | 3.201 |
get agents or | 6165.6 | 2.639 |
uh | 6166.88 | 3.68 |
i don't know do you like dilo | 6168.239 | 4.801 |
dilo yeah not really | 6170.56 | 4.24 |
i think that whole whatever low thing is | 6173.04 | 4.079 |
gone work for jlo yeah but that time's | 6174.8 | 4.0 |
over didn't it yeah because there was | 6177.119 | 3.921 |
like there was celo they both did really | 6178.8 | 4.0 |
well i don't know it just never spoke to | 6181.04 | 2.72 |
me | 6182.8 | 3.12 |
here here we go there's another uh we | 6183.76 | 4.399 |
have a silo you know what it is see silo | 6185.92 | 3.44 |
that works | 6188.159 | 3.281 |
i should be called silo no you're velo | 6189.36 | 3.6 |
but silo works | 6191.44 | 4.08 |
because it's a silo | 6192.96 | 6.08 |
okay why don't you get your shot | 6195.52 | 3.52 |
third one today yep | 6201.36 | 4.04 |
gonna be a lot more careful knowing | 6212.56 | 2.88 |
they've been neutered that ought to help | 6213.84 | 3.68 |
the | 6215.44 | 2.08 |
hey resistance | 6217.6 | 3.039 |
you that's that's all the silos right | 6218.639 | 4.0 |
did it say all the silos | 6220.639 | 3.52 |
she said that's the last of them get the | 6222.639 | 2.56 |
[ __ ] out | 6224.159 | 4.241 |
so john seed has no silos left oh man | 6225.199 | 6.641 |
he's gotta be human | 6228.4 | 3.44 |
what are you doing | 6233.679 | 3.121 |
there's a plane up there it's been | 6235.119 | 4.801 |
circling us for a while | 6236.8 | 3.12 |
there he is | 6240.08 | 3.119 |
okay he's coming back around | 6241.44 | 3.759 |
all right stay on him with that 60 mil | 6243.199 | 5.52 |
not a 60 mil okay | 6245.199 | 3.52 |
oh boy | 6252.239 | 2.801 |
making a run | 6253.679 | 3.52 |
oh [ __ ] | 6255.04 | 3.28 |
whoa | 6257.199 | 3.52 |
whoa oh man i thought you were a goner | 6258.32 | 4.72 |
holy [ __ ] | 6260.719 | 4.881 |
wow look at that yeah oh there's some | 6263.04 | 4.72 |
more guys coming across the bridge | 6265.6 | 4.88 |
okay okay i'm behind you okay okay | 6267.76 | 4.64 |
no no no i'm fine oh you're getting that | 6270.48 | 4.92 |
gun | 6272.4 | 3.0 |
i'll get your blood | 6286.239 | 2.801 |
[Music] | 6292.26 | 12.149 |
don't be late | 6314.0 | 2.96 |
this is it neeps | 6315.44 | 5.56 |
it's time to face john cena | 6316.96 | 4.04 |
[Music] | 6326.68 | 3.099 |
[Music] | 6335.71 | 3.21 |
it's really quiet i know it's too quiet | 6347.76 | 5.28 |
the bells the church bells | 6350.96 | 4.159 |
oh that's where they want us to meet the | 6353.04 | 4.079 |
church in the church | 6355.119 | 4.241 |
[ __ ] i mean this is one of the big three | 6357.119 | 4.321 |
yeah you might take down john c today | 6359.36 | 4.0 |
yeah is that what you're gonna wear | 6361.44 | 3.679 |
what do you mean i mean why would i | 6363.36 | 3.04 |
change you've been wearing them gloves | 6365.119 | 2.641 |
for like this you know those gloves | 6366.4 | 2.56 |
don't look good right you know how long | 6367.76 | 2.959 |
you've been wearing this yeah but i'm | 6368.96 | 3.199 |
not in the movie i'm behind the scenes | 6370.719 | 4.081 |
i'm crew so what do you suggest i do | 6372.159 | 4.641 |
different gloves i don't listen i'm not | 6374.8 | 3.76 |
going to worry about this [ __ ] now okay | 6376.8 | 3.04 |
there's so much more to focus you don't | 6378.56 | 3.04 |
have another pair of glue no no we're | 6379.84 | 4.399 |
done dirty stinky tape | 6381.6 | 3.92 |
all right well i'm going gonna zipline | 6384.239 | 2.801 |
down there i'm gonna have to get in | 6385.52 | 5.96 |
there with you yeah probably so | 6387.04 | 4.44 |
[Music] | 6394.91 | 9.85 |
you ready yeah stolen follow me | 6402.56 | 6.159 |
[Music] | 6404.76 | 6.04 |
oh man those are crows | 6408.719 | 3.52 |
yeah | 6410.8 | 3.87 |
that grows | 6412.239 | 5.641 |
[Music] | 6414.67 | 3.21 |
here we go | 6419.36 | 3.319 |
if muhammad won't come to the mountain | 6428.56 | 5.04 |
then bring the mountain to muhammad | 6430.56 | 5.44 |
let's begin | 6433.6 | 3.519 |
will you | 6436.0 | 2.96 |
deputy place your hand upon the word of | 6437.119 | 3.201 |
joseph | 6438.96 | 2.48 |
will you | 6440.32 | 2.96 |
deputy place your hand upon the word of | 6441.44 | 3.52 |
joseph announce your sins and admit your | 6443.28 | 3.359 |
transgressions | 6444.96 | 3.6 |
and renounce your sins and admit your | 6446.639 | 4.721 |
transcriptions | 6448.56 | 2.8 |
say | 6454.88 | 3.44 |
yes | 6455.84 | 2.48 |
[Music] | 6458.9 | 4.219 |
it's just one word | 6460.159 | 2.96 |
ah | 6464.239 | 2.321 |
don't do it they lie i don't want don't | 6466.8 | 6.08 |
wow don't call me that here oh | 6469.199 | 7.121 |
sorry sorry about that | 6472.88 | 3.44 |
oh he's just gonna hit him again neebs | 6480.08 | 5.92 |
should i do it | 6484.639 | 4.48 |
uh your call man | 6486.0 | 6.32 |
man i'm so sorry i'm sorry just say yes | 6489.119 | 5.281 |
oh god there's a lot of pressure it's | 6492.32 | 4.62 |
one word it's stupid | 6494.4 | 4.96 |
[Music] | 6496.94 | 4.98 |
neebs uh is there another option no it | 6499.36 | 6.319 |
gives me one option i guess go for it | 6501.92 | 6.319 |
say yes yeah what else you we wait here | 6505.679 | 6.921 |
all day oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry | 6508.239 | 4.361 |
no front door | 6524.639 | 3.201 |
come on deputy let's go before he gets | 6530.56 | 3.92 |
away you getting the big gun okay i'm | 6532.719 | 4.4 |
getting okay | 6534.48 | 2.639 |
i'll take i never hello miss i never | 6537.679 | 4.241 |
caught your name we're one of these days | 6540.0 | 4.239 |
neebs | 6541.92 | 2.319 |
oh we got a little we got a little team | 6544.56 | 4.48 |
oh yeah convoy | 6547.199 | 3.52 |
whoa whoa where was that from oh they | 6549.04 | 5.72 |
just got to the right on the right | 6550.719 | 4.041 |
that's a good guy | 6559.28 | 3.12 |
man they're coming from everywhere needs | 6561.04 | 2.96 |
how do you how do you how do you make | 6562.4 | 4.239 |
decisions to like decide what angle just | 6564.0 | 5.04 |
shoot all the bad guys i know that | 6566.639 | 4.161 |
but as far as your camera decisions | 6569.04 | 4.32 |
right behind us | 6570.8 | 2.56 |
not anymore | 6573.599 | 4.321 |
oh hey watching this | 6574.639 | 5.681 |
keep your eyes on the road yeah okay | 6577.92 | 3.759 |
are | 6580.32 | 2.879 |
you're not driving are you yeah are you | 6581.679 | 2.881 |
getting good shots though there's nick's | 6583.199 | 2.721 |
house | 6584.56 | 2.72 |
hey | 6585.92 | 3.92 |
behind us | 6587.28 | 2.56 |
all right planes coming down back there | 6590.239 | 3.36 |
see the guy right behind us yeah let's | 6591.679 | 3.92 |
get the plane though first oh there's | 6593.599 | 3.281 |
another plane | 6595.599 | 2.961 |
oh my god | 6596.88 | 6.319 |
oh we're john cena i remember this yep | 6598.56 | 4.639 |
oh that's john's playing plan | 6607.84 | 4.799 |
i'm on him i'm on him | 6610.32 | 4.319 |
go down you [ __ ] | 6612.639 | 3.6 |
now [ __ ] | 6614.639 | 3.921 |
okay all right neebs we need to find a | 6616.239 | 5.681 |
plane and take this fight to the | 6618.56 | 3.36 |
keep skies eyes open you know this isn't | 6623.52 | 3.76 |
good | 6625.04 | 2.24 |
do you see him drilling no not yet do | 6631.44 | 4.96 |
you see him i know up | 6633.36 | 5.44 |
in the air | 6636.4 | 2.4 |
[Music] | 6639.32 | 3.079 |
yeah i'm getting a couple shots on him | 6643.44 | 4.159 |
and a boy | 6645.199 | 5.881 |
oh hang on | 6647.599 | 3.481 |
he's not following us yet though he's | 6662.8 | 3.2 |
just kind of really okay i'm gonna turn | 6664.239 | 3.521 |
around then turn around head towards him | 6666.0 | 3.119 |
yep | 6667.76 | 2.959 |
i don't see him | 6669.119 | 3.761 |
you see him | 6670.719 | 4.0 |
no | 6672.88 | 4.4 |
what i just i feel like you spazzed out | 6674.719 | 4.4 |
a little bit i didn't spaz out you just | 6677.28 | 4.08 |
do a 180 and hit exactly 180. well i | 6679.119 | 3.681 |
tried it looked like i was doing that | 6681.36 | 3.52 |
doing like 360. no i don't think i was | 6682.8 | 3.6 |
doing that i don't think that's what i | 6684.88 | 3.68 |
don't think so okay well where's the | 6686.4 | 5.16 |
plane | 6688.56 | 3.0 |
i see it neebs i see it i see it i see | 6694.159 | 3.44 |
it right lock on man i don't know if i | 6696.08 | 2.8 |
can lock on don't let him out of your | 6697.599 | 3.6 |
sight no i'm gonna i'm i'm on him i'm on | 6698.88 | 4.799 |
him he's up there | 6701.199 | 4.4 |
oh if i could get a rocket shot on | 6703.679 | 5.801 |
that'd be amazing yeah | 6705.599 | 3.881 |
oh [ __ ] | 6720.639 | 3.201 |
yeah are you under parachute | 6727.36 | 3.6 |
uh yeah | 6729.44 | 3.36 |
are you right below me i'm just above | 6730.96 | 3.199 |
you hey well there you are we're getting | 6732.8 | 3.439 |
shot at here oh yeah we're shooting a | 6734.159 | 3.761 |
parachute rally might want to go wing | 6736.239 | 4.161 |
suit oh winks oh that's them can you can | 6737.92 | 6.239 |
we shoot them from here i want a truck | 6740.4 | 3.759 |
shoot him on a parachute | 6744.32 | 5.96 |
shooting at him | 6746.8 | 3.48 |
ah it doesn't make things easier does it | 6752.32 | 5.2 |
nah you okay yeah you okay yeah i'm good | 6754.639 | 5.441 |
i got this big gun you see my gun no are | 6757.52 | 4.4 |
you laying into him though it's like a | 6760.08 | 4.6 |
lmg oh is he coming back oh [ __ ] | 6761.92 | 5.679 |
[Music] | 6764.68 | 3.64 |
yeah | 6767.599 | 1.361 |
i | 6768.32 | 3.2 |
don't see how that would work | 6768.96 | 4.639 |
oh we got some damage on him circling | 6771.52 | 3.92 |
around yeah | 6773.599 | 3.52 |
coming back the other way | 6775.44 | 3.279 |
we're about to land | 6777.119 | 3.841 |
yeah man we gotta take cover okay we're | 6778.719 | 3.681 |
back where it falls in oh man we feel | 6780.96 | 3.12 |
running falls in look at that [ __ ] maybe | 6782.4 | 3.199 |
that's why they call it that | 6784.08 | 2.8 |
all right i'm gonna take that on the | 6785.599 | 2.961 |
roof | 6786.88 | 3.6 |
okay where are you i'm gonna take that | 6788.56 | 4.0 |
gun up on the uh that roof gotcha good | 6790.48 | 4.639 |
idea yeah what you got well you got that | 6792.56 | 3.92 |
gun i'm gonna go to this roof so i get | 6795.119 | 3.201 |
some shots okay okay | 6796.48 | 3.119 |
wait for me | 6798.32 | 2.799 |
well i mean if he's coming by i really | 6799.599 | 2.64 |
can't wait | 6801.119 | 2.961 |
oh perfect time | 6802.239 | 5.601 |
i gotta i gotta take it | 6804.08 | 3.76 |
he's coming back he's coming by | 6809.199 | 4.801 |
oh boy | 6812.0 | 4.239 |
oh boy he's coming in yeah he is you | 6814.0 | 3.199 |
know what | 6816.239 | 3.521 |
come on baby take him down | 6817.199 | 5.691 |
[Music] | 6819.76 | 3.13 |
he might be going down [ __ ] | 6823.76 | 3.68 |
smoking drugs | 6828.32 | 3.48 |
there he goes he's going down | 6835.599 | 4.08 |
doraleous we gotta get to that plane the | 6838.0 | 4.159 |
one that went down yeah right i i | 6839.679 | 6.401 |
suppose yeah yeah yeah right behind you | 6842.159 | 3.921 |
so we're trying to find john steed's | 6846.639 | 3.281 |
plane it went down somewhere in this | 6848.239 | 3.681 |
area | 6849.92 | 3.84 |
yeah names there's the plane oh you see | 6851.92 | 4.799 |
it hit the plane right there | 6853.76 | 2.959 |
keep it down he might be in it | 6859.199 | 5.761 |
he's not in it he's not in it no he's | 6863.04 | 3.199 |
not in it | 6864.96 | 2.8 |
where'd he go | 6866.239 | 3.36 |
i'll bet he's at that bunker i was | 6867.76 | 4.16 |
bunker yeah i was at the bunker yeah so | 6869.599 | 3.441 |
we heading there | 6871.92 | 3.12 |
actually let's like grab like a half | 6873.04 | 4.0 |
hour snooze i gotta get some ammo and | 6875.04 | 3.36 |
we'll go in the morning first thing in | 6877.04 | 3.119 |
the morning i like it take him in the | 6878.4 | 5.16 |
cover of day | 6880.159 | 3.401 |
[Music] | 6886.8 | 11.98 |
okay that heavy's moving | 6900.96 | 5.759 |
i'm going to take out this heavy neebs | 6903.119 | 3.6 |
[Music] | 6908.4 | 3.27 |
should we | 6913.28 | 2.959 |
i bet you could get him | 6914.639 | 4.56 |
i could i could shoot him but he's like | 6916.239 | 5.201 |
break his neck drag him over here well | 6919.199 | 3.761 |
careful careful he's coming back to look | 6921.44 | 2.88 |
at you he's right there is he looking | 6922.96 | 3.44 |
right at your knees pretty much yeah why | 6924.32 | 4.839 |
her lips what | 6926.4 | 7.36 |
yeah there's another one who is that | 6929.159 | 6.361 |
oh is that | 6933.76 | 3.52 |
i think i see john | 6935.52 | 3.04 |
really | 6937.28 | 2.56 |
yeah | 6938.56 | 4.079 |
that's john there you see him back there | 6939.84 | 4.319 |
hey look at or just someone that looks | 6942.639 | 3.121 |
like i think that's john unless he has a | 6944.159 | 4.08 |
double he's walking this way i know | 6945.76 | 2.76 |
[ __ ] | 6948.239 | 1.521 |
[Music] | 6948.52 | 2.84 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] you oh there's | 6949.76 | 4.32 |
a guy he's coming | 6951.36 | 2.72 |
he stayed in there i know but you know | 6956.48 | 3.119 |
he's coming out | 6958.4 | 3.279 |
you know he's coming oh [ __ ] here comes | 6959.599 | 4.321 |
heavy oh my god | 6961.679 | 4.401 |
john's getting closer too he's getting | 6963.92 | 3.04 |
closer | 6966.08 | 2.079 |
i think they see you | 6966.96 | 4.6 |
they see you | 6968.159 | 3.401 |
[Music] | 6974.3 | 3.109 |
take cover | 6980.639 | 9.201 |
[Music] | 6983.32 | 7.319 |
okay | 6989.84 | 2.72 |
oh [ __ ] | 6990.639 | 2.801 |
okay | 6992.56 | 2.639 |
yes sir | 6993.44 | 3.759 |
stay safe take cover take cover i'm | 6995.199 | 3.361 |
trying hold on don't kill anybody i'm | 6997.199 | 3.201 |
not trying to i know but i've got a | 6998.56 | 2.22 |
[ __ ] | 7000.4 | 3.48 |
[Music] | 7000.78 | 3.1 |
oh yeah you got a guy | 7011.92 | 5.04 |
there's another one right down there | 7013.92 | 3.04 |
oh you're on fire man you got to stop | 7022.96 | 5.84 |
drop [ __ ] whoa whoa get out of there | 7025.119 | 5.281 |
your hands are on fire i don't know what | 7028.8 | 3.28 |
they are | 7030.4 | 2.41 |
oh my god | 7032.08 | 5.28 |
[Music] | 7032.81 | 5.909 |
did you get them all | 7037.36 | 3.52 |
i got the guy with the flamethrower | 7038.719 | 4.0 |
were they all next to him it must have | 7040.88 | 3.6 |
been man | 7042.719 | 4.081 |
okay | 7044.48 | 2.32 |
what if joseph is right | 7056.48 | 7.52 |
did you ever stop to think about that | 7059.199 | 6.881 |
everyone thinks he's crazy | 7064.0 | 4.8 |
but he's not | 7066.08 | 2.72 |
look around you | 7068.88 | 4.56 |
this world is on the brink | 7071.28 | 3.68 |
you can feel it | 7073.44 | 3.679 |
in your bones | 7074.96 | 4.32 |
look at the headlines | 7077.119 | 5.201 |
look who's in charge | 7079.28 | 3.04 |
you want this key because you think | 7083.84 | 4.16 |
you're saving people but they are | 7086.719 | 3.92 |
already safe | 7088.0 | 2.639 |
we had | 7091.92 | 3.92 |
a plan | 7093.28 | 2.56 |
you don't understand | 7096.56 | 4.079 |
you don't believe | 7099.04 | 4.32 |
you don't care | 7100.639 | 2.721 |
may god | 7105.76 | 5.399 |
have mercy on your soul | 7107.119 | 4.04 |
you should change your gloves because | 7114.159 | 2.96 |
they're in like half the shot listen | 7115.28 | 3.69 |
it's not important right now | 7117.119 | 8.56 |
[Music] | 7118.97 | 8.95 |
so did you do it yeah yeah we did it | 7125.679 | 4.641 |
like you just shot a you just shot a guy | 7127.92 | 4.48 |
and he blew up and apparently john was | 7130.32 | 3.6 |
standing really close to him beside him | 7132.4 | 3.44 |
right next to him which was probably a | 7133.92 | 3.52 |
that was dumb kind of a bummer wouldn't | 7135.84 | 3.2 |
it because like you want to like grab | 7137.44 | 3.36 |
him by his neck i wanted it to be | 7139.04 | 4.4 |
intense like i'm d-lo like no i brought | 7140.8 | 4.0 |
you i wasn't gonna i wasn't gonna say | 7143.44 | 2.08 |
that | 7144.8 | 2.72 |
i would have said uh i'm deputy | 7145.52 | 4.079 |
doraleous and um | 7147.52 | 3.599 |
your | 7149.599 | 2.721 |
grasp of | 7151.119 | 2.641 |
this part of hope | 7152.32 | 3.279 |
i would have yeah make sure you tune in | 7153.76 | 4.399 |
to my documentary series no nope i | 7155.599 | 4.321 |
wouldn't have been pitching the show on | 7158.159 | 4.401 |
youtube i wouldn't is this on youtube | 7159.92 | 3.6 |
yeah | 7162.56 | 2.24 |
i mean we're not like | 7163.52 | 3.04 |
it's not on netflix or something crazy | 7164.8 | 3.04 |
like that | 7166.56 | 2.24 |
okay | 7167.84 | 2.24 |
there's no budget well i thought this | 7168.8 | 2.96 |
was gonna be no | 7170.08 | 2.48 |
wow | 7171.76 | 3.839 |
oh yeah you're a diva for nothing | 7172.56 | 4.96 |
[ __ ] that cut | 7175.599 | 5.321 |
yeah it's a cup | 7177.52 | 3.4 |
[Music] | 7182.36 | 8.799 |
[Music] | 7193.35 | 5.629 |
you | 7199.84 | 2.08 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I just have to rave about Neebs Gaming's YouTube series on FarCry 5. As a long-time fan of their channel, their cinematic approach to gameplay commentary is absolutely perfect for bringing this insane game to life.
Seriously, their multi-episode saga following Doraleous' efforts to take down the cult leader John Seed is like watching an action movie unfold. The way they edit together cutscenes, gameplay footage, and their hilarious running commentary makes you feel like you're right there with them in Hope County.
While the FarCry games tell great stories on their own, Neebs Gaming's trademark humor and camaraderie takes it to the next level. I was literally laughing out loud as they encountered all the crazy characters and over-the-top action sequences. And I felt totally invested in their quest to overthrow Eden's Gate.
With multiple episodes clocking in at 30-40 minutes each, their FarCry 5 series gives you plenty of cinematic gameplay to dive into. It's like your own personal highlight reel of the best parts of the game, with Neebs Gaming's infectious personalities making it even more entertaining.
Even if you've played FarCry 5 yourself, their videos breathe new life into it. And if you haven't played it, their series captures so much of that open-world insanity that you'll feel like you don't need to!
So if you're looking for a wildly fun way to experience FarCry 5, I can't recommend Neebs Gaming's playthrough enough. Their commentary and editing makes it the most cinematic and downright hilarious FarCry 5 content out there. It's seriously the next best thing to playing it yourself!